Confessions Of Gemini

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Confessions Of Gemini Page 10

by Logan Tyler

  Beth stood dumbfounded, watching Melissa leave before her hands went to her rear. It was beyond throbbing, and as she gently ran her fingers over her cheeks, she winced as she felt raised lines and rough texture left by the rod and paddle. She was sure to have bruises, but that was perhaps for the best. It would remind her of this moment for a long time to come.

  Melissa returned a moment later with a long t-shirt and a pair of loose shorts in her hands. She frowned at Beth, who quickly moved her hands from her backside and started to unbutton her blouse. She blushed slightly as she removed that, her camisole, and bra before letting Melissa help her slip the shirt over her head.

  Beth then looked down at the shorts in Melissa’s hand. She bit her lip for a moment before shaking her head. “Can I… do you mind if I … don’t?”

  Melissa chuckled before putting the shorts on the desk. “You might want them later, but I understand.” She then hugged Beth once again, giving her a kiss on the cheek before she pulled down the covers on the twin bed. “Best lay down on your tummy, sis,” Melissa encouraged.

  “I’m still not tired, but I guess a few minutes would be nice.”

  “Right. Don’t worry, I won’t let you sleep too long. By the way, you’re spending the night.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes,” Melissa said with certainty.

  “Okay,” Beth didn’t argue as she slid down between the cool sheets. She wasn’t about to admit it, but her eyes were a little heavy. “I’m just going to rest here until the worst of the throbbing stops.”

  “You do that,” Melissa again said, leaning over and kissing her sister’s forehead. “Get some rest.”

  “Okay,” Beth again agreed. She watched Melissa leave, closing the door in her wake before her hand again traveled to her backside. The last thing she remembered was wrinkling her nose as she gave herself a sympathy rub and closing her eyes. She didn’t mean to fall asleep, but maybe it didn’t hurt to rest her eyes… for just a few minutes.


  Melissa quietly closed the door to the office behind her as she took one last peek at Beth. Her sister’s eyes were slowly drifting closed. Making her way down the hall she was surprised to find Sarah standing in the kitchen making tea.

  “Sarah! What are you doing here?” Melissa stepped up behind her partner. She wrapped her arms around Sarah’s waist, nuzzling her close, and taking the moment to enjoy her floral scent.

  “You texted and told me to bring dinner home, remember?”

  Melissa nodded but wrinkled her brow in confusion. “But in an hour, not like immediately.”

  “Yeah, it’s been close to two.” Sarah turned in Melissa’s arms. She rose up on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on Melissa’s lips. She then let Melissa pull her into a hug, enjoying the feeling of her love wrapped in her arms.

  “It seemed like you and Beth were having a very thorough conversation when I got in.” Sarah looked up at her partner, questioningly. “That hasn’t happened before, has it?”

  Melissa slowly shook her head. “No, but Beth has been having some trouble lately. She needed that conversation. And for the record, it’ll serve your bottom well to not tease her about it either when she comes out here,” Melissa jokingly warned as she swatted Sarah’s butt playfully.

  Sarah poked her lip out in a pout. “But… now we have so much we can talk about. Now she can even understand more about why you grounded me!”

  Melissa shook her head at her little brat’s enthusiasm. “Yes, that may be so honey, but we don’t want to embarrass her. She’s going to have to adjust to being kinky just like you and I did. Can you understand that?”

  Sarah skewed her lips and nodding sullenly. “I guess. If it were any other woman, I’d be jealous, but she’s not only your sister but your twin. I get that you can be close to her in ways that might not make sense to anyone else. Oh, but that gives me an idea. Now I have to introduce her to Maggie!”

  “We can suggest it…”

  “No, don’t you see? Maggie is a total Top, even stricter than you. Beth would thrive with her, don’t you think?”

  Melissa chewed her lip and considered what Sarah asked. On some level, she wanted to protect her ‘little’ sister, but at the same time, she wanted her to have a chance at happiness too. “There is more to setting someone up than finding a disciplinarian, Sarahbell.”

  “Well, I know that, silly. They have more in common. Maggie’s dad is a lawyer. And so she totally gets it… and they both like those b-rated disaster flicks, oh and Greek, they both love Greek food. She and Beth have so much in common. I’m getting excited just thinking about it.”

  “Alright, but don’t push her, okay?” Melissa conceded.

  “Nope that’s your job,” Sarah teased as Melissa gave her a look.

  “Watch it, young lady. We will talk about it. After we talk about everything else first.”

  “Everything else?” Sarah paled a bit. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Not exactly. Well, let's just say that you, little miss, were not the only one to overhear things recently.”

  Sarah’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding!”

  “No, I’m not. Sunday morning, Beth witnessed our little chat.”

  “She spied on us?”

  “Not exactly, well, maybe a little bit,” Melissa hedged as Sarah’s cheeks warmed with both embarrassment and displeasure.

  “I don’t think I’m okay with that.”

  “She knows, and I know that too. It was an accident, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen again.”

  “Knowing is one thing, Melissa, I’m not going to submit if you’re going to let your kinky sister watch.”

  “Sarah, that’s not what I meant at all. Come sit with me. We need to talk.”

  “That we do,” Sarah huffed. She turned, attempting to storm past Melissa, but was stopped as Melissa grabbed her by the upper arm.

  “Let me make one thing clear, missy. The attitude will stop right now. We, you and I, are going to talk about this and how it changes things for us, but be forewarned that just because my sister is in the next room, that doesn’t give you a free pass to be a brat.”

  Sarah took in a deep breath. “I’m sorry. You’re right.”

  “Good, that’s my girl.” Melissa relaxed, pulling Sarah into a hug. “I love you, honey, so much.”

  “I love you too, Mel,” Sarah conceded. Her body relaxed, and that signaled Melissa that although Sarah might not have liked the idea, she’d at least accepted that it wasn’t something that Melissa would normally tolerate. “Come on, let’s talk this out,” Melissa then coaxed. “It’ll be okay, I promise.”

  “I know,” Sarah nodded. “I believe you.”


  Beth peeled her eyes open one at a time. She was momentarily confused about the darkened room she found herself in. Rolling onto her back she groaned as her backside connected with the mattress. Ironically grinning to herself at the feeling she had craved for so long, she rolled out of the bed to avoid further discomfort and crossed the room to the full-length mirror hanging behind the closed office door.

  Flipping on the light, she stood and surveyed her disheveled self. She almost looked like a different person, with her hair sticking out everywhere, and her mascara and eyeliner smudged to hell and back. Even the shirt that was several sizes too big, was something she wouldn’t normally be caught dead in.

  Scrunching her nose, she turned her back to the mirror and slowly pulled up the hem of the shirt to reveal her still reddened and inflamed cheeks. Tenderly she ran her hands over the punished flesh finding the warmth fascinating. Both cheeks were swollen and hosted a deep-sunburnt color which was accompanied by darker splotches that would soon turn to bruises. Just touching them was uncomfortable. Sitting and moving were sure to be interesting the next few days.

  “Well, you finally did it, Beth. Got a good spanking like you’ve been needing

  for a long time. Better watch that temper or else,” she mumbled to
her image in the mirror.

  Down the hall, Beth could hear the sounds of the TV. Faintly, in the background, she also heard the clinking of glasses and silverware. Her stomach grumbled as she realized she hadn’t eaten anything since that morning, but she was feeling off as well. If she were home, she might open her own liquor cabinet and top of the night with a glass of wine or three before letting herself pass out.

  Realizing that she wasn’t home and was just delaying the inevitable, however, she located the shorts that Melissa had left for her earlier. She very gently pulled them on and up over her hips and was thankful that they were baggy enough not to irritate her sensitive skin. Beth then took a moment to soothe out her hair as best she could with her fingers. Likewise, she rubbed the worst of the black eyeliner away. With one last glance in the mirror, she decided that she was as ready as she would ever be to once again face her sister.


  Sarah heard the door to her office open and looked up to find Beth apprehensively peeking out. She couldn’t help feeling for her. She gave Beth a wide smile and a small nod to reassure her that it was safe. Beth’s exit was much like a timid rabbit peeking out of its burrow for the first time, but she looked slightly more relieved when Melissa got up to meet her.

  Melissa also gave her a smile and hug before saying, “It’s okay, B. I bet you’re hungry.”

  Beth wrinkled her nose. She looked a little groggy, but then Sarah could relate. She usually slept hard after a severe punishment too. “Um,” Beth hesitated as she looked back and forth between her sister and Sarah. “Maybe I should just go home.”

  Melissa clicked her tongue at that. “I already told you, you’re spending the night. Don’t worry, Sarah brought your car over a while ago. Oh, and you’re eating too.” Melissa put her arm around Beth as her lip poked out in a pout.

  “My stomach is a little iffy after the whiskey earlier.”

  “Yep, mine is too a bit. That’s why Sarah got us burgers and beer for dinner,” Melissa reassured her, ruffling Beth’s hair and pulling her towards the table that was set for three.

  “Serves you both right for drinking a half a bottle of whiskey at one in the afternoon,” Sarah interjected scolding them both gently. Momentarily both sisters ducked their heads each turning a light shade of pink.

  “Yeah, well sometimes whiskey makes things better,” Melissa muttered to herself.

  Sarah simply shook her head and sat at the table to the left of her partner. Following suit, Beth pulled her chair out but hesitated as she looked down at it. Sarah could see her eyebrows knit as if she were thinking deeply about actually having to sit down. Sarah had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from chuckling until she was suddenly distracted as she felt a pinch to her wrist.

  “Ow!” She glared at Melissa who was staring her down with a raised brow.

  “Behave,” was all she quietly muttered.

  Sarah pursed her lips. Not saying anything she picked up her glass of water and took a drink allowing the cool liquid to drown her bratty retort.

  “Beth, why don’t you go get a pillow from the couch to sit on?” Melissa offered.

  Sarah’s eyes widened at her partner, just as Beth turned a deep shade of pink. “Melissa!” both women shot out at the same time.

  “Sarah, I told you to behave. I mean it,” Melissa scolded before looking back at her sister. “Go ahead, B. I think you’d feel a lot more comfortable on a pillow. And Beth, there is no reason to be embarrassed. Sarah knows everything. It would seem we took a bit too long because she got home in time to hear the end of your paddling. Now, go get a cushion if you want. Otherwise, sit and eat so we can all three talk.”

  Sarah sat the glass down a bit harder than necessary as she scowled at Melissa.

  Melissa, however, ignored her instead beginning to nurse her beer.

  Beth’s eyes went wide. She hesitated a moment but eventually turned and scurried into the living room for a pillow.

  As soon as she was out of earshot Sarah hissed, “I got my butt spanked hard the other day for using a pillow! That’s not fair!”

  “Young lady, you are my partner and brat. You do what I say. Beth is my sister. Our relationship is very different. Now, enough. This is your last warning, or I swear to you I will take you into our bedroom and wear your backside out to remind you who I am. Do you understand me?” she pressed, just as Beth came back in with pillow in her hand.

  Sarah nodded and stared at the table. She was both embarrassed and a little turned on at being put in her place. It was weird having Beth right there, overhearing everything, but apparently, that was the trend lately.

  “Verbal answer, Sarah Annabelle,” Melissa demanded, startling Sarah enough to look back up and meet her eyes.

  “Yes, ma’am. I understand.”

  Sarah felt her cheeks warm yet again, as Beth looked between the two, but was thankful that Beth didn’t say anything about the exchange. Instead, she carefully situated the pillow and took a seat across from Sarah.

  They began eating in a quiet slightly awkward silence. The only noise was that of the light traffic on the street below. It was Beth, however, that was the first to break the silence. “The food is good, Sarah. Thanks for picking it up.”

  “You are welcome. You know we like having you over here. You should come around more often.”

  “You should,” Melissa seconded. “In fact, both of us will be keeping a closer eye on you that’s for sure. We don’t like the thought of you being alone out there at your place. And we want you to always know we are here for you,” Melissa continued to assure her as Sarah nodded along.

  Beth looked back down at her half-eaten burger. She shifted in her seat before looking up at Sarah. “Does that mean you are okay… with what happened?” Beth timidly asked.

  Sarah noticed Melissa had stopped eating and looked up at her as if she was also waiting on an answer. Sarah chewed her lip for a moment, looking at the set of twins across the table from her. Realizing how much she loved one and by extension loved the other, she slowly nodded. All the initial feelings of confusion and hurt had quickly faded. All she felt now was warmth. A warmth that only family could provide.

  In that moment of thinking of family, she realized that all the family Beth and Melissa had in this world were sitting in this room. That alone determined how she felt about the entire situation. “At first, I was hurt and confused a bit, but after Mel explained everything, I am okay with it. I don’t like the fact you accidentally spied, but I don’t think you will ever do it again. And as for you getting a spanking that’s not really my business. You two have been best friends and sisters since conception. If you need a good spanking like your mom would have given you, who am I to come between family? Besides, maybe with her swatty attention being focused on you for a while I’ll be able to sit more often.”

  Melissa rolled her eyes and Beth’s shoulders relaxed. “Thank you, Sarah. I really am sorry about spying on you two, and you are right, it’ll never happen again. Mel cured me of any curiosity, I promise.”

  Sarah reached across the table. She caught Beth’s hand and squeezed it gently. “You’re forgiven, as long as you forgive me too. Although, I didn’t exactly spy. I do live here after all.”

  Beth chuckled. “True. Maybe I should give you my keys back.”

  “You’ll do no such thing,” Melissa quickly vetoed. “Just be a little more secret. We no longer have any secrets and if one or both of you need some blisters on your backsides, we’ll deal with it. In the meantime, I think we need to focus on something else.”

  “What else is there to focus on?” Beth asked.

  “Your future. I’ve been thinking about it. Why do you need Mary Parker? You’re a good lawyer on your own. Why can’t you take on your own clients?”

  “It’s not that easy… I’d need a place, an office, I don’t have the money, especially right now.”

  “We’ll help you,” Sarah said. She reached across the table and patted Beth’s arm. “
It may take a little time, but I have some ideas too. One of those is Maggie.”

  “Maggie?” Beth asked. “Does she need a lawyer?”

  Sarah chuckled. “I hope not, but that’s not why I mentioned her. You made some progress finding your true self today, Beth, don’t you think it’s time to pursue other interests as well.”

  Beth’s eyes went wide. “You want to fix me up on a blind date? I don’t know, Sarah…”

  “Humor me. Meet her for coffee? You have a lot in common.”

  “We do?”

  “Maybe I should say she and Melissa have more in common, but I think that would suit you just fine.”

  Beth swallowed and looked at her sister. “What do you…. oh, seriously?” she said as she squirmed in her chair.

  Melissa laughed. “You’ll like her, Beth. I promise.”

  Beth looked back down at her plate before finally shrugging. “At this point, I don’t have anything to lose. Why not?”

  “Yeah!” Sarah smiled. “I’ll call her and set it up. Just you wait. This is going to be great.”

  Part Five: Two Weeks Later; Another Wednesday

  Beth twisted her hands in her lap anxiously. It has been two long weeks since she’d agreed to meet Sarah’s friend, Maggie, and she’s been rather busy. She’d managed to get a retainer with the local real estate office, which was at least meeting her bills. She’d also gained a couple of her clients which had left Parker & Associates when they’d heard about how Mary had treated her. That was helping and making her feel worthy again.

  Glancing at her watch, she couldn’t help but be nervous. She was early, but her date hadn’t arrived yet. She’d already put this date off twice, and if it wasn’t for Melissa outright threatening another dose of her paddle, she might have done it again. She’d dated a bit in college, but this was different. She was in her hometown, where she grew up. She knew people, and they all knew her. It was more than that too, however. She also knew something about her date. Maggie was like Melissa. She was a Top, who not only knew that Beth liked to be spanked, but needed to be. That thought alone made Beth squirm in her seat.


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