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The Chronicles of Moxie

Page 14

by Z. B Heller

  “Whoa…Moxie, stop.” He threw his hands up to his chest, motioning me to calm down. “If I ever hear you call yourself anything but beautiful, intelligent and funny, I’ll have to tie YOU up and spank the stupid out of you.”

  That had me shut up.

  “Let’s address all of these things one by one. There is no other woman. Well, that’s not completely true. That brunette you were talking about is my sister.”

  I sat in silence, wondering if I should give him shit for trying to pull the sister card on me, but then he continued.

  “I was planning on moving from Maine, but the freelance art position came up faster then I was expecting, so we had to come sooner than planned. I had no time to find a place for Dillion and I, so she offered to have us stay with her.”

  I thought back to my earlier discussion with Dillion about where they were staying, and he did say something about being with his Aunt. I felt bile rise in my throat. I had automatically jumped to the conclusion that she was Miles’s girlfriend. I was definitely getting the award for biggest asshat of the year.

  “My disappearing is why I wanted to talk to you tonight. Well, that and other reasons.” His left eyebrow popped up and a devilish smile swept across his face. I went back to playing with the napkin in my hands. “The reason I keep skipping out is because of Dillion.”

  “Dillion?” I asked, confused.

  “Dillion is suffering from PTSD.”

  “Post traumatic stress disorder?”

  “When we were in Maine, my wife and Dillion were in a severe car accident. My wife did not survive, but Dillion did, and had several severe injuries. He was in a medically induced coma for a few days. They had to reset some bones in his arm and leg.”

  “Miles, I am so sorry,” I said softly. My heart ached not only for Miles’s loss, but thinking of sweet Dillion laying helplessly in the hospital, in pain, made my stomach twist.

  “Thankfully, he healed physically.” He paused and took in a deep breath. “But mentally, he has really suffered.”

  “I can’t even begin to imagine,” I said. “But he seems to do well in class. The only thing that has ever stuck out is that he keeps to himself a lot, but I attributed that to the fact that he is insanely smart and the rest of my class are big dumb asses.”

  At that, Miles laughed. “He’s always been a smart kid. The trouble is more at night. He gets bad night terrors. It tears me apart when I hear him screaming and crying. I run into his room, but he’s not even fully awake. It’s like he’s reliving the accident all over again. He’s started working with a child psychologist. She’s really great with him and gives me ideas for things to do when he has anxiety attacks. The calls I get are from my sister when he’s having a bad anxiety episode. She doesn’t know how to handle it like I do.”

  “I have to be honest. I don’t even know what to say,” I said in an awkward whisper.

  “I don’t want you to say anything about it. I wanted you to know. You’re his teacher and he respects you.”

  “You could have waited until conferences.”

  “True, but I needed to explain why I kept leaving you. It wasn’t you, Moxie, ever. You are beyond sexy, even though that mouth of yours needs to be taught a lesson.”

  “But I’m the one who’s a teacher,” I said with a sly smile.

  Miles moved closer to me, leaning in to the side of my head to whisper in my ear. “Then maybe you can teach me how to make you scream my name.”

  I felt my whole body flush with warm heat. He certainly didn’t beat around the bush. I was seriously hoping that he wouldn’t beat around my bush either.

  “Let’s eat so we can have dessert,” he continued.

  “They have the best milk chocolate fondue,” I said, trying to ignore the ache between my thighs.”

  “I’m sure they do,” he said. “But I can say with almost certainty that the chocolate would be much better if I could lick it off your stomach.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dinner was amazing. I’m not sure if I enjoyed Miles or the cheese more. We talked about everything and anything. Miles told me about how he got into the art world, and that he liked to paint and sculpt as well as do graphic design work. He even told me about his wife and what life was like living in Maine. I wasn’t at all insecure when he spoke of his wife. I knew that she was a part of him and Dillion. But it was also in the past. I enjoyed hearing about what a great mom she was and how Dillion had so many of her attributes. I was happy for Dillion and could only hope that he would be able to hold on to the positive memories of his mom.

  I was also worried about him and what Miles had shared with me. Dillion was a special kid, and not only because I wanted Miles, but because he was smart, funny and wise beyond his years. For a brief minute I thought about what he would think if Miles and I dated. Would that be weird? Would he feel like I was trying to take over his mom’s memory? I didn’t bring this up with Miles. Mainly because I didn’t know where this attraction I had towards Miles was going.

  “You’re not really going to scrape the bowl with the pound cake, are you?” Miles said with a laugh.

  “The hell I’m not. That chocolate is too damn good to waste. It would be a crime against humanity.”

  “That’s one of the things I really like about you, Moxie. You’re not afraid to eat.”

  I paused with the fondue fork in my hand. The insecure feeling that David had placed in my head started to make its way forward. I put the fork on the plate.

  “What’s wrong?” Miles looked at me with concern.

  “Umm, I probably ate too much,” I said, feeling my face turn red.

  Miles grabbed my fondue fork and scraped the last bit of chocolate onto the poundcake. Then he brought the fork over to my lips. I took the bite into my mouth without looking away from his eyes, which now were dark.

  “I don’t ever want you to feel self-conscious with me. I love the way your body is.” He pressed a kiss on my cheek. “And I love watching your mouth when you bite into your food.” He pressed another kiss on my other cheek. “And I fantasize what it would be like if your mouth was wrapped around my cock instead.” He kissed my lips, sucking off any of the chocolate that was still left on them.

  I let out a disapproving groan when his mouth left mine. I wanted those lips all over me.

  “Come home with me?” When it came out, it sounded more like a beg.

  “What about Dillion and your sister?” I asked. “Won’t it be awkward if you come home with a woman?”

  “Dillion will be asleep. My sister knows I’m out with you and she also knows I’m a man who is starting to date again.”

  “So this is a date?” I asked with amusement.

  “If it isn’t, I just paid a shitload for a parent/teacher conference,” he laughed. “I would say let’s go to your place, but I need to be home in case Dillion needs me.”

  “I understand.”

  “We’ll leave your car here and I’ll bring you back in the morning.”

  “A sleepover? That’s being a little presumptuous, Mr. Dane.”

  “Miss Summers, what I plan to do to you tonight will have you so worn out that driving would be hazardous to mankind.”

  With that, I grabbed my purse and Miles helped me out of the booth. When I stood up Miles gave my ass a little pinch and I yelped. I glanced over my shoulder to him and he looked at me like a boy who’d just put a frog down a girl’s dress.

  Miles opened the passenger door of his Jeep Cherokee for me. I was about to get in when he stopped me and turned me so my back was against the car. His mouth slammed onto mine, opening so our tongues could find each other to embrace. I dropped my purse onto the ground . My hands flew up to his head and I tangled my fingers in his hair. He put his hands on my waist, squeezing until it almost hurt. He kissed me like he wanted to swallow me, deep and wanting. When he pressed against me, I could feel his erection trying to break free of his pants.

  He pulled away and pressed his forehead to
mine. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I’ve been sitting in that damn restaurant with a hard-on, waiting to taste you.”

  “I probably taste like chocolate-covered cheese.” I laughed.

  “Yeah, you kind of do. But I have a way to fix that.”

  “You have a mint in your car?”

  “No. I have something sweet and salty you can suck on,” he said with a devious smile.

  “If you play your cards right, I might suck, then swallow,” I teased.

  He let out a loud groan. “Get in the car, woman, or I’m going to come in my pants, like a teenager.”

  I thought about a teenage Miles while I got into the car. I bet he’d been sexy even as a teen. Miles got in the driver’s seat and turned on the engine. I peeked at him from the corner of my eye. He looked delicious and I wanted to devour him. That was when I decided I was going to play dirty. I twisted in my seat and moved my hand from my knee. I felt him tense and grip the wheel harder. I slowly moved my hand up his leg to his thigh, and then to the hard bulge in his pants. I reached over and started kissing his neck, sucking some skin before I let go.

  “Moxie, are you trying to get us in an accident?” he said, trying hard to concentrate on the road.

  “You said I could have something sweet to suck on. Your neck seemed like a good option. I’ll find the salty later,” I whispered.

  “Fucking Christ,” he said.

  “I’m a Jew, Miles. We don’t believe in Christ.” I chuckled in his ear.

  To my disappointment, the ride was short. I liked teasing Miles, but I also knew there would be more when we got inside.

  We pulled into the driveway and Miles came around to open my car door. “Such a gentleman,” I said.

  “In five minutes, I promise you, there will be nothing gentle about this man.”

  He kissed me swiftly and took my hand as we headed to the front door. Miles’s sister’s house was moderately sized, with brown siding and red brick. We got to the front door and he paused before opening it. He turned me to him and looked deep into my eyes. This gave me the opportunity to truly see the color of his eyes, which I knew were blue, but also contained some specks of green. His expression turned serious.

  “I don’t bring random girls home to fuck them. It wouldn’t be fair to Dillion to have women parading through here, and it’s not the type of man I am. In fact, I haven’t felt like this since my wife passed.”

  The mention of his deceased wife gave me a small pang in my stomach. I might have been flippant about sex in the past, but that wasn’t what I was feeling with Miles. I also didn’t want to compete with a dead woman. “Miles, maybe this isn’t a good idea.”

  “What? Fuck. I didn’t mean that you are just a fling I want to screw to try to get over my grief. I’ve dealt with the loss and yes, she will always be a part of my past. I want to move on. I want to move on with you.”

  My heart felt like it could leap across the world. “I want this too,” I confessed.

  He slammed his mouth back onto mine, seeking my tongue to intertwine with his. I reached my hands back up into his hair and pulled at it slightly. I heard him let out a groan deep in the back of his throat. He pulled back and searched for the right key to let us into the house. When the door unlocked, he held it open and gestured for me to go in. He followed behind, pinching my ass. I now understood that he liked to be behind me so he could have access to my rear and pinch it at his leisure.

  When we went into the living room, I saw the brunette sitting on the couch next to a bald-headed guy. The brunette turned to see us. “Hey, you’re back,” she said to Miles. “You must be Moxie.” She stood up from the couch and extended her hand. “I’m Kelly, Miles’s sister.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I said, feeling the relief that this woman was actually in no way sexually connected to Miles.

  “This is John, my boyfriend.”

  He stood up to shake my hand as well. He was tall, but not as tall as Miles. He had a red goatee and a slim frame. “Dillion is sleeping, and we were just about to turn in as well.” Kelly moved to Miles and I could hear her tell him that Dillion was sleeping soundly and hadn’t woken up from nightmares.

  “Thanks, guys, for watching him tonight,” Miles said.

  “You know it’s such a hard chore, watching my amazing nephew,” Kelly teased. “Moxie, it was a pleasure finally meeting you. I’ve heard so much about you from Dillion and, of course, Miles.” She winked at Miles like she’d just revealed a secret as she took John’s hand and headed toward the stairs.

  As soon as they disappeared, Miles spun me around to face him.

  “Hi,” he said softly.

  “Hi,” I replied, looking up at him, smiling.

  “Would you like a tour?”

  “Is it of your body? Because the answer would be, fuck, yes.”

  “What are we going to do with that dirty mouth?”

  “I have a few ideas that might be intriguing.” I licked my tongue across my lower lip. He bent to kiss me and retraced the area I’d just licked with my own tongue. My insides twisted with anticipation and my Maidenhead was set to sail.

  Miles took my face in his hands and kissed me with heated passion. He darted out his tongue, pressing my lips to open. He wasn’t asking for an invitation, he was demanding I gave in. His hands moved to take the light coat I was wearing off my shoulders; it pooled onto the floor. I traced my hands over his shirt and felt his glorious muscles underneath.

  To say the man was ripped would be an understatement. He carried a six pack that I wanted to open and drink in. I had to pause a moment, to take it all in. There was a little part of me that wondered, why me? The girl whose mother would go out of her way to try to find ways to drop her weight. I started to feel self-conscious of my body.

  Miles sensed something was bothering me. “What’s wrong?”

  “Why me?” I looked up at him.

  “Why you what?”

  “Why do you want me when you can have some skinny bitch who eats salads only and then pukes them up because she felt she ate too much?”

  He laughed. “Because, Moxie…” He stopped and pressed a feather-light kiss on my mouth. “It isn’t about weight…” Another kiss. “Or how much you eat or don’t eat…” Another kiss. “You have a presence about you that draws me in. Your wit, your brain, and I love your curves. If you don’t believe my words, let my body tell you.”

  He reached down and put his arms under my knees to lift me into his arms.

  “What are you doing? You’re going to hurt yourself!”

  “Moxie, you have two point five seconds to shut up or I’m going to spank your ass so hard that it could be used as a stop sign.”

  Even though the thought excited me, I decided to shut my trap. He carried me up the stairs and into the third bedroom on the left. I assumed this was the one he took up residence in. He put me down, softy, letting me get my bearings after he’d manhandled me.

  “I thought about you being in this room a lot,” he said as he pressed his palm against my face.

  “Really? And what exactly did you think about?” I teased.

  He smiled, knowing that I was urging him to tell me his fantasies.

  “You, spread out naked on my bed.”

  “That’s a typical fantasy.”

  “I wasn’t finished. You are spread out, hands bound to the headboard. Your legs are spread wide and my face is buried between your thighs, sucking, licking, making you scream my name.”

  “That’s a little more vivid,” I said as my breath started to speed up.

  His mouth returned to mine and he pressed himself close to me, his arousal apparent, rubbing against my stomach. His hands slipped underneath the hem of my dress to find a very bare ass.

  “You’re not wearing panties?” he asked with surprise.

  “It’s laundry day. I had nothing clean to wear,” I teased and winked to let him know that I was joking.

  “Never do laundry again,” he breathed into my

  His hands reached around to find my very wet and very needy Pound Puppy.

  “Fuck! You’re so damn wet,” he cried.

  I decided that Miles was wearing way too many clothes at this point. I frantically ripped at his shirt, popping buttons along the way. Then I got to see his glorious naked chest. With a sprinkling of hair along his pecs and a trail leading to the pot of gold.

  Our kissing continued as I fumbled to get his belt undone. He realized that I was having a problem multi-tasking and he performed the simple task himself. Once let free, I pulled down his pants, along with his boxer briefs. I stilled, looking at the impressive length that stood before me. His erection was perfect. Not like cute-puppy perfect. Like I-hope-to-God-it-fits perfect.

  “Moxie, you’re going to give me a complex, looking at me like that.”

  “Sorry, I can’t help it. I was trying to figure out the logistics of moving my organs around so that would fit inside me.”

  He gathered my dress, starting at the hem, and pulled it up over my body. I’d decided on my pink bra with lace trim, something to suggest sexy, but also fun and flirty.

  “Holy shit, I want to get lost in those tits,” he moaned, grabbing my breasts.

  He reached around to unhook my bra and bent down to take my tight nipple into his mouth. I released a moan, squeezing my eyes shut at the feeling of pure pleasure.

  “How do you like to be taken? Do you want me to bend you over the bed? Or spread your legs wide and put them up on my shoulders?”

  The ache between my legs was consuming me. I’d had my fair share of lovers, but no one talked dirty to me the way Miles was talking. The foreplay was intoxicating, and I could just explode by his words alone.

  “I don’t care how you take me, but if you don’t take me now I might explode,” I managed to huff out.

  Miles guided me to the bed. I climbed on it, moving to the middle. Miles crawled above my body until his form was blanketed over me. His eyes stared deep into mine as if he was trying to communicate something telepathically.


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