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Big Bad Twins

Page 6

by Tia Siren

  “I will.” I’d told them about Davy being a Navy SEAL. That had seemed to sway them both in his defense.

  Terry blew me a kiss and climbed into the Rover. He gave me one last wave as Tony pulled out of the lot and headed for the private plane to take them home.

  “Don’t guess you wanna tell me what that was about?”

  I turned to see my dad standing at the door with his big arms crossed over his chest. I nodded toward the trailer and said, “Davy’s home.”

  Dad took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “He’s at your place?”


  “He okay?”

  “I think so?”

  “Where’s he been?”

  “I’m not sure. He’s a Navy SEAL.”

  “No shit?”

  “No shit.”

  “You need to go to him?”

  I nodded with tears in my eyes. “I think so.”

  Dad held out his arms and I melted into him like the little girl I used to be. He smelled of sweat and gumbo and cigarettes and Cajun spices. He smelled like my daddy. He smelled heavenly.

  “Take the rest of the day off,” he said. “I can handle things.”

  “You sure?”

  He rolled his eyes at me. “Girl, I was running this place before you could walk.”

  “I know, Dad.”

  “If we get busy I’ll put an apron on Randy and make him help.”

  “I’d like to see that, actually,” I said.

  He gave me a smile. “Go on now. And, Danny, don’t come back until you’re happy.”

  I blinked at him. “What does that mean?”

  “I may be old, but I ain’t blind.” He put his meaty hands on my shoulders. “You ain’t been happy since the day that boy left for the navy. Now’s your chance. Go be happy again.”

  CHAPTER 18: Danielle

  When I opened the trailer door, Davy wasn’t on the couch. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. I stood listening for a moment. The ancient air conditioner rattled in the window. I could hear water running in the bathroom down the short hallway to the back bedroom.

  “Hello?” I called out as I came down the hall.

  The bathroom door was closed.

  I could hear the shower running.

  Davy Boone was naked in my shower.

  What the heck was I waiting for?

  My fingers went around the doorknob but froze there.

  No. I couldn’t just step into the shower and expect us to be back where we were six years ago.

  We had both grown up.

  We had both changed.

  I didn’t even know if Davy was home to stay or simply stopping by.

  I let my fingers drop from the doorknob and stepped quietly back up the hall. I went into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee and wait for Davy to come out.

  * * *

  I heard the water in the shower shut off. A few minutes later I heard the bathroom door open. Davy appeared from the hallway.

  He was wearing jeans but no shirt or shoes.

  His muscled shoulders and biceps were covered with tribal tattoos.

  The SEAL logo was tattooed on the right side of his chest.

  There were scars with the tattoos, faint lines that webbed across his left shoulder and down his side like a roadmap.

  His short hair was wet, standing on end. Drops of water dripped from his shaggy beard onto his bare chest. A towel was draped around his neck. He dabbed it at his beard when he saw me and smiled.

  “Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize you were back. I hope you don’t mind. That’s the first real shower I’ve had in months.”

  “No. It’s fine,” I said. I held up the coffee pot. “Do you drink coffee?” I realized what an odd question that was. I didn’t know Davy at all now. Do you like coffee? Do you eat meat? Do you like movies? Do you like to…

  I didn’t know him at all. The thought made me sad.

  “I do like coffee,” he said.

  “Sit down. I’ll pour you a cup.”

  There wasn’t room for a table in the tiny trailer. There was one stool on the other side of the bar. He slid onto it and rested his thick forearms on the bar.

  “Would you like something to eat?” I asked. “I can make you some eggs or toast.”

  “Black coffee is fine,” he said. I set the cup in front of him and poured one for myself.

  “Still working at your dad’s diner?” he asked.

  “It’s my diner now,” I said. “I bought him out a year ago. He said he wanted to retire so he could fish all the time. That lasted about a week. He runs the kitchen now. Still cooks everything.”

  “I remember his gumbo,” Davy said, humming his approval. “What was it he always said about his gumbo? Hot as fire…”

  “Going in and coming out,” I said with a smile. I took a careful sip of coffee and stared at him for a moment. Davy had grown into a beautiful man, but he had the saddest eyes I’d ever seen.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t write or call,” he said quietly. He held the cup between his hands and stared into it, like he was reading tea leaves.

  “Just tell me what happened, Davy,” I said, reaching across to put my hand on his arm. “Where did you go?”

  He stared at my hand for a moment and then blew out a long breath and gazed into my eyes as I pulled it away.

  “I went to basic training in Illinois when I left here,” he said. “I wrote you a letter from there.”

  “The only letter you sent,” I said. I shook my head to drive the anger back down. “Then where did you go?”

  His big shoulders went up and down. “I guess I stood out in basic training, because they wanted me to join the SEALS. It was an honor. I couldn’t say no. So, I shipped out to California for the six-month training program. Honestly, it was the toughest thing I’ve ever done. I kept meaning to call and write, but, shit, I just didn’t. After training I was assigned to a SEAL team in Iraq. After I got there, I didn’t even have time to think about writing.”

  “Why not?” I asked, struggling to keep the anger out of my voice. “Surely the other SEALs found the time to write letters home.”

  He looked at me with tears in his eyes. “Because I didn’t know if I was gonna make it back,” he said, brushing the tears away with the back of his fingers. “Every day was a total shitstorm, and I didn’t want you wasting your life waiting on me. I guess I figured not writing was better than breaking up in a letter.”

  “Well you figured wrong,” I snapped. “I’d have much rather had a letter telling me to carry on with my life than to spend years wondering if you were dead or alive.”

  “I know,” he said, shaking his head. “I was an idiot. Then I got hurt.”

  My eyes went to the scars on his shoulders. The anger melted from my tone. “What happened?”

  “Which time?” he said with a chuckle. He ran his fingers across the scars. “This was a bullet from a sniper rifle. This was shrapnel from a roadside bomb. These are burn marks from a Humvee fire.” He smiled at me. “This was from a knife fight with a drunk sailor in a Kandahar bar.”

  “How can you smile about those scars?” I asked. I rolled my fingers into fists at my sides to keep them from reaching for him. “Davy, you could have been killed.”

  “It was my job, Danny,” he said, the smile fading. “And I was good at it. They sent me all over the middle east, wherever I was needed. I was a SEAL. I had to go.”

  I folded my arms over my chest. “Then what are you doing here?”

  “I’m all out of steam,” he said quietly. He stared into his coffee cup. “When it came time to re-up this time, I told them I’d had enough. I wanted to get back home and have a normal life.”

  “Home to Bellegrade? The armpit of the world?”

  His eyes came up to meet mine.

  “No, silly. Home to you.”

  CHAPTER 19: Danielle

  Davy slid off the stool and came around the bar without saying another word. I leaned back agai
nst the sink and waited for him to come. He put his hands on my hips and moved in close. He pressed his forehead to mine and stared into my eyes.

  “I’ve never stopped loving you, Danny,” he said quietly. “And I’m sorry. I fucked up. I just didn’t want you waiting for me in case something happened.”

  “And yet I did wait,” I said, my voice a whisper. “I’ve never stopped waiting.”

  I blinked away the tears that were clinging to my eyelashes. They fell onto his bare chest and trailed down the cleft of his chiseled stomach.

  “Can you forgive me?” he asked. Our noses touched. I could feel his warm breath on my lips. He pulled me into him. He was hard against my leg.

  “I forgive you,” I sighed into his mouth. He pressed his lips softly to mine. His tongue swirled around mine as the old spark ignited, sending a wave of white-hot heat through my body.

  “I want you,” he said, his lips following the curve of my jaw to my ear. He sucked on my earlobe as his hands found their way under my shirt. He massaged my tits. My nipples pressed against the sheer fabric of my bra, desperate for his touch.

  My hands went around his waist. I clutched his ass and ground my cunt into him. “The bedroom,” I sighed. “Let’s go.”

  He took my hand to lead the way down the hall. The bedroom was tiny, with just enough room for the double bed and a nightstand to one side.

  We stood at the foot of the bed, kissing. Davy tugged my T-shirt over my head and made short work of the snap and zipper on my jeans. I unhooked my bra and let my tits fall free.

  Davy moaned when he saw the size of my tits and nipples. The last time he’d seen them I was eighteen years old and they weren’t as full as they were now. He mashed his palms to the underside of my globes and rolled my nipples between his fingers.

  He knelt in front of me and peeled my jeans and underwear down my legs. He put his hands on my hips and pressed his lips to my belly button. Then let his tongue trail downward. He nipped at my red curls and then rolled his tongue over my clit. Fire shot through my body. I had to put my hands on his shoulders to keep from falling over.

  His hands slid from my tits to my ass cheeks. He cupped my ass as I spread my thighs to give his mouth access to my cunt. He held me steady with his strong hands and slathered my pussy with kisses. His tongue was long and thick. He rolled it over my clit again, making me moan, and then slowly trailed his tongue from my opening to my asshole and back again.

  I lulled my head back and moaned. When he slid his tongue inside me, my body shuddered and my hot juices washed over his lips and tongue like a hot shower.

  “God...I’m so glad you’re home…” I moaned, my fingers twisting through his short hair. “My turn.”

  Davy got to his feet and pushed his jeans and underwear down his muscled legs. I dropped to my knees and smiled. His cock loomed thick and hard before my eyes, even bigger than I remembered.

  I wrapped my fingers around the shaft and slowly closed my lips around the head. It was like greeting an old friend.

  Davy braced his hands on the wall and moaned.

  As I took his cock fully into my mouth, I glanced up at him. His eyes were closed. His mouth hung open. I couldn’t help but wonder how many women he had been with since he’d been gone. It was a silly thought, I knew. I wasn’t jealous. I just wondered if he had experienced everything I had, if he had done the things to other women that the Wolf brothers had done to me.

  I cupped his balls with my left hand and slowly pumped his shaft with my right as I flicked my tongue along the underside of the head.

  I felt moisture pooling between my legs as I glanced up at him again. His muscles were flexing. I knew he was getting close to an orgasm. I wanted him to come inside me. I had waited six long years for this. I was not going to waste an ounce of his sweet seed.

  “I want you inside me, Davy,” I said, looking up at him. “I’ve waited so long to have you inside me.”

  He easily lifted me up and pushed me back onto the bed. I spread my legs wide and held out my arms.

  He braced his palms on the bed beside me and lowered his cock to my hole.

  I held on to it, guiding the head toward my opening.

  It felt so amazing the second his head slid inside me.

  I put my hands on his arms and wrapped my legs around him.

  I crossed my ankles behind his back and prodded him with my heels to proceed.

  “God, you’re so tight,” he moaned as his cock pressed into me. I could feel my pussy stretching and then closing around him. He pushed in as far as he could go, and then he began moving his hips back and forth.

  “Oh, god…I’ve missed you…” I said, closing my eyes. I put my hands on my tits and squeezed them in rhythm to his thrusts. I tweaked my nipples between my fingers. The fire deep inside me was raging, nearing the climax I had waited on for so long.

  He moaned. “Danny…I’m…coming…”

  I dug my heels into his ass to pull him deeper inside me. I opened my eyes to watch him explode. I put my hands on his chest and tweaked his nipples.

  “Come, my darling… Cum…”

  The words left my lips just as he thrust fully into me, filling me with a hot warmth that brought on my own orgasm. I washed over him like the waters of a lake coming to meet the shore.

  We came together, and after a moment he lowered himself onto me. I could feel his cock slipping out of me. Slipping out, but not slipping away.

  “That was…amazing,” he said, pushing himself up on his arms. He gazed down at me and smiled. “Just like the old days, huh?”

  “Better than the old days,” I said with a dreamy smile. I noticed him looking at me with an odd expression. “What is it?”

  “Have you been with other men while I was gone?”

  I frowned at him. “Why are you asking me that now?”

  He shrugged with his eyebrows and forced a smile. “I don’t know. I mean, I didn’t expect you not to have sex. I just mean… seem really good at it.”

  That made me laugh. “Would you rather I not be?”

  “Oh no. I wouldn’t change a thing,” he said with a grin. “It was a stupid question. Forget it.”

  “There was somebody,” I said quietly, putting my hands on his cheeks. “Trust me, the only thing they taught me about sex was how to avoid having it.” I took a deep breath. “You’ll find out sooner or later, so I might as well tell you now.”


  “I waited for you for a year after your letter came,” I said. “Then, well, I guess I just got lonely. I got married. It didn’t last long and I regretted every minute of it. If I had it to do again—”

  “Hey, stop,” he said, leaning down to kiss me. “I understand. Who did you marry?”

  I pushed my tongue into my cheek and made a goofy face.

  I said, “Randy Savoie.”

  He scrunched up his nose as if something horrible had assaulted his nostrils. “Oh shit, Randy fucking Savoie? Seriously? Jesus, Danny, what were you thinking?”

  “I was thinking that I could marry Randy Savoie or old man Tanner who runs the feed store, because they were the only unmarried men in Bellegrade at the time.”

  “Mr. Tanner wouldn’t have been so bad,” he said with a grin. “But Randy Savoie. That’s just gross.”

  “You have no idea,” I said, reaching up to lace my fingers behind his neck. I pulled him down to kiss me. “That’s why you can never leave me again. Desperate women do desperate things. I had to be desperate to marry Randy.”

  He rubbed his nose against mine and smiled.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll never leave you again.”

  I gazed into his eyes. “Promise?”


  EPILOGUE: Danielle

  I was standing behind the counter filling the sugar containers when the mailman popped his head in the door and set the stack of mail on the counter.

  “Afternoon, Danny,” he said. “Here’s your mail.”

“Thanks, Ed,” I said. “Can I get you anything to go?”

  He put a hand to his stomach and shook his head. “No, thanks. Your daddy’s food tears me up. I’d be looking for a shitter before I got to the end of the block.”

  “It tears a lot of people up,” I said with a smile. “Hot going down and coming out. That’s our motto.”

  I dusted the sugar off my hands and reached for the mail. It was the usual assortment of advertisements and bills. One thing caught my eye. It was a postcard, addressed to Occupant.

  On the front was a picture of the Bourbon Orleans Hotel.

  On the back, someone had drawn a heart with three letters inside it: TWB.

  The Wolf brothers.

  It had been nearly a year since I’d seen Terry and Tony. The Bears were playing the Saints this weekend in New Orleans. It was their way of letting me know they were still thinking of me, as I often thought of them.

  My night with Terry and Tony was completely out of character for me, but it changed my life.

  They broke me from the hard shell I’d cocooned myself in and showed me that there was more to life than standing behind a diner counter and serving gumbo to rednecks and assholes.

  But in the end, they helped me understand that this was exactly where I wanted to be, especially now that Davy was back by my side.

  Davy and I had picked up right where we’d left off, only as horny grownups and not horny teenagers.

  We explored each other’s bodies as if we were making love for the first time.

  We learned how to please one another all over again.

  We made each other feel incredible and didn’t stop until we were both satisfied.

  Our lovemaking was always passionate and unselfish.

  We cared more about pleasing each other than pleasing ourselves.

  It was wonderful.

  Davy moved in immediately and got a job working with Wolf Energy out of Houston as a rig inspector in the Gulf. I asked him if Wolf Energy was owned by the same guys who gave Bob a million dollars for his invention, but he didn’t know. I was pretty sure the job was Terry and Tony’s wedding gift to Davy and me, but I would never say a word. Davy would never know about my night with the Wolf brothers. It would always be my secret.


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