Book Read Free

Day Three- A Hitman Romance: What Bad Boys Do Book 1

Page 15

by L. Wilder

  “Wait … It was you who sent him to kill me?” I gasped.

  He didn’t answer. “Is this about the code?”

  Again, no response.

  “I haven’t told anyone about it. I don’t even know what it is! There’s no reason for—”

  He looked over to me and spat, “This had nothing to do with that fucking code. It never did.”

  “Then, what? Why would you want him to kill me?”

  With his gun still trained on me, he took a step back, releasing me from his grasp as he said, “I’d been told that there is no greater love than the one shared between a father and his daughter, but I never really understood how true that statement was until my Sydney was born. She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever laid my eyes on. Big brown eyes and a smile that would melt your heart. And she was smart too. Not just book sense either. She had common sense. There wasn’t anything that got past her.”

  I never took my eyes off of Jasper as I listened to him say, “Sydney was so excited about becoming a child psychologist. From the time she’d started high school, it was all she talked about. She wanted to help lost kids find their way. I’d never seen her more excited than the day she found out that she’d been accepted into Xavier University.”

  I had no idea where he was going with this story, but my interest was piqued at the mention of the university where my father worked. I could hear the anguish in his voice as he spoke. Fearing how he might react, I didn’t dare interrupt. Instead, I just kept my mouth shut and let him keep talking. “She had her whole life ahead of her … until she fell for him. Sydney thought he hung the moon. Couldn’t stop talking about how wonderful he was and how much she enjoyed being with him. I had thought it was just a phase, but I was wrong. In just a few short months, she’d fallen in love with him.”

  Having no idea what he was talking about, I asked, “Who?”

  Rage flashed through his eyes as he replied, “Your father! Sydney was in love with your father. He was one of her professors for Christ’s sake. He had no business getting involved with her.”

  “That’s not possible.” I couldn’t believe my ears. I thought he was crazy. He had to be. He was standing in Jasper’s kitchen with a gun to my head. It only made sense that he would be completely delusional. “There’s no way my father would get involved with one of his students!”

  “He would and he did!” he shouted. “Not only did he get involved with her, he got her pregnant!”

  As I stood there doubting everything he was saying, all I could respond was, “You’ve got the wrong man.”

  Lowering his weapon, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. After a quick moment of searching, he grumbled something under his breath, then turned the screen to me. My stomach twisted into a knot when I saw my father with his arm around a beautiful girl who looked to be several years younger than me. Holding on to the hope that Charlie was wrong, I told him, “This picture doesn’t prove anything. Teachers take pictures with students all the time. It could be completely innocent.”

  “Maybe so, but what about this one?” He flicked the screen to show another picture—a selfie where my father was kissing the young woman. “Or this one?” He swiped again and again, revealing image after image of my father with the same woman, each picture more scandalous than the one before. “Do these look innocent to you?”

  “No, they don’t.” I shook my head with disbelief. “Where did you get these?”

  “I found them on my daughter’s phone.”

  “Oh, God.”

  “So, you’re finally starting to get it.” I didn’t want to believe it. I’d always thought that my father was one of the good ones, that he loved my mother and would never betray her, but after seeing those pictures, there was no way to deny that he was involved with his student.

  Charlie let out a deep breath. “She was only twenty-two years old … just a few months away from graduating, but she was still a student in his class. He knew he fucked up. He knew he’d lose his job if it had gotten out that he’d knocked up one of his students. Then, he’d lose his wife. His daughter. Hell, he’d lose everything. That’s why he’d turned her away … told her that he didn’t want anything to do with her or her unborn child. That sonofabitch had no idea how lucky he was that she’d even given him a second look!”

  “I don’t know what to say.” I felt sick. It was bad enough that he’d cheated on my mother, but to hear just how awful he’d been made bile rise up in my throat. “I’m so sorry. I can’t believe he did that to her.”

  “Well, he did. To make matters worse, things could’ve been different. He could’ve manned up, taken responsibility for what he’d done. At least, then, she wouldn’t have felt so fucking rejected. Just maybe, she’d still be alive.”

  “Alive? What are you talking about?” I gasped. “What happened to Sydney?”

  “When your father had turned his back on her, she lost it. I tried talking to her, told her that everything would be okay, but she wouldn’t listen. She’d been too devastated to think. She’d tried to reach out to him one last time, but when he’d refused to see her, she spiraled out of control. Locked herself in the bathroom and slit her wrists … killing herself and her unborn child.” He turned to me with nothing but hatred in his eyes as he growled, “Because of your father, I lost my daughter and my grandchild!”

  “Oh, God. That’s so awful.” With tears streaming down my face, I cried, “I’m so sorry that happened to her and to you.”

  “She was the only good thing I had in my life. I’ve got nothing now while your father still has everything. He has his fancy-ass job, his wife, and his daughter. He never had to pay for what he did to her, but that’s about to change.”

  “But you have to know that killing me isn’t going to bring Sydney back.”

  “Maybe not, but your father will finally get what’s coming to him.”

  Charlie was losing his patience. Regardless of whether or not Jasper came around, it wouldn’t be long before he pulled the trigger. Hoping to buy myself some time, I asked, “And what would Sydney think of you doing this? Do you really think she would want you to kill me to get back at my father?”

  “Don’t pretend to know anything about my daughter or what she would want! Your father destroyed her, and by doing so, he destroyed me. He’s going to pay for that shit—first, with your life and then with your mother’s! He will lose everything that’s important to him, just like I did!”

  “Your thirst for vengeance will only end up causing you more pain. Don’t you see that?”

  He stared up at the ceiling like he was considering what I’d said. For a split second I thought I’d actually gotten through to him, but my hopes were quickly dashed when he replied, “Pain is the only thing I’ve got left. It’s the only way I know I’m alive, and soon your father will know exactly how I feel.”

  “Please don’t do this,” I begged. “There has to be another way.”

  “There’s no other way.”

  We were both so caught up in our conversation that neither of us had realized that Jasper had come to. Just as Charlie was raising his weapon, I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. Relief washed over me when I realized that Jasper had gotten to his feet. I didn’t want to give him away, so I kept my focus trained on Charlie and prayed that he wouldn’t notice Jasper behind him. Hoping to distract him, I said, “Before you kill me, I have one question for you to consider.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “If you kill me without my father even knowing why … he’ll be heartbroken … destroyed even, but what will keep him from doing what he did to Sydney to some other girl?”



  After hearing what had happened to his daughter, I almost felt sorry for Charlie, but just thinking about everything he’d done—how far he’d taken things—brought a fiery rage searing through me. It was time for him to pay for the mistakes he’d made, and I intended to be the one who dished out his
punishment. He was so focused on Madison and her last question that he hadn’t noticed that I was standing directly behind him. With adrenaline pumping through my veins, I took one last step, closing the gap between us, then quickly wrapped my arm around his neck. Surprised by my touch, he shot off two rounds, nearly hitting Madison. Grinding my forearm against his throat, I growled, “Drop it!”

  “Not gonna happen.”

  I tightened my grip, strangling him as I demanded, “I said—drop it, Charlie.”

  “Fuck you,” he shouted as he rammed his elbow into my gut.

  I shifted my stance, but I didn’t loosen my hold. There was no way in hell I was letting him go, not until the motherfucker took his last breath. “You’re only making this harder on yourself, Charlie.”

  “You can’t best me, Jasper.” He leaned forward and pulled me up and over his back as he slammed me to the ground. “I’m the one who taught you everything you know.”

  My shoulder was throbbing in pain as I reached up and slammed my fist into the side of Charlie’s face. His head reared back which gave me a chance to lunge forward and grab a hold of his gun. As soon as I had it in my grasp, Charlie tried to pull it free. A struggle for dominance ensued. I let my rage and pain take hold, using it to give me strength while I held on to the barrel, twisting and tugging as I turned my body away from him. He dug his free hand into my wound, and a rush of pain jolted through my body. My arm lost tension and my legs started to give way, but I refused to let go. I wouldn’t let him get the best of me—not now, not ever. Knowing this was a fight where only one of us would be walking away, I threw my head forward, slamming it into Charlie’s nose, breaking it instantly.

  With blood rushing down his face, he snarled, “Is that all you’ve got?”

  “Not a chance, old man. I’m just getting started,” I scoffed, as I slipped my leg behind his, knocking him to the ground. After plowing my fist into his sternum, I hit him in the nose again, then straddled my feet at his waist. I stood over him as I slowly inched the barrel of his gun towards his chest. Bruised and winded, Charlie tried to resist, using whatever strength he had left to keep me from gaining complete control of his gun. “You should’ve never come here, Charlie. You should’ve just left it alone.”

  With the barrel of his gun positioned at his chest, he shook his head and replied, “You know I couldn’t do that.”

  “You could have, but you were too fucking stubborn.” Charlie kept fighting against me as I slipped my finger over the trigger, preparing to shoot. “You were too focused on getting your fucking revenge! Fuck, man. You couldn’t even see that what you were doing was wrong.”

  “I did what I had to do.” Hatred flashed through his eyes as he jolted forward, trying one last time to prevent the inevitable. I was done fighting. There was no point anyway. Charlie would never see that he was wrong and as long as he had control of the contract on my life, Madison and I would never be free. With a deep sadness, I pulled the trigger, sending a bullet straight through his heart. Air rushed from his lungs as he let his arms fall limp at his sides. He stared up at the ceiling as he whispered, “I loved my daughter. Loved her with all my heart and soul, but I’d always wanted a son. You were as close as I ever got to getting one.”

  “Dammit, Charlie.”

  “At least now, I can be with my Sydney.”

  He closed his eyes, and the room stilled as he took his last breath. I knelt down and placed my hand at his throat, checking for any sign of life, but there was none. Charlie was gone. While looking down at him, I thought back over everything that had happened, all the signs I’d let myself ignore. I silently cursed myself, wishing I’d done something more. Maybe then, Charlie would still be alive, and I wouldn’t have to feel the guilt of losing someone else I cared about. As I stood up, I could feel myself withdrawing, escaping into that dark place inside my head, when I felt Madison’s arms slip around me. Like the sun breaking through dark clouds, she pulled me back, making me remember what I had to live for. As I turned, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” She glanced down at Charlie’s body and asked, “Is it over?”

  “Yeah, baby. It’s finally over.” I led her away from his body and over to the living room. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes, Jasper. I’m sure. It’s you that I’m worried about.” She looked down at the blood stains on my t-shirt. “We need to get you to a hospital.”

  I shook my head. “That’s not gonna happen.”

  “You’ve been shot, Jasper!”

  “I’m well aware of that. Doesn’t change the fact that I’m not going to the hospital. They’ll ask too many questions and gun-shot wounds get reported. That’s the last thing I need right now.”

  I reached into my back pocket for my phone and dialed my father’s number. As soon as he answered, I said, “You told me to call if I needed you.”

  “I did. What do you need?”

  “Can you come to the lodge and pick up Madison … take her back to the house with you?”

  “Of course. I’ll be there in an hour,” he assured me.

  “Also, gonna need you to bring your medical bag.”

  “Why?” he gasped. “Are you hurt?”

  “Just bring it, Dad, please, and see if you can get a hold of Grady. I could really use his help too.”

  “You got it.”

  I’d barely hung up the phone before Madison started in on me. “I’m not leaving you, Jasper.”

  “You don’t have a choice.” I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. “I need to get this place cleaned up.”

  “But you’re bleeding. How are you supposed to do all this alone?” she argued. “Please, just let me help you.”

  “No, Madison. You’ve already seen too much. I don’t want you tarnished by this any more than you already are.”


  “No buts.” I motioned my hand towards the bedroom as I told her, “Go pack your things.”

  “Only if you’ll let me check your wound and see if there’s anything I can do for you.”

  “I already told you, I’m fine.”


  “All right, but you’re worrying over nothing.” I pulled my t-shirt over my head, and Madison’s eyes widened in horror when she saw the hole in my shoulder. “It’s a clean shot.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “The bullet went straight through … When it hits a bone and it hurts like a motherfucker.” I snickered. “You do know this isn’t my first rodeo?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’ve been shot before, Madison.” I cocked my eyebrow as I pointed to an old scar, then asked her, “You’ve seen this before, haven’t you?”

  When she didn’t immediately answer, I started to chuckle. “Oh, that’s right. You were too busy gawking at certain other things to even notice.”

  “I was not!”

  “Yeah. You were, but that’s fine with me.” I chuckled again. “You know, Charlie was a good shot. This could’ve been a hell of a lot worse … could’ve hit me square in the heart if you hadn’t pushed him like you did. Hell, I probably wouldn’t be standing here if you hadn’t.”

  “I wish I could’ve done more.” She winced as she brought her hand up to the wound and pressed. “Maybe then he would’ve missed altogether.”

  “You did all you could do, baby.”

  “I need to get something to clean this.” Her eyes narrowed as she ordered, “Stay put.”

  I watched as she rushed down the hall and into the bathroom. I could hear her rummaging around in the cabinets and drawers, and moments later, she returned with her arms full of towels, ointments, and bandages. After dropping them down on the coffee table, she eased over to the counter and grabbed the bottle of Tylenol I’d bought her along with a bottle of water. Then she offered them to me. “Take a couple of these.”

  I poured some into my hand and tossed them into my
mouth. “Now what, Doc.”

  “Sit down on the table and try to be still.” Anguish crossed her face as she started cleaning my wound, and it wasn’t long before tears were streaming down her face as she continued wiping the blood off of my chest. “Did you hear anything Charlie was saying?”

  “Not everything, but I heard enough.”

  “I just can’t believe it. I never would’ve dreamed that my father would get involved with one of his students. If I had known …”

  I reached up and placed my hand on her jaw, forcing her to look me in the eye as I said, “None of this was your fault, Madison. None of it.”

  “I wish I could believe that.” She wiped the tears from her face, then reached for the antiseptic, dabbing carefully on my torn flesh. “I’m so mad at him. I can’t believe he did that to that poor girl. How could he be so cruel?”

  “I’m sure he thought he had no other choice.”

  “He was a coward.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. You haven’t heard his side of the story,” I reminded her. “You need to give him a chance to explain.”

  “You’re probably right, but before I can do that, I have to tell them I’m alive,” she scoffed. “I have no idea where I’m going to tell them I’ve been for all this time. It’s not like I can tell them the truth.”

  “No, you can’t.”

  “Well, I’ve gotta come up with something … something that not only my parents will believe but the police too.”

  “We’ll come up with a feasible story.”

  She finished cleaning my wound and managed to get the bleeding to slow down. “I don’t know what else to do with this. I’m pretty sure you need stitches, but I’m afraid without antibiotics it might cause an infection.”


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