Senn (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 5)

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Senn (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 5) Page 11

by Lane Hart

  “How bad were you hurt?”

  “Mostly just bruises. I was pretty numb afterwards. My dad gave me shots of whiskey until I blacked out.”

  “Wow. He deserves the father of the year award,” I blurt out before I even consider the words. Only when I hear them do I regret saying them. I’m such a bitch. For weeks I’ve basically been telling Senn that he’s not capable of being a decent father to our daughter. But coming from that fucked up family, I would bet that he knows everything not to do.

  “Senn, you know it’s nothing personal, right?” I eventually say into the heavy silence, trying to explain. “I just want what’s best for her…”

  “Me, too,” he says softly before he rolls over to his back with me still straddling his hips. “I’m just not convinced that Linc and Claire are what’s best. I’m not saying I am either, because I don’t have the slightest fucking idea how to take care of a baby. But I…I think I wanna try.”

  Seeing the sincerity in his amber eyes, I bite down hard on my bottom lip to try to prevent the dam from bursting. The tiny hint of pain doesn’t do any good to prevent the flood. This one has been a long time coming. I fall forward, sobbing onto Senn’s chest.

  “I want…to be the one…who takes care of her,” I tell him as my entire body shakes with the force of all the emotions I’ve kept bottled up exploding from inside me. I’ve tried to keep a grip on them because I didn’t want to chance stressing out the baby, but I can’t do it anymore.

  “Shh, Abby. It’s gonna be okay,” Senn says while he holds me.

  “No, it’s not,” I tell him with a shake of my head. I’ve withheld from everyone the initial prognosis my oncologist gave me months ago, before I was even pregnant. There’s no amount of chemo or radiation to save me this time. “I’m scared of dying…but I’m even more terrified…of losing her…if I don’t make it long enough.”

  “You can’t think that shit,” Senn says. “You’re gonna see her born healthy, and then you’re gonna do whatever it takes to get better, so you can take care of her.”

  I reach down to rub my expanding belly when I feel the familiar sloshing. “She’s moving,” I tell him through the sniffles. “You can’t feel it on the outside yet, but she is.”

  Senn brushes his knuckles over the side of my stomach. “I bet she’s giving me a fist bump because she knows I’m right,” he says, making me laugh. “What’s the earliest you can have her?”

  “Probably thirty-four weeks, but thirty-six would be better to make sure her lungs are strong.”

  “So that’s what, nineteen more weeks?” he asks, surprising me that he remembers how far along I am.


  “Seventeen at least?”


  “Easy,” he says. “Keep calm and spend the next four months buying baby shit and thinking about the long term instead of the short term. By Thanksgiving we’ll be sitting down for a family feast, laughing about how freaked out we were for nothing.”

  “You gonna cook?” I tease even though it hurts to think about not being with him in just a few months. “‘Cause I don’t know how, and my family has sort of disowned me.”

  “What? Why would they do that?”

  “Um, well, they’re not big fans of the baby out of wedlock, especially since this is my second offense, and they’re also pissed that I won’t get treatment. I guess by cutting ties with me now, they think it’ll be easier to say goodbye—”

  “That’s bullshit!” Senn exclaims, lifting me off his chest to see my face.

  “That’s my lovely family,” I laugh sadly, wiping away the remaining wetness from my tears. “My sister is still talking to me; but if my parents find out, she’ll be on their shitlist, too.”

  “Wow,” he mutters. “Guess this little girl is fucked when it comes to dolting grandparents.”

  I can’t hold in my giggle. “I think you mean doting.”

  “No, they all qualify as dolts.”

  “You’re right about that,” I agree.

  “I’m sorry I knocked you up,” Senn tells me randomly while stroking his palms up the outsides of my thighs still straddling him.

  “You don’t have to apologize for a condom failing us,” I assure him as I trace my fingertips along the indentions of his pecs and abs.

  “Well, then I’m sorry we ever had sex,” he says softly. “If you’d been given a choice, I know I’m not the man you would’ve picked to be the father of your child while you have cancer.”

  “I wanted to fuck you,” I reply since I can’t deny what he already knows the truth about. “And that wasn’t all bad, so I don’t regret it.”

  “Wow.” He laughs, bouncing me on his chest. “Wasn’t all that bad?”

  “Okay, it was pretty good.”

  “Just pretty good?” he repeats, reaching up to yank on my braid.

  “Fine,” I huff and roll my eyes. “It was the best I’ve ever had.”

  He chuckles. “Right, now I know you’re blowing smoke up my ass.”

  “That’s the truth,” I tell him. “A dying girl wouldn’t dare tell a lie. I’ve got to get right with the Lord and stay on the WWJD path.”

  “Bullshit,” he says before rolling us over so that my back’s on the mattress. He’s careful to keep his weight on his forearms, so that he’s barely touching my stomach when he smirks down at me. “I know you’re lying about me being the best since you still go around acting like Linc’s got a chocolate-filled cock that you want to melt in your mouth.”

  I burst out laughing at that creative description. “That’s hilarious,” I remark, running my fingers through his hair. “But not exactly true.”

  Senn raises his eyebrow as if waiting for me to continue with an explanation.

  Slapping a palm over my embarrassed face, I finally admit the truth. “His cock was too big.”

  “No such thing,” Senn says immediately, lifting my hand and holding it out beside my head, so I have to look at him.

  “My vagina disagrees.”

  He looks down the length of my body. “You took two cocks at the same time the other day.”

  “Yes,” I respond as I blush even harder. “It was made to stretch wider, not deeper. There’s only so far you can go before you hit the dead end.”

  “I hit the dead end. You like it when I hit the dead end,” he points out.

  “That is true,” I agree when my boobs tingle and pussy throbs just at the thought. “But then you turn around instead of trying to force a few more inches inside.”

  “Seriously?” he asks in disbelief.

  “Absolutely. I can’t tell a lie or my stomach will get bigger,” I tease. Looking at my expansive bump and then up at him, with all his massive, chiseled from stone perfection, hovering above me… Well, there’s a reason he gets inside more cunts than a gynecologist.

  “What’s with the frown?” he asks.

  “I’m huge.”

  “You’re pregnant.”

  “Yes, and I’m fine with that. I just…I don’t know how you and Luke can get it up when I’m naked.”

  “Getting it up isn’t the problem,” he says, grinding his thick, swollen cock into my pelvis and making me gasp. “Trying to keep it down is a little harder.”

  Leaning down, he cups one of my breasts and sucks the nipple into his eager mouth. That’s all it takes to have me soaking wet between my thighs. His mouth slowly works its way up my chest and neck, making me squirm desperately underneath him. I reach around and squeeze his tight ass, trying to force him against me. When he chuckles against my jaw, I go in for the kill, slipping my hand between our bodies to wrap my fist around his cock and guide him inside me.

  “Fuck, yes,” Senn growls in approval before his mouth crashes frantically down on mine. Our kiss is hungry and desperate as we tongue fuck each other as good, if not better, than our lower bodies, moving in a perfect, effortless rhythm.

  Senn’s enormous hand slips underneath my ass, lifting my hips to penetrate
me deeper, grinding himself on my clit with each powerful thrust. My thighs squeeze the sides of his waist as my entire body starts to tense just before I’m catapulted higher into ecstasy than ever before. If my moans hadn’t been swallowed by Senn, the entire neighborhood would’ve woken up and needed a cigarette after hearing just how incredible this round was.

  Senn’s hips slam home one last time before he surrenders to his own body rocking release.

  “Wow,” I gasp when our mouths separate to suck in much needed oxygen. “That was intense.”

  “Uh-huh,” he mutters before rolling off of me. Usually a cuddler after sex, I welcome the cool breeze on my overheated, sweat-soaked skin this time. “Good times, especially with no condoms. But tomorrow I’ll have to change my sheets,” he says.

  “Like you don’t go through a few sets a week,” I reply.

  “I don’t. You think I’m stupid enough to bring sluts here, so that they can randomly show back up whenever they want? Hell no.”

  Well, that’s…surprising, but I guess it makes sense. Hard to be a player if stray pussies keep accumulating on your doorstep. The reminder of his history of hit it and quit it makes me wonder just how long he can go without fucking someone else. Sure, he says that’s fine now, but what about when I get sicker and no longer feel like giving it up several times a night?

  Chapter Fourteen


  For the next few weeks, I bust my ass at the gym. Most nights I’m too exhausted to haul myself from my truck inside my house; but on the nights Abby shows up, I somehow find enough energy to get my cock up so she can ride me. The first few times she protested being on top, but now that she’s realized she can come at least once, if not twice, in that particular position, she’s more inclined to hop on my cock. She hasn’t mentioned Luke and neither have I. Either she’s fucking him on the side or she’s not. One thing is for sure, my upcoming fight is too important to waste time seeing him fuck around with Abby and screw up my head.

  Two days before my official weigh-in, I pack up my shit and head to the airport. Linc and Claire are of course making the trip, along with Jude, Sadie and a few Havoc coaches. Mace and Hailey are also flying up since she’s been released from the treatment facility and seems to be making progress with her body image issues. She definitely had a few screws loose if she thinks she’s anything but perfect, so it’s good to see her happy, even if it’s with her new husband and not me.

  Although Abby told me she was gonna come, I didn’t really believe it until I get to the gate and see her sitting with the rest of the group. Her and Luke. And, see, I had been doing so well on the jealousy shit until I’m standing in front of them, his arm over the back of her seat, whispering in her ear. I want to hit him hard enough to knock the backward hat off his head and then fuck Abby in front of him. Clearly I have issues, but first things first, ignore the possessiveness until two nights from now when I hopefully win enough money to post my bail and hire an attorney if I accidentally kill that motherfucker just for looking at my girl. My girl? Where the fuck did that come from?

  “You ready?” Linc asks when he steps in front of me.

  “Yeah. Ready to get this over with,” I grumble. Most of the time I get hyped up for a fight, ready to ram my fist into an opponent’s face over and over again. But for this fight, I’ve been too distracted with thoughts of punching my best friend and other teammates in the face. Obviously I’m still pissed at Linc for not being more pro-Abby. It’s not that I don’t want her to have the baby, because I’ve gotten more attached to the unknown ET in her oven. But at the same time, I would do anything to keep Abby alive and healthy.

  Heading in the opposite direction of her and the asswipe hanging all over her, I take the empty seat next to Mace.

  “Number ten?” he asks, offering a fist bump that I hit.

  “Fuck yeah.”

  If I win this fight, I’ll go from thirteenth to tenth in the world light heavyweight IFC rankings. Mace just hit the twenty-fifth spot with his first official win. The way he’s been forcing submissions and swinging his fists like sledgehammers, I have a feeling he’ll be gaining on me fast, so I better make it to the top soon.

  I lean around Mace. “How you doing, Hailey?” I ask her.

  “Better, thanks. My husband barely lets me outta his sight, but I’m not complainin’,” she says with her southern drawl, flashing a smile at Mace. “So, how are thangs with the baby?”

  Glancing over at Abby and Luke, I tell her the truth, “Complicated.”

  “I’ve heard,” she replies. “And the two of us are tryin’ to stay out of it.”

  “Good call,” I say. “I wish I could stay out of it.”

  “Well, we’re here if you need anything,” she tells me.

  “Thanks. I appreciate that,” I tell her. “I’m gonna go get a coffee. Either of you want anything?”

  “Nah, I’m good,” Mace says at the same time Hailey says, “No thanks.” Then the two of them grin at each other like they’re sharing some inside joke about airport coffee.

  “Suit yourselves,” I say before I heft my carry-on backpack over my shoulder and use a coffee run as a way to ignore the pregnant elephant and her, whatever he is, in the room.

  I put in my order for some coffee with a name longer than my own and pull out my phone to surf the web while I wait.


  Glancing up, I find a blonde flight attendant beaming at me, all prim and proper looking in her navy blue skirt, white dress shirt with a red scarf tied around her neck. Very patriotic.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” I reply.

  “Good. Are you heading to Atlantic City?” she asks, nodding over to the closest gate.

  “I am,” I confirm.

  She stands on the toes of her heels to get closer to me. “Well, we’ll just have to…bump you up to first class, so I can make sure you’re taken care of during the flight.”

  “Already there…” I pause to read her name badge. And, yeah, okay, I check out her nice, perky rack. “Becky.”

  Her eyes widen in surprise since I’m in khaki cargo shorts and a threadbare, navy blue Big Johnson’s Tequila tee that reads, “Lick, Suck and Swallow. Never mind the salty taste.” Just a guess, but I’m probably not wearing the usual getup of most of her first class patrons.

  “Even better,” she finally responds, sounding out of breath as she continues to eye fuck the shit out of me. Another guess here, but I’m betting Becky’s mile high club roster is a long one; and if I wanted, I’m pretty sure she would be glad to have me join the team. She’s definitely hot, and while any other time I would be tempted, I can’t even get a twitch from my cock.

  “See ya on board,” I tell her when I walk away with my coffee in hand.

  I take a sip as I head back to the rest of the group and nearly spit it out when I see the look on Abby’s face. She’s feisty normally, but at this moment with her chocolate eyes narrowed, lips pursed and arms crossed over her full tits that I want to bury my face in, she looks capable of breathing fire. Jealous Abby is hot, and I think she deserves a little taste of her own green-eyed monster medicine.

  “You in first class?” I ask, assuming she is because of her family’s money.

  “Yeah,” she says, barely moving her lips.

  “Great, ‘cause Becky said she would take real good care of me, I mean, us,” I tell her with a smirk that only widens the redder her face gets.

  “Uh-huh,” she mutters.

  I don’t even have a chance to sit down before they call for us to start boarding.

  “After you,” I say to Abby since she’s a woman and pregnant and all. Once she gets a decent head start, I slap a hand against Luke’s chest, grabbing a fistful of his shirt to stop him from following her.

  “When was the last time you fucked her?” I ask him quietly so no one else can hear.

  “Ah, well, um…” he stammers as his eyes search the ceiling like it holds the answer.

  “When?” I snap.<
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  “Couple weeks?” he says with a shrug.

  “How many?” I ask.

  “Three or four? Damn, I dunno. It’s not like I write it down in my diary,” he says, twisting out of my grasp. “Not since you told her I had to have your permission.”


  “Or Al? Who’s Al?” he asks with a confused crease between his eyebrows. God, he’s an idiot.

  “Any oral sex?”

  When he actually fucking blushes, I remember exactly how young he is. The last of our team are now the only ones in line to board so we need to hurry up.

  “She didn’t say I couldn’t eat her out,” Luke finally answers. Okay, fine. I’ll give him that one.

  “Blowjobs?” I ask. As soon as his shoulders slump, I know the answer.

  “No. You’re an evil bastard,” he grumbles, making me laugh before we head over to the waiting attendant and hand over our boarding passes.



  Pregnant or not, I want to slap the slut out of that little bitch.

  The flirty flight attendant is trying her best to get in Senn’s shorts. And from three rows away, I have no choice but to sit back and watch. Watch and internally hurl insults at her while she thrusts her tits in his face. I may have had severe moments of jealousy when it comes to Claire now being married to Linc, but this takes it to a whole other level.

  “Excuse me,” Luke speaks up from beside me and waves a hand at the whore.

  “Yes, sir. What can I do for you?” the blonde bimbo walks up and asks, now looking at Luke like she wants to mount up and ride him too. That doesn’t bother me nearly as much as it does when she flirted with Senn. I’m sure that’s just because he’s the father of my child and all.

  “Would it be possible for my friend here to take that empty seat up there next to her boyfriend?” Luke asks sweetly.

  The slut’s eyes widen when she looks at me and then my belly before glancing over at the back of Senn’s head. So freaking funny. “Well, I, ah, don’t see why not,” she answers.


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