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Absorbing White

Page 18

by Charlotte E Hart

  I raise my hands to touch his chest and feel him shudder from the contact. He instantly takes a step away and nods to the table again. I take a step closer to him again because he isn’t in control of me, and I’ve got as much right in this as any of us. I won’t be broken, or told, or cajoled into anything by him. We are equal. The only person in this room that has any power over me is Alex, and when he asks, I will probably do, but I will hold my own with Pascal. I will demand and not be frightened or pushed by him anymore. I will command the same respect he has for Alex and he will honour that, regardless of the fact that I’d let him do just about anything at the moment because I can feel myself dripping down my thigh.

  “Say please.” The words are out of my mouth before I think anymore about it. Alex chuckles a little behind me, and for once, I understand his amusement. Pascal clearly doesn’t.

  “I have never asked pleasantly for anything, my rose. You should know this. You reminded me of it yourself.” Okay, now we’re going to have our own little battle, it seems. Fine.

  “You will for me.” He stares as I hold my hand on his chest again and gaze back, willing my conversation to enter his thoughts so that he gets it. So that he accepts it and we can all find a way through this. He flicks his eyes over my shoulder and frowns. I can only assume he’s not being helped by Alex. I can see his mind working through the possibilities. What does Alex want? That’s all that concerns him at the moment, how not to offend his new master. Eventually, he smiles and nods at the table again.


  My eyes narrow. He so doesn’t mean that, and his utterly tempting smile does nothing to conceal his amusement at my trying to be in control, only confirms it. My hand is grabbed, and I’m spinned around so sharply my body has no choice but to follow the twirls until I land arse first on the table. Damn heels. Then, before I’m aware of my balance again, he’s shoved the cane into my mouth lengthways and pushed me down onto my back so hard the air rushes out of me. His body hovers over me, those green eyes glinting and warning of all sorts of trouble that I should be saying no to. “Bite down, my dear. It will help with the screams.”

  Alex suddenly appears again from the gloom and gazes at me as he crosses to the window, one slight curl upwards of his lip as he raises his hand and lowers the blind. Apparently the viewing isn’t welcome anymore.


  Chapter 11


  H e stood still and fought the demons inside as he watched her being turned and moved, every instinct conflicting with the others as he fought to feel comfortable with what was about to happen. Pascal was now in malevolent mode, primed, ready, and very willing to obey.

  This was new to them all, nothing like the times before, no sense of normal or easy. Every touch on her skin was like a lightening bolt being delivered to his heart, every crass word used like a dig at perfection. Cunt – the word shouldn’t be used within two miles of the woman he loved, and yet that beast raging inside loved the sound of it, wanted to hear her scream and beg and howl in the same pain he’d heard from Roxanne.

  Roxanne. She was still here, wasn’t she? How fucking dare she intrude on this? She shouldn’t be here to see such utter perfection in action, shouldn’t be able to hear Elizabeth mewl and pant with desire, or watch Pascal at his finest. It wasn’t hers to see anymore. They were supposed to be alone for this. He was supposed to have organised it, got ready for it, made her aware it was going to happen, but watching Pascal bring himself out and deliver his punishment to Roxanne had been all any of them had needed to start this. His cock was burning, her pussy was on fire, and Pascal was more vicious than he’d seen him for a long time. The very air around them was crackling with arousal, and the smell, sounds and heat was damn near indescribable. Roxanne needed to leave. It wasn’t fucking happening with her in here.

  “Wait,” he said to Pascal as he crossed to the whore on the floor, who was still cowering in fear. She fucking deserved it. Never before had he seen someone be so rude to Pascal. She would never do it again, not while he had the man’s obedience anyway.

  “Where is his collar?” he asked, as nicely as possible given the circumstances. Frankly, his cock just wanted this out of the way as soon as possible so he could throw her from the room. She scowled up at him and clamped her little mouth shut. It wasn’t a wise move. He had far more important matters to attend to. “I will choke you on my cock if you don’t speak up.” Her eyes widened. “Did he do that to you? Choke you till you couldn’t breathe? Choke you until you gagged on your own vomit?” She shook her head a little and scuttled backwards. “No? Well it would be one way to show you who’s in control now, I suppose, although you could just give me the FUCKING COLLAR,” he roared.

  She jumped in response and scrambled away again, so he grabbed her boot and yanked her back to him, unzipping himself as she snarled and kicked. Fucking irritating dominants and their utter lack of respect for the rules. Who the hell did she think she was? She knew the rules, must have. Pascal was her Dom, for fuck’s sake. She kicked again, so he grabbed the whip from the floor and threw it around her neck. Two turns later and she was beneath him as he sat astride her and pulled out his cock. He had no intention of putting Elizabeth through that again, but Roxanne didn’t know that.

  “Rapunzel,” she shouted as he angled himself at her mouth. What? He stared for a few seconds and then waited for Pascal to answer, who was far too close to the love of his fucking life for his liking, regardless of the fact that he wanted what was happening, had asked for it, to be fair.

  “Safe word,” Pascal said in a bored tone, waving his hand idly as he dragged his fucking teeth across Elizabeth’s collarbone slowly. This might not end well. He could already feel his instincts kicking in to drag them apart again. Safe word, not a surprising one given the princess beneath him. Was he supposed to honour that? It wasn’t their safe word. He didn’t even really know the woman, for fuck’s sake. He waited again for some sign of sympathy from Pascal; it wasn’t forthcoming.

  “Alexander, please stop,” Roxanne said, pleadingly. Hmm. He looked at his love’s eyes and watched her watching him, her mouth parted around the cane, her breath almost reaching him from here, her throat pulsing and begging for touch, Pascal’s hands wandering, closer, lower. Her expression morphed into that lust-filled gaze he adored. She was ready, willing, waiting for him to show her, love her. Her every thought seemed to be screaming, “Leave her. Come here.” She didn’t need to see violence at the moment. She needed support, guidance and help to deal with what was happening.

  She needed him.

  He needed that damn collar, though, fucking rules of obligation. He flicked his eyes at Pascal and growled. The man instantly stopped and looked across at him from her chest, eyes almost lost but for his command. A piercing stare was all it took for Pascal to take a step away and lift his hands in surrender. He looked back down at Roxanne and tucked his cock away.

  “Shall I let him back at you? I may have some respect for your safe word, but you know he doesn’t.” She shook her head again. “I stopped it before, thinking you were ready. Now, I’m not so sure.”

  “He doesn’t deserve to have it back,” she spat. The woman had some guile; he had to give her that, and that may have been true but he still fucking wanted it, if only to prove the point to Pascal. But he wouldn’t have Elizabeth see anything too much for her to witness. He narrowed his eyes at the rogue and wondered how far he’d go with no one to stop him.

  “You have unfinished business down here, Pascal. Finish it, but do it respectfully. My rules. I want that fucking collar,” he said as he stood, walked straight in front of Pascal and wedged himself between Elizabeth’s thighs, his thighs, his throat. She looked up at him through the thick air in the room, their eyes connecting again as she dismissed Pascal’s and joined him again. He lifted her silken leg and wrapped it around his back, suddenly desperate to get closer to her and show her how he’d missed her, how much he wanted her, needed her. She pus
hed the cane from her mouth and let it roll down her chest towards him.

  “I believe that belongs to you, Mr White,” she said, that sexy little smile gracing her mouth and sending all kinds of thoughts to his cock. Choking was one of them. She had no idea.

  “That is does, Miss Scott,” he replied. “You can keep it if you like.” The mere thought of Pascal’s face was enough to curl both of their lips into a smile.

  “I hate you,” she said out of nowhere. He raised a brow and tightened his hold on her leg. “That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it? You wanted me to hate you. Well, I do, sort of.”

  He smirked a little in reply and lowered his head to her dress, which was in the damn way. Three tugs in the right direction and her astounding breasts popped out of the top, nipples tight and desperate for biting. He clamped his teeth down so hard she wailed and arched her back up into him, searching for more. His finger drew up those milky white thighs to find her dripping and mewling and panting as he dragged more harshly and let her feel his need.

  “Do you want me to fuck you, or him?” he breathed out around her nipples, clamping again and releasing, creating the rhythm, the verse she needed. Why he was asking was a mystery. She’d done as she was asked so far. Maybe he should just tell her.

  “Him,” she said. He could have roared with jealousy, could have beaten Pascal to death at the mere thought that she wanted him more. Did she? His head came up to gaze at her, chocolate brown eyes completely owning his every thought. Love – the man was right. This shit did complicate everything. “If that’s what you want, too.” It was a slight reprieve, but it still damn well pissed him off.

  He turned to watch the commotion that was now happening in the corner and tried to realign the internal commotion that was occurring. It was no use to anyone, especially not her. No matter how strong the temptation to just give in to the darkness was, he wouldn’t allow her to be manhandled until he knew she was ready for it. This was the first time. She would be cared for.

  Pascal suddenly dragged Roxanne across the room by her hair. She winced, and kicked and screamed but his body simply grew and ignored it, his long strides yanking her all the way to the cross on the wall and then hauling her up against it with perfect dexterity. His was an art form in himself, pure undiluted sadism, not one hint of regret or thought other than sheer dominance. Controlling him wasn’t going to be easy. He watched Roxanne’s eyes widen and wondered what she’d had over him for Pascal to allow it. If the situation weren’t quite so tetchy, he’d ask her.

  “Is it Christmas yet?” his angel said beneath him. His eyes swivelled back to her.

  “No, it can’t be. I haven’t got a bow to tie you up with.” She smiled and licked her lips. Fuck, he wanted to kiss her. He wanted to do a lot of things but kissing her was on top of the list.

  “I want a bow, and a tree, and decorations.” She glanced over his shoulder. “Why is she still here?”

  “Collar,” he growled irritably as her thigh pulled him closer and she ground her pussy into him. He groaned and pushed back harder. With nothing but a scrap of material in the way, he wished Pascal would get the hell on with it. “New responsibilities.”

  She stared for a few more moments before reaching in between them for his cock, grasping and tugging and squeezing through his trousers until all that was left was her hand and that fucking mouth, lips shining and begging to be forced.

  “Take me, Alex,” she whispered. “Show me. I want you. I need you.”

  He savoured the thought as his hand pushed inside her. She squirmed and ground back down onto it instantly, spreading those legs wider as she bucked and tried to find purchase for more. So wet, dripping and pulling him in further. Fuck, he wanted to beat her, hold her, rip every shred of decency from her and make her just for him, like him. Fuck morals, fuck obligations, fuck every other person in the world who knew nothing about this. Just them, the two of them, three of them even, bound, gagged, bleeding, screaming, coming, panting. Blind sweat and howls of desire, and tears, beautiful tears – fuck, he wanted her tears, wanted to watch the terror leak from her as she fell into him again and gave him everything.

  “Pain,” she mused, mid-drift, those eyes now beginning to cloud slightly as he rammed his hand in again. Her breathing evened out to a steadier rate, waiting for the more he was offering. She pulled herself up to get closer to him, her lips hovering around his as she locked her eyes with his and promised him the world with them. Grabbing at her, he twisted her breast until those eyes screwed shut and she shrieked in pain. Pain… That he could offer, and he could give it with no need for consideration, no worry as to how much she could take anymore. She’d let him know if she needed to stop, wouldn’t she? She wouldn’t be agreeing to any of this if she didn’t understand by now, would she? She knew what just saying ‘chess’ would mean? He’s stop, he would. She knew that.

  “I’ll listen if you say it,” he mused quietly, gazing at her panting mouth. It was a promise, because after all he’d put her through, she was still here, yielding, begging, wanting him. “Let me push you.”

  He unzipped again and grabbed at his cock. He had to get inside her again, had to feel her clenching around him and giving him everything. She mewled and begged in his ear while she fidgeted and yanked at his clothing to get him closer, deeper, just like she always did. One heated shove and he was exactly where he wanted to be, balls deep and watching her gasp for air. Her moan of desire filled the air with only her as her fingers tightened on his collar and pulled him towards her lips, his fucking lips. He bit down onto them and felt her breath panting into his mouth, felt her legs tighten around his waist, felt the constriction of her pussy pulling him further in love with every grasp.

  A hand suddenly arrived over his shoulder, dangling a thin strip of burgundy leather.

  Fucking responsibilities. Why was he always in the fucking moment? Inconsiderate bastard.

  “What would you like me to do with it, Sir?” Pascal asked, as sarcastically as he could. He could think of a few things at the moment, none of them particularly helpful to Elizabeth, or himself. She groaned beneath him and shot a death glare at Pascal.

  “Really?” she snapped. “God, give me a fucking break.” She rolled her eyes and lay down on the table again with a thud. “This is not going to sodding work until you pair get this crap sorted out. I will not share this moment, at all.” What the fuck was that? Pascal smirked, and waggled the strap again. She shook her head and shuffled her body away from him until she was on the other side of the table, staring at them and reorganising her dress. “Do you know how long I’ve been thinking about this, trying to deal with it? For fucking ever, and it’s your fault, and yours, too, I suppose, and that’s fine, ish. But don’t think I’m doing this half-arsed. It’s all or nothing. And is there a possibility of a bloody bed being involved? I mean after the, you know, other stuff. Or during it, maybe, and possibly it would be better to not be in here with that watching.” She pointed over their shoulders in disgust.

  Alex stared back at her in shock. Where had this version come from? He turned to look at Roxanne, who was still strapped to the cross as she hung her head and sniffled pathetically. Pascal smiled serenely as if he hadn’t caused any harm at all and continued leering at his angel.

  “What did you do?” Alex asked, glancing over her scrawny body for injuries and suddenly remembering now was probably a good time to put his cock away, again. There weren’t any of consequence, Pascal had clearly used mind games to win his war, something he was particularly good at. He glanced back at Elizabeth. He could still fuck her and deal with this other shit later. She stared at Roxanne in horror so he turned back again.

  “She is quite anxious around bodily fluids, other than come, and your knife was within arm’s reach,” the man replied, casually. Alex raised a brow in reply and looked back at his angel for her opinion. She shot another glare at Pascal.

  “Knife? That’s my sodding knife. What did you do with my knife?”

>   “Not a thing, I simply held it in front of her. She is squeamish of such things. A good incentive, yes?””

  “So you actually went in my bag? How dare you? That’s personal for God’s sake.”

  “I have been inside you, my rose. How is your bag more personal?” It was a fair point. Alex waited for a reply and tucked his cock away with a groan as he looked back at her. Compliant fucking was off the menu for a while it appeared. She threw her hands in the air and scowled.

  “Actually you haven’t, yet. On it maybe, around it even, but in it? No. And a lady’s bag is her secret, Pascal. You can’t just go poking around in it whenever you like.”

  “I will poke around in whatever I feel like. Is this not what we are doing in here? Alexander, enlighten your woman,” the man replied as he twirled his way around the table flamboyantly and halted a step in front of her. She snarled a little, grabbed at the cane on the table and mumbled something about having to deal with this situation. Then, with her own flurry of dramatics, she stepped around him and stormed across to the door.

  “I’m leaving,” she snapped. “With this, because it’s mine now, because he gave it to me.” She stopped and poked her tongue out at Pascal. “So would you deal with whatever this is and then meet me by the front door?” And with a click of the door handle she slammed the door closed behind her and left.

  They both stared at the door for a good thirty seconds before Pascal spoke and interrupted Alex’s thoughts of teaching her more obedience. It wasn’t going to happen. He still liked that fired up version of sexy as hell anyway.

  “Do you have no control over her at all?”

  “Not much, no.”

  “Did you really give her my father’s cane?”

  “Yes, I thought she deserved it for even entertaining this.”

  “Hmm, I didn’t get to taste her, again, and why have I not been inside her yet? You blocked my progress. It was unreasonable of you.”


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