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Chasing Fire (The Fire Duet Book 1)

Page 17

by Billie Lustig

  “I never liked bees,” I say, folding defensively.

  He turns around at the sound of my voice, wearing an arrogant grin.

  “That’s because you have always been a bumblebee stuck in a beehive.”

  Fuck me.

  I let out a confused breath before I close the door, even though my gut heavily protests being alone in the room with him. I’d expected to feel a sense of relief once I found out who was on my team, but instead, the man in front of me gives me the feeling I should run for the hills.

  If I wasn’t stuck in the middle of the ocean already.

  “Podemos hablar?” Can we talk, I ask cautiously.

  “Si, un minuto. No más.”

  “Where is my dad?” I take a few steps towards him, lowering my voice although my gut tells me to stay in place.

  “You know where.” He takes a few steps as well, closing the distance between us. The distinct smell of sweat mixed with musky hair wax makes my brain recall the exact memory I was looking for. His features are older, more sinister, but I now recognize the man I once knew as a boy.

  “Fernando. You’re a friend of Junior,” I state in horror. My brother is a known psychopath. He has no rules, no morals, and no life will ever have value to him except his own.

  Not even mine.

  When he was twelve, the cops brought him home after finding him strangling baby ducks with his bare hands because he was bored. Fernando was his sidekick. The two of them got a kick out of terrorizing anything that was smaller than them. Including me.

  The last time I saw Fernando was when he got shipped off to juvie for raping a twelve-year-old girl. He was fourteen.

  The grin on his face turns evil while his eyes change to a deep brown color. His scrawny hand runs a strand of my hair through his fingers when his face comes closer to mine.

  “And you are all grown up.” There’s a hint of lust in his voice, and before I even think about it, I smack his hand away while cautiously taking a few steps back. He ignores opposition and stares at me with soulless eyes. The eyes of someone who kills for fun.

  “What does my father have that they want?” I need to know what I’m worth. What Kane is trading me for.

  He chuckles at my question and shoots me a glare.

  “Nothing your father will ever give up.”

  “What do you mean?” My eyes widen in shock, even though I already know what he is going to say. Why the fuck would I be surprised about any of this? I don’t have to hear the words to feel how much they hurt. How betrayed I feel by my own blood.

  “You know your dad. He’ll get everything he wants,” he shrugs with a smirk.

  I shake my head, not wanting to believe that my father would put me on the line like that. That he would gamble with my life, although deep down I knew it was always the only option. I feel like a fool for actually thinking my dad would even consider putting my life first for once. That he would do what needs to be done to keep me safe, giving up whatever he has to for his only daughter.

  We are not that kind of family. We are not the type of family who has nice family traditions at Christmas or puts family first, no matter what. He is not that kind of father.

  My core fills with anger and fear, trying to burst out of my body.

  “They will put a bullet through my brain if his plan fails! Why the fuck is he risking my life? These aren’t some fucking racketeers,” I hiss with force.

  “He won’t fail.”

  “These are the Carrillo brothers! He will fail!” My frustration is hitting the ceiling, and I feel like I’m losing it. I thought my dad would get me out of this mess, save me. Instead, he is only going to get me killed faster and probably with a lot of pain if it’s up to Liam.

  “You will be fine. I’ll protect you.” Fernando takes a step closer to me and tugs my neck, forcing me against his chest. His fingers dig painfully into my skin, keeping my body locked to his. I growl at his touch before I look up at his devilish grin.

  “Maybe I can get some special treatment to thank me for looking out for you?” He winks.

  I don’t do well with psychopaths. Especially ones associated with my pathetic brother. One’s like Fernando, who has a track record the size of the road to Rome with all of the sick shit he’s done.

  “In your dreams,” I spit out. My eyes meet his because I refuse to bow down to assholes like this one, even though it might not be the smartest thing to do while I’m in a room with him.


  My attitude really is going to get me killed me one day.

  He narrows his eyes, and it’s like he transforms into the guy I remember clear as day. The one who thrived on terrorizing any living being smaller than him. The one who got a kick out of fucking little girls and filling them with terror.

  The vicious look on his face makes my heart race in fear, but I refuse to show it. The hand on my neck moves to my chin and grabs it with force, making sure my head isn’t going anywhere. His free hand is slowly stroking up my thigh before it roams towards my center.

  No. No. No. No!

  I take a deep breath to prepare for what is coming, cursing myself for putting on the short shorts I’m wearing.

  I try to wiggle my way out of his grip, but he keeps me locked while his hand moves towards my panties. My stomach turns at the violation when I feel his finger going over my folds. I force myself to fearlessly keep his gaze, even though I’m terrified. I clench my jaw, fighting to keep myself together while he roughly pushes a finger inside me. My entire body tells me to fight against the abuse, but my mind has me conflicted. I don’t know how Kane will react if he finds out he has a traitor on his ship. I don’t know if he will take it out on me. If they will treat me like the Reyes members that Liam hates so much.

  “You goddamn, bastard. I’m going to kill you as soon I get my ass off this ship,” I growl under my breath. He moves the hand between my thighs to the small of my back, and I’m relieved that his disgusting claw is no longer inside of me. He pushes the hard bulge in his jeans against my stomach and tightens his grip on my chin even more, making it feel like he is going to crush it any second now. I do my best not to throw up, smelling his smoky breath in my nose.

  “You’ve always been a feisty little thing. No wonder your brother had a thing for you. That and you have the talent of pissing people off.”

  “You’re sick. Tell my father to make a new fucking plan, or I—”

  “You’ll what?” he interrupts, squeezing my chin even more. “You will not do shit. You will do as you’re told and stick to the plan like you’re trained to do. Get them to trust you and keep me updated about their plan. Don’t and I will make sure Kane Carrillo isn’t the only one fucking you on this boat.” My eyes can’t hide how astounded I am by his words. I also know he’s dead serious.

  “What, you think I didn’t know, you little whore? Sleeping with the enemy? I’m sure tu Papá will forgive me if that’s what I have to do to keep you in line and remind you where your loyalties lie. You got me?” He is a head bigger than me and looking down on me like I’m nothing more than a toy to play with. A bug under his shoe to crush when he’s done with me, like he used to do with the dozens of mice he would capture behind our house. I nod silently before he releases my face. I adjust my shorts, then I watch him walk toward the door while I softly rub my chin to ease the pain.

  “Why am I a part of a plan no one bothered to inform me about?”

  He turns, ignoring my question, before he blows me a kiss like the maniac he is.

  “Fuck you.” I scowl, wrapping my arms around my body, feeling exposed and vulnerable.

  His face darkens.

  “Do your job, abejita. Or I will take my turn riding you like the puta you are. See you around.” He shoots me a wink, then walks through the door.

  I stare at the open door for half a minute, feeling shocked.




  It’s the nauseating feeling th
at snaps me out of it and makes me run towards the bathroom to throw up what’s left of last night’s dinner. When my stomach has nothing more to release, I lay down on the floor and stare up to the ceiling. The cold bathroom tiles help calm me, reminding me of the caves I grew up in. My mind is running through my options, but now, even my last resort feels like a trap. Whatever option I take, whichever man I decide to trust, it all ends with me being dead, anyway. I have no idea what to do.

  I just know I’m fucked, and I have to fix it.



  Present Day

  My burning gaze is solely focused on the white swinging door that connects the upper living area with the hallway to the bedrooms. I’ve been clenching my jaw and grinding my teeth for the last five minutes, resisting the urge to drag the subject of my frustration out of her room. To ask her why the fuck I woke up alone with a boner between my legs when I’m dead certain I wasn’t alone when I fell asleep.

  I’m not the kind of guy who sleeps with women.

  Fuck them? Yes.

  Sleep with them? Hell no.

  If women think they have a place in your bed, they will think they have a place in your life. Once they think they have a place in your life, well, you’re fucked. I don’t have time for bullshit like that, nor do I have the interest. I want to fuck her for as long as she has purpose, and then I want to move on to the next sexy thing that will be lucky enough to ride me.

  So why am I so pissed that she left?

  I growl at my own thought, and Liam eyes me above the papers in his hands. He’s wearing a navy-blue dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up, looking fresh and awake for a new day, while I’m still pumped and sweaty from the workout I just finished. I intensified it to the max, trying to dim the rage of my unsatisfied dick, but it didn’t work for shit.

  “What is up your ass today?” he asks suspiciously.

  “Nothing.” My quick response gives him no time to answer before Callie walks through the door.

  She is wearing light jeans and a gray t-shirt with a v-neck that shows just enough cleavage to have my dick taking notice. Her strawberry blonde hair is still damp from her morning shower. She looks breathtaking without effort.

  “Oh, I see,” Liam mumbles while he moves his gaze from me to her and back. I shoot him a glare and watch Callie take a seat opposite to me. I’m ready to go at it with her, to piss her off the way I was when I woke up and found out there was nothing more than my hand to satisfy my morning wood, but something about her seems off. The explosive fire in her eyes has dimmed to nothing more than a shimmer. She doesn’t look like the sassy girl who’s been a part of my life for the past week.

  “Good morning, devil’s spawn.” Liam folds his paper and places it on the corner of the table before he slumps in his chair like he just had a long day, even though it’s only morning. She meets his gaze, and even though she doesn’t back down from his glare, no snarky comments roll off her pink lips.

  “What? Nothing?” Liam chuckles, his brows raised in the air.

  “Don’t you ever get tired of yourself, Liam?” She sighs. His name rolls off her tongue like a familiarity. Like he is her big, annoying brother, and I don’t know why, but I like it.

  “Nah, not really.”

  “Do you?” Her gaze shifts to me, and my annoyance immediately wanes at seeing her normally fire-filled teal eyes looking dim. I give her a small smile, hoping to put her at ease.

  “All the fucking time.”

  She keeps my gaze like she is trying to decipher my mood. I’m used to her holding her own, her stance is always defiant, but I’m thrown off by the fact that she is crumbling under my gaze this morning.

  Did I really fuck the sass out of her last night?

  Julian walks in to ask her what she wants for breakfast, and she finally breaks our connection. She shoots him a genuine but tired smile before she places her order, then her eyes roam outside to the restless sea. The ocean is rough today, and every now and then, you can feel the vessel being jerked between waves.

  “How did you sleep?” My question snaps her eyes back to me with a bored look.

  “Fine,” she answers, her eyes sparking with the sass I’ve been looking for. “You?”

  “A bit cold, but fine, nonetheless.”

  Liam’s head is moving back and forth between the two of us like he is watching a tennis match until finally he tilts his head towards me. I quickly glance at him before my focus is back on Callie, but I don’t miss the anger rising in his facial features.

  “You fucked her, didn’t you?” he rumbles, as if she’s not here. His energy gets bigger by the second, and I carefully watch Callie’s reaction. I’m used to his tantrums, and I don’t give a shit about whatever he will be bantering about three seconds from now. But it’s her I’m worried about. She clearly isn’t herself, and I’m not sure she can handle whatever he is about to throw at us. She closes her eyes for a few seconds before she exhales all the air in her lungs.

  Approval hits me when she points her gaze at Liam with a bored look full of challenge.

  There’s my girl.

  “Didn’t you?” he demands.

  “Yes,” I reply, matching my facial expression with hers before I look at my brother.

  “You dumb fuck. She is messing with your head! How many times do I have to remind you she is a goddamn Reyes? She is half fucking Gitana, a gypsy. Scum. Deception is what they are trained for since birth.”

  “I’m really more Irish than Gitana, to be honest,” she deadpans.

  He gives her a small glare before his eyes focus back to mine.

  I do my best to keep my face straight before I speak.

  “Are you done with your tantrum?”

  He lets out an exaggerated sigh.

  “Kane, you’re losing your mind. You have to keep your head straight about this, brother.” He rubs his face with his palms before he shoots me a frustrated look.

  I abruptly get up, my hands firmly planted on the glass surface of the table as I tower above him. The rage that has been tucked up inside me all morning is sparked by the fact that he just tried to undermine me in front of Callie. Whatever his issue may be, he should never show it in front of the subject. In front of her.

  He says I’m losing my mind, but really, he’s the one spewing shit that we should be discussing in private. Even though there is nothing to fucking discuss at all.

  “Whatever you have to say about this, save it for another time, brother. And accuse me of losing my mind again, and I will rip your head off,” I rumble against his face, the anger pouring out of my veins matching the temper in his eyes. He is my brother, but if he thinks I will let him talk to me like that while there are other people in the room, he must not know me very well.

  The tension is rising higher and higher with every heartbeat when Julian walks back in with breakfast on his arms. I take the moment to sit back down, giving Liam a final glare while my plate is being placed in front of me. He finally turns his focus on his breakfast, and I look at Callie who is holding her mug of tea with both hands, her face stuck between a look of approval and confusion.

  I narrow my eyes at her, silently telling her not to open her mouth. I’m still pissed at her too. And like I don’t want to discuss Callie with Liam in front of her, I don’t want to give her the idea that I’m on her team either.



  Present Day

  The tension in the room is fucking nerve wracking, and I feel like all the stress I endured this morning is going to make me pass out. I do my best to not show them anything, but really, I’m barely holding it together. Ever since I was carried onto this boat, my emotions have been all over the place. It’s like an extreme is reached every five fucking minutes, and it’s killing me.

  Safety. Fear. Arousal. Disgust. Anger. Comfort. Confusion. Happiness.

  Yes, even happiness. I hate to admit it to myself, but laying there last night in his big arms not only gave me a sense
of safety, it also gave me a sense of happiness. Which is even more fucking confusing than all the other shit going on in my life. I can deal with fear, disgust, anger. It’s all the good stuff I’m not supposed to feel that is fucking with my head. That’s keeping me off my game.

  After Liam and Kane’s small fallout, we eat breakfast in silence, the only sound in the room being the clanking of our cutlery against our plates. I can feel Kane’s eyes every time they are focused on me, and I do my best to ignore them. It’s like I have this invisible radar for his energy. My body instantly goes on alert when it’s directed at me, the fluttering in my tummy getting worse every day, and my panties getting damper by the minute. I have no control over it.

  Damn, Callie, get your shit together.

  When the hunger in my stomach is sated, I drop my knife and fork on the plate and my eyes meet Kane’s. Although the hunger in my belly is now satisfied, there’s another type of hunger that’s roaring inside me. He looks back at me, a question clear in his eyes. My chest moves up and down, trying to control my breathing, and I place my feet under my legs to get comfortable before I reach for my tea. I quietly let my eyes study his body while sipping from the hot mug in my hands. He is wearing a black tank top, and his face shows a little fatigue. He must have come straight to breakfast after his workout. I would love to watch him work out.

  Shut the fuck up, slut.

  This is exactly what I mean. A few minutes ago, fear swirled in my core while I watched both Carrillo brothers in their full force and now, ten minutes later, I’m regretting ever leaving Kane’s bed last night.

  I glance between the two of them and notice the boyish grin on Kane’s face is back when he notices my gaze lingering over his body.


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