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Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance)

Page 11

by Baxter, Cordelia

  “Thank you,” Jake said, his voice full of gratitude and something else. He had moved closer in the office and looked like he was going to embrace me when I held up a hand to stop him.

  “Don’t thank me. I don’t want you in here anymore than Allison does. What do you want? Why are you here?” I said coldly.

  Jake’s eyes lost a little of the brightness at my harsh tone. His shoulders sagged as he ran his hand through his hair mussing it up even more.

  “I deserve that,” he said. “I know I hurt you and I’m sorry.”

  “Is that what you came to say? Because if it is, you can go now. I’m not interested in your apology. I’m over it.”

  “Chloe you have to understand, I...I’ve made a terrible mistake. I thought you had betrayed me and that’s why I acted the way I did. It’s no excuse, I know, but I was so angry and hurt I just lashed out. You don’t know how hard it’s been for me,” he confessed.

  He stood there staring at me with a pleading look. I’d never seen Jake look so lost or vulnerable before. My hardened resolve began to soften seeing him like this. I had to look away out the window and remind myself what he did to me and the nightmare he put me through.

  Just thinking over the past few weeks after the auction got me angry again. I turned back at him, an angry flush spreading over my cheeks as I sneered at him. “Oh poor you!” I mocked. “Your life must have been so tough. And here I was thinking I was the one who suffered with the paparazzi following my every move, vile stories published about me in the press, my past dug up for all to read about, and my business losing clients left and right. What was I thinking?”

  Jake flinched as I recounted the trials I had to live through after the auction. His face paled as he gripped the edge of my desk. His body looked tense.

  “I didn’t know it was so bad,” he said so low I had to strain to hear him.

  “Well it was, so excuse me if I don’t accept your apology.”

  “Please let me explain myself before you kick me out,” he pleaded, looking me in the eyes.

  I looked at my watch before looking back up at him. “You have 5 minutes.” I knew Allison would keep her word about coming back in 10 minutes. Jake paced around my cramped office looking agitated before finally settling down on the chair in front of my desk.

  “The day before the auction I got a phone call from the editor of The Daily Dish,” Jake began. “He told me someone had gone to him with information about me. More specifically that I was using a matchmaker to find a wife.”

  My eyes widened at his disclosure, but I remained silent as I waited for him to continue.

  “I didn’t know what to think. You know how I value my privacy. My first thought was that it couldn’t have been you that sold me out. I thought I knew enough about you to doubt that possibility.”

  “And yet—“

  “Yes, I know what you’re going to say, but hear me out,” Jake continued, cutting me off. “I asked him who he got the information from, but he was very tight lipped about it. He then told me that he had emails and copies of the contract I had signed with you. I didn’t believe him at first, but he began reading one of the emails I had sent you about my list of requirements for a future wife. There was no one else who would have had that information. It pained me to believe it, but the evidence, it seemed, spoke for itself.”

  “But that’s impossible,” I said. “I never spoke to anybody at The Daily Dish in my life.”

  “I know that now,” he said. “Unfortunately I found out too late and the damage had been done. I acted like a complete jerk. I don’t know what came over me or why I did it. Even if you had sold me out, I still shouldn’t have done what I did. All I can say was that I was upset and disappointed because I thought I knew you and I felt betrayed.”

  I was in total shock at Jake’s disclosure. “How did they get that information? If I didn’t do it, then who did?” I asked.

  The thought briefly crossed my mind that Allison had sold the story, but it just as quickly went away. Allison would never do that. I knew it just as I knew my own heart. Allison had a strong sense of right and wrong, and more importantly, I knew she would never betray my trust.

  “It was someone by the name of Jude Marshall.”

  My eyes were wide as saucers as I processed everything he was saying and put two and two together. All the pieces fell into place. The ransacked apartment, his unexplained departure, my files all over the floor. He was the one who stole the information and sold it.

  I felt like I had the wind knocked out of me. Never in a million years would I have thought Jude capable of that kind of betrayal. He had always had a selfish streak but he had never done something so intentionally malicious. I felt the sting of his betrayal powerfully.

  “Oh my God! So that’s why my apartment looked like such a mess. I thought he was only looking for money. But I wonder why he would be threatening me.” I said more to myself.

  “What do you mean?” Jake looked at me keenly, the muscle in his jaw twitching. “When did he threaten you?”

  “Oh just now before you came,” I said distractedly. “He said something about me ruining his life. It made no sense. I’m pretty sure he was drunk.”

  My attention was recalled by a loud snap and I looked up at Jake to see a storm brewing in his eyes. I was caught off guard by the utter look of fury on his face, and involuntarily cringed.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” Jake bit out. “Don’t worry about Jude Marshall. He won’t bother you again.”

  “I wasn’t really worried about it. Jude is usually all talk, so I doubt he’d do anything to hurt me.”

  I cocked my head at Jake’s ominous warning. Though he did threaten me earlier, I wrote it off as Jude being Jude. He would find something else to distract him and forget the whole incident once he was sober again. Jake didn’t look convinced and looked like he was making a huge effort to reign in his temper.

  “I think it’d be best to stay away from him,” he cautioned.

  My hackles were instantly raised at his presumption. I had already decided that I’d never speak to Jude again after what he did, but that didn’t give Jake any right to tell me how to live my life. I had let my guard down momentarily while the shock of his disclosures threw me of balance, but at his heavy handedness, it all came back. I was still angry at him.

  “First of all, I will do whatever I please. My life does not concern you, and you do not get to tell me what to do!” I snapped. Jake flinched at my tone and held up a hand in surrender.

  “I just want you to be safe,” he said.

  “I can take care of myself.” Jake looked at me with dejected expression. He heaved a heavy sigh as he ran his hand through his hair.

  “You’re right. I—“

  “Time’s up,” Allison said, as she barged into my office without knocking. “It’s been 10 minutes.”

  A look of annoyance crossed Jake’s face at Allison’s entrance.

  “I think you should let Chloe decide,” he said peevishly.

  She narrowed her eyes at him before they both looked at me.

  “I think you should go,” I said.

  Jake looked disappointed before he schooled his features to a more neutral expression. “I see. I’m sorry for bothering you and for...everything. I’ll get going then.” Jake gave me a last searing look with something like longing in his eyes before he turned and walked past Allison and out of my office.

  I released the pent up breath I had been holding the whole time and closed my eyes. I didn’t know how much it would affect me seeing him again. Allison made her way into my office and was about to sit in the seat Jake just vacated before I held up my hand to stop her.

  “I need to be alone right now,” I said.

  She looked at me, concern wrinkling her brow. “You going to be ok?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just need a moment alone.”

  “Ok sure,” she said before stepping out and softly clos
ing the door behind her.

  There was so much I had to process to make any sense of anything. Not only had Jake dropped a bombshell on me about Jude, but I couldn’t get over how different he was. The last time I saw him was at the auction where he was looked so cold and intimidating. Today he looked like a lost man. I’d never seen him look like that before, and I didn’t know how to feel.

  A part of me wanted to give him another chance and start over. I thought I could even understand why he acted the way he did. I knew he was a very private person, and if I had sold his story to the tabloids, he would have every right to be angry at me. But another part of me was still so hurt and angry; too much damage had already been done to our relationship.

  Just thinking about everything brought on a headache. I rubbed the bridge of my nose to ease some of the pain, but the pounding in my head wasn’t going away. I had vision of a future full of headaches as long as things between Jake and I were still so unsettled.

  Chapter Seven

  I rolled my eyes as the delivery man came by the office to drop off a large bouquet of flowers. It was the third delivery we’d had of flowers that day alone. Every single day of the past two weeks, I had gotten deliveries of flowers, chocolates, stuffed animals; you name it, sent to my office and apartment.

  Though Jake had left my office sad and dejected, he hadn’t given up hope of winning me back, it seemed. He only redoubled his efforts. I still wasn’t taking his calls, and he knew better than to come by the office again since Allison threatened to toss him out on his ass if he did, so he took to sending me gifts. My office looked more like a florist’s shop then it did a matchmaking service.

  “What should I do with these?” Allison asked, holding up a bouquet of red roses she had just signed for.

  I waved my hand in front of me pointing out all the other bouquets. “Put it anywhere there’s room, I guess.”

  She emptied out a small trash can and tossed the bouquet inside it before placing it on top of our copy machine.

  “Do you think you should put that there?” I asked, skeptically.

  “That’s the only free space left, unless you want me to put it on your desk,” she replied.

  I looked in front of me on my desk where there were already two bouquets, one of white orchids and another of hydrangeas, and shook my head.

  “Leave it there,” I said.

  “Ugh I swear if we get another bouquet, I’m going to refuse to sign for it,” she grumbled. “Can’t that guy take a hint? Like really? Sending flowers every single day, multiple times a day for the past two weeks is just nuts. ”

  “I guess not.”

  “Meanwhile, he’s spending a small fortune on these flowers and gifts, and it’s all going to waste. Some people just have more money than sense,” she continued.

  I smiled at her, though inside I had to admit my attitude was softening towards him. It wasn’t the gifts and flowers that were winning me over, but the fact that he was so determined to win me back. Even after I refused his calls and ignored him, he still wanted me bad enough to send me something every day.

  I knew it was juvenile, but I couldn’t help the way I felt. I didn’t know yet when I’d be able to see him without being reminded of our past, but I could tell my anger was slowly fading as my life continued to get back to normal.

  “You think I should call him?” I blurted out thoughtlessly.

  Allison looked at me like I had just confessed to an interest in hunting endangered animals. “You’re joking right?”

  “Um...yeah...kinda. I don’t know,” I replied flustered. “I think I might be able to forgive him. Not yet, but sometime in the future. It’s hard to stay mad at him.”

  “I just have two words for you,” she cautioned. “Jude Marshall. You remember how you always gave him second and third and fourth chances, and look where that got you.”

  “That was more than two words.”

  I frowned at her even though I could see her point and even agree with it. I had always had a soft heart and couldn’t hold grudges for very long. That was probably why guys thought they could take advantage of me. I knew Allison was right, but I didn’t want to believe it.

  “I’m serious Chloe,” she said. “You shouldn’t just go running back to him like nothing ever happened. It’ll just make him think he can buy your love. At least make him sweat a little. I mean honestly, Chloe, for being a successful matchmaker, you sure break all the rules in your own relationships.”

  “The story of my life,” I agreed, sadly.

  “Yeah, well, you need to take responsibility for it too. Don’t you always tell the girls they need to teach a guy to treat them how they want to be treated? You need to take your own advice.”

  Allison was right again. I hated it when she was right, especially when it clashed with my own opinions.

  “I don’t like you very much right now,” I said, making a face at her.

  “It’s ok, I love you too.”

  Allison had given me a lot to think about. I knew I shouldn’t just jump and forgive Jake so quickly, especially after the ordeal he put me through. My problem was figuring out when exactly I should let him know that my feelings were less set against him. And would it be too late by then? Would he have been so discouraged by my lack of response and encouragement that he’d give up or move on?

  “By the way, speaking of Jude,” Allison cut in, recalling my attention, “have you heard from him again?”

  “No actually. I haven’t heard from him since that phone call two weeks ago.”

  “Good. If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll steer clear of you and especially me. I won’t be afraid to kick his ass,” Allison said menacingly.

  “Let’s hope for his sake, he stays away,” I laughed. “You’ve already compiled a long list of people whose asses you’re going to kick.”

  “Damn straight. I still think you should have reported him to the cops”.

  “That’s water under the bridge,” I replied. “It’s already over and the damage has been done. I just want to get on with my life and forget Jude was ever a part of it.”

  “I hope that happens too.”

  Jude had been the last thing on my mind these last few weeks with Jake taking up prime real estate in my thoughts. I barely spared a thought for him or our strange phone conversation.

  Chapter Eight

  A bouquet of flowers was waiting for me in front of my apartment when I got home that night. The beautiful bunch of red peonies was placed on my doorstep. I picked up the vase and sniffed in the fragrant scent before glancing at the note attached.

  “Just thinking about you.”


  I couldn’t help the grin that tugged at my lips. Jake never sent the same bouquet or flower twice, and finally he got it right. They were my favorite flowers.

  Moving the vase to one arm, I dug in my purse for my keys and opened my door. It had been a long day at work and I was glad to be home. I was looking forward to slipping on my comfortable fleece pajamas and vegging out in front of the TV with a tub of ice cream

  My apartment was dark since I had to work late at the office. I navigated to the kitchen in the dark and placed the bouquet on the countertop when I felt a strange sense of foreboding. The skin on the back of my neck pricked up and my heart began to race. I gave my head a tiny shake trying to clear the negative vibe I was feeling, and reached for the light switch and flipped it on.

  A moment later I heard footsteps walking towards the kitchen. It was coming from the living room. I froze in fear for what felt like hours. Everything seemed to move in slow motion.

  There was an intruder in my house. The realization sent a jolt of adrenaline through me. I had to think fast. My eyes darted around the kitchen looking for some weapon or thing to protect myself. My eyes land on a block of knives across the kitchen on the countertop next to the doorway. I tried to make my way towards it when I was stopped in my tracks.

  “I’ve been waiting for you.” The v
oice sounded very familiar, though I had never heard it sound so menacing before. Jude stood in the kitchen, blocking the doorway and the block of knives.

  I was shocked at his appearance. He looked unrecognizable. His hair was long and shaggy and hung over his brows just past his eyes. He had a scruffy beard that covered his normally boyish appearance. What was most shocking were the large bruises that covered his cheek and under his eye and the cut on his lower lip. Jude had always prided himself on dressing nice, but right now he looked unhinged.

  “W-What are you doing here?” I asked. My eyes continued to scan the kitchen looking for an exit or another weapon.

  He smiled at me, distorting his face into a grotesque sneer. “I’ve come for payback.”

  “Payback for what?” I asked unsteadily.

  “Don’t try to act all innocent, you bitch,” he spat out. “It’s all your fault.”

  I flinched back at his harsh tone. “I don’t what you’re talking about. I didn’t do anything.”

  “You won’t trick me like you did that asshole Jake Powers. I know you for the lying whore you really are!” he yelled.

  “Jude, calm down please. I didn’t trick you, I swear. I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about,” I pleaded.

  “Oh yeah? You didn’t get your boyfriend to send those goons to beat me up? You didn’t have him set me up for drug possession?” he asked sarcastically.

  “No! I didn’t I swear!”

  “I don’t believe you, bitch!”

  “No Jude, I swear I didn’t tell him to do anything. I’m not even talking to him anymore.”

  “Then who did those flowers come from?” he asked, looking at the red peonies on the countertop.

  My mouth went wide in fear. Jude had a triumphant gleam in his eyes as he looked back from the flowers to my face.

  “Got nothing to say now, bitch? You’re caught in another of your lies!”

  “It’s not like that Jude. He sent them to me, but...but I’ve refused to see him. He’s just trying to win me back,” I blurted out.


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