Beloved Ink

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Beloved Ink Page 8

by Ranae Rose

  “So you’re up for getting dinner tonight, right?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Is there anywhere specific you want to go?”

  She couldn’t have cared less. She just wanted to see him. “You choose – you’re much more familiar with the city than I am.”

  “All right. Text me your address – I’ll pick you up in an hour.”

  * * * * *

  Ben threw his clothes on the bathroom floor and moved through the steam, stepping into the shower. He didn’t have long.

  He didn’t need long, either.

  Fuck. Hannah’s change of heart had come out of the blue, and just like that, she was his. Or at least, she wanted to be.

  He was already hers in several ways. She dominated his thoughts. His fantasies. He ached for her, and knowing he was about to have her made it even worse.

  His dick had been hard ever since he’d answered the phone and heard the sound of her voice. He hadn’t been able to separate it from the memory of her asking him to fuck her. The memory burnt in his balls now, weighing him down. He didn’t know what would happen that night, or if agreeing to a relationship had changed her desire for immediate physical intimacy.

  He doubted it, given her boldness the week before. Just in case, he wrapped his hand around his shaft.

  Hell, even if she did want sex, there was no way he’d be able to make it through dinner without popping an obscene hard-on in public. Not unless he did something about it now.

  Hot water rained down on him, streaming into his eyes and down his chest – over his new tattoo – as he pumped his hand up and down his dick. Getting close was easy; all he had to do was think of Hannah. The way her mouth tasted and the way her body felt pressed against his…

  His other hand went to his balls, and he willed the ache she’d left him with to go away. Water worked its way between his palm and his shaft, warming skin that was already hot with friction. Tension pooled at the base of his spine and gripped him so he stood tense and frozen, save for the motion of his hand.

  He couldn’t wait to experience the same feeling while he was inside Hannah. It was easy to imagine how her body would feel. Details like her soft skin and silky hair had been burnt into his memory during their single kiss. His imagination filled in the blanks, running rampant with thoughts of how tight her pussy would be around his dick and how her stiff nipples would feel beneath his hands or in his mouth.

  It was the thought of pushing inside her and feeling her pussy tighten in response that thrust him into a climax. Standing in a cascade of shower water, he pumped his hand hard and fast over thick flesh that was already wet.

  Coming felt like finally inhaling after an eternity of holding his breath. It was an automatic reaction, a desperate grasp for relief that wasn’t enough.

  He wanted more, but it was the best he’d get as long as he was shooting come all over shower tile. It dripped from the faucet, and he adjusted the shower head so that the spray hit the metal and tile, washing it away.

  When he got out of the shower, he was still aching for the things he’d just imagined – for Hannah, in the flesh.

  Just minutes ago, she’d talked about him on the phone like he was someone special. Someone unlike the people who’d disappointed her before.

  He knew he’d disappoint her in some ways, eventually.

  But not in any way that involved his hands, mouth or cock on or in her body. Physical pleasure was something she wanted from him and something he was determined to give her – something he could do. He had shortcomings that were written into his genetic code, chinks in the armor of his nature. He couldn’t change who he was, but maybe he could give her reasons to look past those flaws.

  Reasons to be with him – to stay with him – anyway. He wasn’t sure, but there was no fucking way he was going to give it anything less than his best try.


  “This place is nice,” Hannah said as she sat across from Ben, taking in the restaurant’s interior. The lighting was warm – almost amber – and the décor was heavy on natural wood and earthy hues. According to Ben, the place had the best prime rib around. She could smell it coming from the kitchen, and it made her mouth water.

  “I like it,” Ben said. “It’s not quick or cheap like cheesesteaks, but it’s worth it if you have time to sit down for dinner.”

  She smiled, feeling self-conscious and still wishing she hadn’t met Ben for the first time with cheese smeared on her face.

  She scanned the menu quickly, more out of habit than anything else. Ben had already sold her on the prime rib.

  When the waiter came, she declined the offer of something from the bar and asked for water instead. She didn’t want to be the only one drinking¸ and she wanted to be clear-headed that night. She didn’t need a buzz to work up the courage to face whatever would come after dinner. Ben was intoxicating enough on his own.

  “How have your workouts been going?” he asked her after they placed their orders.

  “Not bad, but I think I’m going to start working out in the evenings again.”


  She nodded. “It feels good to work out the tension after a day at work. Plus, the scenery just isn’t the same without you there.”

  He laughed. “I have to admit, I’ve missed the sight of you running on a treadmill.”

  She blushed. “I only did that on my first day because I didn’t know what else to do. I haven’t run since.”

  “Well, I can hope.” His gaze drifted to her chest. Only for a split second, but she noticed.

  Her nipples stiffened against the cups of her bra, beneath the dark purple top she’d worn. The neckline showed a little cleavage, but nothing crazy. It was flattering though, and catching him looking made her feel hot all over.

  “What about you? How has work been?”

  She made small talk on autopilot, her mind busy reliving the kiss they’d shared in the parking lot on Smallman. Even now, it made her mouth water. Staying away from Ben for a week had given her time to realize what she’d been missing out on.

  The excitement of knowing they were embarking on a relationship had her nervous, but her desire was so intense that it overshadowed that, for now.

  “Good.” He met her eyes, and she studied his dark irises and darker lashes. They were nice – thick. Fuller than hers looked, unless she used mascara.

  She had, today. She’d carefully applied her make-up, wanting to look her best.

  “I finished a custom paint job on a beautiful car today,” he said. “Do you care about cars at all, or would details bore you?”

  “Well, I drive a five year old base model Toyota, so you’ve probably guessed that gas mileage is my leading criteria when I buy a vehicle. I doubt I’ll ever spring for a fancy car, but hearing about them doesn’t bore me.”

  At least, not if Ben was the one doing the talking. She didn’t care whether she drove an exceptional car or not, but the idea of Ben taking pride in painting them appealed to her. Maybe because it was a job that required a lot of prep work and attention to detail. She couldn’t help but wonder whether his ability to excel in those areas translated to other activities.

  “It was a 1970 Chevelle SS 454 LS6.”

  “Wow, that’s a lot of numbers, so… I’m guessing it’s a sports car?”

  “A classic muscle car. And this one is in excellent shape. I gave it a whole new paint job – cranberry red, with black stripes.”

  “You sound like you really like your job.” The satisfaction in his voice was unmistakable, and she liked hearing it. A lot of people who took pride in their work were cocky about it, but not him. He just sounded like he enjoyed it.

  It was a refreshing change after years of dealing with her ex, who was good at what he did and hyper-aware of it. In fact, he never let anyone forget how good he was at it.

  “I do,” he said. “I’ve loved cars since before I could walk. Working on them is the only way I’m ever going to get behind the wheel of some of the machi
nes I’ve painted.”

  “I don’t know much about them, but I can relate to being drawn to something from an early age.”

  “You mean your art?”


  “I still haven’t seen any of your work.”

  “Really?” She arched a brow. “You haven’t looked me up online? I’m a little disappointed. I’ve got my own website and everything.”

  A smile curved one side of his mouth, and light flickered in his eyes. “I figured you might, but having access to pictures of you on the internet seemed like a Pandora’s box I’d be better off leaving shut.”

  “It’s not that kind of website.” She tried to frown, but laughter ruined it. “It’s just a gallery of my work. There are only a few pictures of me, and I’m working in them.”

  He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. My imagination could take any photo of you and run with it.”

  Even his jokes made her feel hot and tingly all over. If she could’ve hit a magic button to fast-forward to after dinner, she would have. The memory of his hard body against hers and his tongue deep in her mouth set off a domino effect of desire. She wanted him now more than ever, and every moment she spent unsatisfied made it worse.

  He’d kissed her like he’d meant it and she had high hopes that he’d fuck her the same way.

  When their dinner arrived, it was so good that they ate without making any more insinuative jokes, or even really flirting.

  “If they sold gallon buckets of this macaroni and cheese, I’d buy one to take home,” she said. The macaroni was the perfect side for the prime rib, and she’d ordered a sweet potato with brown sugar and butter, too. It was definitely a comfort food meal.

  “You and me both. Dylan would probably find it and set it on fire in the name of health, though.”

  “Is he really that zealous about eating healthy?”

  “Nah, I’m exaggerating. He’s a good guy; he just has no sense of fun when it comes to food. If I don’t buy any good groceries, there won’t be anything but chicken and vegetables around.”

  “That’s right – you two live together. It must be nice to have a roommate you know and trust.”

  “Did you have a roommate back in San Francisco?”

  “Not exactly. I lived with my boyfriend.” She frowned. When she’d walked in on her ex with another woman, not only had she felt unwanted at her workplace, but she’d become a stranger in her own home. It’d happened in an instant, and the lost, lonely feeling ebbed back to her now.

  Only for a second, though. It was good to be on her own – good to have a home all to herself. Mostly.

  There were times when she longed for company.

  “I didn’t mean to bring that up,” he said. “You live alone now, right?”

  “Yes. It’s just me.”

  His gaze lingered on her face, locked with hers, and she thought she saw a spark of understanding in his eyes.

  Tonight was definitely one of those times she didn’t want to be alone. She wanted to pick up where they’d left off after their last dinner date and finally experience the things she’d fantasized about since then. If she was going to risk getting burnt again, she was at least going to enjoy herself while it lasted.

  “Do you want dessert?” he asked when they were done with their meals.

  “Not unless you do.”

  “I’m good. I’ll ask for the check.”

  He met her eyes, and she saw that spark again. Anticipation left her tongue-tied, and she sipped the last of her water, hoping it would cool her down.

  It didn’t, but by the time they left the restaurant, at least she could talk again.

  “That was great. Thanks for taking me out.” He’d paid and she’d been too excited – and nervous – to protest.

  He laid a hand against the small of her back, and a hot shiver raced up her spine, flooding her brain with a dopamine tide.

  “Where am I taking you?” he asked once she’d buckled her seatbelt and he’d started his Mustang. The engine purred, a metallic hum that sent little vibrations all the way into her bones. Being around Ben made her notice things like that, made her hyper-aware of every physical sensation.


  He asked her about her work as they drove. She told him about a back piece she’d begun working on, but her heart wasn’t in the discussion. Work was far from her mind, and the only body she wanted to think about was his.

  “Won’t you come in?” she asked when they reached the parking lot.

  “Don’t have to ask me twice.” He grinned.

  He had a dazzling smile, even when he was teasing her. It made her heart beat faster, and as they climbed the complex’s stairs together, her palms tingled.

  It’d been several months since she’d been with anyone – not exactly an eternity. But it’d been years since she’d been with anyone other than her ex, and her time with him wasn’t something she wanted to dwell on. So, it’d been years since she’d been with anyone worth having.

  Ben would be worth it, she had no doubt. His body alone was sufficient to tempt her into just about anything. The thought of him naked made her pussy draw up tight.

  “Do you like coffee?” she asked as they entered the kitchen. “I can brew a pot, if you want.”

  The thought of keeping her hands off of him long enough to drink a cup of coffee was agonizing, but the anticipation would make indulging that much sweeter.

  “I only drink it in the mornings,” he said. “Otherwise, I’m up all night.”

  She bit her tongue before saying out loud that staying up all night sounded perfect.

  “I’ll wait until morning to make some, then.”

  Heat rippled through her and warmed her face as soon as she said it. The idea of Ben being there when she woke up was deeply satisfying, and not just because she seemed to be stuck on brewing coffee for two and always ended up dumping out half the pot.

  “Sounds good to me.” His gaze was unwavering, locked with hers.

  When he reached for her, her heart sped.

  * * * * *

  Ben was harder than he could remember ever being. The throbbing pulse of south-bound blood reverberated inside his skull, rushing in his ears. His heart pumped furiously, pounding against his ribs and sending heat into the tips of his fingers. Hannah was so close, and he finally reached out to touch her.

  Her gaze was already locked with his. As he placed his hands on her waist, her body synched with his – coming closer, melting against him. He didn’t know how she did that, but he liked the feeling. It reinforced the sense of rightness, making it seem like their bodies were meant to be this close.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and her fingertips pressed into his back on either side of his spine. Heat spread beneath her hands, causing a tightening feeling in his lower back and an ache in his balls. It was easy to imagine her fingers digging deeper into his skin as he fucked her.

  She’d already mentioned the next morning, and her body language was crystal clear: she held her belly tight against his hard cock. When she moved, she teased him with accidental friction. Coming on the shower tile seemed ages ago – he was so ready to come again now, it hurt.

  For the time being, he kissed her, crushing his mouth against hers and slipping his tongue past her soft lips. It felt like picking up where they’d left off the first time, in the parking lot. He hadn’t wanted that to end, and this time affected him the same way. She tasted good, and that left him wanting more and more, until nothing was enough.

  She exhaled when he pulled away, easing his tongue out from deep inside her mouth. Then she gasped as he slid a hand between her thighs and stroked the inner plane of one. He waited for her to make another sound – a moan – before he touched her pussy, tracing the seam of her jeans over that sweet spot.

  Her heat radiated through the denim. Was she wet, too? He couldn’t wait to find out. His mouth watered and his gaze drifted to the first door in a hallway just off the kitchen. “That your bedroom?�

  She followed his gaze, still clinging to him, her nails biting through his jacket and t-shirt. “No, that’s the bathroom.” She tipped her head toward the other door. “That’s my bedroom.”

  He wanted to get her to a bed – somewhere where he could ease her down, strip her of her jeans and panties, then eat her pussy. The kitchen counter was the right height, but he wanted her to be completely comfortable, because he intended to take his time.

  He’d fantasized about it plenty, and he intended to do each and every one of those fantasies justice, starting now.

  She grasped one of his hands and squeezed. “I’ll show you the way.”

  It was only a few yards away; her apartment was small. He let her lead him anyway.

  The room held a small dresser and a narrow bed. A watercolor painting of a field of tulips – her grandmother’s work, he guessed – hung above the bed, the only decoration. There was little else, besides a few boxes stacked in one corner.

  “Sorry the bed’s so tiny. I wasn’t planning on sharing it with anyone when I bought it.”

  From his position behind her, he slid his hands around her waist and pulled her close, so her ass met his thighs and his stiff dick touched the small of her back. “It’s plenty big enough for what I plan to do to you.”

  “And what’s that?” She leaned back into him, and a delicate floral scent teased him: her shampoo.

  The smell amped up his lust. He relished the little details about her, even down to her choice of shampoo. The details were all perfect, and for a second, he couldn’t believe he had his hands on her, much less his cock against her warm body.

  He ran a hand through her loose hair before wrapping his arms around her again and running his fingers over her belly, stopping when they met the waistband of her jeans. “Do you like having your pussy eaten?”

  “Are you kidding? Who doesn’t?” Her voice was a little breathy. With excitement, he hoped.


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