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Flare of Promise (AMT #4)

Page 8

by Jessie Donovan

Petra lifted the first syringe, removed the end stopper, and tapped it as she ensured there wasn’t any air in the needle. “One full-strength dose of rowan-berry juice and the second one is a diluted version.” She could see the doubt in everyone’s eyes, so Petra added, “In a former life, I was weeks away from a PhD in Chemistry. I know how to drug without killing him. I’ll give Gio both doses and he should be out for days.”

  Millie snapped her fingers. “Give him the full-strength dose first and we’ll wake him up. The rowan-berry juice will force him to tell the truth. Once we’re done, dose him again and he’ll fall unconscious.”

  Millie was right; rowan-berry juice worked as a truth serum for everyone with even a minute amount of Feiru blood.

  Even though Petra had just formally met Kiarra and Jaxton, she sensed they were in charge. Looking to Kiarra, she asked, “What do you want to do? He’s your brother, so it’s your call.”

  Kiarra’s shoulders slumped as she studied the unconscious form of her brother. This probably wasn’t the reunion the woman had been hoping for.

  Straightening her shoulders again, Kiarra nodded. “Give him the full-strength dose and we’ll wake him up.” She looked at Jaxton. “Could you question him first? I’m going to need a minute as I simultaneously want to hug and punch him.”

  Jaxton took Kiarra’s hand in his. “Of course, love. I have plenty to ask the bastard—er, your brother.”

  Watching Kiarra and Jaxton, holding hands and drawing strength from each other, reminded Petra of her past. She looked to Will and met his eyes. Longing mixed with fire flashed in his gaze, but disappeared as quickly as it had come.

  Could he be thinking of her as she was thinking of him and how they’d once leaned on one another when things turned difficult? Maybe if Millie and the others could help her with Sean Reilly and free her from his grip, Petra might try rekindling things with Will. It would be nice to have some companionship again. The worst he could say was no.

  Millie pinched her thigh, bringing her back from her head. She narrowed her eyes at her pseudo-friend. “Pinch me again, Ward. If we weren’t on the same side, I would dose you unconscious with the rowan-berry juice.”

  Millie grinned. “But we are. So get to it.”

  Petra muttered, “I’m not your lackey,” as she moved next to Giovanni. Sticking the needle into the muscle of his bicep, she pushed the plunger.

  Once the last of the pinkish liquid disappeared, Petra removed the needle and gestured toward the unconscious man. “You seem keen on the man, so I’ll give you the honor of waking him up.”

  Millie answered, “I’m not keen. But I suppose I can do it.”

  Millie grabbed a water bottle, twisted off the cap, and dumped the contents on Gio’s face.

  The man woke up sputtering. Once he wiped the liquid from his eyes, he spotted Millie. “You.”

  He struggled to get up, but his hands and feet were restrained. Millie tilted her head. “You underestimated me, and that was a mistake, Giovanni.”

  Gio spotted Will next. “Why aren’t you tied up, Evans?”

  Before Will could answer, Jaxton’s voice filled the space. “Because he’s on our side, Sinclair.”

  Gio’s head whipped around, but his eyes locked on Kiarra. “Kiarra.”

  Kiarra sat up a little taller. “Hello, brother.”

  As the two siblings stared at one another, it suddenly felt as if Petra was intruding on a family matter. Yet there was nowhere to escape, so she merely waited to see how things played out.


  Will almost felt sorry for Giovanni. In their short time together, the man had earned some respect from Will for his intelligence and drive. The only question was whether Gio had managed to use that intelligence in the hectic last minutes of the AMT research facility break-in or not. If he had, then the interrogation under the influence of rowan-berry juice should prove interesting. Gio might have classified information on the research being conducted on the children born inside the AMT system.

  It also made him wish he could dose Leyna. He swore she’d looked at him with wanting a few minutes earlier, but he refused to believe it was true. After all, the woman was a professional mercenary. To stay alive in that business meant mastering disguise and schooling your emotions. For all he knew, Leyna was playing an elaborate ruse. To what end, he had no idea. But she had yet to regain his trust.

  Jaxton spoke up again and Will focused on the interrogation under way; his own would have to wait. “Tell us why you’re in China.”

  Gio struggled to keep his mouth closed, but he couldn’t fight the effects of rowan-berry juice for long. “I wanted to know about the experiments being conducted on the children born inside the AMT.”

  Kiarra frowned. “What are you talking about? Elaborate.”

  Again Gio resisted, but lost the battle. “I discovered the information in Edinburgh and tricked my father into allowing me to come here. All children born inside the AMT compounds, regardless if they’re first-born with magic or not, are kept inside the facility in Sichuan Province. I wanted to see how they were treated.”

  Kiarra prompted, “And? How were they?”

  Disgust flashed in Gio’s eyes. “They’re locked up and studied with little supervision and no education.”

  Jaxton grunted. “Strange that seems to upset you when locking away elemental magic users such as your sister is completely fine.”

  Gio met Jaxton’s eyes and didn’t so much as flinch at the anger there. “Keeping first-borns away from the world is for everyone’s safety. Besides, it’s the law. Keeping innocent children prisoner and not providing basic human rights is not only wrong, it’s illegal.”

  Jaxton leaned forward and looked about ready to attack Giovanni. Only Kiarra’s hand on his arm stayed him. “Let’s not make this about me right now, Jaxton.” She turned her gaze to Gio. “Do you know more about the research than you’re letting on?”

  Gio answered, “Yes.”

  Kiarra nodded. “Good. Then you’re coming back with us. Neena should persuade you to work with us and we can help with the children. I’m sure that will go along with your strange sense of right and wrong.”

  Gio’s face remained calm and collected. “Why should I help you? The worst you can do is kill me and I don’t think you’re capable of doing that, Kiki.”

  This wasn’t Will’s fight, but the less bloodshed and restriction of information, the quicker they could solve the problem. Regardless of his thoughts on the AMT system, he was 100 percent behind freeing the non-first-born children. “Think about it, Gio. If you want someone to help stand up to your father, then these people are probably your best bet. Hell, they have magic and might on their side. If their crazy leader also possesses the abilities Millie claims, then we might be able to work out an end goal all of us can live with.”

  Jaxton snorted. “I highly doubt it.”

  Gio studied Will a second before answering, “You have much to gain from an alliance, but I don’t.”

  Millie muttered, “Now who’s sounding like their maniacal uncle-slash-adopted-father?”

  Anger flashed in Gio’s eyes, but vanished in the next second as he answered Millie, “Don’t pretend you’re so much better than me. We all have our reasons for doing what we’re doing.”

  Millie scoffed. “Perhaps. But I wish to help people whereas you only want to help yourself.”

  “I think you’re doing this to prove something. I don’t know what yet, but I’ll find out eventually,” Gio stated.

  Millie buffed her nails against her chest and held them out. “Try your best, posh boy. You’ll only fail.”

  Leyna jumped in. “It’s clear we’re not going to get anywhere with him during the helicopter ride. I say knock him out and deal with him later.”

  Kiarra leaned forward. “Just one more question. Do you know that James Sinclair killed our parents?”

  Gio frowned. “No, because that’s not true. They died in a car crash.”

  Kiarra shook he
r head. “You’re wrong. He wanted me locked away, and you as his heir. He staged a car accident to kill our parents. There are several sources to prove what I’m saying is true.”

  Gio’s voice was a little less firm as he answered, “I don’t believe you. My father is ambitious, but not a murderer.”

  Kiarra shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. You will believe me eventually.” Kiarra looked to Leyna. “You can give him the second dose now.”

  Will jumped in with one more question. “Wait—do you know who kidnapped my test subjects?”

  Gio met his gaze. “No. But some of the staff were following the orders of some woman. Even though I was in the next room, I still felt compelled to follow her commands. Only once I plugged my ears with my fingers did I rid myself of the feeling and was able to escape.”

  Kiarra and Jaxton shared another glance. Will looked to the pair. “What aren’t you telling us?”

  Jaxton shook his head. “Not now. Help us with our mission and I’ll tell you more.” He moved his gaze to Leyna. “Give him the second dose.”

  Leyna took out the second syringe, removed the stopper, and cleared the needle of air. “My pleasure.”

  In one quick motion, she knelt next to Giovanni and injected the diluted rowan-berry juice. The action reminded Will of just how graceful and quick Leyna had become. Not that he wanted to encourage her drugging individuals on a regular basis, but maybe her grace would translate to other areas of her life.

  Maybe, if they all survived the ridiculous mission in Hong Kong, he could find out exactly how.

  A few seconds later, Giovanni’s eyes closed and his body slackened.

  Will broke the silence. “So, what’s the plan?”

  Chapter Eight

  Six hours and another helicopter change later, Petra peered out of her window to watch the landscape as they passed over it.

  Unlike Will, she loved heights. Looking at the ground from this height made her feel as if she were a bird. All of the tiny houses and buildings below contained normal people living their normal lives. At one point, she’d scoffed at ever becoming boring. However, after the last two years, she would kill to wake up in a house with two-point-four kids and a dog.

  Okay, maybe not the kids just yet. But she could do without constantly looking over her shoulder.

  Not that it would happen anytime soon. She had this current mission to finish, Will to deal with, and she still had to figure out a solution about what to do with Sean Reilly.

  Since the latter two problems would have to wait, Petra focused on rescuing the elemental earth user.

  They would arrive in Hong Kong shortly and land on the private helipad owned by a DEFEND supporter. While the AMT research facility had moved E-1655, she was still in Hong Kong in a unique facility, according to Kiarra and Jaxton.

  Keeping the elemental earth user in the city seemed like a stupid idea to Petra. But, hey, the AMT didn’t always make the best decisions, despite their public image of running a squeaky clean and efficient operation.

  On the other hand, as she surveyed the others inside the flying vehicle, Petra was starting to admire some of DEFEND’s tactics and planning. Jaxton Ward’s plan was as detailed as she would’ve done. And while Neena Chatterjee might be a little bit crazy, Petra liked her “I don’t give a fuck” attitude. Petra wished more people were as open. The world would have far fewer secrets.

  An arm bumped against hers, bringing her out of her head. Petra forced her face into a neutral expression before meeting Will’s eyes. He’d muscled his way into sitting next to her at the helicopter transfer.

  Staring into his chocolate brown gaze, she ignored the heat radiating off his body as well as his familiar masculine scent. For hours, both had been bringing back memories of her past. Such as the way he’d tease and needle her until Petra got angry. Then he’d put on his brown puppy dog eyes until Petra would sigh with a smile. A few brushes of his fingers, and she’d even jump into his arms.

  Will had always pushed her buttons, but he’d also been able to make her melt in the next second. She missed the comfort they’d once shared as well as the trust she’d never experienced with another.

  Only with Will had she ever felt safe enough to lie naked with her back to him.

  Petra resisted clearing her throat. No matter how much she pretended she didn’t want her old life again, there was a longing buried deep within her heart for exactly that.

  Will poked her arm. Not willing to acknowledge the sizzle at his touch, she concentrated on his words. “As much as I don’t like my newfound ability, I just wanted to let you know that if you get hurt, I’ll heal you.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Considering the depths of your hatred for magic, that’s a pretty big offer.”

  Will grunted. “I’m being serious, Leyna.”

  “Call me Petra. Leyna died two years ago.”

  He hesitated before brushing her cheek. “You’ll always be Leyna to me.”

  The light touch of his fingers sent a jolt of electricity racing through her body. Damn, she’d missed his warm, rough fingers.

  She resisted leaning into him. Her voice was strained to her own ears. “Then you’re going to be sorely disappointed, Will. Even without danger looming over my head, I can’t go back to being that version of myself. I’ve done and seen too much. Besides, even if it were possible, I would probably get bored.”

  He stroked her skin some more. “I find it hard to believe your love of science disappeared with the identity change.”

  “My scientific ability is what landed me in this mess in the first place.”

  His fingers stilled. “I thought it was because of your brother.”

  She darted a quick glance toward Kiarra, Jaxton, and Millie sitting in the seats on the opposite side of the bay, but their heads were together planning. Gio had also been handed over to another DEFEND party when they’d changed helicopters. The pilot and co-pilot were focused on flying the helicopter.

  Seizing the semi-privacy, Petra murmured, “It was both.”

  He tilted his head. “Then why can’t you be a scientific genius who just also happens to be a badass?”

  “Yes, because butt-kicking scientists are handy,” she drawled.

  The corner of his mouth ticked up. “They can be. Besides, you have field experience most scientists don’t. If you decided to put all of your knowledge to good use, you’d become quite the force to be reckoned with.”

  She raised her brows. “If you’re trying to sweet talk your way into my pants, it’s not going to happen.”

  Will leaned closer. His hot breath tickled her ear as he whispered, “No, as I recall, you liked me pinning you against a wall.”

  The image of Will besting her back in the shady hotel rushed forth. Damn the man and his own strength. “Not true.”

  He nipped her earlobe. “Liar.”

  Petra’s heart pounded in her chest. She should push Will away and focus solely on the mission.

  She searched his eyes, full of curiosity. Maybe this was the time to talk with Will. She’d been putting off this conversation with her former fiancé for far too long. After all, something could go wrong in Hong Kong and she’d lose her chance.

  The only question was—how much would she tell him?


  Will was gambling his chance with Leyna, but he was tired of waiting. Either of them could die in the bloody daft operation to rescue the magic user. He’d lived two years of regrets and what ifs; he wasn’t about to risk reliving that again.

  Nuzzling her cheek, she sucked in a breath as his short-clipped whiskers brushed against her skin. He’d kept a close-cropped beard all of these years because Leyna had always loved the feel of it. The sight had been a visual reminder of what he’d lost and what he fought for.

  He turned his torso further until he was blocking half of her chest from the view of the others. Casually brushing the side of her breast with his forefinger, he whispered, “No matter what you’ve been through or wha
t name you use, you can’t deny the attraction between us.”

  He waited to see what Leyna would do. He more than expected her to bat away his hand and punch him in the groin. Yet with each stroke of his finger, she leaned a fraction more toward him.

  Leyna murmured, “Attraction means trouble.”

  “Perhaps.” He moved his finger a little more until it made contact with her taut nipple. “But can I tell you a secret?”

  Holding his breath, Will waited for Leyna’s response. How she reacted to his current actions would determine if he had any sort of chance with her or not.

  Leyna cleared her throat, but didn’t move away. “What? That you’ve turned into an exhibitionist?”

  He let out his breath and chuckled. “What would you say if I had?”

  Leyna tilted her head. “Then I’d say there’s no way in hell I’m allowing it to happen here. Millie would never let me live it down.”

  Strumming her nipple, he answered, “While intriguing, it’s not what I was going to say.”

  She sighed. “Will, we’re not going to die. The operation is pretty standard and we have the element of surprise. Don’t say things just because you want to clean your slate. You might regret it afterward.”

  He stilled his fingers and met her eyes. “The only regret I have is not telling you every day we were together how much I loved you. And I have another secret.”

  Her voice cracked as she asked, “What?”

  His heart beat double-time, but this might be the only chance he had to speak the truth before he talked himself out of it. “I still do.”

  She shook her head. “I call bullshit. You clearly hated me when we reunited yesterday. Don’t deny it.”

  He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, to ensure Leyna couldn’t look away. He growled out, “Did you ever think it wasn’t because of my hatred of you but rather toward myself? For years, I imagined what it must’ve been like for you, alone on that fateful night, being burned alive. If only I hadn’t put my work above the love of my life and best friend, I might still have her. Seeing you was like seeing a ghost, and at first, I was angry, but mostly because of lost time. The two years between losing you and finding you were the two longest and loneliest years of my life.”


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