EVES: (Carsonbrothers, #2)

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EVES: (Carsonbrothers, #2) Page 11

by Dyble, S R

  I wasn't going to be able to relax one hundred percent with madmen still trying to get to me and Kit. Now the fact that I couldn’t find a dress to wear to the ball didn't help either. Despite all of that, here with him and his brothers, I felt protected and safe. I could relax here with him and that's exactly what I was going to do for as long as possible.

  In the shower, Kit held me close and gently washed over my skin with the lather he'd created in his hands. It felt so good, especially when his fingers brushed over my nipples as he carefully washed over my breasts and stomach. My back was pressed against his chest and his growing erection wasn't unnoticeable against my behind. Laying my back on his chest, he continued his trail, his hands finding their way to my stomach and there he cradled my bump whilst kissing my temple. I turned around shortly after and wrapped my arms around him. Once we kissed, I decided to return the favour and washed Kit as he had done for me. I created a lather of soap in my hands and began massaging them over his shoulders and down his impeccably well-built body. Running my fingers through each ripple on his six-pack I smiled as the water ran over his head and down his back to his gorgeous arse. He was so beautiful even with scars so visible on his skin. I tried not to get upset when I saw them because I knew the pain that had been inflicted to earn them. My imagination led me to places thinking about it and I compressed the thoughts so I could just enjoy this with him. I savoured every little touch and Kit's erection had grown to full attention by now and I stared down at it and then back at his face. I decided then that I would repeat what I’d done the other day, but it made me want Kit all the more and all I wanted to do was have sex. The nurse had suggested we’d hold off on sex for a few days and I was going to do that until at least tomorrow evening to give my body the time to get back to normal. As much as I wanted Kit, the fear associated with having sex was enough to stop me. I was afraid that having sex could potentially start the bleeding again and hurt our baby. Having his full length within my grasp made me want him even more than I already did, and if that wasn’t enough to make me ravenous, hearing Kit moan as I massaged his dick within my lips made me crazy with need. I had to do something so I took matters into my own hands, literally. I reached down with my spare hand and began massaging myself so that I could feel something that I needed. It made my eyes flutter and I continued, allowing myself some ease from the desperate need I had.

  “Fuck, are you touching yourself?" Kit asked and I nodded before bringing his length back into my mouth and twirling my tongue around the tip of his dick.

  “Oh my fucking god, Eves,” he moaned again, gripping onto my hair and spreading his other hand out on the tiled wall to support himself.

  “You sexy fucking goddess,” he cursed as I continued and closed my eyes as the sensation I was creating from the rubbing made my insides build.

  “Make yourself come, baby,” he said and my insides clenched even tighter at his words until I closed my eyes and moaned.

  “I’m gonna come,” Kit said then and I released his dick from my mouth so he could continue the massaging that would result in him shooting warm semen down my chest. I felt a huge relief once he did, not only because I’d helped in his release but because I'd had some release too.

  “God, that was so fucking sexy,” he panted as I got up and began rinsing my chest.

  Content, I leaned into him once I was clean and brought my arms tightly around him, feeling tired and satisfied.

  “You tired?” he asked and I nodded.

  I’d been feeling overly tired during the day and I knew it was another pregnancy symptom. I’d never been able to nap during the day before but for the first time ever I crawled onto the bed in only my towel and I closed my eyes, waiting for Kit to get dried. It was the last thing that happened once nuzzled into the pillow because I must have dozed off shortly after.

  I woke up naked and alone in Kit's bed. I had no idea where my towel had gone and how the duvet had been pulled from underneath and placed over my body. I settled on the fact that I really must have been really tired not to notice. I felt my hair and cursed, knowing it had dried before I'd brushed it. Sitting up, the duvet cover fell from over my body, revealing my bare chest. I needed clothes desperately, but I needed the toilet more, so I reached into the first draw I could find and I pulled one of Kit's t-shirts over my head and down my body as I rushed to the toilet.

  It didn't do much to cover my arse because I could feel the bottoms of my cheeks peeking out from the hem. I ruffled my hair whilst I sat on the toilet and as soon as I was done I stared at myself in the mirror and cursed whilst washing my hands. My hair was double as curly when it hadn't been brushed and now I was dealing with a wild bunch of waves. I reached for my brush on the side and began teasing at it, cursing myself all the more as it tugged at my scalp. Every time I brushed my hair I would find myself sliding my fingers through it and to the section that pained my mind. The scar could still be felt from the time I'd taken a blow to the head. The time I'd been kidnapped and they'd pushed me back into the van, creating a slash to the back of my head. It still hurt a little to touch and I wondered if it would ever fully heal. I kept my fingers there and stared at myself. Bringing my hands to my stomach, it reminded me of the evil surrounding me and the fear that I felt for my baby's safety and I closed my eyes for a moment, saying a small prey to myself, praying that everything would be okay and that I could protect my baby.

  "Hey," I heard Kit say as I held my hand on my stomach.

  Lifting my hand away I gave him a small smile and continued brushing my hair. He pressed himself up against the door frame with his arms crossed and ran his eyes up and down my body.

  "You just gonna stare?" I asked him, looking at him in the mirror that ran the full length of the wall.

  "Uhuh," he answered, not taking his eyes away from my behind.

  I looked over my shoulder to where the bottoms of my cheeks could be seen past the hem of Kit's t-shirt and then I looked back at him before continuing to brush my hair. He made his move and lined himself up behind me, bringing his hands to the t-shirt to lift it. Despite him being clothed he still lined my arse up against his crotch so he could caress my hips.

  "I'd love to bend you over this sink," he breathed against my ear and he kissed me there.

  His words sent a ripple over my body and our eyes locked in the mirror. Closing my eyes, I savoured his kisses to my neck as he held my hips so that I didn't sway.

  "I want you to move in with me," he said randomly and my eyes opened again to stare at him in the mirror.

  “What?” I questioned him, making sure I'd heard him correctly.


  He nodded, still holding me there. He planted one more kiss to my shoulder as I thought about it longer.

  "I know our whole relationship has been fast-tracked… But you've practically been living here anyway, my brothers love having you here; I want my family to be together." Kit placed his hand on my stomach as he said the world family and it made my chest expand. I had practically been living with Kit, I didn't sleep at my grandparent's house anymore and it had mainly been because they weren't there and I didn't want to be alone. He wanted me here with him and it felt safe and natural being here with him. So much so that I never wanted to leave. That was the real reason. I loved him and I wanted to be with him always. I loved Kit's family. They had somehow earned themselves a permanent spot in my heart.

  "You don't have to answer right now, just think about it?"

  I smiled at him through the mirror and nodded, then he turned me around so he could see my face.

  "I love you, you know that, don't you?"

  I could see something was bothering him, so I frowned but nodded.

  "I love you too." I reached forward and pulled him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  "What's bothering you?" I asked as his hands snuck their way down to my arse cheeks.

  "Right now, it's the knowledge that you're completely naked underneath this t-shirt."<
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  I smiled, "I'll go put some clothes on."

  Raising his eyebrows he stopped me in my tracks.

  "I'm in no way complaining," he said kissing the edge of my mouth.

  "As much as I wanna keep you here, Lilly rang while you were asleep and I think she wants to see you."

  I nodded and watched as he walked away, paranoid that something was going on that Kit wasn’t telling me. Perhaps I was just overly paranoid because of things that had happened already.

  With my phone in hand, I swiped open the lock.

  I'm cooking us tea, do I need to make enough to feed your bodyguards?

  I smiled at my phone and began typing back.

  Their names are Bob and Phil, what happened to calling them hot dads?

  Very funny. Get your arse here, I've got something to show you.

  Frowning, I looked up from my phone to the clock that was on the side. It was five PM which made sense, my stomach was growling and I knew that if I didn’t eat soon I’d begin feeling sick. It wasn’t the only thing making me ravenous... Kit was wandering around the room and I couldn’t help but stare. Not only because he was beautiful, but because I feared something was going on that he wasn’t telling me. Did he feel the need to tell me he loved me so profoundly because he knew something was going on without my knowledge or was I just being paranoid? Rubbing my head, I settled on the fact that I was indeed bat-shit crazy. I wasn’t going to mention that out loud though. A person like me would have a set of shrinks crowded around her within seconds.

  “You are in deep thought there, aren’t you?”

  Kit clicked his fingers in front of my face and then held onto the tops of my arms as I swayed a little and blinked until my eyes weren't stinging anymore.


  “What were you thinking about?”

  Honestly, If I’d have to categorize my current set of thoughts I’d never get to see Lilly and eat the food that I so desperately needed. So, I decided to deny thinking of anything insignificant just so that we could move on.

  “I wish I could drive you there myself,” he said, his jaw set hard.

  I nodded, knowing he was driving Maddie everywhere in his car while I couldn’t be seen anywhere with him. The ball was going to be the first time since their mission had started that we'd be seen together without having to worry about it.

  “How are things going with Maddie? Have you found anymore out about why they wanted you and not her/me?”

  Kit looked down then, his whole body language changing and I knew it was because he didn't want to talk about this.

  “Things are slow. We’re keeping it on the low recently until we find out more info.”

  “And how do you plan to do that?”

  “We have spies everywhere, Eves. Sooner or later we’ll get the intel’ we need. Until then, we observe and stick to the plan.”

  “Does the plan include you not getting killed?”

  Kit sighed, “Come on, Eves. We've spoken about this. You don’t need to worry about that.”

  Funny, because that’s all I could worry about…

  Him and our baby - all I could do was worry that something was going to happen to either of them and that it would all be my fault.

  “This is my job, Eves. It’s what I do. You gotta let me do that and not worry, okay?”

  “How can I do that when I constantly feel like there’s something you’re not telling me? I feel like I’m forever losing you.”

  I hadn’t planned for our conversation to turn like this, but I couldn’t just ignore my feelings.

  “Woah, Eves. Calm down.”

  “I know you’re trying to protect me, not only physically but mentally too because you think I can’t handle it and that the baby will then have to deal with it. But this is killing me. Feeling like everything that’s going on in my life is kept a secret from me.”

  Kit nodded, understanding what I’d meant.

  “Everything you need to know I’ll tell you, Eves. I promise. That is all that matters,” he said, holding my stomach.

  “I need you to protect this and let me protect you, okay? Stop worrying about everything else.”

  “I can’t just stop worrying about you,” I answered honestly. “I feel as if I’m gonna lose you. It’s all I can think about. My nightmares, every single one I’m fighting to keep you.”

  I hated how every single time my hormones would take over and I just couldn’t stop myself from crying.

  “Eves,” he sighed and then pulled me towards him, “come here.”

  “You gotta listen to me okay?” he moved me back and held my head between his hands.

  “I’m not going anywhere, do you hear me?”

  Nodding, I closed my eyes as Kit wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

  “This ball is what we need.”

  “We need a ball?” I asked, confused.

  “Not the ball specifically, but the chance to be together just us. You can forget about all of this crap and just enjoy yourself with me.”

  I wanted that so badly. We were not like normal couples. We didn’t go to the cinema or go out for dates because we’d been robbed of that. I’d had a taste of it during the time Kit had made it his mission to take me on dates because he knew he wouldn't have the chance again. I wished I could go back to those times just for a second to feel that with him again.

  “I know this is gonna sound so fucking shit, but we just gotta make the best of this until we have this figured out okay? I will figure this out.”

  Again, taking on the world for me and I couldn’t give him anything in return. I wanted to help him. To be strong with him and figure this out with him but yet again I’d been reduced to the girl that needed protecting by everyone else.

  “I’m going to Delta now, so I’ll see you once you’re home later?”

  I nodded and smiled, hearing him referring to his home as my home too.

  “I wish I could take you myself,” he sighed again, knowing Bob and Phil would have to drop me off at Lilly's house just like they had to everywhere so that we weren’t seen together. I made sure to wear my hair up in a messy bun everywhere so that I’d look less noticeable. It wasn’t a hairstyle I’d usually go for and I wasn't sure if it even worked but it made me look different in my mind. I already didn’t wear a lot of makeup and I’d thought about wearing more, then I realised I couldn’t manage to wear a load of makeup every day. I just wanted to look as unidentifiable as possible so I wore plain skinnies and hoodies everywhere I went and made sure to wear the hood up every time I got in and out of the car. It made me feel more invisible, even if it was all in my mind.

  “Hey, Phil,” I said as I met him around the back of Kit’s house. The back entrance to the house had its advantages. It was a closed-off alley with three-story houses surrounding it, which meant Phil and Bob could survey the area before and whilst picking me up. Then Lilly's house had its own private road leading to her front door. As I got into the car, I looked up to see Kit standing in one of the windows with Jax. He had his arms crossed and there was something about the way he was looking at me. He was so serious and deep in thought. When he lifted his hand to wave goodbye I stared at him some more before I got into the car, so Phil could shut the door behind me. I shook my head feeling so confused and pulled my phone from my pocket when it buzzed, notifying me of a text from Lilly.

  You coming? I’m sick of inhaling this food. I wanna eat and so does baby!

  I smiled, although it didn't last long. As we pulled away my mind went straight back to Kit and how he'd been studying me there standing there with Jax. What were they talking about?

  * * *

  “About bloody time!” Lilly said once she opened the door.

  “We’ll be outside, Eve,” Bob said and it made Lilly frown.

  “No, come inside. You’re not sitting outside waiting for us to be done.”

  “Thank you, but honestly, it’s fine.”

  “You guys need to eat, so you can st
ay badass and protect my friend here, so come inside and eat my food.”

  I eyed her, studying the accent she'd just taken on to invite them inside.

  “Why do you sound like a gangster?” I asked.

  “I have no idea…” she said directly at me, not changing her face at all.

  I shook my head and smiled.

  “You coming?” she then asked Bob again and it earned her a smile.

  Once he called for Phil to come inside too, Lilly led me into the kitchen where she had food on the stove.

  “Still hot dads…” she commented before taking four dishes out of the cupboard. We’d left Phil and Bob in the front room to eat as we ate at the kitchen table alone.

  "What did you wanna show me?" I asked as I sat back in my seat, feeling full.

  "Hmm, upstairs." She stood up and I frowned at her.

  "This is weird," I commented as she took my hand and gently pulled me with her.

  "Is it my replacement copy of Fifty Shades of Grey?"

  My question made her pause mid-stairs.

  "Honestly, Eves, I thought we were over this? I'm sorry!"

  I shook my head and walked past her. I smiled once she met me at the top and she shook her head, placing her arm around my shoulder and walking with me to her room.

  "You ready?" she asked and I raised my eyebrow at her, wondering what the hell it must have been that required me to be ready.

  My frown deepened as Lilly stood aside and gestured for me to open the door to her bedroom. I did as she said and peeked my head around the door, only to be left speechless.

  "What the actual fuck?" I asked, walking further into her room and staring at the beautiful shimmering fabric hanging from her built-in wardrobes.

  "How the hell do you have this?" I stared at Lilly as she came into her room and smiled at the dress I'd tried on at the boutique.

  "It'll take more than a dress for him to earn my approval, but he's on the right track," she commented and it clicked in my head.


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