Confessions Of Gemini

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Confessions Of Gemini Page 9

by Logan Tyler

  Beth stiffened. She let out a little whimper but still refused to comply. Waiting patiently, Melissa again started to count. Again, reaching sixty, Melissa put the paddle back to work. This time she started slowly, alternating between each cheek.

  Methodically, she started to count; ten, twenty, thirty, and so on. Each set of ten became harder, sharper, faster, and more desperate until Beth started to squirm in earnest. When she reached the fiftieth swat, Beth was starting to become verbal. She was whimpering, squirming, and letting out small, “ouchs,” and “ooos,” every few seconds. Beth’s bottom was bright red. It had to be aching, and Melissa was a little worried that her sister wasn’t going to break.

  Deciding to change it up and play more mental than pain, Melissa paused and again asked, “Beth, I need you to listen to me again. I need an answer from you. You can hear my voice, right?”

  Beth nodded, whimpering as Melissa absently rubbed the small of her back. “Good, girl. Now I want you to stand up. Understand?”

  Again Beth nodded and slowly scooted off Melissa’s lap and into a standing position. “I’m sorry, Mel… I just…”

  “Okay, okay,” Melissa cut her off. “Hush now. No excuses, no apologies. I think we need to up this a bit.” With her words, Beth paled, and Melissa bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. She pointed to the far wall, “There is a large paddle over there, I’d like you to bring it to me.”

  Beth’s eyes went wide. “The sorority paddle?”

  “Yes. Go get it, please.”

  Beth’s hands went to her backside, effectively covering it up. “That’s too much, Melissa. I can’t handle that.”

  Melissa rose an eyebrow. She picked up Beth’s paddle for emphasis, spinning it between her hands. “I just gave you fifty licks with this. If you don’t bring me that paddle before I count to 10, I’ll give you another fifty and we’ll try again.”

  “But… But… Mel!” Beth whined as Melissa only shook her head.


  Beth gaped, her hands still plastered on her backside.


  “Mel, come on,” Beth tried to argue.

  “Three. Four,” Melissa said one after the other.

  Beth looked over at the corner, indecision flashing across her face. “I can’t…”


  “Damn it, Melissa,” Beth grumbled. “Fine.”

  Melissa held off on six as she watched her sister retrieve the paddle and bring it back. She shuffled her feet, her pants around her ankles and her panties halfway down, hindering every step. There was a scowl on her face a mile wide and it took everything that Melissa had not to chuckle at the childish display.

  Taking the paddle from her sister’s hand Melissa laid it on the bed next to her before looking back up into identical blue eyes, which were glazed over with uncertainty. “Please, Melissa….”

  “Bethany, you’re not in charge right now. You asked me to spank you, and you need to trust that I will do exactly what you need. No one knows you better, sis. You believe that right?”

  Biting her lip, Beth nodded. “I know, I’m just… nervous.”

  Melissa gave Beth a small smile before standing up. She pulled her sister into a hug before she pulled back and again met her eyes. “You know that corner where you just found the paddle?”

  “Yes,” Beth answered nervously.

  “You’re going to turn around, go back to it, and plant your nose in it. Understand?”

  Beth narrowed her eyes in question. “Seriously?”

  Melissa nodded and used Beth’s shoulder to turn her in the right direction. “Nose in that corner, hands off your backside, and you’re not to move or turn around until I dismiss you.”

  Beth looked longingly at Melissa but nodded with a sigh. “Mom never made us stand in a corner.”

  “I’m not Mom,” Melissa smiled. She kissed Beth on the cheek, then gave her an encouraging pat toward the corner. “Remember, hands away from your backside.”

  Melissa then watched her sister shuffle toward the corner a second time and then frowned as she settled in. She didn’t like doing it, but it was a strategy that sometimes helped Sarah. The spanking by itself wasn’t getting through to her, so Melissa figured giving Beth a different angle couldn’t hurt.

  As Melissa watched her sister, she again frowned. Beth was obviously struggling. Her own stubbornness was making it impossible for her to let go. She needed to stop her internal battling, and Melissa knew she couldn’t do that until she had moved past that inward fight.

  Sitting back down on the bed, Melissa picked up the blue paddle and twirled it around her in hand. Maybe it was the paddle that was the problem. Maybe it reminded Beth too much of their childhood. She then glanced at the sorority paddle that Beth had brought her. Using it would certainly make an impression, but was it the impression that Melissa wanted to give?

  With a frown, she looked back at her sister. Her pants were still around her ankles and in the shuffle, her panties had joined them. Beth’s shirt only covered about half her bottom, but what Melissa could see was bright red. She almost felt sorry for her, but at the same time, the top in her head told her this was exactly what her sister wanted. Beth’s defiance was proof that she needed to be pushed out of her comfort zone. She was craving the pain and the embarrassment of the spanking to put her world in perspective. She needed to be reminded that she was needed, she was loved, and she wasn’t a failure.

  Keeping that idea forefront, Melissa watched her sister continue to shift in the corner as she let an agonizing ten minutes tick by. “Alright, Bethany,” Melissa finally called out. “Come back, please.”

  Beth turned, her lower lip quivering as she met Melissa’s eyes. She glanced nervously at the sorority paddle, but Melissa reached out and took both of her hands, making her meet her eyes again. “Beth, listen to me. You didn’t answer me the first time, but I want you to understand why this spanking is so important. You need to forgive yourself. You need to let go all the stress and heartache you’ve been struggling with. That job, Mary, being alone, and yes, hiding your true self. You must allow yourself to be happy. Do you understand that?”

  Beth looked down, shifting from foot to foot. She was chewing on her lip again, which Melissa knew to be a stalling tactic. “Bethany Rose Winters,” Melissa snapped. “I asked you a question.”

  Beth looked up, her eyes glossing over. “I can’t…”

  Melissa sighed and a moment later had her sister over her knee once again. Beth yipped at the first swat of her palm and then began to dance with urgency as Melissa proceeded to use her hand to reignite Beth’s backside with a vengeance.

  “Ow! Melissa,” Beth whined as she twisted and squirmed with each stinging swat. “Please. Ohhhh….”

  Melissa nodded, hearing her sister’s words, but not heeding in her task. She gave Beth no less than twenty spanks before she again paused. “Are you ready yet? Are you going to answer me?”

  “Oh! Mel, please. I understand what you want me to do, but I just can’t. I’ve made so many mistakes,” Beth tried to explain. Her voice was shaky. Melissa knew she was on the verge of tears, but they were more from frustration that actually breaking through.

  Becoming frustrated herself, Melissa swatted her sister again, before demanding, “Alright. Up.”

  Beth whimpered but shakily slid off Melissa’s lap. “Please don’t use that big paddle on me, Mel. It’s scary.”

  Melissa let out a long breath and glanced at the paddle that was still lying on the bed beside her. She had a good mind to make good on her threat and really paddle Beth with it, but at the last minute, her eyes traveled to the window. Getting a sudden idea, she smirked. Beth followed her gaze, wrinkling her forehead with confusion as Beth stood and moved her slightly to the side.


  Beth took advantage of her sister’s apparent distraction with the window to let her hands find her rear. It was throbbing, and as she put a hand on each cheek was surprised
how warm it was. She never remembered spankings hurting this much, but then Melissa wasn’t playing around. She really thought that Melissa was just going to wail on her, maybe scold her a bit, and maybe she’d get a cry in, but reality proved to be very different than her imagination.

  Wincing as she tried to rub out the worst of the sting, Beth’s attention returned to Melissa who was fiddling with the right side of the window. Melissa unhooked the acrylic rod that was used to open and close the blinds and turned back toward Beth. For a moment Beth was confused, but then as her sister bent the rod back and forth in her hand, apparently testing the flexibility of it, she frowned. It was clear, about three feet long, maybe a half-inch in diameter, and by the way her sister was bending it between her hands was way too whippy for Beth’s liking.

  “You’ve got to be kidding. Maybe we should rethink that paddle? Or maybe I’ve had enough. I’m pretty sore… and… I,” Beth trailed off as Melissa gave her a brief shake of her head.

  “Over to the desk, Beth.”

  Beth shook her head, keeping both hands plastered to her backside. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Maybe not but paddling you and spanking you isn’t getting through. You need more.”

  Beth paled. “What was it that you asked again? You want me to let this go? I’m totally okay with letting this go.”

  “Bethany, desk.”

  Beth bit her lip. She didn’t like the idea at all. “I think maybe this has gone a bit too far.”

  “Do you want another round with your paddle before we finish our discussion?” Melissa warned.

  “No… but,” Beth protested but trailed off in a sigh. “That’s gonna hurt.”

  “Bethany, desk. Now.”

  With another sigh, Beth turned toward the desk. At her sister’s direction, she bent over the front of it, gripping the far edge for support. “Melissa, maybe we can talk this out?” Beth tried as she felt the acrylic rod lightly tap her lower cheeks.

  “I want you to repeat after me,” Melissa said, tapping the rod again, this time a tad harder. It didn’t really hurt, but the idea was making Beth squirm, both inside and out.

  “Okay,” Beth replied, before letting out a squeak of surprise as Beth gave her a harder swat. It was far from the full force, but with already being tender, it stung.

  “I am not a failure,” Melissa directed.

  “What? Ah! Ow!” Beth yipped as Melissa gave her a harder stroke. She gritted her teeth. That one hurt. “Okay, okay. I’m not a failure.”

  “Good. Again. I am not a failure.”

  Beth gritted her teeth and waited a moment too long to reply before she felt another stripe. She gasped at the hardest stroke yet and did a little dance before blurting out. “I’m not a failure.”

  “Good girl. Again,” Beth prompted. She set the rod against Beth’s cheeks but had not struck yet.

  Beth wiggled, feeling the sensation of the rod against her flesh, but managed to get out. “I’m not a failure.” Almost proud of herself, she let a small smile escape. She almost believed it. Still, it didn’t prepare her for the strongest stripe yet, that came a second later.

  “Oh! Mel. That’s not fair.”

  “Next phrase,” Mel said, not commenting on the stroke. “I am a good person.”

  “I try to be…Owoch!” Beth cried out as Melissa struck her hard across both cheeks. “Damn it, Mel.”

  “Say it,” Melissa encouraged, lining up the rod again.

  Beth bit her lip. She was focused on the rod and was having trouble remembering exactly what she was supposed to say. Melissa tapping the rod across her backside almost impatiently wasn’t helping. “I am, I am a good person,” Beth managed.

  “Good. Again,” Melissa directed, pulling back the rod and giving Beth a good pop a little lower than the last stroke.

  Beth danced again. Her knuckles grew white as they gripped the edge of the desk. She longed to reach back and to protect herself. Her eyes were becoming blurry, but despite all that, she mumbled, “I’m a good person.”

  “Louder,” Melissa encouraged. Another stroke landed, lower again than the last. It hit right across the bottom of her cheeks and by far it was the most painful she’d felt.

  “Eek! Owww,” Beth moaned. She sniffled. “I am… I am a gooood person.”

  “One last time,” Melissa encouraged, tapping the rod three or four times, but not striking hard.

  “I’m a good person,” Beth said. It wasn’t with force, nor with conviction, but it felt good to say. “I am a good person,” she repeated again, feeling even better the second time.

  “Very nice. You are, Beth. You are a good person. You’re not a failure. And what happened wasn’t your fault. That’s your next line.”

  “But, Mel. It was my fault. I should have… Ow!” Beth was cut off by another stripe. Almost before she caught her breath, she felt a second, and then a third. The third one in particular stung. It was the lowest one yet, just barely above the crease of where her cheek met her thigh.

  “Damn it. Okay. It wasn’t my fault.”

  “Do you believe that?”

  “Mel…. Ow!” Beth cried out as another painful lick landed across the meatiest part of her bottom. It hurt and as she squirmed through the height of the pain, she again felt her eyes moisten.

  “Say it, Beth.”


  There was a pause and then whoosh followed by searing pain. Beth bucked, raising up higher on the desk and kicking her legs in the process.

  “Say it,” Melissa again prompted.

  Despite the pain, Beth found herself grinding her teeth. She squirmed in anticipation waiting for another strike, which didn’t come. Slightly confused, Beth found the courage to look over her shoulder. Melissa was standing there, a frown on her face and the rod still in her hand.

  “I’m sorry,” Beth started. She shifted to get up, by Melissa shook her head.

  “Don’t you dare move.”

  Melissa tone was dark and a bit scary. She swallowed hard, almost frozen, but her eyes went wide as Melissa again moved toward the bed where she switched out the rod for Beth’s blue paddle once again.

  Beth’s tummy twisted. Her knees felt weak, and if it wasn’t for the desk supporting most of her weight, she might have fallen to the ground. Melissa had a determined look in her eye, and it was all Beth could do but quickly turn back around and close her own eyes in anticipation.

  A moment later, Beth felt her sister’s arm close around her waist, and then the paddle again connected with her backside. The swats came fast and furious, striking not only her backside but including the tops of her thighs too. Beth quickly lost count, dancing and squirming in a vain attempt at avoiding them.

  The pain was quickly building. On top of the recent canning, spanking, and previous paddling, her backside was little more than a raw mass of throbbing agony. The addition of her thighs, however, was pushing even further. There the pain was new. It was sharp, and it held her attention.

  “Ow, owowowowowow!” Beth cried out. “Please! Oh, it hurts.”

  Melissa swatted her hard and then paused. “Say it. Say the whole thing.”

  Beth panicked a moment, her mind racing to make sense of Melissa’s words. Melissa tapped the paddle meaningfully, but it only caused Beth to sputter, “I… I… I.. can do this.”

  “You can?”

  Beth nodded. “I’m not a failure,” she suddenly spat out. “I’m loveable. I deserve to be happy. I can get over this. I can do it!”

  “That’s my girl,” Melissa said approvingly. “You are not a failure. You’re a good person, and this is not your fault. You can and will overcome this.”

  Beth bit her bottom lip. Her sister’s words meant everything. She wasn’t a failure. It wasn’t her fault, and yes she was a good person. She couldn’t let this change her. She wasn’t going to let it. Her eyes blurred, and she shifted her hips. Her backside was on fire, yet she knew she wasn’t done.

  Sniffling, Beth a
gain turned her head to look at her sister. “Please, Mel. Make me cry.”

  Melissa pursed her lips for a moment but gave her a small nod.

  Beth blinked and turned back around, again gripping the edge of the desk so hard her fingers started to ache. This time though, the paddle started slowly. One cheek and then the other. Melissa started at the fullest part but soon moved downward. The lower cheek, underside, and thigh top were her primary targets.

  Beth rocked back and forth. Her eyes were tightly shut, but she couldn’t help a small, “eep,” or, “oh,” as the pain only increased. She sniffled again and let her head rest down on the desk. One, two, three, four, the swats kept coming, slow and methodical. She gasped, and suddenly, let go. Feeling a tear stream down her cheek, Beth only sniffled again before her body started to shake.

  “I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I’m so sorry.”

  Those words were the last she made, at least coherently as she was swept away in a current of emotion, pain, sorrow, and regret. She felt the paddle a few times more but barely noticed when it stopped, and she felt Melissa’s warm hand on the small of her back.

  “It’s okay,” Melissa was saying through the fog that was covering Beth’s thoughts. “Shhhh, it’s okay,” Melissa said again.

  Beth felt herself being pulled up as Melissa wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug. “I’m so proud of you. You’re amazing,” Melissa was saying.

  Beth wrinkled her brow for a moment but let herself get lost in her sister’s embrace. It felt so good to be wanted, to be loved. She sniffled again, before pulling back enough to give Melissa a small smile. “You’re the amazing one… that was … wow. I can’t even…”

  “Then don’t,” Melissa smiled back. “Here. Let’s get you settled. “I think you need to lay down and give yourself a little time.”

  “I’m not tired,” Beth tried to argue, even as Melissa took her hand and led her toward the bed.

  Melissa lifted the rod and sorority paddle off and put them both on the desk before turning back to Beth. “Take that shirt off. I’ll get you something more comfortable.”


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