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125 Navigating the Vampire Maze

Page 7

by Charlie Richards

  Stanton sucked in a slow, harsh breath as he swept his gaze over Francois’s face. Licking his lips, he noticed how the man was no longer tempering his expression. That meant as he spoke, the tips of his fangs flashed in and out of view.

  “So—” Stanton thought over Francois’s unexpected words as swiftly as possible. “Vampires are real.” As he watched Francois nod, Stanton recalled his lover’s words on the phone. God, I have a lover. Wait. Do I have a lover? Oh... another thing—”I have a couple of questions.”

  Francois nodded as he pushed to a sitting position. “Zat is to be expected.” Rising to his feet, he held out his hand. “But now, we must talk to zee police. May I have your word zat you will not share anyzing about vampires wiz zem?”

  Stanton scoffed as he placed his hand in Francois’s. That noise turned to a bark of surprise when he found himself easily tugged to his feet. Staring down at the much smaller man, he gaped.

  His expression earnest, his hand still gripping Stanton’s, Francois murmured, “Do I have your word, Stanton?”

  Jerking a nod, Stanton stuttered, “Y-Yeah. Yeah.” Then he rolled his eyes. “Don’t know much anyway, except you bit my neck, and I came like a fucking geyser.” Speaking of which, Stanton peered at his torso. “You cleaned me up.”

  “No man enjoys waking wiz cum crusted in his chest hair.” Francois rubbed the palm of his free hand down Stanton’s chest, causing his skin to goose bump. “Or on smooth skin that begs to be licked and sucked.”

  To Stanton’s shock, he felt his blood begin to heat once more. “Damn.” He grabbed Francois’s hand. “Why do you make my blood heat like no one I’ve ever met?” Cocking his head, he swept his gaze up and down the lithe, sexy man. “Is it because you’re a vampire?”

  “No, zat is not it. Rhyme is a vampire, too, and you are not attracted to him.” Francois pulled his hand from Stanton’s grasp as he took a step backward. He pointed down. “Do up your pants, Stanton. Seeing your sexy naked body is making it hard to zink of anyzing but completing our bond.”

  “Bond?” Stanton shook his head and waved his hand. Then he bent and yanked up his half-off jeans, righting them and doing up his fly. “Okay, stop giving me more fodder for questions. You say I’m your soul mate, and I’m your beloved, and you said something about Rhyme and Max being able to help.” Stanton grabbed his shirt off the ground as he continued to ramble, trying to sort his thoughts. “Shit, Rhyme is a vampire, too?” Frowning, he added, “Maybe that’s why—” Stanton cut himself off, knowing he needed to focus. Inhaling slowly, he recalled Jerome’s advice. Think of one thing at a time. “Vampires. I guess the two important questions are these. How could Rhyme and Max help? And what does it mean that I’m your beloved? Your soul?”

  Francis bent and handed Stanton his jacket. After pulling on his t-shirt, he took the jacket. He slipped that on, too.

  “First,” Francois began. “You will not speak of vampires to anyone but Max and Rhyme... until I’ve had time to explain everyzing fully.”

  “Fair enough,” Stanton agreed, nodding.

  Francois inhaled deeply, licked his lips, then stated, “As I said, Rhyme is also a vampire. Max is his beloved, zee same as you are my beloved. A vampire has only one beloved on zee planet at any given time, and when zey meet zat person, zey become zee most important person in zee world to them.” Gripping the bottom of Stanton’s jacket, Francois slowly zipped it up as he focused an intense look his way. “Zat is you to me, Stanton. You are my soul. My life. My eternity. And I will do anyzing I can to keep you safe, happy, and healzy.”

  “Oh,” Stanton whispered, his mind reeling.

  I did ask.

  Chapter Ten

  Francois tapped his forefinger on the steering wheel. He swallowed hard as he shifted in the seat. His heart raced, and his palms sweated.

  Growling under his breath, Francois focused on his breathing. He had known he’d piled too much too fast on Stanton. As soon as he’d allowed his human to see his fangs, the man had begun to question and doubt. That had been clear... in hindsight.

  Except, after over a week of waiting and dreaming and wondering who his beloved would be, then seeing Stanton take a hit for him, Francois’s vampire nature had taken control. He’d needed to care for and please his beloved. He’d needed to confirm that he was well and satisfied.

  That had been everything.

  Unfortunately, his nature had brought about some uncomfortable questions... and they hadn’t had time.

  After they’d talked to the cops, Stanton had told Francois that he was heading home with Jerome. That his beloved was going home with another totally infuriated him as a vampire, but he’d hidden his possessiveness. Instead, Francois had made certain to remind Stanton that they’d swapped numbers and had extracted a promise that Stanton would text him when he reached home safely.

  Stanton had complied, but he’d ignored Francois’s calls after that. He hadn’t picked up or called him back. Since his beloved had to work, he had tried to be patient.

  Unfortunately, since Stanton hadn’t replied after two days, and it was now Friday, Francois had broken down and talked to Rhyme. Good thing the vampire enforcer had been way ahead of him.

  Rhyme had been encouraging Max to get closer to Stanton, to make himself available if he wanted to talk. According to Max, Stanton had asked a couple of quiet questions, but in truth, the guy had been damn busy at work. Evidently, a rush job had come in that had Stanton going to a site south of the city by six in the morning—plus, Anthony and Benjamin had lost their jobs, so they were short workers—and he was putting in twelve and fourteen-hour days.

  Francois could only imagine how exhausted Stanton would be every evening. His need to care for his beloved had been shoved into overdrive. To Francois’s relief, Max had given him Stanton’s address.

  To appease his vampire’s need to care for his beloved, Francois had prepped a large meal. There was enough for Jerome, too, if the man ended up being there. While Stanton would prefer to have his beloved to himself, something told him he needed to stay in the other human’s good graces.

  Jerome could make convincing Stanton to complete their bond very difficult.

  Bonding. Another thing I still haven’t had the chance to explain.

  Shaking his head, Francois narrowed his eyes as he spotted Rhyme’s SUV’s brake lights. Max had decided he and Rhyme needed to take him there personally. He appreciated it, since that meant the door couldn’t be slammed in his face.

  Rhyme was still on the fence about explaining vampires to Jerome, but Francois would if he needed to.

  Francois slowed his Buick and followed Rhyme’s SUV around the turn. Glancing left and right, he took in the condominiums and apartment complexes. While he understood the need for such styles of homes in the city, he cringed at the idea of having to live in one. As a paranormal, he liked his privacy.

  Wonder how long it will take to convince Stanton to move to Montana. Another thought struck him. Huh. Maybe I should invite his buddy, too. Of course, that means explaining vampires to the guy.

  Tipping his head, Francois cracked his neck. He followed as Rhyme turned into the parking lot of a large apartment complex. His tension returned, causing his shoulders to tighten.

  “Relax,” he hissed at himself.

  Inhaling deeply once again, Francois parked his vehicle. He let it out on a long deep breath. By the time he finished one more inhale and exhale, Rhyme was tapping on the window and smirking at him.

  Francois opened his door and muttered, “Shut the fuck up. Not all bondings go as smoozly as your own did.”

  Rhyme snorted. “I took Max out on a few dates before explaining vampires to him.” Stepping backward, he shoved his hands in his jeans’ pockets as he quirked an eyebrow at him. “You decided to jump in feet first.”

  Grimacing, Francois nodded. “Yeah. Probably not my finest decision.”

  “Thinking with your dick can make even an experienced man do that.” Rhyme patted
him on the shoulder. “Grab the meal, Fran. I’m hungry.”

  As if on cue, Francois’s stomach growled.

  Laughing, Rhyme turned away. “Come on, lover boy. Let’s get you to your guy.”

  Francois was more than on board with that. He swiftly rounded his car and pulled open the rear door of the passenger side. After handing a bowl of mixed green salad to Rhyme—who’d followed him—Francois grabbed the pot roast and dumplings. He used his hip to close his vehicle’s door, then followed Rhyme up the walk, and then the stairs.

  Max already stood at the door. Considering Jerome appeared to be trying to bar him entrance, the little man seemed to be attempting to talk his way inside. When Jerome spotted Rhyme and Francois, his eyes narrowed.

  “What’s going on here?” Jerome asked gruffly. His dark eyes glittered with irritation. “We didn’t have anything planned. We just got off work after a long couple of days, and all we want to do is relax with a pizza and a coupla beers.”

  “That’s why we’re here, Jerome.” Max sounded almost exasperated. “Because we know you and Stanton had a rough couple a days. Even with that overtime bonus the bosses offered you, surely this has been a tough order to fulfill.” He pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. “Francois is a professional chef, and he’s brought us an epic meal.” Lifting his other hand, Max hefted the bowl he carried in it. “And I have dessert.” Grinning and winking, Max added, “I know how much you love my banana vanilla pudding.”

  Jerome’s eyes widened, and his gaze snapped to the bowl. “Banana vanilla pudding?”

  Rhyme nodded. “Oh yeah.” Wrapping his arm around Max’s waist, he pushed closer. “And I have salad, and if you let us into the kitchen, Francois will bake the pot roast and dumpling dish he’s carrying.” Waving his hand, Rhyme told him, “Now back up. I’m hungry.”

  Even though he still cast a wary eye in Francois’s direction, Jerome backed up. He pointed to the left. “Kitchen is that way.”

  Francois obeyed the silent order. As he turned and headed in the direction Jerome had indicated, he noticed the sound of a shower running somewhere close by. The image of a wet, naked, soapy Stanton popped into his mind. Francois mentally groaned as his blood rushed south and his body heated with need.

  Gritting his teeth, Francois glanced over his shoulder, hoping no one had noticed his untimely boner. He spotted how Jerome turned to Max and gave him a pointed look. Sadness and frustration flooded Francois as he headed to the kitchen... too bad it didn’t do much to ease his arousal.

  Just what the hell did Stanton say about our time together to cause such a change in Jerome?

  Francois set down his pot roast platter, then adjusted his erection. Heaving a soft sigh, he eased himself into a more comfortable, and discreet, position. He thought about untucking his shirt, but he figured that would just draw attention to his predicament.

  When Stanton had left, he’d seemed to be fairly calm. Jerome had been a little standoffish after hearing about what had transpired with his co-workers, but he’d still been cordial. Perhaps after a couple of days picking up the slack caused by the loss of Anthony and Benjamin, Jerome was just tired and cranky.

  Gods, I hope Stanton kept his promise and didn’t say something he shouldn’t have.

  Breaking promises was never a good way to begin a relationship.

  No jumping to conclusions. As Francois mentally scolded himself, he turned on the oven to pre-heat. Focus on the here and now, on taking care of my beloved.

  After that mental pep-talk, Francois turned and... nearly rammed into Jerome. He backed a step, finding his lower back pressed against the counter. The man was only a couple of inches taller than him, but he still seemed to loom as he placed the salad bowl on the counter.

  After another narrow-eyed frown, Jerome turned and opened his refrigerator. He placed the dessert inside before doing the same to the salad. Jerome closed the door, then returned his focus to Francois.

  “I don’t know what you did to my best friend, but I won’t let you hurt him,” Jerome hissed as he leaned close to him. “Even if that means I have to force you out of his life.”

  Francois licked his lips slowly as he held Jerome’s fierce gaze. He mentally weighed the pros and cons of what he should say. Paranormals or not, vampires or not...

  Finally, Francois decided, “I don’t want to fight you for Stanton’s affections, Jerome.” He lifted his hands in placation. “He is your best friend. I hope we can be friends, too.” Upon scenting the mistrust still rolling off Jerome in waves, Francois added, “I do not know why you are upset wiz me. I do not know why Stanton is upset... if he is. He has not returned my calls.”

  As much as Francois hated admitting ignorance, he had to be honest. Maybe he could get some information that way. At least this conversation had caused his erection to die a quick death.

  Jerome crossed his arms over his chest as he rocked back on one foot. “Maybe he’s just not that into you and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.” He smirked as he continued, “He’s nice like that.”

  Francois shook his head, not believing that for an instant. “Stanton and I have enough chemistry to light a fire, Jerome,” he claimed smugly. “I am certain he just needs time to come to grips wiz having a relationship wiz a... guy.”

  Jerome stepped closer again and lifted his hand. “You live in Montana. Are you going to rearrange your life for him and move here?”


  “Jerome, why do you have Francois backed into a corner?”

  Stanton’s voice drew both men’s attention, and Francois sucked in a harsh gasp. “Zut alors,” he mumbled, cussing under his breath as he drank in the view.

  Stanton stood at the opening of the kitchen. His close-cropped hair shown in the light, betraying that it was wet. Wayward beads of moisture gleamed on his bare torso, making Francois’s mouth water. The pale jeans he wore hung low on his hips, showing off the deep vee of his hip grooves.

  Shifting his weight from foot to foot, Stanton cleared his throat. “You look like you want to eat me,” he muttered, his voice gruff. His focus slid to the left as he added, “What are ya’ll doing here?”

  “Max told us about what a beastly few days you all have had.” Rhyme appeared with Max tucked against him. “Francois volunteered to bake you guys a filling meal, and Max brought the banana pudding you both like so much.”

  “You brought me food?” Stanton sounded a little confused. “Why? I’ve been ignoring you.”

  “You have indeed been ignoring me,” Francois repeated, saddened to hear that it had been a conscious decision on Stanton’s part. “I zink I understand why, however.” The beep of the oven, indicating that it had finished pre-heating, drew Francois’s attention. “Do you like pot roast, Stanton?”

  After opening the oven door, Francois slid the platter inside. He closed the door and leaned against it. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he barely managed to refrain from crossing the room and tracing his fingers across the lines of Stanton’s torso.

  My beloved is just too damn tempting.

  It didn’t help that when Francois focused on Stanton’s face, his human snapped his gaze back upward. His cheeks took on a pinkish hue, and he shuffled his feet. Then he crossed his arms over his chest.

  Hmmm... I do believe my beloved was checking out my ass. Nice.

  “Uh, yeah. I like pot roast.” Licking his lips, Stanton met his gaze once more. “Sorry about ignoring you. I—” He paused, cutting a look Jerome’s way. “What we did together. Uh. I needed time to process it.”

  Francois nodded slowly. “It was a lot to take in.” Unable to stay away, he pushed away from the closed oven and started toward him. “Zat is why I kept sending messages, so you would know I was zinking of you and was here when you are ready with questions.” Then Francois lifted his hand, palm up. “But staying away from you wizout knowing you are well is difficult.”

  Stanton stared at Francois’s hand for one heartbeat, then two, before reac
hing out and placing his own upon it.

  Relief flooded Francois as he slid his fingers between Stanton’s.

  Chapter Eleven

  The tension Stanton had been carrying in his shoulders immediately began to ease. He squeezed Francois’s hand lightly as he smiled widely at the slender man. Having Francois reach out to him, ask for his touch, caused his heart to thud in his chest.

  Why did I refuse to return Francois’s calls? The man is—oh, right... vampire.

  “Okay, what’s going on?” Jerome cut into Stanton’s confusing thoughts. “You refuse his calls, get all close-lipped about what you two did together, and now you’re holding his hand?” Resting his hands on his hips, Jerome sported a concerned expression. “Talk to me, buddy.”

  Stanton glanced from Jerome to Francois and back again. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. He hadn’t talked about his time with Francois because he didn’t know how to separate everything. Pretty much, when Jerome had teased him about getting his first blowjob from a guy, Stanton had stuttered a yes, blushed, then muttered about how he didn’t want to talk about it.

  Jerome had asked him if Francois had hurt him. Stanton had assured his friend that wasn’t the case. When Jerome pressed, he’d waved his hand, shook his head, and claimed he just needed time to think.

  That was true, too... but that didn’t change how he noticed Jerome watching him like a hawk.

  “Grab beers for everyone, Jerome,” Rhyme encouraged, interrupting the awkward moment. “While we wait for Francois’s amazing meal to cook, we’ll sit and explain why Stanton has been having a hard time adjusting.” Then Rhyme grinned broadly, showing off his fangs. “It’s really not what you think.”


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