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This Changes Everything

Page 29

by Sally Ember, Ed.D.

  Chapter 5

  I walk down another street.

  Most Earthers are discovering that we can and must “walk down another street.” If we do not, we “stay in the hole.” In this situation, those that keep falling in the same hole, downed by their resistance to change, are caught in entrenchment.

  Trenchers have fewer choices once they become stuck in their beliefs. Most are ReInvolved, which, as we all now know, means they leave their current bodies and go into reincarnation soon after Transition since they can't continue in their present form of physical existence.

  “Change or die” becomes more than a slogan for management trainers. Trenchers who cannot change are Sequestered, or as my nephew, Chief Moran Ackerman says, Qed, if they are not ReInvolved. They do not know this, at first.

  In early 2013, after instant Access to MWC-sanctioned information is established, the deaths and disappearances, psychotic breaks and other losses of functionality for millions of individuals become public knowledge. Those in the so-called “1%,” as named by “Occupy Wall Street” and others in the political protest movement of 2011-12, the men and women who currently hold the majority of power and wealth on Earth, experience a disproportionate loss of “members”: almost all of them are affected, to the point of death/ ReInvolvement.

  Not surprisingly, the most philanthropic among them do the best with accepting these changes. Most of the males and many of the women die.

  The deaths among the 1% seem to be heart- or brain-related (coronaries, strokes), but it soon becomes clear that the actual cause is their inability to adapt to the “new world”: they are continuously “falling into the hole” and do not know how to, or refuse to consider that they have to “walk down another street.”

  There is no place for such extreme selfishness, no way to continue to ignore our interdependence, no justification for greed and personal benefit at others’ expense during and after The Transition. Like the early followers of the Buddha, many Earthers’ heart-minds can't take the stress: their "heads explode.”

  For those who don’t know, the Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddhartha) teaches in India, circa 500 A.D. Orally, often on mountaintops, he explains the dharma for the first time to fortunate followers. A famous location for these teachings, called “Vulture Peak” in English, is the site of his first explanation of “emptiness” in the form of “The Heart Sutra,” the Prajnaparamita.

  I hear this story from several Buddhist teachers who hear it from their teachers. They say that, after the Buddha's followers on Vulture Peak hear emptiness teachings for the first time, the concepts are so difficult to grasp, so impossible to reconcile with their current ways of perceiving and thinking, that some of their heads actually explode. They literally cannot contain the seeming contradictions nor live with the apparent paradoxes inherent in living with and accepting this view of "reality."

  Some of Buddha’s followers, however, not only succeed in receiving these teachings without dying; they understand absolute truth. Then, through intensive meditation, contemplation, discussion and action, these spiritual survivors learn how to live with this truth and eventually, how to impart the teachings to others.

  The most difficult section for new students to grasp is often translated like this: “Emptiness is form; form is emptiness; Emptiness is not form; form is not Emptiness.” “Emptiness” is a very rough translation, from Sanskrit and later Buddhist countries’ languages, into English. It is sometimes translated as “void,” “nothingness,” or “space,” and all are inadequate, really, as equivalent English terms. Just so you know.

  Change and die is really how this all works. Transformation, impermanence, constant change: these are inherent parts of all beings’ existence, all around the multiverse.

  Once Earthers understand that “life” is not restricted to one body, one time; that spirit, soul, atman or the essence of a being is not restricted to one lifetime, one timeline, or one type of being; that transmigration and reincarnation are factual; that we are all interdependent and interconnected; and, that sentience takes many more forms than most Earthers believe: these understandings change everything for everyone, forever.

  Most Earthers learn that we can live and stay mentally stable enough to incorporate this new information and find a way to help it co-exist within our current lives and belief systems, so we survive.

  Many of us thrive. Earth, as a planet, certainly does.

  There is some comfort in knowing that all those who become Qed or ReInvolved are so because they are unable/unwilling to adapt. The ReInvolved return almost immediately, perhaps elsewhere in the multiverse, in new physical forms. After their returns, they are able to live more happily and more productively, in harmony with truth and others.

  Timulters show this new life of their dearly departed to their remaining loved ones; thus, our mourning is limited. We may miss some people in the forms we know them best, or first, but we know we encounter one another repeatedly, in many forms. “We are, each one, another’s mother” is not merely a concept.

  It becomes less difficult, less painful, to “lose” someone through physical death. We understand: life changes and goes on. Death is merely another transition, not an end.

  You must be glad to know: a heart-felt knowledge of interdependence and reincarnation eventually ends almost all crime, all violence and all intentional harm, in one generation. Who wants to hurt your own mother, father, sister, brother? Do you want to cause problems for your future selves or loved ones? Only if you’re psychotic or a sociopath would you answer "yes" and behave in these now archaic ways. If so, you undoubtedly are Qed and do better upon ReInvolvement.

  I can tell you this, from many timults: by 2020, Earth prisons are virtually empty. Prisoners who cannot adapt are Qed or die into new forms; those who can adapt are freed.

  Due to my and many others leaders' directions, some prisons are converted to become communities in which those who are not fully functional may be tended to and be safe. These communities soon provide housing and care for those who need help for any reason, for infirmity of any type. These renovated campuses are excellent residential communities for those who need some guidance or assistance but do not need an actual hospital environment. These are not operated for anyone’s profit, but for the public good. Some prison complexes cannot be repurposed and are destroyed, the land put to better use.

  This entire process brings to my mind a version of the story of “Exodus,” in the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament. Most of you know that Moses and the Jews, who are slaves in Egypt, are saved by their God and allowed to escape. Then, they are forced to wander the desert—generating the term “Wandering Jew”—not able to return to the “Promised Land” for about 40 years.

  Some say this has to do with waiting for members of the older generations to die so that all those who live as slaves and are accustomed to that mindset of being a slave are gone, guaranteeing that only those who do not know life as adult slaves are able to return to their homeland and begin the new society. Otherwise, those that live as slaves would bring slavery back within them since nothing could change their minds and beliefs enough. The only prison that we can't escape from is the prison in our own minds.

  These old slaves are like Fraggers who believe the “good old days” of poverty, war, discrimination and addiction are “better” and want to drag their old ways into and through The Transition. Those internally enslaved can never truly be free. Moses himself is not allowed to return for that reason, some say. There are other interpretations and versions of this story, but I like this one best.

  The transformation of the population on Earth in 2012 – 2020 is a lot like this, for similar reasons. The MWC does not kill anyone; please know that. But, all the old sayings, like “you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs,” apply, here. Change, even when it’s for everyone’s ultimate benefit, includes destruction, even if only of key components of someone’s familiar life.

  Those of us who surv
ive and thrive are more easily able to understand intuitively that this process is necessary. Many others learn from us or the MWC resources via Access and adapt. The majority of Earthers do fine.

  Only the mentally and socially sick and perverse can wish for the return of violence, threats, crime, greed, slavery, incest, thievery, exploitation, domination, rape, gender violence, genital mutilation or the other manifestations of rigid and selfish beliefs that imprison or harm groups or individuals.

  Healthy Earthers do not miss living in fear or isolation.

  We do not miss beings' experiencing hunger, severe weather without protection, poverty or homelessness.

  We do not miss inequity, inequality, prejudice, intolerance or condemnation.

  We do not miss environmental disasters and their consequences caused by human greed and carelessness.

  Psi-Warriors’ ranks are filled with Earthers who join the MWC advocates to protect and preserve this brave, new, better future for us all. We who embrace The Transition share the recognition that the Psi-Warriors are not always needed, and glad to have them when they are needed

  Between 2013 – 2040, my term as Chief Communicator, and beyond, Earth and most of its inhabitants thrive.

  We who remain on Earth are all better off and we know it.

  I end my talk tonight with this prayer: May all who are ReInvolved during The Transition find delight and happiness in your new forms.

  Thank you for this award, which I share with many others. Thank you for your kind attention. [Applause]


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