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One Wish: A Christmas Romance

Page 5

by Janae Keyes

  I hooked my fingers in the rapidly dampening fabric of her panties and forced it to the side. Last night happened too quickly. I wanted to take my time today, learning every bit of her body, bit by bit, and piece by piece. Melanie, my delicious Christmas present.

  Chapter 11


  Hunter had a way with his strong working hands. Just the way he put them on my body sent me into a frenzy. My knees were shaking as he ran his fingers over my entrance. I burned for him to give me more, to end the teasing. Yet, at the same time I wanted him to continue at his drowsy pace, bringing me further into his web of seduction.

  “I don’t know what you’ve done to me,” Hunter growled against the skin of my neck, unearthing a deep moan from within me. I had no fucking clue, what he’d done to me. My world was thrown upside down in a matter of hours, and he’d caught me.

  “Hunter, please,” I begged, and just like that, he slipped a finger inside, followed by another. My head flew back as I worked to feel everything he was doing to me.

  His thumb easily found my bundle of nerves and began to rub around it, slowly at first keeping up with the languid pace of his fingers, but quickly the pace began to speed up. Moans escaped my lips as he kissed down my chest, unbuttoning the few buttons I’d fastened and setting me free from his shirt.

  He drew my nipple into his mouth and sucked hard, sending ripples of pleasure through my system. I burned for the climax that was soon to follow.

  “Bedroom, where?” he grumbled against my breast.

  “Upstairs,” I breathed.

  To my disappointment, his fingers disappeared as he grabbed me up into his arms, my legs wrapped around his waist, his erection prodding me and awaiting its time.

  Hunter began towards the hall where the large stone staircase was that led to the second floor of the house. I planted delicate kisses on his neck as he carried me.

  Arriving on the second story, I directed Hunter into the master bedroom. Inside the room was bright from the white that surrounded the area, we could see the snow still falling outside. The view was nearly 360 degrees, and we could see snow covered mountains and trees in every direction. I shivered at the freezing temperature of the room, but Hunter’s body heat against mine gave me the warmth I needed.

  He placed me on the king size bed that sat positioned in the middle of the room. I watched him stand and remove his jeans, his erection nearly springing out. His eyes stayed directly on mine as he brought himself onto the bed.

  Hunter’s fingers relentlessly yanked my panties down my legs and off, tossing them to the side with no thought to the matter. Immediately after, his lips made contact with my thighs, planting wanting kisses while his hands spread my legs. I wiggled around, my body filled with impatience.

  His tongue made contact with my center, and I nearly lost it. I arched my back, pressing my essence closer to his mouth, begging for more. Between his tongue and his fingers, I nearly saw stars.

  “Oh, yes, please...Hunter!” I screamed as my orgasm struck me, my hands over my head and gripping at the comforter.

  “Mmm, Mellie, my baby, you taste like heaven,” Hunter mumbled between soft kisses on my belly.

  “Mellie?” I questioned with a subtle giggle.

  Hunter pulled himself up, his muscular body hovering over me. He was like a lion, and I was his prey.

  “MmmHmm, Mellie, my Mellie,” he declared before kissing me full on the lips. He spread my legs and sunk into me fast and hard, I gasped into his mouth.

  Hunter ground into me, making me his with every move. My eyes closed as I worked to feel him.

  “No, open your eyes baby. I want to see you see me and be here with me,” Hunter begged. My eyes fluttered open and stared into his icy blue pools. I saw it all in his eyes as he hit the spot over and over again. I saw something I’d never seen in the eyes of my estranged husband, tears filled my eyes.

  I wanted it to last, and I worked to keep the momentum, but at the same time, I yearned to melt into a puddle under his touch.

  “I know Baby,” Hunter said with a grunt before he kissed me and I fell. His hands gripped my waist as he mumbled my name over and over again, “Mellie, Oh Mellie.”

  My heart pounded as he collapsed onto me. For a brief moment, the two of us lay together working to sort out our emotions. Tears fell from my eyes, I tried to sniff them away, but they continued to fall.

  When Hunter lifted himself and looked into my eyes, there it was, and I wasn’t going to hold it in anymore.

  “I love you,” I whispered through my tears.

  “I love you too,” he responded, giving me a smile that warmed my heart.

  Hunter pulled me into his arms. I laid there with a permanent smile on my face. Statistically, this was impossible, filing for divorce and falling in love with someone new within 24 hours. I’d found something I never had in Hunter, an actual partner in life and love. I couldn’t allow myself to lose it.

  My back pressed to Hunter’s chest, his breath on my neck, I glanced outside. The snow had finally stopped falling, and it was as if the heavens were opening up, I was surprised to see the sun.

  I stood at the stove, reheating our leftover soup. Hunter and I spent our Christmas Day in bed, talking and making love. It was the perfect way to spend the holiday, with the person I knew to be my soul mate.

  “Looks like some of the snow has started to melt, maybe in the morning I can try and get out,” Hunter mentioned as he entered the kitchen.

  I bit my lip as he came towards me, only wearing his jeans. My eyes danced around his chest, and I tried to convince myself that this actually was my reality. His arms came around me as he held me tight.

  “Boo, I’d rather stay snowed in here with you,” I protested. Hunter chuckled.

  “I’d like that too, but we will eventually run out of food and some electricity would be nice,” he reasoned. I nodded in agreement. “I’m still trying to wrap my mind around this. I feel like nobody is going to believe me. I get trapped in a house with a beautiful woman who turns out to be everything I’ve needed and more. You broke me from my trance. I was filled with this guilt that wouldn’t leave and the loss I’d experienced made me feel hollow, and for the first time in a long time, I’m full.”

  I smiled at his words as I turned to face him. I was an empty shell until him. I’d finally broken myself from my prison without bars, and my journey didn’t take long. Hunter literally was my knight in shining armor. His honesty resonated and resurrected me.

  “Fuck, this is going to sound crazy, but I want you to stay up here with me. I want you to be the woman I wake up to every morning, I’ve known you for just over twenty-four hours and the only thing I can think of that would make my Christmas complete was if you agreed to move in with me. I know it might be a change for you, from how you’ve lived and all. I’ve been struggling to start over, and you’re just starting on that journey. I think we could start over together.”

  My mouth flew open in shock and tears flooded my eyes. I’d never been so happy, and I’d never felt so wanted in my life. I knew I still had a divorce to eventually finalize and it might take some time, but if I were going to be with anyone from this point forward, I’d be with Hunter, starting over, together.

  “Yes,” I whispered as I brought my lips to his. He held onto me as tight as he could, kissing me with everything he had, tears falling down his own cheeks.

  “My one wish came true,” he whispered against my lips.

  “Mine too,” I responded.

  Chapter 12


  For the first time, in a very long time, I woke up excited for what the day would bring. I laid in bed with a sleeping Melanie in my arms. I pulled her in tight and planted a kiss on her shoulder, followed by her neck, and moved my way to her lips. She giggled at my actions, her laughter filling my spirit.

  “Morning, my Mellie,” I whispered, my mouth on hers.

  “Morning,” she groaned as she stretched.

bsp; My morning wood prodded at her stomach, but as much as I wanted to take her to the moon and back, I had work to do. My mission was to get us out of the house. I wanted to let my friends and family know I was alive and well. Plus, I needed to finish my job and get the electricity working.

  I gave Melanie a final kiss before I slid from the bed into the freezing cold atmosphere of the bedroom. Stretching as I went, I walked to the window and looked outside, the sun was out, and enough snow had melted that I could finally see the top of my truck out front.

  “Come back to bed,” Melanie begged, whining like an unsatisfied toddler.

  “Later Baby, I need to get this snow from the front door and get down into town,” I told her as she pouted. I burst into laughter at the gorgeous creature that yearned for me as much as I ached for her.

  “Don’t worry, when you’re moved up here, we will have all the time to spend entire days in bed together,” I reminded as a grin spread across her gorgeous face.

  I walked to the bed and bent to her, giving her a final sweet kiss before I got to work. I pulled my jeans up my legs and grabbed my shirt from the floor. Today, we were getting out of this house.

  Heading down into the garage I found a shovel. I didn’t have much experience with digging out as I always was prepared beforehand.

  While at the front door, I could hear Melanie in the kitchen, she was humming a song as she worked away. I couldn’t wait to have her with me all the time, being the picture of perfection that she was.

  I got to work, listening to Melanie’s sweet song and thinking of all the things we would be able to do together. I wanted to take her on that road trip. I wanted to give her the life she deserved. Maybe one day she’d be my wife, and I’d give her the children she always wanted. I burned to love her until the day I died.

  Digging out of the snow wasn’t the easiest task, but Melanie made it easy. She kept bringing me drinks and snacks when I needed it and she encouraged me every step of the way. The moment I finally broke free, I was out of breath, covered in sweat, but thankful.

  The next task was digging out my truck, but I’d done it plenty of times in the past, that was like routine, and I did it in record time.

  I said my goodbyes to my Melanie and started my descent into town. Everyone was out and about as if life was completely normal and nothing magical had taken place. I was filled with that magic, and I wanted to share it, and Melanie with the world, but first was getting to the tools I needed.

  Walking into the shop, I spotted my boss and friend Will right way. His eyes went wide as he saw me.

  “Dude, where have you been?” he inquired right away.

  “I got stuck up at that cabin during the storm,” I told him honestly. “My phone died, and there was no electricity. I dug out this morning, but I need to get a few parts so I can get the power working again up there and I might need your help.”

  “Yeah, yeah, no problem. I was calling you all day yesterday. I even went by your place, and you weren’t home. I figured you went to Reno and stayed at your parent’s place,” Will told me. I was happy to have people like him in my life who didn’t brush me off and kept up with me when I needed it.

  “Thanks, man. I’m good, though,” I said to my good friend, he was no doubt going to be my best man.

  “Let’s get these parts and head back up to that cabin. How was it being snowed in with a stranger?”

  “Therapeutic,” I answered.

  “Therapeutic, really?” Will questioned.

  “Yep, in a life-changing way. I’ve never felt so good. I’m a new man after it,” I proudly proclaimed. “Now, let’s get a move on.” I was eager to get back to my girl and hold her tight.

  Will and I pulled up to the house, and I hopped out the truck with Will not far behind me. I opened the front door, and Melanie was nowhere to be seen, but I heard her instantly.

  “Hunter, is that you?” she called out from the kitchen. I heard her footsteps padding their way through the sitting room and coming in our direction.

  “Yeah, Baby. I’m back,” I called back before she entered the entrance way. She was now fully dressed in jeans that hugged her hips perfectly and a turtleneck.

  “Baby?” Will questioned, his attention spot on Melanie, who came to my side.

  I wrapped my arms around Melanie and pulled her close, eager to show her off finally.

  “Melanie this is Will, and Will, this is Melanie, my Christmas wish,” I announced.

  Will stood there, shocked out of his mind. He opened his mouth, but words failed to exit. I laughed out loud before giving Melanie a kiss on the forehead.

  “Will and I are going have the power up in no time,” I told her. “Alright buddy, let’s get to work.” I allowed Melanie out of my grasp and picked up the tools Will, and I brought with us.

  Heading down the stairs, Will still hadn’t said a word. I knew this was the response I would receive from everyone, but I didn’t care. I was insane, insanely in love with the perfect girl for me.

  “Isn’t she great?” I asked, turning to Will.

  “I’m still trying to sort all of this out in my head,” he said, his wheels still turning.

  “You’ll figure it out. Just know I’m happy, finally. I was able to let go of my guilt and stop grieving. It was time for me to move on and I’ve done it. It just took the right person to put me back together again.” I was already getting to work while I spoke with Will. He was the easy one to tell, I still had my parents when they returned from their vacation. “I’m marrying that girl. I asked her, and she said yes.”

  “Wait, you’re fucking engaged?” Will asked. I turned to him, the look of shock had yet to leave his face.

  “No, but one day. I love that girl. Yeah, I know I’ve only known her a couple days, but dude, she’s everything I could wish for and more.”

  “Congrats man, if anyone deserves to find love like that, it’s you,” Will admitted. I knew everything about it was right. My one wish had come true in Melanie.

  Chapter 13


  It didn’t take Hunter and Will much time at all before the power was back up. I cheered when the lights had finally flickered on. My phone was plugged up, and I was eager to call my friends and family to give them my news, fuck, I wanted to scream it from the rooftop.

  Hunter had gone back into town to take Will back to the shop and to pick us up some food. I was starving for more than sandwiches, and I couldn’t wait to cook up a real feast for Hunter and me.

  Turning on my phone, I was grateful that it finally had life again. While waiting for it to start, I could hear all the alert sounds popping off relentlessly before it finally settled down. I picked it up to plenty of messages from friends and acquaintances wishing a Merry Christmas. There were a few messages from my mom checking on me. Then, there were the angry messages from my husband.

  I allowed the phone to ring as I’d decided to answer the text message Raymond had sent that read, Fucking call me now, bitch!

  “Where the fuck are you?” His voice growled into the phone. I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t going to allow him to push me around and tell me who I was or wasn’t anymore.

  “Away,” I answered calmly.

  “What the fuck is this? I got fucking served almost the moment I returned to the city. Do you really see yourself leaving me?” He asked angrily. I could imagine him pacing back and forth in our luxurious living room.

  The front door opened, and I smiled to myself as I spotted Hunter entering the house. He held up the bags of groceries and gave me his signature sexy smile as he headed towards the kitchen.

  “I am leaving you. I will text you an address later that you may send my things to. But for the rest, I’m good. I hope you had a joyful Christmas, despite getting served, I know I did.” There was no use of getting myself worked up, I was done and eager to be finished with all of it.

  “Bitch, you aren’t getting a dime of my money,” he spat.

  “And I don’t want it.
Keep it all,” I proclaimed honestly. I didn’t want a dime or even a penny from him, I just wanted him out of my life. “So, I don’t think there is much more for me to say. I hope you have a great New Year and yeah. I’ll text you that address and send you back the keys to the Tahoe house.” With that, I ended the call, there was nothing more to say or do. I was eager to move forward.

  “I guess that was the soon to be ex-husband?” inquired Hunter as he came to me and wrapped his arms around me.

  “Mmmhmm, but I’m done with him. I want to spend my evening with my man,” I insisted peering into his eyes.

  “I almost forgot, I picked a little Christmas gift,” he said as he reached into his pocket.

  In Hunter’s fingers was a necklace. It wasn’t nearly as opulent as the necklaces Raymond gave me, but that wasn’t what I wanted anyway. It was a simple silver chain and the pendant is what brought it all together, it was a snowflake. The simple, intricate and silver snowflake was perfectly accented with a tiny diamond in the middle.

  Hunter gave me a grin, tears filling his eyes. Only a second later, I was crying too. Our wishes were connected by the snowflakes and now he’d given me one to remind me of the wishes that had changed our world only days ago.

  “Mellie, Baby. I’m overwhelmed with our story. I never thought I could love again and there you were. I can’t wait to start our life together. I can’t wait to introduce you to my family and have you with me at all times. You were once a wish I never thought could come true,” he said before he turned me towards a mirror that hung on the wall. I instinctively lifted my hair as he slipped the chain around my neck, the snowflake landing perfectly in the middle of my chest. As Hunter hooked the chain, I ran my fingers over the pendant.

  “It’s perfect,” I whispered through my tears.

  Hunter pulled me close, his lips on my neck. My pain and loneliness had melted away, my one wish had come true. There was no way I would ever feel alone again when I had him with me.


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