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Confessions Of Gemini

Page 1

by Logan Tyler





  Stardawn Cabot and Logan Tyler

  Copyright © 2018

  Stardawn Cabot and Logan Tyler

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the authors.

  Published by Stardawn Cabot and Logan Tyler – 2018

  Cover Design ©

  Image by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

  and Nathan Andersen

  Cover Design by Logan Tyler

  Disclaimer: This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for a mature audience.

  Part I: Saturday

  Bethany Winters took a deep breath as she tried to recenter herself. Her boss had just departed her office, leaving her heart racing and her nerves on edge. The last thing she needed today was Mary Parker lecturing her on how to handle her own client, especially on a Saturday of all days. She shouldn’t even be there, much less have to deal with her boss on her supposed day off. Not that that really mattered. Lately, it seemed as if she worked more weekends than not.

  Mary was such a know it all. Sure, she had more experience, but in the people skills department she was sorely lacking. If Parker & Associates wasn’t the only law office in town, she’d have probably been driven out a long time ago. It was only by default that people even put up with her. Bethany, or Beth, as most of her friends and family called her, was one of those unfortunate people.

  When Beth finished law school, she’d been set to change the world. She was going to defend the innocent and help the needy. Little did she know that the real world would give her little opportunity to do so. Just weeks after graduation Beth’s parents were in a car accident that had claimed both their lives. Alone in the world, save her twin sister, Melissa, Beth had returned to Eagle Lake, South Dakota so that they could be close.

  She’d always dreamed of working in NYC, or maybe LA, or Miami. All those places were so exotic and romantic, but Eagle Lake also had its charms. About an hour south of the state capital, it was an idealistic mid-western town full of idyllic scenery, rustic architecture, and mostly of good people, well besides maybe Mary Parker.

  Deciding that she needed some air, and realizing that she’d missed lunch again, Beth grabbed her purse and left her office. A walk was just what she needed to clear her head, and so she soon found herself strolling down Mainstreet.

  The small town of just under 3,000 people was really quite well maintained. The mainstreet, both in name and practice, didn’t even have a stoplight but was lined with small shops from the baker to the hardware store. In fact, at first glance, nothing had appeared to have changed since she was a child. Even the apartments above the storefronts were still owned by many of the same families that ran the downstairs establishments.

  Beth knew, however, that even though the town looked the same, there had been subtle changes over the years. Many of the younger people had moved away, while some of the businesses had been sold or handed down to the next generation. Dawson’s Bookstore, for instance, was now run by the niece of the man that used to own it. She didn’t even use the upstairs apartments but rather had bought a house outside of town and rented the apartment out.

  There were others like that as well. Her sister, Melissa for example, and her partner, Sarah, rented the apartment above the Gemini Coffee Shop. It was a cute little two-bedroom unit, but Beth always thought the name of the downstairs establishment was a bit ironic as well. Gemini literally meant twin, yet the owner was not a twin or even a Gemini by birth sign. The owner, Jessica Tatum, just always liked the name, and so had used it in renaming her business when she’d bought it from Stan and Bella Wallace when they’d sold before moving to Florida. The place had a fun vibe to it, and it always smelled so good over at her sister’s place.

  Turning her attention away from her sister and the coffee shop, Beth continued along her walk toward Johnny’s Deli. She had just crossed the street when she looked up and noticed her sister’s partner, Sarah, exiting the bookshop. She had a bag in her hand, but when she looked up and briefly met Beth’s eyes, she seemed to panic. Sarah didn’t even wave as she paled and quickly retreated back toward the coffee shop and her home above it.


  Out of breath, Sarah turned and shut the door. Her heart was beating practically though her chest as she prayed that Beth wouldn’t make a big deal about seeing her. In retrospect, she probably shouldn’t have run from her, but Sarah couldn’t help it. She was already in enough trouble. If Beth mentioned it to Melissa, she was toast.

  It was silly, really. It was only one little jaunt around the corner to the bookstore. So, what if she was grounded and not supposed to leave the house? She needed something to do and running into her partner’s twin sister wasn’t what she’d expected or needed today.

  Just as her heartbeat started to return to normal, however, there was a sudden and loud knock on the door. “Sarah? Open the door! Why did you run away? Come on Sarah, it’s just me, Beth!”

  Sarah cringed hearing her name. So much for this not being a big deal. She had hoped to disappear into the Saturday afternoon crowd, but lady luck was not on her side today. The panic returned as she heard the door jingle and unlatch as Beth let herself in.

  “Sarah?” Beth’s voice called out. “I know you are here.”

  Realizing that her time was limited, she threw the book she’d purchased under the cushion of their plush-armchair. No one would know it was there, well unless they sat on it, but she’d figure that part out later. Taking a deep breath, Sarah then tried to appear calm, even though her heart was racing. Beth had swung the front door open just as Sarah let the cushion drop back into place. By the expression on Beth’s face though, Sarah could tell her girlfriend’s twin was not buying it.

  As Beth further entered the apartment, her blue eyes narrowed, and her forehead wrinkled in concern. “Sarah, what’s going on? Why did you run? Why didn’t you answer the door?”

  “Why are you following me?” Sarah snapped back, only to groan as both of Beth’s eyebrows shot up. If it was Melissa looking at her like that, she’d have about 30-seconds before she’d be staring at the carpet and yelping as her girlfriend’s palm met her backside.

  Melissa and Beth were identical twins. They were both tall, both had those amazing blue eyes and dark, almost black hair, but their physical looks were where the resemblance ended. Beth was a professional, a lawyer who was always calm, collected, and dressed to the nine. Melissa, on the other hand, was much more at home in faded jeans and t-shirts. She’d even cut her hair, so that it was short on the sides, but had a wave from her natural curls on top. Sarah thought it was super sexy, but then Melissa’s natural waves cascading down her back when she wore her hair down was beautiful as well.

  “Sarah, what’s going on?” Beth demanded, bringing Sarah back into focus.

  Sarah winced, not sure how to explain, but finally blurted out, “Please, please, please, Beth. You can’t tell Melissa you saw me!”

  Beth’s eyes became large, obviously surprised by Sarah’s request. “Wh... why? What does Melissa care if I saw you?” she stammered in clear confusion.

  Sarah turned and paced back and forth across the foyer of the living room, her hands rubbing themselves in the same repetitive motion, but she turned to beg Beth once again. “Please, you just can’t tell her! She’ll kill me!”
/>   Beth frowned, and took a step forward, reaching for Sarah’s hand. “What’s going on, Sarah? Surely Melissa isn’t going to care you were wandering around the block!”

  Sarah bit her lip, pulling away to continue her pacing back and forth. “That’s what you don’t get. She will care! She gro…” Sarah stopped abruptly. She plopped onto the chair which was hiding her forbidden book before burying her face in her hands and mumbling incoherently to herself.

  “Sarah, you’re worrying me. What’s wrong? Whatever it is you can tell me,” Beth reassured as she crouched down in front of her, placing a hand on each knee.

  Sarah took in a deep breath. Looking up and catching Melissa’s eyes again reminded her of her partner and just how much trouble she was in. “It’s silly, really, and a little funny. You see, I’m sorta not allowed to leave the apartment right now. Melissa was a little upset that I went out last weekend and sort of forgot we had tickets to a show.”

  “The play? Melissa told me about it. She was really disappointed.”

  Sarah nodded solemnly. “We bought them six months ago and she wasn’t just disappointed, she was upset. I sorta wanted to try to make it up to her, so she thought if I agreed to stay in the apartment this weekend I could… you know do some extra chores and stuff. See, now I told you it was silly,” Sarah forced a smile. “Just do me a favor and don’t tell her, okay? I’ll owe you one.”

  Beth stood, shaking her head as she considered what Sarah asked, and by her expression, Sarah could tell she was confused. Beth knew nothing of the more intimate relationship between Sarah and her sister. She didn’t know that Melissa was the one in charge and that Sarah had rules and consequences for breaking those rules. She didn’t know that Sarah loved those rules and even when she was in trouble knew that Melissa loved her, would care for her, and would always catch her when she fell.

  Sarah waited, hoping that Beth would agree. She tried not to look pathetic but couldn’t help the wave of relief when Beth finally nodded. “Sure... I won’t tell her as long as you promise me, she isn’t hurting you or anything?”

  “I swear nothing like that,” Sarah nodded vigorously. Beth looked as if she wanted more information, but they were both distracted by the front door opening.

  “Hey, honey! Look who dropped by,” Sarah said quickly jumping up and pointing to her partner's twin. “She can't stay though. She said she had an appointment.”

  “Appointment for what?” Melissa asked. “You have a client?”

  “No. It’s nothing… ah, I’ve just got to get back to the office. Mary was on a big tear when I left. You know how she is.” Beth brushed her off. She still looked confused and Sarah was hoping that Melissa wouldn’t pick up on it. “Anyway,” Beth then continued. “I better go, so I’m not missed.”

  “Dinner tomorrow?” Melissa asked as Beth moved toward the door.

  “I have to work.”

  “Tomorrow’s Sunday, Beth.”

  “I know… I just…”

  “You worked last Saturday and Sunday too, Beth,” Melissa scolded, locking eyes with her sister.

  Beth ducked her head as if looking for a way around Melissa. “Yeah, yeah, I know. This case will be over soon. And I won’t have to work as much,” Beth claimed, averting her eyes.

  Sarah frowned, not liking how much Beth had been working just as much as Melissa. They’d both been worried about Beth lately and had had more than one conversation about it. Beth was not only working too much but had recently lost weight. She seemed constantly tired and always had some sort of excuse when she or Melissa would invite her over. She had to be lonely in her large, 4-bedroom house outside of town, and that made them both worry about her.

  “Well,” Melissa answered with a slight hesitation, “Make sure you take care of yourself, Bethany. Mom and dad would have had our hides for not looking after one another.”

  Beth gave her a sister a small nod. There was that awkward silence around them that always seemed to be present at the mention of their parents. “I really should go… can’t keep the boss waiting.”

  Beth stepped to go around Melissa and Sarah but was stopped as Melissa interrupted. “Are you sure there is nothing you two want to tell me?” she asked, studying Beth and then Sarah respectively. “You never just drop by like this, Beth.”

  Beth gave both women a mixture between a smile and grimace as she picked up her purse that she’d dropped by the door when she’d entered. “Everything is fine, Mel. And Sarah, let me know what day next week you want to do lunch,” Beth continued, as she patted her sister on the arm.

  Melissa looked back and forth between them with her eyes narrowed slightly. “Is everything okay? Since when do you two do lunch?”

  Sarah blushed slightly, but moved closer to her girlfriend and took her by the arm. “Oh, well we have always done lunch it’s just been... a really long time. Hence next week. Anyway, Beth, you are going to be late you better go! I’ll text you later and let you know something, okay?”

  “Wait a second,” Melissa inserted, before looking at her twin directly. “Why did it look like you were consoling Sarah when I walked in? What happened?”

  “Nothing, Mel. It’s between Sarah and me. I’ll talk to you later, sis. And Sarah, we will have lunch next week,” Beth reiterated, the tone in her voice akin to that which she usually only used in the office.

  Watching her sister let herself out, Melissa then turned to Sarah. “Okay, spill it.”

  “Spill what? There is nothing to spill! Beth popped by and we had a chat. She wasn’t consoling me,” Sarah replied defensively.

  “That’s not what it looked like. And you better watch your tone, young lady. You are already on thin ice. Now, I’m going to ask one more time. What is going on?” Melissa pressed.

  Eyes widening, Sarah straightened her body and met Melissa’s gaze straight on. “There. Is. Nothing. Going. On,” she growled out through clenched teeth. She then took a step away, before spinning back around, spreading her arms as she readied for a full-blown argument. “And even if there was, it would be none of your business. I am allowed to have friends and one of those happens to be your sister!”

  In two quick steps, Melissa’s hand took hold of Sarah’s arm, spun her, and landed a hard swat on the center of her bottom. “I told you to watch your tone, Sarah Annabelle Hayes. Now, answer me.”

  Sarah pulled away from Melissa’s grasp and rubbed the tender spot on her behind. “If anyone needs to answer a question it’s you! What are you doing home in the middle of your workday? Hmm? What about that?”

  “It was slow at the store, so I told Randy I was going to take off early and I asked him to close the store for me later. I thought since you weren’t working today, we might spend a quiet afternoon together. Maybe cook something special for dinner. Maybe though, you’d rather just spend it facing a corner?”

  Sarah narrowed her eyes. She was only not working because Melissa grounded her, so she wasn’t allowed to use her computer. Usually, she worked from home as an editor for an online magazine. She loved the flexibility, and working from home was an ideal contrast to Melissa’s erratic schedule with her store.

  Thinking back to Melissa, however, she didn’t like that Melissa was too suspicious, even if she was right. Melissa might have called it attitude with her tone, but it was really more that Sarah was having a problem controlling her snowball of lies. “I don’t need to spend any time in a corner,” Sarah said before she paused for a moment and took a deep breath, further calming herself. What she needed was a minute and a distraction. “I think… I think I’d like… I’d like lasagna for dinner.”

  Melissa wrinkled her nose. “We don’t have the ingredients for it.”

  “We could run to the store?”

  “You’re grounded.”

  “You could go, and I’ll stay here,” Sarah bargained. If nothing else that would give her time and some space. Hopefully, enough to move that damn book, which was still tucked under the cushion of the nearby chair.

  Melissa eyed Sarah up and down suspiciously, but Sarah managed to give her a small, innocent-looking smile. Melissa finally relented with a roll of her eyes. “Fine, but you are doing the dishes after!”

  “Deal!” Sarah wrapped her arms around Melissa's waist and brought their lips together for a slow deep kiss.

  Melissa returned the kiss, wrapping her own arms around Sarah in the process. She then grinned as Sarah released her. “You are such a naughty minx. I have a half a mind to make you write lines while I’m gone. At least I know that’ll keep you out of trouble.”

  “I didn’t do anything,” Sarah protested, batting her eyelashes. “You’re the one that wanted to cook something special for dinner, so I just suggested my lasagna. I know how much you like it.”

  Melissa gave her brat another once over. “Okay, fine. You win, but I’m going to spank you tonight. And yes, that’s a promise.”

  Sarah let her lip fall into a pout. “Meanie.”

  “Maybe. We’ll see if you confess to whatever you’re hiding from me by then or not,” Melissa teased. “I’ll be back in 20 minutes. Behave.” With that, Melissa again twisted Sarah and landed another swat to her bottom. “I mean it.”

  Sarah rubbed her backside once more and watched her beloved go. As soon as she was out of sight, however, she scurried back to the book that she’d so swiftly hidden under the cushion of the chair. “If she finds this, she is going to kill me alright! My butt will be toast for the foreseeable future!” It was the latest spanky-novel by her favorite author which she had been specifically forbidden from buying and reading while grounded. But she couldn’t help it! It has just come out and she had to read it.

  Desperate, Sarah scrutinized every inch of the room around her. Nope, she couldn’t place it on the bookcase on the far wall and hope that Melissa wouldn’t notice. Her girlfriend had a proclivity to read actual books and was anal enough to notice if her shelves were disturbed. She couldn’t stuff it under the couch either, because Melissa was also a neat freak and rearranged furniture all too often.


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