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The Darkest Captive

Page 13

by Gena Showalter

  “Of course not. I like you just as you are.” He would take her however he could get her. But the woman she was now? The one who melted when he touched her? He liked her best of all. “I hope you’ll grow to like you as much as I do.”

  “Wait. Why wouldn’t you change me back into someone fierce and fearless?”

  “Don’t get me wrong. I liked that girl, too, and admire her sass. And I think she still exists inside you.” Every so often, he caught a glimpse of her fire. “But she desired Aeron, which is a total deal breaker for me. The woman in my arms is smarter. Obvi. She chose to be with me. And she’s stronger than you think. She fought to survive a bleak situation. Twice! But the icing on top? She knows my past, yet she still looks at me as if I hung the moon.” He got high on that look.

  She met his gaze, and he sucked in a breath. There it was. The look of adoration. An-n-nd yes. Instant high.

  Hard as a rock, he cupped her nape and urged her closer for a soft, lingering kiss full of languid heat and wanton desire. When he considered sliding into her a second time, a realization dawned, and he cursed. “I didn’t wear a condom.”

  Her eyes widened, and she sat up, crossing her legs, her breasts bobbing. “So I could end up pregnant. A mother… I’ve never considered having a child. Have you? Wait. You have Gwen.” Brow furrowing, she said, “Why do you have a scrapbook about her life, but ignore her in reality?”

  A clench in his chest. “Her life is easier without me in it. If I sought a relationship with her, I would only drive a wedge between her and Sabin.”

  “I think she’s capable of managing a relationship with both of you, the same way I’m going to manage a relationship with both you and Aeron. So how about you give her a choice in the matter?”

  Jealousy frothed, ready to pounce. Leila and Aeron? I’ll die first!

  Galen ignored the demon, and the fury. He scrubbed a hand down his face. “Once upon a time, I worked with Rhea, Cronus’s wife. She knew about Gwen before I did and though we were allies, she sought the girl’s destruction. How much worse would my enemies attack if they knew I loved her?”

  “Gwen can take care of herself. Plus, she has the Lords.” Leila drummed her nails against her knee. “Did Rhea help you create the Hunters?”

  Hunters—an army of humans who had believed Galen was an angel. At his orders, the men and women had fought to eradicate immortals and their “evil” from the world. All the while, he’d laughed that they’d had no idea they worshipped the evilest immortal. “She was imprisoned in Tartarus for centuries, but yes. Until her escape, she used mortal advocates.”

  The things they’d done together…

  Ignore the guilt. Guilt would only weigh him down.

  Leila traced a fingertip over the sheet. Hoping to appear nonchalant? “Would you be upset if I was pregnant?”

  “I…wouldn’t,” he said. Shocker! But he’d spoken the truth. A chance to be a father, and part of a legit family…to have an eternal tie to the woman he loved…the idea appealed to him greatly. “Until we’ve gotten things straightened out with Aeron and the others—and Cronus, and Lucifer—we should be more careful.”

  Disappointment sparked in her eyes, but she nodded. “You’re right. I know you’re right. I mean, we haven’t even talked about whether or not our relationship is exclusive.”

  “We just discussed having a baby. We’re exclusive. However, since Aeron came up, you should know that he and I have some unfinished business.”

  “About me?”

  He gave a clipped nod. “We’re in the middle of a multifaceted argument.”

  When he offered no more, she sighed and prompted, “About?”

  Why not admit the truth and gauge her reaction? “I want to be with you, and he wants to gut me. I want to keep you always, and he wants to separate us. I want to continue breathing, and he wants me to stop.”

  Her shoulders rolled in, the reaction he’d expected but had hoped he wouldn’t receive. “Promise me you’ll talk with him, like a gentleman, and not hurt him.”

  Once again, fear rose up. Here it was, proof that he would lose Leila if he couldn’t make things work with Aeron.

  Looked like he would be letting go of past grievances and focusing on the future, after all. Otherwise known as handing the Lord his balls, with a thank you, sir, may I give you another? “I will promise, if you promise not to be alone with him. And I reserve the right to protect myself from a deathblow.”

  She stiffened, grating, “You don’t trust me not to cheat with a married man?”

  “I don’t trust Jealousy. The demon will fray my control.”

  “Sounds like an excuse.” She hmphed, but also petted his butterfly tattoo, as if to soothe him before Jealousy struck. “But I agree to your terms. So. Go on. Practice your gentlemanly speech. Pretend I’m Aeron.”

  “All right, I will. While most humans like to picture their audience naked to keep from getting nervous, I’d rather pluck out my eyes than imagine this particular audience unclothed. So, we’ll switch things up. You can picture me naked.”

  She chuckled as he untangled his body from hers. Then he stood at the side of the bed, giving her full frontal access to his rising erection. Feminine approval colored her cheeks, and she fanned her face.

  Sign me up for more of this.

  “Well, hellllll-o, handsome,” she said, and wiggled her brows. “But, uh, how am I supposed to use my imagination when you are actually naked?”

  He stroked his length up and down. “Oops. My bad. Should I put something on?”

  “Don’t you dare! Now let’s hear that speech, so I can have my wicked way with you.”

  Want that. Want her. He cleared his throat with exaggerated force. “Aeron,” he said in the kindest voice he could manage. “I’m here today to humbly request you back the fuck off. The end.”

  Leila covered her mouth in a failed attempt to mask her smile.

  He arched a brow. “What do you think? I know, I know. The middle is too long and needs tweaking. And I wasn’t sure about my use of humbly. Or request.”

  Pouting, she said, “You didn’t list any of the reasons you’re attracted to me. Or how perfect I am. Or how you revere every inch of me.”

  He gave his length another stroke. “How about I give you every inch of me?”

  Temptation made flesh, she leaned back, reclining on the pillows. “Yes. Remind me how perfectly we fit.”

  Awareness charged the air. Smile slow and languid, he placed his hands and knees on the mattress, one after the other, and crawled up her lush little body, thrilling when goose bumps spread over her inner thighs.

  “Would you like an oral presentation first, or hands-on instruction? Never mind.” He licked the heart of her need, earning a raspy moan. “I mentioned I like to multitask, right?”

  * * * *

  Though resplendent with sexual satisfaction, Legion was a bundle of nerves. She toyed with her diamond choker, but the jewelry failed to comfort her. It was then that she realized she hadn’t wanted jewelry when Cronus had taken her; she’d wanted Galen.

  He and Fox stood sentry in front of a large window, watching as she paced from one side of the entertainment room to the other. A massive plasma screen occupied an entire wall. A leather couch scattered with beaded pillows and forgotten popcorn kernels formed a half moon around the coffee table, a million game controllers scattered there. A trash bin overflowed with empty beer cans and broken bottles of wine.

  On the walls were different paintings of the Lords, each one more hilarious than the last. Clearly they’d tried to outdo each other with the ridiculousness of their outfits and poses. A thousand magnets covered the mini-fridge door, everything from Care Bears to an ad for erectile dysfunction. At the small, round kitchenette, a blowup doll sat in one of the chairs.

  Home sweet home. How she’d missed these people and their warped senses of humor.

  The door flew open, startling her. Aeron stalked inside, his eyes narrowed. His hands were fist
ed, but he wasn’t carrying a weapon, so Legion considered it a win.

  Aeron was a stunningly beautiful man. Not Galen beautiful, but then, no one was Galen beautiful. Even better, the tattooed warrior had a heart of gold underneath that bad boy exterior.

  “Aeron.” Heart galloping, she raced over and threw herself into his waiting arms.

  He swung her around, then set her on her feet and pushed her behind him. Confused, she peeked around him…ah. Okay. Galen had crossed the room and now stood a few feet away. His eyes were narrowed now, his hands fisted.

  He warned me. She moved between them, her arms outstretched. “I don’t want you guys to fight. Please, don’t fight.” How was she supposed to make the two most important men in her life get along? Especially when her boyfriend carried the essence of jealousy, and his “competition” was her first love, the man she’d given up everything to be with.

  Aeron ran his tongue over his teeth. “You like him?”

  “Yes.” Very much. But she loved him, too. Not that she was ready to admit her feelings to everyone. First, she had to get her new life in order.

  In hell, her abusers had killed her spirit. Now, thanks to Galen, she had been revived.

  “Tell me why,” Aeron insisted. “Why him, and no other?”

  “Yes, Leila. Tell him why,” Galen prompted, his tone devoid of emotion.

  Okay. Let’s do this. “No matter how much Galen despised me for my actions toward him, no matter how furious he’s been with me, he has always desired me. Me, and no other. He’s always excited to see me, even if I only leave a room for five minutes. He thinks I’m perfect just the way I am.”

  Galen’s expression began to soften.

  “He’s a thief and a liar. A betrayer.” Aeron reached for her, but she sidestepped him, her stomach flip-flopping. “He can’t be trusted. He destroys everything he touches.”

  Now Galen laughed. She heard pain, but no hint of amusement, and it ripped her insides to shreds. He’d made mistakes. A lot of mistakes. But so had she. So had Aeron. He’d paid in blood. It was time to forgive.

  “You’re right, Aer-bear. I can’t be trusted, and I destroy everything I touch.” Galen’s baby blues slid to Legion. He no longer resembled the fun, sensual warrior who’d rocked her world. Here, now, he was the merciless villain capable of any dark deed. “He’s right. I lied to myself. I won’t let go of the past. I lied to you. I won’t just defend myself from an attack. If he attempts to keep you from me, I will kill him. No one keeps you from me.”

  Allowing Jealousy to rule him? She lifted her chin and squared her shoulders. The past few weeks, Galen had been strong for her. Today, she would be strong for him.

  “He can’t keep me from you,” she said. “And if he tries, you won’t have to strike at him, because I will have already mowed him down.”

  Pride sparkled in Galen’s eyes, and maybe Aeron’s, too.

  “I want you both in my life,” she continued. “I’ve been deprived of enough already, don’t you think? So find a way to get along. That’s an order.”

  Fox stepped forward. Planning to threaten Aeron?

  “No.” Legion pointed a finger at her. “You don’t have a say in anything.”

  The other woman returned to her spot beside Galen.

  Well, well. Legion hadn’t possessed this air of authority in forever, and she liked it. “Galen, tell Aeron you’re not going to lie to him ever again.”

  “I won’t lie unless—”

  “Galen,” she snapped.

  “I won’t lie,” he said, and sighed.

  “Aeron,” she said next. “Tell Galen he’s welcome in your home.”

  Aeron remained stubborn. “He killed one of my friends.”

  “Yes, and your friend came back to life,” she reminded him.

  “After thousands of years,” he retorted.

  She glared. “Tell. Him.”

  Like her boyfriend—she really liked that title—Aeron sighed. “Fine. He’s welcome here.”

  “Good boys.” With a contented smile, she patted Aeron’s cheek, then kissed Galen’s lips. “My work here is done.” Head high, she strolled from the room.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Legion!” “Honey buns!” “Honey badger!”

  The chorus rang out as different Lords and Ladies noticed her arrival in the kitchen. At the table, Keeley sat on Torin’s lap, feeding him grapes. Paris stood behind Sienna’s chair, massaging her wings and shoulders. Sabin occupied a window alcove, watching as Gwen paced in front of him.

  Everyone rushed over to hug Legion. She was all smiles as she returned their embraces.

  “You look so good,” Keeley said. “You’re glowing! I knew Galen would be an incredible lover. I just knew it.”

  Torin cringed, saying, “My poor, sweet ears.”

  Legion’s cheeks heated. “Sometime in the future, I would like to speak with you alone, Keeley.” There was too much going on right now, too many prying ears. She had questions about Cronus’s mental link—ways to stop him if ever he or anyone else tried again. As old as Keeley was, as much knowledge as she possessed, she would know.

  “Are you going to ask me for sex advice?” the other woman asked. “Because I’ve been thinking about this for the past two minutes and I have some ideas.”

  No time to reply. Gwen whisked in front of her. “Okay, I need you to blink twice if Galen forced you to look so happy so we wouldn’t gut him.”

  Galen’s daughter was a stunningly beautiful woman. Harpy. Whatever. She had long, strawberry blonde hair, big blue eyes so like her father’s, and flawless golden skin. Adorable iridescent wings fluttered on her back.

  Harpies descended from demons and vampires, and they were extraordinarily strong and as fast as lightning. By nature, they were bloodthirsty, vicious, and vindictive.

  “I’m genuinely happy,” Legion said, her smile widening. “Your dad is a good man. He loves you, you know. I think you should give him a chance.”

  “Ew. Gross.” Gwen grimaced. “You said the D-word.”

  “You tamed the untamable Galen.” Sienna pushed her way forward, using her wings to nudge people out of the way. “From now on, I’m going to call you The Legiondary.”

  Keeley was the next one to step up. “I’m so jealous. You’ve got Galen in the sweet spot—desperate for your approval. Never let him leave it.”

  Legion fluffed her hair.

  Footsteps sounded. All conversations ceased. Excitement crackled in the air.

  Heat pricked the back of her neck. Galen had followed her, hadn’t he?

  Slowly she pivoted on her heels. Sure enough, he loomed in the kitchen entryway. His ocean water blues scanned the occupants, and to an untrained observer, he might appear cold and removed. Not Legion. For a split second, his gaze hitched on Gwen, glittering with untold longing.

  The same untold longing consumed Legion, blending with all the love in her heart. So much longing and love it terrified her. Would she always feel this strongly with Galen? And what would happen if ever she lost him?

  “Hello, traitor,” Sabin said, his tone even. He unveiled a smile full of bite, and yet, there was no real malice, as if he wanted to hold on to a grudge he’d already forgiven.

  Still, anger sparked. Lashing out might not be such a bad thing.

  “Hello, son.” Galen’s smile had bite, too, but just like with Sabin, there was no malice. He spread his arms and waved his fingers. “Come give Papa a kiss.”

  “How about I give you a full-on make-out session with my fists?” Sabin lunged at him.

  In a flash of movement, Gwen had her boyfriend—husband—consort—whatever on the floor, her boot positioned on the back of his neck. “Nope. No fighting. I don’t like blood on my appliances.”

  One day, I will be swift and strong. She would train until nothing and no one had the ability to overpower her. She would protect Galen the way he had protected her.

  “Where was this animosity the last hundred times I visited?
” Galen asked casually.

  With Gwen crushing his windpipe and all, it must have been difficult for Sabin to speak, but somehow he managed to rasp, “You weren’t sleeping with our girl back then.”

  “My girl. And anyone who says otherwise gets—” Galen looked at Legion, popped his jaw. “A ten-second frencher. Not a dagger through the heart.”

  “A frencher is worse,” Paris said, and pretended to gag.

  “Me, me!” Keeley raised her hand. “Sign me up for some of that.”

  A growl reverberated in Legion’s chest, surprising her. She loved Keeley, and knew the woman would never cheat on Torin, so why—

  Ahhhh. Okay. Yeah. The demon of Jealousy. Legion finally had something to lose, so she’d finally gotten a true taste of the bastard’s evil, despite her natural defenses. No wonder Galen hadn’t wanted her to spend any alone-time with Aeron.

  Her winged warrior offered her a sensual wink. “Look at me, being a big boy again. I didn’t attack, even when I had every provocation. Do I get a reward?”

  “Big boys get big rewards,” she said, and blew him a kiss.

  “If you’ll excuse us.” Galen took Legion’s hand with his metal one and led her from the kitchen.

  No one protested. A few people wagged their brows. Keeley tried to high-five Gwen, who flatly refused, so the Red Queen high-fived herself.

  “Did anyone else find Galen hot just now?” she heard Sabin say. “Oh, uh. Yeah. Me neither.”

  She snorted. Galen rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t mask his contentment.

  When they reached a private hallway, he spun to face her. No, not just to face her, but to back her into a wall. With his hands at her temples, and his wings wrapped around her sides, he caged her in.

  Heart racing, blood heating, she peered up at him. “Hallway quickie?”

  He brushed the tip of his nose against hers. “I want to prepare you,” he said.

  “And I want you to prepare me, too.” Arching her hips, rocking against his erection, she kissed the thundering pulse in his neck. “Can we go to our bedroom first?”

  After hissing in a breath, he said, “I’m not talking about sex. Though we’ll get to that. I want to prepare you for the truth. I’m going to mess up sometimes. Being nice to people who threaten me is new, and I’m asking—no, I’m begging—you for a learning curve. I realize now that I might have been too hopeful”—he sneered the word—“when I promised not to attack your loved ones.”


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