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This Changes Everything

Page 33

by Sally Ember, Ed.D.


  MWC Lottery Winners Determine First Public Delegation to Earth

  Story posted on mwcw.lottery.verse

  December 8, 2012 Earth date

  I find out by accident about this win-a-visit-to-Earth Lottery for the selection of the Many Worlds Collective’s members who come to Earth to contact me and start the public relationship between Earth and the MWC. Once I find this, I am laughing so hard that I have to share. The MWC selection process is part hilarious, part quaint, part horrifying and part mysterious: precisely like most of Earth’s selection processes for important positions, yes? Think of the USA Congress' former "vetting" process for a presidential nominee for the Supreme Court and you have to agree.

  One day, when the group’s five holograms are visiting with me as part of my ongoing Excellent Skills Program and Chief Communicators' trainings (so, Espe is not here), I happen to ask: “How does each of you get to be part of this visit and to train me?”

  Ringo answers me first: “We are picked by Visitation Lottery.”

  He says this as if I am supposed to know exactly what this is, that it is a regular occurrence, so “everyone” already knows, etc.

  Unsatisfied, I ask: “What is a ‘Visitation Lottery’?”

  Mick tells me: “The Many Worlds Collective holds a Lottery every time a new planetary member is eligible for official Visitation, since so many are interested and would want to be part of a delegation like this.”

  “Really?” I respond, intrigued. “Who gets to enter the Lottery? How does it work, exactly?”

  Janis—Diana answer, together: “We have to enter in pairs because we do everything public with each other, but most enter as individuals.”

  Led continues: “The Lottery is part of the MWC’s Earth-accessible Resource Library, so you use iDs to view the entire process and all the announcements whenever you want. Here is the locator: mwcw.lottery.verse, December 8, 2012 Earth date.”

  “Great! I’ll get onto that later today!”

  “But,” Ringo warns, “don’t be concerned with the controversy and glitch; all settled.”

  Led is bouncing quite agitatedly and says: “Clara sees for herself. No need to worry her.”

  Ringo, who is with me all morning in a relaxed fashion, meaning all of his appendages are “out” and moving about randomly, abruptly retracts them all. I hear a “zipping” sound as they return to his main body even though the body is only here as a hologram.

  “Cool!” I think, since I do not usually see this, yet. But, I’m concerned that Led seemingly reprimands Ringo. Nothing like this happens in front of me, before now.

  I start to say something, but Mick speaks first. “Led! Calm down! Mistakes are made but that happens everywhere. The MWC is not perfect. It does not claim to be!”

  Led bounces more slowly and with less height on each bounce, getting back to regular hovering.

  I wait. We all wait. Led is the leader, so waiting is respectful.

  After about one minute, which feels like a long time, Led says, “Yes. You’re right, Mick. I apologize, Ringo. I overreact. Clara finds out everything, anyway, and she is capable of filtering and understanding appropriately, so all is well.”

  Ringo’s top two appendages begin to extrude again. One moves over to seemingly tap Led’s body. “Thanks.”

  For the first time, I realize The Band might all be in the same physical location. Interesting. There must be some MWC visitation or training headquarters.

  “Meanwhile,” I’m thinking, “back to training. But, tonight, I’m going to find out about this Lottery!”

  The excerpts, articles, and notices collected, below, are the best I can cull from the Resource Library on this subject. I use the names and planet designations Earth is already familiar with. I also change all the roles, titles and anything else that might be confusingly translated from whatever language to English into more Earth-familiar words, but, otherwise, these are verbatim translations. I swear!

  First MWC Public Delegation to Earth Lottery Winners Announced

  Three individuals and one pairbond are chosen by Lottery for the first Delegation to have Public Visitation to Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy. The next five are put on the wait/substitute list.

  The InterGalactic Council always holds a Visitation Lottery drawing for Delegation slots and for the secondary list. Only MWC members in good standing and of voting age who are not members of more than two Public Delegation teams are eligible for these slots.

  Slots are for a Delegation that lasts approximately 30 Earth Years (30*365 ¼ Sol Days) and are for hologram-travel-only passes. The Lottery always takes place at the IGC’s main building and is on vid. Training and visitation launch sites to be determined by who is selected.

  To view the drawing, visit other parts of this Resource Library sector: same link as above, Earth date, December 8, 2012.

  The following three individuals and one pairbond are chosen to be in Earth’s first Public Visitation Delegation by hologram:

  Led, Gliese 581d, has seniority and is the Delegation Leader

  Mick, HD 85512 b

  Ringo, Kepler 22 b

  Janis—Diana, Gj 667 Cc.

  Congratulations, Team!


  The first winners of the IGC MWC Visitation to Earth Lottery are known and pose with the InterGalactic Council Visitation Monitoring Committee for this season's first-Visitation photo.

  MWC IGC Earth Liaison #95472 is going to be with the Delegation which includes: Led, Gliese 581d, who has seniority and is the Delegation Leader; Mick, HD 85512 b; Ringo, Kepler 22 b; and Janis—Diana Gj 667 Cc, for the official photo for the upcoming Visitation. #95472 is involved with all of Earth’s nonpublic Visitations and Interventions, to date.

  MWC members who send in proper authorization can upload a copy of the photo signed by the whole Visitation Delegation.

  “What a fantastic event,” says #95472. “I'm really glad to be in the photo. To have it signed and framed is a lasting memento of a brilliant day, the start of many Public encounters!”

  But #95472 isn’t the only lucky one. As well as these 5 Delegation members, 10 other Lottery entrants are also selected at random to win a signed photo emblem shirt.

  These Lotteries, which select winners every time a new MWC planetary member locale is eligible for Public Visitation, are dedicated to raising awareness for the MWC’s activities and helping support its community and charity programs.

  Don't forget: today is always the day to sign up for a drawing! It's win-win: you get the chance to be part of a new MWC member’s important history and you're helping the MWC's activities at the same time. Click here to download a Visitation Lottery Form.

  Visitation Lottery Winners Announced

  Thousands of hopefuls crowd the InterGalactic Council’s main building to hear if they are part of the next Public Visitation to a new MWC member: Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy, third planet in the Sol star system.

  When the determination that there are hologram-travel-only passes is announced, there is some disappointment. Many potential delegates drop out. A combination Delegation, beginning as holos while permitted to physically visit in other years, is always more appealing.

  Unfortunately, when the holos-only restriction is lifted, it is too late for those who withdrew to re-enter. But, thousands do enter.

  Names representing the four (4) planets selected to be represented— Gliese 581d, HD 85512 b, Kepler 22 b, and Gj 667 Cc—are called out as part of the randomized process. A waiting list is generated to include all remaining applicant names that are not called from the nearly 9000 applications submitted.

  MWC IGC Earth Liaison #95472 says: “The MWC wants only the best for our members, whether they are living in one of the Central, Eastern, Northern, Western or Southern communities. The extraordinary number of applications for Earth’s first Public Visitation Delegation as well as the demonstrated successes our other Public Visitations
are having validate our efforts to offer our High-Expectations Model (HEM) to more Delegations in the future.”

  Highlights of the evening are presentations and reports by current Delegations’ Leaders. These are accompanied by indigenous music, art and dance.

  To cap the festivities, the youngest-ever Delegate recites more than 100 digits of Pi without consulting any devices or notes, amazing the gathered audience.

  New Visitation Lottery Winners Announced

  The MWC IGC releases the legitimate results of the Earth Public Visitation Lottery after a computer glitch renders the initial results invalid.

  The IGC initially publishes the five winners of the Lottery, which are announced due to MWC policy one year prior to the Visitation. However, this initial release is followed soon after by the admission of an embarrassing blunder when the IGC Visitation Lottery Commission autodataboss mistakenly contacts 10 other entrants telling them they are also selected.

  The original Earth Public Visitation Lottery results are later ruled invalid when it is discovered that a computer glitch causes most of the winners to be selected from people who enter within the first three days.

  The initial winners then try to argue that the results should remain valid, taking the case to an IGC high court. The lawsuit is dismissed, clearing the way for a new draw to take place.

  The independent auditors for the MWC, all members, release a statement to confirm that the new results of the Earth Public Visitation Lottery are valid.

  “Needless to say, the names and results are carefully analyzed, vetted and re-vetted before they are posted. Furthermore, all messages and emissions from the autodataboss are closely monitored, from now on” an IGC Lottery Commission leader, who declines to be identified, says on the record. She adds, “We are truly sorry for the confusion.”

  Earth Public Visitation #1 Delegation, official members, are: Led, Gliese 581d, who has seniority and is the Delegation Leader; Mick, HD 85512 b; Ringo, Kepler 22 b; and Janis—Diana, Gj 667 Cc. They meet, in hologram forms only at first, with main Earth Contact, Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., of Kirov, California, as planned, on December 21, 2012 – August 23, 2041 Earth Dates.

  For more information: mwcw.earthonedelegation.verse

  Then, I find these interviews on our own Internet. So excited! Apparently, some MWC members go to the Earth wide world web (Internet) and find information, much the way Earthers are now able to use the MWC Resource Library. When they find Time Magazine’s “10 Questions for…” series, someone decides to interview the 5 Delegates using this model. See what they develop for their questions!

  BTW: I like this list-of-questions format so much I'm using it in Volume II of The Spanners Series as well.

  10 Questions for the Earth Public Visitation #1 Delegates

  1. Many human cities, towns, counties, entire nations, are going bankrupt. Millions of human adults are unemployed. How do you help Earth with its humans' economic crises?

  2. Lots of Earthers believe “aliens” are to be feared, hated and destroyed. How do human Earthers react to you? What about nonhumans?

  3. You take an extensive questionnaire prior to being sent as a Delegate. On that questionnaire, you have to name three Earthers you admire. Who are the three you list and why?

  4. The MWC claims to be guided by principles of compassion, kindness, empathy and fairness. Yet, not all MWC members behave in these ways. How do you guide Earthers to improve their own attitudes and behaviors knowing this apparent paradox?

  5. Murder, mugging, robbery, rape, battery, assault and other violent crimes against individuals as well as armed conflicts, piracy and wars are ubiquitous and frequently occurring on Earth when you arrive. How do you guide Earthers to live a peaceful, nonviolent co-existence, which is a requirement before any Earthers are allowed to visit other MWC planets or locations? What Re-Sets do you recommend?

  6. What kinds of Earth’s graphic and sculptural art, music, poetry, dramatic plays, dance and other art forms do you enjoy and appreciate? How do these compare to those on your home planets and other known locations?

  7. “Money is the root of all evil” is a famous aphorism among humans. How do the MWC members manage weighted exchanges, wealth and bartering? What is used for currency among MWC members? How are Earthers trained in new ways of handling finances and commerce?

  8. Disbanding all militaries, dismantling and destroying all weapons and removing all physical threats to individuals, groups and the planet are requirements for membership in the MWC. How do other planets with a dominant violent species deal with these transitions? What can you say to Earthers about these experiences that would help Earthers accomplish these changes quickly and efficiently?

  9. Earthers are very committed to their “groups”: Nations, Religions, Ethnicities, States, even schools, clubs and sports teams. Yet, membership in the MWC requires planets’ inhabitants to give up or reduce these affiliations to secondary and tertiary groupings and to eradicate all violence and disrespect toward others’ groups in order to join the MWC. What methods do you employ to convince, persuade or guide Earthers to leave these attachments behind them, voluntarily? How do you know when humans are sincere?

  10. What is the most difficult part of The Transition, particularly from isolated-Earth to Earth-as-MWC-member, and how do you help Earthers with it?

  Aren’t these great questions? They really get into the spirit of the Time interview methods, I believe. The responses Led, Ringo, Mick, Janis—Diana give to these and other questions are available in the MWC Resource Library.

  Go to: mwcw.earthonedelegation.verse/10questions. I also use some of their answers in other Volumes of this series.


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