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Napoleon's Invasion of Russia

Page 60

by George F Nafziger

  Brigade: General de brigade L'Heriter 7th Cuirassier Regiment (4)

  Brigade: General de brigade Doullembourg 14th Cuirassier Regiment (4)


  1/6th Horse Artillery 3/6th Horse Artillery l/8th Train (bis) Battalion 2/1 lth Train (bis) Battalion 6/1 lth Train (bis) Battalion

  Russian I Corps after Joined by the Finland Corps

  16/28 October 1812

  1st Corps: Generallieutenant Count Wittgenstein

  Advanced Guard: Generallieutenant Prince Jachwill Grodno Hussar Regiment (8) Converged Hussar Regiment (4) Converged Dragoon Regiment (3)

  Rodinov #2 Don Cossack Regiment

  Platov Don Cossack Regiment

  2nd, 3rd, 24th & 25th Jager Regiments (7)

  Mohilev & Podolsk Infantry Regiments (5)

  Navajinsk Infantry Regiment (3)

  Position Battery #14 (6 guns)

  Light Batteries #26

  Horse Batteries #1 (10 guns)

  Right Wing: Generallieutenant Count Steingell 1st Line: Generallieutenant

  Mitau Dragoon Regiment (4)

  26th Jager Regiment (2)

  Tenguinsk Infantry Regiment (3)

  Toula Infantry Regiment (3)

  Estonia Infantry Regiment (2)

  Navajinsk Infantry Regiment (2)

  Position Battery #6

  Position Battery #28 (4 guns) 2nd Line: Generalmajor Adadourov

  Riga Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Petrovsk Infantry Regiment (2)

  Lithuania Infantry Regiment (2)

  Light Battery #11 Left Wing: Generallieutenant Berg 1st Line: Bibikov

  Converged Guard Cavalry (5)

  Converged Jager Regiment (3)

  Perm Infantry Regiment (2)

  Sievesk Infantry Regiment (2)

  Position Battery #5

  Light Battery #7 (7 guns) 2nd Line: Generallieutenant Koulneff

  Kalouga & Azov Infantry Regiments (5)

  Iambourg Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Reserve Corps: Generalmajor Fock

  Right Reserve: Generalmajor Rachmanoff

  Nisov Infantry Regiment (2)

  1st Reserve Grenadier Regiment (2)

  Converged Grenadiers of 5th & 14th Divisions (4)

  Position Battery #21

  Horse Battery #23 (4 guns) Left Reserve: Generalmajor Prince of Siberia

  Converged Cuirassiers (4) 1st Marine Infantry Regiment (2) 2nd Reserve Grenadier Regiment (2) 3rd Reserve Grenadier Regiment (2) Position Battery #14 (6 guns) Horse Battery #3 Detachment: Generalmajor Vlastov 23rd & 24th Jager Regiments (5) 1st & 2nd Converged Infantry (8) Finland Dragoon Regiment (3) Lotchilin Cossack Regiment Position Battery #28 (4 guns) Horse Battery #23 (8 guns)

  4 October 1812

  1st Corps: Generallieutenant Count Wittgenstein

  Advanced Guard: Generallieutenant Berg

  Rodinov #2 Don Cossack Regiment (330)

  Grodno Hussar Regiment (4)(527)

  Horse Batteries #3 (6 guns)(119)

  25th & 26th Jager Regiment (4)(1,888)

  Kexholm Regiment Depot Battalion (1)(358) Main Body

  Converged Guard Regiment & 2 Sqn's of Polish Uhlan Regiment (5)(696)

  Horse Battery #3 (6 guns)(118)

  Mohilev & Kalouga Infantry Regiments (2,107)

  Perm & Sievesk Infantry Regiments (4)(1,483)

  Light Battery #27 (103) Reserve: Generalmajor Kakhoffski

  Riga Dragoon Regiment (3)(392)

  Converged Cuirassier Regiment (4)(448)

  Horse Battery #1 (149)(8 guns)

  Depot Battalions of 1st Grenadier Division (3)(1,887)

  Guard Depot Battalions (2)(926)

  Position Battery #14 (220)

  2nd Column: Generalmajor Beguiczeff Advanced Guard: Generalmajor Diebitsch Cossacks (100)

  Riga & Iambourg Dragoon Regiments (3)(367) Ingremannland Dragoon Regiment (1)(97)

  Horse Battery #23 (149)(8 guns)

  Converged Grenadiers of 5th & 14th Divisions (4)

  Light Battery #45 (100)(6 guns)

  Converged Jager Regiment (3)(620) Main Body:

  Light Battery #35 (220)

  Polotsk Infantry Regiment Depot Battalion (1)(236)

  St. Petersburg Opolochenie (6 cohorts)(4,310) Reserve:

  St. Petersburg Opolochenie (2 cohorts)(1,507)

  Corps: Generallieutenant Jachwill

  Advanced Guard: Generalmajor Vlastov Grodno Hussar Regiment (4)(526) 23rd & 24th Jager Regiments (4)(2,181) Horse Battery #1 (91) (6 guns) St. Petersburg Opolochenie (2 cohorts)(909) Platov #4 Don Cossack Regiment (341)

  Main Body:

  Tenguinsk & Toula Infantry Regiment (4)(1,520)

  Navajinsk & Estonia Infantry Regiments (4)(1,556)

  St. Petersburg Opolochenie (4 cohorts)(1,825)

  Voronege Opolochenie (2 cohorts) (1,186)

  Converged Dragoon Regiment (3)

  Position Battery #27 (106)(6 guns)

  Position Battery #28 (210)(12 guns)

  Light Battery #9 (79)

  Light Batteries #26, #50, & #57 (416)

  Horse Battery #1 (61)(4 guns) Detachment: Generalmajor Alekseieff

  Mitau Dragoon Regiment (4)(569)

  Light Battery #45 (106)(6 guns)

  1st Marine Regiment (2)(1,178)

  St. Petersburg Opolochenie (1 cohort)(1,468) Detachment: Lt. Colonel Bedraigua

  Cossacks (75)

  Converged Hussar Regiment (4)(557) Detachment: Major Bellingshausen

  Horse Battery #23 (142)(4 guns)

  1st & 2nd Converged Infantry (8)(1,726)

  Austrian Hilfkorps 27 October 1812

  Commanding General—General Schwarzenberg Advanced Guard: Generalmajor Frolich

  Kaiser Hussar Regiment (6)

  Blankenstein Hussar Regiment (6)

  Liechtenstein Hussar Regiment (6)

  Right Wing: Fieldmarshal Lieutenant Trautenberg (Generalmajor Prlacher) Brigade: Suden

  Hesse-Homberg Hussar Regiment (1)

  Jager Battalion #5 (4 co)

  St. Georg Grenz Regiment (1)

  Beaulieu Infantry Regiment (1) Brigade: Winzian

  Duka Infantry Regiment (2)

  Liechtenstein Infantry Regiment (2) Center: Fieldmarshal Lieutenant Bianchi Brigade: Generalmajor Hesse-Homberg

  Hiller Infantry Regiment (2)

  Colloredo-Mansfeld Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Marissay

  Simbschen Infantry Regiment (2)(Hungarian)

  Hesse-Homberg Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Liechtenstein

  Kirchbetter Grenadier Battalion (1)

  Brezinski Grenadier Battalion (1)

  Davidovich Infantry Regiment (2)

  Esterhazy Infantry Regiment (2) Left Wing: Fieldmarshal Lieutenant Siegenthal Brigade: Mackelliot

  Hesse-Homberg Hussar Regiment (1)

  Jager Battalion #7 (4 co)

  Warasdiner Kreutzer Grenz Regiment (1)

  Czartoryski Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Andrassy

  Sottulinski Infantry Regiment (2)

  Kaiser Infantry Regiment (2) Reserve: Fieldmarshal Lieutenant Frimont Brigade: Zechmeister

  Hohenzollern Dragoon Regiment (6)

  O'Reilly Chevauxleger Regiment (6)


  Riesch Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Levenehr Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Kienmayer Hussar Regiment (6) Corps: Mohr Brigade:

  Prinz de Ligne Infantry Regiment (2)

  Hesse-Homburg Hussar Regiment (4)

  Russian Order of Battle Battle of the Berezina Army of the Danube

  15/27 October 1812

  Commanding General—Admiral Tchichagov

  Detachment: Generalmajor Tchlapitz

  28th Jager Regiment (2)

  32nd Jager Regiment (2)

  Tver Dragoon Regiment (3)

  Pavlovgrad Hussar Regiment (8)

  Diatchkin Cossack Regiment

  2nd Kalmuck Regiment


  Horse Battery #13 Advanced G
uard: Generalmajor Count Lambert

  Grekov #4 Don Cossack Regiment

  Grekov #8 Don Cossack Regiment

  Melinkov #5 Cossack Regiment

  Barbantchikov #2 Cossack Regiment

  Eupatorie Tartar Regiment

  Alexandria Hussar Regiment (8)

  Tartar Uhlan Regiment (8)

  Starodoub Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Arasmass Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Jitomir Dragoon Regiment (4)

  14th, 27th, & 38th Jager Regiments (7)

  Horse Batteries #11 & #12 Corps: Generallieutenant Voinov

  Kireiev Cossack Regiment

  3rd Orel Cossack Regiment

  White Russia Hussar Regiment (8)

  Saint Petersburg Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Lithuania Dragoon Regiment (4) Sieversk Dragoon Regiment (4) Vladamir Infantry Regiment (2) Tambov Infantry Regiment (2) Dnieper Infantry Regiment (2) Kostroma Infantry Regiment (2) Nacheburg Infantry Regiment (2) Apcheron Infantry Regiment (2) Riajsk Infantry Regiment (2) Iakout Infantry Regiment (2) 10th Jager Regiment (2) Position Batteries #9 & #18 Light Batteries #16, #17, #34, & #35 Reserve Corps: Generallieutenant Sabaneiev Loukoffkin Cossack Regiment Panteliev #2 Cossack Regiment Melnikov #3 Cossack Regiment (2) Olviopol Hussar Regiment (8) Dorpat Dragoon Regiment (4) Kinbourn Dragoon Regiment (4) Kolyvan Infantry Regiment (2) Kourin Infantry Regiment (2) Vitebsk Infantry Regiment (2) Koslov Infantry Regiment (2) Converged Grenadiers (6) 7th, 12th, & 13th Jager Regiments (7) Position Batteries #38, #39, & #34 Light Batteries #25 & #50

  Russian Army of Volhynie 15 October 1812

  Advanced guard: Generallieutenant Sacken Smolensk Dragoon Regiment (4) 4th Ural Cossack Regiment

  Corps: Generalmajor Boulatov

  Vlassov #2 Don Cossack Regiment

  2nd Kalmucks

  Pereiaslav Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Tchougouiev Uhlan Regiment (8)

  Viborg, Viatka, & Galitz Infantry Regiment (7)

  Kamchatka Infantry Regiment (2)

  Staroskol Infantry Regiment (2) Okhotski Infantry Regiment (2) Mingrelia Infantry Regiment (2) 29th & 45th Jager Regiment (5) Position Battery #22 Light Battery #41

  Reserve Corps: Generalmajor Count Lieven

  Bieloserk, Jaroslav, & Crimea Infantry Regiment (8) 8th & 39th Jager Regiment (5) Position Battery #10 Light Battery #18

  Corps: Generallieutenant Essen

  Tver, Vladimir, & Serpuchov Dragoon Regiments (8)

  Loubny Hussar Regiment (8)

  Old Ingremanland Infantry Regiment (2)

  Ukraine, Archangle, & Olonetz Infantry Regiment (7)

  37th Jager Regiment (3)

  Position Battery #8

  Light Batteries #14 & #15

  Horse Battery #15

  Russian I Corps December 1812

  Corps: Generallieutenant Lewis

  1st Brigade: Generalmajor Veliaminov Detachment Grodny Hussar Regiment Detachment Selivanov #2 Don Cossack Regiment Jakhontov Cossack Regiment (4) 1st Combined Infantry Regiment 2nd Combined Infantry Regiment 3rd Combined Infantry Regiment Light Battery #10 Light Battery #57 2nd Brigade: Generalmajor Gorbuntsov Depot Squadron Riga Dragoon Regiment Depot Squadron Kazan Dragoon Regiment Depot Squadron Finland Dragoon Regiment Detachment Selivanov #2 Don Cossack Regiment Detachment of an Opolochenie Corps 44th Jager Regiment 4th Combined Infantry Regiment

  Briansk Infantry Regiment Light Battery #40

  1st Corps: General of Cavalry Wittgenstein Advanced Guard: Generalmajor Vlastov Finland Dragoon Regiment Combined Hussar Regiment Platov #4 Cossack Regiment Loshchilin Cossack Regiment Lithuania Infantry Regiment 23rd Jager Regiment 24th Jager Regiment

  1st & 9th Cohort St. Petersburg Opolochenie Position Battery #28 (6 guns) Light Battery #11 (6 guns)

  Corps: Generallieutenant Steingell

  Combined Guard Cavalry Regiment

  Mitau Dragoon Regiment

  Toula Infantry Regiment

  Tenguinsk Infantry Regiment

  Navajinsk Infantry Regiment

  Estonia Infantry Regiment

  2nd Jager Regiment

  3rd Jager Regiment

  25th Jager Regiment

  2nd, 7th, & 8th Cohort St. Petersburg Opolochenie

  Position Batteries #6 & #21

  Light Battery #26

  Horse Battery #3

  Corps: Generallieutenant Berg Combined Dragoon Regiment Iambourg Dragoon Regiment Perm Infantry Regiment Sievesk Infantry Regiment Kalouga Infantry Regiment Petrovsk Infantry Regiment Azov Infantry Regiment 1st Marine Infantry Regiment

  5th, 10th, 11th, & 15th Cohort St. Petersburg Opolochenie Novgorod Opolochenie Position Batteries #5 & #14 Light Battery #27 Horse Battery #1 (10 guns)

  Reserve Corps: Generalmajor Fock

  Mohilev Infantry Regiment

  Nisov Infantry Regiment

  Vorohenz Infantry Regiment

  Depot Battalion of Leib Grenadiers

  Depot Battalion of Pavlov Grenadiers

  Depot Battalion of Ekaterinoslav Grenadiers

  Depot Battalion of Count Arakcheyev Grenadiers

  Depot Battalion of Tauride Grenadiers

  Depot Battalion of St. Petersburg Grenadiers

  4th, 6th, 13th, & 14th Cohort St. Petersburg Opolochenie

  Position Battery #28 (4 guns)

  Light Battery #11 (6 guns)

  Horse Battery #3 Detachment: Generalmajor Diebitsch

  Grodno Hussars

  Rodniov #2 Cossack Regiment

  Chernozubov Cossack Regiment

  1/23rd Jager Regiment

  Detachment: Generallieutenant Golenischev-Kutusov Kazan Dragoon Regiment Isoum Hussar Regiment

  Detachment: Generalmajor Svechin 5th Bashkirs

  Podolsk Infantry Regiment 3rd Cohort St. Petersburg Opolochenie

  Detachment: Baron von der Pahlen Riga Dragoon Regiment (2) Cossack Detachment 26th Jager Regiment Horse Battery #1 (2 guns)

  Detachment: Colonel Nikolajev Riga Dragoon Regiment (2) Guard Infantry Reserve Battalion #1 Guard Infantry Reserve Battalion #2 12th Cohort St. Petersburg Opolochenie Novgorod Opolochenie Infantry (2 cohorts) Novgorod Opolochenie Cavalry (2 sotnias)


  Position Batteries #27 & #50 Light Batteries #9, #35, & #49

  1st Pioneer Regiment—Company of Lt. Col. Miller —Company of Captain Gerout

  In Volhynie:

  Detachment Vorohenz Infantry Regiment Novgorod Opolochenie Cavalry (2 sotnias) Novgorod Opolochenie Infantry (1 cohort) Riga Dragoons (2)

  Russian Army of the Danube December 1812

  Commanding General—Admiral Tchichagov

  Advanced Guard: Generalmajor Tchlapitz

  Kinbourn Dragoon Regiment

  3/Twer Dragoon Regiment

  Taganrog Dragoon Regiment

  Volhynie Uhlan Regiment

  Diatchkin Cossack Regiment

  Melnikov #5 Cossack Regiment

  Grekov #4 Don Cossack Regiment

  Kireieff #2 Cossack Regiment

  7th Jager Regiment

  10th Jager Regiment

  14th Jager Regiment

  27th Jager Regiment

  28th Jager Regiment

  32nd Jager Regiment

  38th Jager Regiment

  Netchlot Infantry Regiment

  Converged Horse Battery (4 guns each from the 11th, 12th, & 13th Horse Batteries) Corps: Generallieutenant Voinov

  Sieversk Dragoon Regiment

  Starodoub Dragoon Regiment

  Apcheron Infantry Regiment

  Vladimir Infantry Regiment

  Tambov Infantry Regiment

  Dnieper Infantry Regiment

  Iakout Infantry Regiment

  Kostroma Infantry Regiment

  Position Batteries #9 & #18

  Light Battery #16 (6 guns)

  Light Battery #17 (6 guns)

  Light Battery #34 (6 guns)

  Light Battery #35 Corps: General of Infantry Langeron

  Saint Petersburg Dragoon Regiment

; Vitebsk Infantry Regiment

  Koslov Infantry Regiment

  Kolyvan Infantry Regiment

  Kourin Infantry Regiment

  13th Jager Regiment

  Position Battery #15

  Light Batteries #28 & #29 Reserve of Langeron's Corps:

  Dorpat Dragoon Regiment

  Panteleieff Cossack Regiment

  12th Jager Regiment

  22nd Jager Regiment

  Converged Grenadier Battalions (6)

  Position Battery #34

  Light Battery #25 Detachment: Generalmajor Lanskij

  Alexandria Olviopol Hussar Regiment

  White Russia Hussar Regiment

  Lithuania Dragoon Regiment

  3rd Orel Cossack Regiment

  Horse Artillery Company of Buschujev

  Russian 2nd Army of the West December 1812

  Commanding General—General of Infantry Docturov

  Corps: Colonel Knorring Tartar Uhlan Regiment Eupatoria Tartar Regiment Melentiva #3 Cossack Regiment Light Artillery Battery #16

  Detachment: Generalmajor Tuchkov II Depot Squadrons of the 10th Division Kourland Dragoon Regiment

  Orenburg Dragoon Regiment Irkhoutsk Dragoon Regiment Siberia Uhlan Regiment Lithuania Uhlan Regiment (2) Akhtyrsk Hussar Regiment (2) Soumy Hussar Regiment (2) Ekaterinoslav Cuirassier Regiment Gluchov Cuirassier Regiment Little Russia Cuirassier Regiment 12th Brigade: Karkov Dragoon Regiment Tchernigov Dragoon Regiment 13th Brigade: Kiev Dragoon Regiment New Russia Dragoon Regiment Cossacks: Isajeva #2 Don Cossack Regiment Grekov #9 Don Cossack Regiment Semenchikov Don Cossack Regiment Chernigov #2 Little Russian Cossack Regiment Chernigov #5 Little Russian Cossack Regiment Various other Little Russian Cossacks (501) Infantry

  Gamekeeper Skirmishers (217) Depot Battalions of the 12th Division Smolensk Infantry Regiment Narva Infantry Regiment New Ingremannland Infantry Regiment Alexopol Infantry Regiment Depot Battalions of the 15th Division Kourin Infantry Regiment Kolyvan Infantry Regiment Kozlov Infantry Regiment Vitebsk Infantry Regiment 13th Jager Regiment 14th Jager Regiment Depot Battalions of the 18th Division Tambov Infantry Regiment Vladimir Infantry Regiment Dnieper Infantry Regiment Kostroma Infantry Regiment

  28th Jager Regiment 32nd Jager Regiment

  Position Battery #33

  Light Battery #4

  1/2 3pdr Artillery Company from Bobruisk Detachment: Generallieutenant Ratt Depot Battalions of the 24th Division

  Bourtirki Infantry Regiment

  Tomsk Infantry Regiment

  Oufa Infantry Regiment

  Chirvan Infantry Regiment


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