Broken Battlefield, Mended Hearts (Breaking Protocol Series Book 2)

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Broken Battlefield, Mended Hearts (Breaking Protocol Series Book 2) Page 12

by Willow Brooke

  “They are chocowonder cakes, and I still don’t want to go, mom. Can we go eat the chocowonders and come home for movies instead?” Heather was obviously feeling better, but still needed a little convincing.

  “I tell you what. If you go and don’t want to finish the day, I will come get you. Give Uncle Joker a chance. I don’t know what he is up to, but if he plans something, it is usually over the top and awesome. What do you say, kiddo?”

  Heather twisted her mouth, visibly weighing her options. Finally, she answered, “Okay, but only if you promise to come get me AND we get to stay home all day tomorrow for movie marathon day if it goes bad.”

  Bella couldn’t help but giggle. “Deal. What about you, buckaroo? You ready to get those Buzz Lightyear jammies off and get up to the house for a chocowonder sugar rush?”

  “Yes! Kodiak’s pancakes are the best! I will go brush my teeth real fast, mommy. Sissy, hurry before everyone eats them all gone!” Skyler darted from the room, tossing his clothes off through the air as he went. Heather and Bella both laughed at his grand exit.

  “Come on, sweat pea. I will get your clothes.” Bella went over to the closet and pulled out a cute pair of jeans and a hot pink sweater, tossing them to her. “Get dressed and meet me in the bathroom to do your hair. We have like twenty minutes to get you two cleaned up and up there.” She turned and went to fetch Skyler’s clothes, knowing the child would be running wild in his underoos until she did.

  A few minutes later, both kids were dressed and Bella was perched on the side of the couch with brush in hand, braiding Heather’s long blond locks into piggy tails. It still amazed her how Heather was a spitting image of her, and Skyler had turned out to be a mini photocopy of Jared. Their baby pictures couldn’t be told apart. It was crazy. Heather did have tiny little traits of Jared, like her pointy little nose and cat shaped eyes, but her eye color was the same as Bella’s and her hair was blonde. If she hadn’t gone through twenty-six hours of labor with Skyler, she could almost swear Jared had him all by himself. Together, they were the prettiest kids in the universe.

  With Bella barely decent in a pair of sweat pants, hoodie, and her hair yanked up in a bun, they all walked up hand-in-hand to the main house. Brody and Leland had insisted that she have the cabin closest to the main one so the kids could come and go as they pleased and they could play with Elizabeth every day. Bella knew it was because they wanted her close to keep an eye on her and help, but the sweet excuses they made warmed her heart. And, if she wanted to be perfectly honest with herself, she needed them babysitting her so to speak. It was far too easy to not live, and just go through the motions. Joker met them at the door, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Hey, guys! Ready to get your sugar fix?”

  “Yes! Show me the chocolate!” Skyler hollered as he did a drive by hugging to Joker and sped into the house.

  “As if he needs any help. I come for chocowonder.” Heather smiled, giving Joker a big squeeze before following her little brother’s trail.

  “Well, chocolate seems to be a fix of sorts. So, I have to ask, what are you up to? Please know that you don’t have to do anything. You help so much as it is,” asked Bella.

  “I plan on giving the classes a room full of fully camo clad soldiers, complete with war paint and ruck sacks full of candy. The whole team is going. We are going to do it for Elizabeth too. All three of those kids deserve a big bang for days like this.” Joker waited, watching her face for a reaction.

  Bella had forgotten that Elizabeth had been through quite an ordeal concerning her father too. He had passed away, after hurting her and her mom. The poor girl…no wonder the three got along so well. They were all in the same boat. Bella’s heart lifted a tiny bit, filling with a sliver of hope that their efforts wouldn’t go down in vain. “Wow, well, thank you so much. I am sure they will think it is the coolest in the world. How did you get everyone to agree to this, and time to put it all together?”

  “Oh, that was easy. One call to Vice and she got everyone lined out. Romeo is off buying out the candy supply at the grocery store as we speak. Since Bud, Pop, and Juju haven’t got moved in yet, they are meeting us at the school in full battle rattle, hauling a bouncy castle complete with ball pit they miraculously found rentable first thing this morning. Brody is getting clearance from the General to take a Humvee down there and let the kids all get a look inside, and is pushing for a Blackhawk and Kiowa to make an appearance too. I don’t see how any old accounting job or even a fireman can stand up to the Army after this… If they wanna try me I can always get out the laser guns for laser tag and get a game of war going on up in that place.” Joker winked, cheesing at Bella’s jaw dropped, eyes wide stare.

  “Wow. I can see how this can work now. Why would you go through so much effort? Why would any of you?” It was an honest question, without a single drop of sarcasm or funny business.

  “Because we love all of those kids, and we love you, Bella.” The voice behind her startled her, making her jump. Vice laughed and gave her a one arm hug. “Get used to it. You are stuck with us now. It was all part of the plan to begin with, but now, even more than before, you are family. Forever. And ever. You have no financial problems now. You have no housing problems now. You will never have a car problem, especially with the mechanics we have, and money will never be an issue.”

  It was all just a little too much to process. Why would Vice think that I would expect money or car help and stuff? “I would never accept money and stuff. I am beyond flabbergasted at everything you all have done already. Someday I will get you all paid back for everything…somehow,” her voice trailed off slightly, cueing Joker’s next bit.

  “No, you won’t. And, you are not going to have to work unless you want to for a hobby. Just quit your worrying about all of that stuff. We have our best men on it all. Now, back to our festivities. Would you care to join us, or would you rather have a day at the beautician getting your hair, nails, brows, and toes done?”

  “I have never had any of those but my hair done, and that was way more money than it was worth. I will have to pass on both. I would love to go see what you all come up with at the school, but I don’t want to ruin it by bawling…and that is something that is inevitable. I think I will just play a smelly game of laundry catch-up instead. There is a whole basket of socks begging to be matched.”

  “Oh no you don’t. It is either school or a day of pampering, missy. And before you go blushing or excusing your way out, it is paid for. Vince is treating all of you ladies today. His father upped his allowance because he is a ranch hand now.” Joker snickered. “To be honest, I do believe the boy has found his niche. Now go help him get all glammed up so he can wrangle him a real cowboy tonight.” Joker winked, knowing Bella would visualize the sparkly bedazzled Vince in a pastel western shirt with more bling than Snoop Dog and the top few buttons left open to show off the pecks he had worked so painfully hard on. He was the only hand who had ever wanted to throw and stack hay. I guess beauty comes for a price.

  Bella couldn’t help but smile a genuine, happy, smile. With a nod of defeat, she snorted a fake sigh. “Well, I guess if it will help Vince win the heart of a hot stud, I can suck it up and get girlie. Just so it is known, I am only doing this for him. He is my wardrobe consultant, and everyone knows that a happy stylist is the key to keeping up with the new seasonal trends.” Vice laughed, turning into the main room.

  “I am just jealous that I have to go dress like a dude and miss out on all the frilly stuff. I can’t remember the last time I even wore anything besides camos or jeans. I’m not sure if I own any dresses anymore besides my class A’s.” Vice turned and walked toward the kitchen where all the commotion was coming from with Bella and Joker right behind.

  “If you ever want to go out, I have a full closet you are welcome to, Vice. I can even drag out the hot rollers.”

  “Ha! Vice in a dress with her hair curled…now that is a visual.” Joker laughed teasingly.

! I am a woman you know. I can dress and act like one once in a while.” Vice’s bottom lip pooched out the slightest only milliseconds before she cocked back and socked him in the arm.

  “Ouch! What was that for? I was just stating the obvious, geeze,” whined Joker.

  “You deserved it, and probably another one!” Bella scolded. As they entered the huge kitchen and eat in breakfast area, chaos was amuck. Kodiak was still in the kitchen slinging pancakes left and right, surrounded by a mess of ingredients and enough confection toppings to put a Sunday Shoppe to shame. All three kids were perched at the bar devouring enough sugar to wire an elephant, giggling through bites at the dancing and singing Kodiak. As if that weren’t enough, the ridiculously fake cartoonish French accent was hilarious.

  Some of the others already had their plate of crack in a stack, while others waited with empty plate in hand. The table was crowded and buzzing with conversation. Bella found a spot next to Alaina and Violet and sat, half conscious to the fact that Joker propped against the wall behind her instead of grabbing a chair. Vice had wandered behind the counter to give Kodiak a hand, and Alaina immediately started in on the fun they were going to have at the salon. Between her, Violet, and Mrs. Sanders, they made her actually almost look forward to the all girl day. Vince was busy discussing hair styles and giving his advice to each of them. When he got to Bella, he grinned. “Bella darling, I have to say your hair is perfect. If you get anything I would only suggest a trim, and maybe a little framing around your face.”

  Bella blushed. She had never considered her limp locks as anything but extremely plain and ordinary, and didn’t know how to react. After she found her wits, she spoke up. “Thank you, but I was actually thinking of doing something different. I need something fresh and new. What do you think about a few different toned lowlights?”

  Vince’s eyes lit up with a glow. “Oh, I love it! That would be gorgeous. Let’s see, maybe some caramel, a lighter chestnut, ooooh! I know! We need something with a little bit of red to really set it off.” He ran his fingers through her ponytail, fluffing and envisioning.

  “Hum…I might just let you discuss it with the beautician then. You know more than I do.”

  “I will take care of everything! You are going to look auh-mazing, girl!” Vince bounced into the kitchen to fill his coffee cup.

  While the girls chattered, Bella stole a glance at the kids, still worried they would be upset at the whole idea. To her relief, they seemed better than okay. They were both in a full blown giggle fest. Vice had the bottle of whip cream and was taking turns squirting it in each of their mouths, overfilling intentionally to make chipmunk cheeks on all three. Not to be left out, Kodiak leaned over for some, and she happily obliged, gobbing some on his nose in the process. They played and laughed, giving Bella a sense of peace. Nonchalantly, Joker walked up behind her and rested against the back of her chair. After making sure that everyone was occupied and none the wiser, he leaned down and brushed her hair softly off her neck and whispered, “I love your hair just the way it is.”

  His random confession threw her for a loop. The warm humid flutter of his breath along the tender flesh of her neck sent a chill down her spine. Mouth agape, she couldn’t respond. The tiny sizzle that popped inside her left both words and actions impossible. Joker seemed to be enjoying her reaction, and left her wondering what his true intentions were.


  Once breakfast had been consumed, the team geared up and loaded the three kids into the Humvee to take them to school. Instead of the earlier tears, they were literally jumping up and down in anticipation. Joker was the last to follow, lingering behind as if waiting for or wanting to say something. Bella walked up and stood only inches from him. Shock was an understatement. He had to send a silent prayer up that he wouldn’t look like the stammering prepubescent teen he felt like. Her hand fell softly on his arm with a smile. “Thank you.” Her mouth tilted up slightly. She couldn’t help from her eyes wandering in admiration over him. Inside, he was absolutely beautiful. The more her vision roamed, the more aware she became of how attractive he was on the outside as well. Guilt flooded her and tore her gaze away. When she dared to look back, he was having his own little visual meal of her. Unable to face the situation, she bolted.

  She hurried home and tossed on a pair of jeans and a nicer sweater, shucking her normal attire of sweats into a heap. Vince and the girls picked her up and husked her away to a morning of beauty.

  The time seemed to fly, and eventually even her gloom and doom couldn’t stand up to the perky fun of the great group of females and Vince. He was a hoot, keeping them all in tears of laughter the entire day. After enjoying a great lunch at the local diner and some shopping at the little boutiques that lined main street, Bella was having a blast. All of them sported new hair and makeup, and at the insistence of Vince, she had a hot new outfit to match. It was almost time for the bus by the time they made it back to the ranch with sacks in hand.

  Alaina’s phone started to buzz not long after they made it in the door. She answered and talked a few minutes before hanging up giggling. “The kids aren’t coming home on the bus. Brody just called to tell me they are riding back with the gang, but stopping for ice cream first.”

  “Oh my goodness. I can’t get over how amazing they all have been today. Did he say if Skyler and Heather made it okay?”

  “Oh yes, they are more than okay. They were the superstars of the school today. After the team went up to the front for the presentation, Heather stood and told the class that her daddy had the most important job of all—he was an angel who watched over her. Joker had given a little speech afterwards at how he was also a soldier, and a true hero. The teacher had to step out into the hall to keep from shedding a few tears, but the kids all applauded and were whisked away to the fun that awaited on the school lawn. Not only did the General provide a helicopter, he also had a five ton, a chewy, and a deuce and a half. From the sounds of things, the school looked like it was under attack.” She had to hand it to them, when they did something, they did it full force. Bella was more than overjoyed. This group of people had come along and taken her husband in as one of their own, and then stepped up and accepted her and the kids as not just a responsibility because of what had happened but as true family.

  “Wow. I can’t believe they went to this extent for a silly school presentation. Everyone is so wonderful.” Tears welled up, from joy, from sadness, and from other places she couldn’t pinpoint but didn’t care. Her thoughts trailed to Joker who had went from the fun loving adopted uncle, to now filling the dad shoes. Not the ‘step-dad-fake’ stuff, but the real, honest love that only a dad could give. Alaina walked over and hugged her, soothing her sweetly.

  “Oh sweetheart, don’t cry. I can’t imagine what you are going through, but we are all here for you, always. This is just one of the many things to come that will amaze you about this group. They have blown me away every day since the first day they swooped in and saved Lizzy and me. Joker is one of a kind, Bella. Those kids will never go without, I promise you that.”

  “He is amazing. He has always been great.” Her mind trailed back to the first time she met him. He was with Jared at the little bar she had been at and had swooped in with his playboy charm and wooed her girlfriend to give Jared the opportunity to get her on the dance floor like a true wingman. After that, he had tagged along on their dates, taking pride in the third wheel role like a champ. He had said it was inappropriate for a lady to go without a chaperone and had insisted on accompanying them for the first three or four dates. After that, it was almost like a ménage relationship without the sex from his end.

  Alaina’s voice pulled her out of her memories. “Come on, honey, let’s go get a cup of tea. I have something I want to tell you.” She walked toward the kitchen with her arm linked with Bella’s. When they reached the kitchen, Alaina turned. “The boys have all of the financial stuff straightened out for you, and your account is unlocked. Somehow they managed to ge
t all of the debts to refund the money you have been paying in, and all of Jared’s….benefits…deposited. Everything should be available and ready to use by tomorrow at the beginning of the business day.”

  Bella gasped. “How did they do it? Oh my God that is the best news ever. Once again, I can’t thank you enough!” She hugged Alaina, relieved that she had a way to support the kids for a while now.

  “See, I told you everything would be okay. Dom is a whiz at anything to do with computers and electronic stuff. It was a piece of cake for him to track down all of the receipts and clear your name. Now, let’s get some tea down you.”

  Violet and the others came in shortly after, grabbing a cup and joining them at the table. The kids came barreling into the room laughing and overly hyped about their day. All three were talking at one time, making it impossible to understand a single word. Joker, Brody, and Leland entered and somehow majestically calmed the bouncing trio, laughing like hyenas at the wide-eyed group sitting at the table.

  “Hey munchkins, why don’t you go get a snack and then we can sit and fill Vince and the ladies in on how we invaded the school today.”

  “Okay!” all three yelled and took off in a race to the refrigerator.

  “Well, it looks like they have had a decent time today,” Violet said sheepishly.

  “Oh yeah. They were the superstars of the school. I have to say, the principal was a bit apprehensive at our little plan until the General called and straightened things out,” said Leland.

  “Oh my gosh, he did? How did he get clearance for all of this? I can’t believe he went to so much trouble.” Bella sipped her tea, unable to put into words how grateful she truly was.

  “He was happy to. It was a lot of fun, and we gave them all cool points for the rest of the year. Plus, Romeo getting stuck in the ball pit with a bunch of kindergarteners was worth it all by itself. They were beaning him with balls left and right. I think he might have bumps and bruises after the beating he took, and might need therapy,” chimed in Brody.


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