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Confessions Of Gemini

Page 7

by Logan Tyler

  Melissa watched her sister’s face pinken as she continued to study something on the coffee table. “Enough….” she hesitated. “A lot.” Beth glanced up, her cheeks becoming redder with guilt and embarrassment.

  Melissa knew what her sister meant. She easily recalled everything she and Sarah did last Sunday morning. “Hmmm, okay. Maybe that’s a bit embarrassing, but it’s okay, Beth. There is nothing to be concerned about.”

  “You were… spanking her.”

  “Yeah. I do that from time to time.”


  “She likes it, or needs it… or, maybe it’s hard to explain. We have a system. We have rules she is supposed to follow and consequences if she doesn’t. She likes it. I like it. We both want it. I’m not abusing her or being controlling. Or well not controlling in a bad way. This weekend when she was supposed to stay in the apartment. She was grounded, and on some level, she wanted that.”

  “Oh. I see. Um… can I get some water?”

  “Good idea,” Melissa agreed, getting up and grabbing a cold bottle of water for each of them from the fridge. The break gave them both a moment to think, and as she handed Beth her bottle, she looked a little less uncomfortable. Melissa took that as a good sign.

  “You okay?” Melissa asked when Beth took the bottle, but just held it in her hand, staring at it as if she was contemplating something.

  Glazed eyes met Melissa’s as Beth admitted, “I’ve known a long time. Or, suspected. It’s obvious in the way you two look at one another or the way she looks at you for permission. I’ve noticed the whispered threats before. I just was in denial that my sister...” Beth trailed off, finally opening the bottle and taking a sip of water. “I don’t know. I just kept thinking about when we were kids.”

  “When we were kids?”

  “Well, there were both times when we got a turn over Mom’s knee, but I also remember when we used to play with dolls or house. Someone would always end up in trouble. I got more than one play-spanking from you, Mel. Maybe it makes sense why you were always in charge.”

  “Well, I am the older sister…”

  “By two minutes,” Beth quipped. “But I’m serious. Maybe all this time I’ve just been in denial.”

  Beth again trailed off, and Melissa waited hoping Beth would continue, but meeting only silence she prompted, “You were in denial of what?”

  Beth glanced up giving her a sad grin. She put the bottle of water on the table and answered, “That maybe there is more to that play that I wanted to admit.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Beth averted her eyes and shrugged. “I got something out of it. Not just when we were little or, even when we were teens. Even when Mom… you know. Sometimes I miss it.”


  “Spanking,” Beth whispered.

  “You miss being spanked?” Melissa said, her brow knitting as she tried to comprehend what her sister had just confessed. “So, you and Sarah have something in common,” she added after a moment of thought.

  Beth nodded, and the air felt heavy as the silence again settled between them.

  Now it was Melissa’s turn to use her bottle as a distraction. She played with it in her hands for a moment, before opening it and taking a sip herself. Swallowing, she studied the bottle again as she muttered to herself, “Well, damn.”

  Melissa placed the bottle on the table before she leaned her head back. She watched the ceiling fan spinning overhead and replayed the past few days. She should have known. How silly to not realize before now. Maybe she was in denial too. What were the chances her identical sister wouldn’t be identical in every way including this one?

  Beth was right. Things did start to make a certain sense now. Out of the two of them, Beth was the one that always seemed to push their parents more. She was the one with the temper, and she always seemed to settle down after she’d had her bottom warmed.

  It was more than that, it had to be. Beth was kinky too, just like Melissa, and looking back, Melissa realized there was so much more going on then she first thought. Beth was always too eager to play when they were children. They’d giggle when they saw a scene on TV or in a book. The only thing that didn’t make sense, however, and what she didn’t understand, was Beth’s violent reaction in her office. Melissa had long since outgrown the need for parental discipline, she’d just assumed her sister had too. Beth was actually the strong one. She was usually so self-controlled. She was so proud to be a lawyer. She worked hard for it too.

  Looking back up, Melissa studied her twin for a moment. Melissa almost found it amusing that Beth had also been looking up at the ceiling fan with her head laid back in the same way as Melissa has just been sitting. To the outside world, they would have looked like bookends. Maybe they were identical in a lot of ways, but looking back on those childhood games, more often than not, it was Melissa who was giving the spanking, and Beth who wasn’t complaining about receiving it.


  Beth’s tummy tightened once again as she thought about her confession. She’d been having the feeling of loss of control for a while, but the spanking she’d witnessed started an emotional roller coaster that was quickly becoming derailed.

  At the time she’d panicked, not knowing or understanding what was going on. She was torn between being angry to being fearful, to being just plain jealous of not being part of it. She’d felt so many emotions, she couldn’t even identify the right one. The more she thought about it though, the more she realized that she felt almost neglected. All this time she and Melissa could have had this wonderful, insightful, relationship, yet they’d never discussed it.

  “So, I want to be clear. The spanking...” Melissa drew out. “Which one of us did you want to be?”

  Beth squirmed at the use of the ‘s’ word. Her belly flipped again. She didn’t bother looking at her sister. She heard her sister take a deep breath and blow it out slowly. Beth’s heart sped up. She looked up at her sister. “Wha… what do you mean?”

  Melissa’s eyebrow rose in a way Beth had only ever seen her use with Sarah. She chewed her lip again trying to find an answer that didn’t sound… crazy or weird. Why didn’t the floor just open up and swallow her whole?

  “B? You can tell me. It’s obvious you know more about my personal life than I ever thought you would. You know we can talk about anything. I’m not going to judge you.”

  She knew Melissa was trying to coax her to talk, but what words could she even use? She wanted another drink, but it was apparent that Melissa wasn’t going to let her. Not that alcohol would really help at this point anyway. She’d gone too far and said too much.

  Sighing, Beth closed her eyes and imagined herself in the scene she had witnessed. She knew which one of them she wanted to be. Instantly she felt pulled to Sarah and her position. The vulnerability, the care, and even the sound of hand meeting her flesh. The next moment she found herself imagining what it might feel like to be over someone's lap in that same position.

  Beth shook those images from her thoughts and opened her eyes again. She caught her sister’s gaze. Her cheeks felt warm and she was sure there would be no hiding her blush. Timidly, Beth found herself muttering, “Sarah.”

  Melissa’s eyebrow rose, and she nodded. “That’s what I figured, and that’s perfectly understandable. There are more people that like being spanked than those that normally do the spanking. In fact, Sarah said something like that last night.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Melissa chuckled, “We are identical, sis, but only on the outside. You, dear sister are craving the attention only a dominant partner can give you.”

  Beth found the coffee table again, now not sure what to say to her sister. She wanted to both deny it and ask for more information at the same time but knew that didn’t make sense.

  Before she could form a coherent sentence, however, Melissa spoke again. “So, you’re feeling the need to be spanked. I am curious, however. Are you only interested in discipline or is t
here a sexual interest too?”

  Beth peered up at her sister again, who was looking slightly uncomfortable herself. She was shifting in her seat as if she wanted to get up and pace or even just run out the front door. Beth could relate, although it was oddly reassuring that she wasn’t the only one that was having a hard time with the conversation. It was at least as awkward for Melissa. She probably hadn’t woken up this morning with the plan to have a detailed conversation about her very private, romantic life.

  “I… I don’t know. I guess I like the idea of there being rules and consequences. Sometimes I struggle with things, and it would be a lot easier if there was someone there who could kick my butt, you know? I guess when Mom and Dad were here, it was enough to know I was doing my best and that I didn’t want to disappoint them, but now it’s just you and me.”

  Melissa pursed her lips. “How can I help?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you need a lecture? Do you need to talk? I know some websites that have useful information…”


  “Yeah, B?”

  “Would you….”

  “Beth, are you asking me what I think you’re asking?”

  Beth bit her lip. “These last few months especially, I’ve been lost. I feel like I’m drowning in stress, in debt… my anxiety level has been through the roof. Between work and… and going home to an empty house every day. I guess I’ve been lonely too.”

  Melissa frowned. She got up from her chair and moved over to couch to sit next to her sister. She pulled Beth into a hug. “You know Sarah and I are always here for you. Anything you need, all you need to do is say the word.”

  “Is the word spanking?” Beth asked with a wrinkle to her nose.

  Melissa chuckled. “If that is what you need.” Melissa then turned so she was looking into her sister’s eyes. “If that is really what you want, Beth, I will help you. I can help you get back onto your feet. Make sure you don’t get too overwhelmed with stress.”

  Beth felt her lip start to quiver. “You’d do that for me?”

  “I’d give you a kidney without a second thought. This, dear sister, is easy.”

  “Is it?” Beth asked, wiggling in her seat. “What about Sarah? Won’t she mind?”

  “She doesn’t even have to know if you don’t want her too.”

  Beth squirmed again. “That doesn’t seem right. I don’t want to hide anything from her.”

  “I can tell her then, or you can. It’s up to you.”

  “That seems embarrassing though.” Beth pouted at the thought. Telling Sarah was a whole different side of the coin.

  “I’m sure it wouldn’t be as embarrassing as someone watching you get spanked,” Melissa said, the slight tease evident in her voice.

  Beth’s eyes widened at the accusation. “I wasn’t really watching, well maybe a little bit, but just until I figured out what was going on…” she trailed off as Melissa’s raised eyebrow told her she wasn’t buying it. “Okay, I watched some… not all of it. I left when you pulled that paddle out. That thing looks like it could really sting.”

  “Sarah doesn’t care for it much,” Melissa chuckled. “Maybe you’ll get a chance to find out.”

  “Melissa, I’m not sure about all this. Maybe…”

  “Hey,” Melissa said, touching her sister’s arm. “I love you, Beth, and know that I’d never really hurt you. It’s actually kind of awkward, thinking about punishing you. I mean, you’re my sister. You have always been my equal. If we do this, for a while at least, you won’t be. Things will change between us.”

  Beth frowned and looked away in thought. “Maybe that would be a good thing… Giving up some control for a while,” she quietly admitted.

  Melissa reached for her hand and pulled it into her lap drawing Beth’s attention again. “Trust me, Bethany. Let go and let me help you relax and deal with this stress. I don’t want to see you hurting.”

  Beth frowned, shifting again in her seat. She wanted very much to accept her sister’s offer, but at the same time was hesitant because she wasn’t sure if she really wanted to go down this road. There was something else too, something that was bugging her. “Why would you want to even do this for me?”

  “Well,” Melissa drew out. “It’s simple. I love you and because if you have another tantrum like you did in the office today, I may not have another option but to pull you over my lap for a dose of the paddle anyway.”

  Beth’s eyes went wide again as she listened to her sister’s threat. Her heart was pounding in her ears and her mouth was suddenly dry. Her sister was offering to give her what she secretly wanted for so long, but at what cost? Looking up into identical eyes, she chewed her lip.

  Every argument she made with herself had the same result. She trusted Melissa, and really when she added that, there was nothing inside her telling her not to do this. It was so hard to just say the words.

  Melissa squeezed her hand gently and Beth looked up, again meeting her eyes. Melissa raised her eyebrow questioningly, making Beth blush for what felt like the hundredth time in the past hour.

  “Okay, I’ll let you… s… spank me,” Beth managed to squeak out.

  Melissa pulled her hand and brought Beth into a bone-crushing hug, which she gladly returned. Pulling away Melissa studied Beth for a moment. “Maybe we should go get some coffee. Before we do anything else…”

  “That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day,” Beth returned with relief.


  It took only a few minutes to settle into a table at Gemini Coffee. Even though they both frequented the establishment often, it was rare when they sat down and actually took in the scenery. It was laid back and relaxed, almost with a hipster vibe, which oddly stuck out among the other, more traditional stores, on Mainstreet. That was okay though, the store wasn’t the only thing that stuck out, so did Beth and Melissa. They were the only identical twins in Eagle Lake, so in a way, they were an anomaly as well.

  “Coffee’s good,” Beth mentioned as she took a sip. “A little warm in here though.”

  “It’s the alcohol,” Melissa quipped as Beth took a rubber band out of her purse and pulled her hair back with it. As she did, Melissa got a glance at her neck and her tattoo. It was tiny, right below and behind her ear on her neck. In fact, it matched the one that Melissa had herself.

  One drunken night in college led them to get matching tattoos, Beth’s on the right, and Melissa’s on the left. Both in the same place, hidden behind the ear and hairline. It was a simple design, and almost funny now that Melissa thought about it as they sat in the aptly named coffee shop. The tattoo was of the astrological sign for Gemini -- twin II’s. Twins; it was always about being alike. They were so alike but so different, it was almost comical.

  “What are you smiling at?” Beth asked.

  “Our tattoo. Remember when Dad saw it for the first time?” Melissa chuckled.

  “Oh wow, my ears are still ringing from his lecture. He called Mom in and I thought Mom was going to paddle me good. It’s a tiny little thing, but you would have thought it was a sign of the devil or something. Thank goodness you were there to show her yours too.”

  “And talk Mom out of it. She could hardly be angry when we told her what they mean.”

  “It’s always about the twin thing with us, isn’t it?”

  “Well it’s defined us since birth, why wouldn’t it continue to do so?”

  “It’s funny that you should end up living above this place,” Beth said as they both grew quiet.

  “Maybe you should think about moving into town, to be closer. I don’t really like you being out at your place, especially in the winter.”

  “I might not have a choice. I’m not going to be able to afford it much longer.”

  “You can stay with us if you need to,” Melissa offered.

  Beth sighed and shrugged.

  “Bethany,” Melissa scolded, putting a little more force into her tone. “I won’t argue with
you about it. You wouldn’t be imposing. You are family.”

  Beth nodded, looking down into her coffee. She’d been slowly sipping it and as it settled, she was feeling less of the alcohol fuzziness. “I’m feeling a bit better now,” she admitted. “My head is clearing.”

  “Mine too. We should eat something, but it can wait until after. I’ll tell Sarah to bring home something.”


  “Yeah,” Melissa said as she whipped out her phone and sent a quick text. “I think an hour should do.”

  “Hour?” Beth repeated again, her voice wavering.

  “Look B, I know you’re nervous, but you said so yourself. You need someone to help you focus. If I can’t help you with that, who else can you trust?”

  “I think I was just upset earlier…”

  Melissa pursed her lips in thought but quickly shook her head. “I think we need to go back to my apartment.”

  “Maybe we should get a muffin or something,” Beth tried to hide the sudden panic which was rising inside her.

  “Bethany Rose, I know you much better than that. Come on, you need to stop trying to stall.”

  Beth again sighed, but she could tell by her sister’s tone that she was serious. In a way, it was a relief. She trusted Melissa, but she was still nervous. Plus, there was another element as well. Beth had been truthful when she’d told Melissa how stressed she’d been. She was worried about making ends meet and now without a job that was going to make everything infinitely harder. The last thing she wanted to be was financially dependent on her sister, but maybe if she was willing to give a little it wouldn’t come to that.

  Quietly, Beth followed her sister back to her apartment. Her tummy was turning, and her nerves were making it hard to focus. By the time they actually crossed back into Melissa’s living room, Beth’s hands were shaking.

  “Hey,” Melissa said, pulling Beth into a hug. “It’s going to be okay. I love you and I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Beth chewed on her lip but nodded into her sister’s shoulder. “How… how are you going to do it?”


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