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The Billionaire’s Fake Bride: (Crystal Beach Resort Standalone Series: Book 2)

Page 12

by Hart, Hanna

  "Thank you," she smiled.

  The chemistry between them was electric. Unable to hold back any longer, Cooper pulled Grace into his lap and set his hands on her waist, kissing her passionately. He kissed her like she was the only sustenance left on the entire planet.

  Cooper drew his hands up into Grace's hair and then traced his thumb down her jawline and further still to her chin. His lips pressed deep against hers and then he felt her tongue dip into his mouth.

  And then he realized, he was over Brielle.

  Thoughts of his future didn't involve getting Brielle back or starting a family with her. They involved Grace. Beautiful, smart, headstrong, says-what-she-wants Grace.

  Then a sinking feeling overwhelmed him.

  Being over Brielle didn't mean that Grace was over Shane.

  After all, her heartbreak didn't come like Coopers. There were no years spent trying to resuscitate a bond. Nothing broken to try and put back together. Grace’s pain was sudden and harsh and recent.

  And that was enough to make him, painfully, pull back from her lips.

  "What is it?" Grace whispered.

  Cooper bit his lip nervously and then whispered back, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

  "No, don't apologize," she said, "Don't make it weird."

  "I'm your boss; I shouldn't have overstepped."

  Grace quickly pulled herself off his lap and stood by the chair adjacent to the sofa.

  "It's fine," she said, shaking her head. “We just carried away.”

  "Right," he nodded. “I uh-I should head to bed.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  “You kissed like, you kissed, kissed?” Addison emphasized, practically yelling through the phone at Grace.

  “No, we mind-melded,” Grace snorted. “Of course, we kissed!”

  Her friend had been flipping through the local newspaper the morning after the fundraiser and caught a photo of Grace and Cooper sitting together, looking cozy.

  While Addison wasn’t a fan of Cooper’s friend Paul, she did express that Cooper’s wasn’t blackballed quite yet. In fact, she seemed delighted to hear of how well Grace was being treated and even laughed at a couple of Grace’s ‘Cooper anecdotes.’

  Grace laid on Cooper’s guest room bed and stared at an array of belongings she was going to stuff into her purse for the day. Sunscreen, tablet, sunglasses, water, pledge forms. All essentials for the day of work ahead of her planning for the regatta.

  “What’s going on, Gracie?” Addison said with intrigue, “I thought this was just some kind of weird contract? Save the island, rah-rah-rah and all that?”

  “It was,” Grace said. “I guess ‘was’ being the operative word here.”

  “Whoa, whoa, wait,” Addison said with girlish glee, “Are these feelings one-sided or what? He kissed you or you mutually kissed? He’s into you or did he just do it because there were reporters there?”

  “One, I kissed back, and two, I don’t know! I thought that might have been the reason at the time but then he kissed me again when we got back to the house.”

  “What!” Addison laughed. “Gracie!”

  “I know!” Grace laughed.


  Grace let out an amused breath and repeated, “And what?”

  “And, how was it?” Addison said.

  “It was… a take-your-breath-away, perfect, magic kiss,” Grace said,

  “Oh my gosh, I’m dying,” Addison gushed.

  Grace stared down at the collection of items spread out over the navy-blue comforter and bit her lip, wondering if she should pop Addison’s bubble or keep her story sounding like a storybook.

  “And then he pulled away,” she said, deciding to go with the factual version of events.

  “What, why?”

  “I don’t know,” Grace shrugged.

  “No, Grace, think! What vibe were you giving off?” Addison asked.

  “What vibe?” Grace repeated with a mock. “Um? An ‘I’m-enjoy-myself’ one? I don’t know! He just backed away and said he was my boss and we shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Having second thoughts?” Addison offered.

  “No. Or, maybe?” Grace said.

  “Not him, dummy. You!” Addison clarified with emphasis. “Did he sense you weren’t into it or something?”

  Grace laughed and said, “Definitely not.”

  “Hm. And what are things like now?”

  “This was like, what?” Grace thought on their encounter and could already feel her cheeks reddening at the memory, “Six days ago? I mean, things between us are fine! Back to how it was before. Flirting, working together perfectly, spending all of our time together. It feels like…”

  She stopped herself.

  “Like what?” Addison asked.

  “Ah,” Grace sighed, “I don’t know.”

  Grace couldn’t bring herself to say the words. But she wanted to say, love. It felt like love.

  She shook her head, though her friend couldn’t see the motion. After so little time together, how could she possibly have fallen in love with him?

  “So maybe he’s just being honest?” Addison offered. “I mean, come on, you’re not supposed to be doing this, right? This was just a contract.”

  “That’s what I thought,” she said. “I know it's only been a couple of weeks, but I'm falling for him. I've spent literal years trailing after Cooper and now, getting to be a part of his life, talking to him and getting to be with him every day, I don't know Addison. I don't want to be without him.

  “Well, you'd better figure out what's standing in your way, and soon. Because you only have five days left, right?” Addison said.

  Five more days, Grace thought. Just five more days and she would have a check for a million dollars. Her financial worries would be behind her, and she could do whatever she wanted.

  Or, she could stay with Crystal Beach and take a promotion, securing her future even more.

  In just two days’ time, the regatta would be upon them. As such, Grace had been assigned to set up with the rest of the event planners. Which was where she went as soon as she got off the phone with Addison.

  She watched in amazement as food vendors opened up mobile services that looked more like five-star restaurants than beachfront food stops.

  The portable dining options were amazing, with everything from lamb to lobster rolls up for purchase. Some of the vendors even installed temporary patios with cloth dining chairs and outdoor chandeliers hanging from the massive cabanas overhead. On each patio was a screen dedicated to a live-stream of the race that customers could watch when the boats got too far away.

  This event was going to be huge, Grace thought.

  Cooper was overseeing the set-up as well, though on the actual day the two of them would be out in the race.

  "Is this ethical?" Grace had teased when Cooper showed her his Hanse four-hundred boat.

  "What, my entering the race? Trust me; all the sponsors do it."

  "But your family organized it!" she had laughed. "You can't be a part of it, can you?"

  "Why not?" he said with a sly grin, then he stepped dangerously close to her and reasoned, "Besides, it's all for charity, anyway. It's not like we personally benefit from winning."

  "Ah, nice loophole, buddy-boy," she said wryly, raising a seductive brow to him

  She thought he would kiss her then, but he backed away, and she felt her heart sink from the exciting anticipation. She thought the kiss at the dance had confused her, but the longer time went by without Cooper's affections, the more lovesick she felt.

  To Grace's surprise, things between them hadn't been weird or awkward since their encounter the other night. In fact, their chemistry had only been electrified by the kisses they shared. But now she wanted more and wasn't quite sure how to ask for it.

  Cooper was easy to be around. He made her feel special and smart. He was kind and thoughtful, though a little single-minded sometimes. Like when he
'd preemptively given her a promotion with asking her about changing positions. Still, when she'd told him not to do it again without her consent, he didn't act defensive or haughty at all. His reaction only made her desire him more.

  She was instructing vendors where they were to bring their goods and directing their setup when she caught sight of Cooper for the first time since breakfast that morning. He was signing off on a form with one of the sailors in the race when he met eyes with her. She saw a smirk crawl up the sight of his lip and knew he was in a serious conversation.

  This prompted her to make the world's silliest faces at him from afar, trying to get him to laugh. He never cracked, but she considered the broad grin that crossed his mouth to be a personal victory.

  "Are you trying to get me fired?" he teased as he walked up to her.

  She leaned into him and grabbed his hand. "They can't fire you, you're the boss," she said flirtatiously, making what she hoped were her best 'kiss-me' eyes.

  But, he didn't.

  "I'm probably going to be pretty busy until tonight," he said, "But, have a movie ready, and we'll spend some time together tonight. Your choice."

  "If you'll have me, then I'd be delighted," she smiled.

  "I can't wait," he said.

  Cooper squeezed her hand back and then let it go, walking back toward an awaiting regatta competitor, clipboard in hand.

  "Cooper!" she yelled, and he turned his profile to her. "You're gonna regret giving me my choice!"

  Cooper let out a heavenly laugh that made Grace smile. He waved her off and kept walking. She watched with enamored amusement as he spoke to the next competitor and was surprised to see Cooper's eyes flick over to her. He pointed her way, and the competitor began walking over to her.

  The man wore board shorts and a large red sweatshirt. She bit her lip, wondering if perhaps they were a food vendor who had accidentally entered the wrong line but quickly realized from the shock of red hair coming her way that it was Shane.

  It felt like her stomach dropped out beneath her and for a moment she considered turning around and booking it back to the offices, but she knew she couldn't do that.

  Could she?

  She grimaced as Shane approached.

  "Hey," he said in his familiar way as he gave her a once-over.

  Grace swallowed and could feel her breaths growing heavy and emotional. "Hey yourself," she said.

  Shane scraped his bottom teeth against his top lip and then looked down at the pavement beneath them. The air was thick with tension, all the more so as Grace realized Cooper was watching them, glancing up from his business interactions to check on her.

  Things between her and Cooper already felt strained. The last thing she needed was for Shane to show up like this after Brielle had already pulled such a horrible stunt at the fundraiser.

  "What do you want, Shane?" she asked impatiently. "Are you entering the regatta? Is there something I can help you with?"

  "Don't do that," he said, already defensive, "Don't treat me like a client."

  "You should consider me treating you like a client as a kindness after what you did to me," she said as evenly as coldly as she could.

  Shane went to respond, but they were quickly interrupted as a man in dress slacks and a short-sleeve button-up shirt approached them.

  "Excuse me, Mr. Grant told me you would know where I'm supposed to bring my crew? We're listed under site A-six," the bearded man said.

  "For sure!" she said with enthusiasm. "I'm so sorry you're having trouble finding it. Let me see here, A-six?" she repeated and consulted her tablet, "Ah! Right, do you see that yellow dock down the pier there?" she pointed, and the man nodded. "It's right across from there on the land-side, near the parking lot. So that's perfect; everyone will know where to eat as soon as they pull in!"

  "Oh, thanks," the man said, looking in the direction she had pointed for confirmation.

  "Would you like me to take you there?" she asked and could see Shane's look of disapproval. She tried not to scowl at him, instead giving her attention to the bearded man.

  The man offered her a smile, declined, and gave his thanks. When he left, she looked back at Shane and snapped, "If you didn't notice, I'm working."

  "Is that him?" Shane asked suspiciously as he eyed Cooper from afar.

  Grace didn't look toward Cooper Grant as her ex scoped him out, but she knew exactly who Shane was talking about.

  "Who?" she said boredly.

  "Your husband," he said.

  Grace tried not to smile at the jealousy or the acid that was practically dripping from Shane's tone.

  "That's none of your business," she said smugly.

  "We've been apart less than a month and you up and get married?" he said, his accent coming in thick and familiar. It made her feel warm and furious at the same time. Then his tone lowered, sad and bruised as he said, "I heard you were seein' him at the same time as me."

  Grace tried not to react to this. Even though it was her lie, she was astonished at how quickly their little island generated rumors about its inhabitants. Her heart was torn. Part of her wanted to tell Shane it was just a misunderstanding, but the ex-girlfriend in her wanted to make him hurt.

  "Don't be an idiot," she said under her breath.

  "He looks like a pew," he said of Cooper. Pew being an Irish term for someone who was an absolute mess.

  "No, he doesn't," Grace said firmly.

  "I just wanted you to know I moved out," he said quietly.

  Grace blanched. She hadn't been expecting that.

  The only time they had been in contact after the breakup was through text and it was about their home. Shane hadn't been back to the Crystal Beach staff apartment, even though she knew he didn't have anywhere else to go. So, when Cooper had offered her a position as his wife and had her come board with him for the month, Grace texted Shane saying the apartment was all his.

  "What?" she asked in disbelief. "Are you moving off-island?"

  He nodded. "Yeah, I have to."

  He had to, she knew, because the island would be too expensive to live on if they weren't in the subsidized company rentals for employees.

  "They rent the place out yet?" she asked.

  "Yeah, Don said I had to get everything out by the end of the week so, I put your stuff in storage on the mainland," he said and fished a key from his pocket.

  She took the key from him and nodded. "Well, thanks."

  Shane crossed his arms and looked her over once more. "Can we go for a walk?"

  "No," she said.

  "Come on," he said, trying his best at a smile. "We never got the whole... whaddya call it? Closure, thing. Please, I can't not talk to you."

  "Um?" she said in a high-pitched tone. "I think you can. In fact, you spent months not talking to me while I squandered our savings on our sham of a wedding when you should have told me, what’s that? Oh yeah! That you didn't love me anymore!"

  Her words came out louder and more furious than she meant them to. Weeks of pent-up emotions finally bubbling to the surface.

  "Please," he said, showing her his palms. "Please, Gracie."

  That’s right, she wanted to say. Beg.

  “There’s nothing to talk about. You left! That’s it, Shane. Chapter over! Move on,” she snapped.

  “You sure have,” he said in a condemning tone.

  “Yep,” Grace fired back.

  “Guess you weren’t that heartbroken after all,” Shane said. “You didn’t want to marry me; you just wanted to get married to whoever came along. Well, you know what? I wish him all the luck in the world dealing with you.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him and cocked her head to the side.

  “Super,” was all she said.

  Shane gave her a hard look, maybe expecting her to change her mind or beg, but the truth was she didn’t want to see him. There were no more lingering feelings there. No wishes for him to come back to her.

  Just irritation and anger. She just wanted him t
o leave. And maybe that was the best closure of all—realizing she didn’t love him anymore.

  Chapter Sixteen


  The regatta was almost in sight.

  There was just one more day of preparations before the race began. Cooper had sifted through some last-minute phone calls for the day, including several calls from competitors and one from his brother Levi vowing to beat Cooper in the race, before heading down to the docks with the ever-enchanting Grace.

  "You know, I've been trying to get your attention all day," Grace said to him.

  They were at the massive marina getting the boat ready for the regatta the following day. He was giving Grace a final walkthrough of the boat. Even though he would be the captain of the race, he still wanted her to be familiar with how things would go once the event started.

  Being on the boat was so relaxing, Grace had said, that she asked if they could spend the afternoon at the marina, sitting in the sun together. Cooper said yes, of course.

  "You picked the right bikini for it," he teased.

  "Shh," she giggled and nudged him.

  They sat on the side of the boat and Grace moved in closer to him.

  ““I’ve been trying to get your attention ever since the fundraiser.”

  Cooper looked at her and couldn’t help but smirk. He ran a hand along her jawline, desperate to feel her lips once more, and said, “You have my attention all day, every day.”

  Grace leaned in so she was pressing her nose and forehead against his and he cupped the back of her head in his palm.

  “No, like this,” she said softly and then tilted her head and kissed him.

  It was like heaven, being so close to her.

  Their lips moved around each other’s like silk, and it was all he could do not to stay there kissing her forever.

  When the kiss broke, Cooper’s pulse was racing. Still, he tried to play it cool and smirked as he said to her, “Well then, I’ll try to pay better attention next time.”

  Grace laughed at the sentiment and the day went on in the same blissful excitement it always did when Cooper was next to Grace.


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