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Hyena Queen: An Unconventional Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (The Legend of Synthia Rowley Book 1)

Page 16

by Ann Mayburn

  I probably would have stood there staring at the box for another hour, debating opening it, if that damned burning arousal hadn’t started building again. It wasn’t to the point where I was rubbing up against the arm of my couch, so I took the opportunity to start opening packages. I set the box on my dining room table and cut it open, a nervous giggle escaping me as I took in the vast array of toys. I had dildos, vibrators, clamps, cuffs, bindings, blindfolds, under the bed restraints, and even some anal beads. I grabbed a box at random, this one containing a smooth, curved vibrator that was supposed to be good for hitting your g-spot. After I opened it, I tried to ignore the way my robe was rubbing against my nipples, stroking the sensitive tips in a distracting manner. My pussy was to the point of throbbing again, and I shifted as I squeezed my legs together. The instructions said I had to wash it first, and I figured it was the same with the others, so I unboxed everything then took my load of pornographic delight into my kitchen. The restraints and stuff like that I set over to the side on my counter before taking the bulk of my purchases to my kitchen sink. I couldn’t help but giggle as I began to wash plastic dicks, one by one, before putting them in my cheery yellow drying rack.

  By the time I was done I had quite a collection of fake dongs drip drying, and I had the inane urge to take a picture and send it to Diana. She’d laugh her ass off, but I’d never hear the end of it so I decided not to. Feeling naughty, I selected a freshly washed toy, a small vibrator that came pre-charged. It was pink, and an odd round shape with a couple little wiggly nubs at the top, almost like antennas. Evidently I slipped those doo-hickies around either side of my clit and it was supposed to get the job done in an epic manner.

  A hard pulse of need sent even more blood to my already swollen sex and I quickly made my way back to my bedroom. After shedding my clothes, I lay back on my bed among my messy mound of pillows and soft sheets. Down here in the basement it was nice and dim, the summer light coming in through the various small windows filtered by sheer cream curtains. Spreading my legs wide, I inspected the vibrator and fooled around with it for a few seconds before figuring out how to turn it on. The device hummed, rumbling against my fingertips as I gave it a dubious look. It was louder than I expected, and I felt a flush of embarrassment, as if someone would somehow hear me and know I was masturbating.

  Sucking on my lower lip, I gently pressed the soft plastic nubs against my clit, then let out a gasp.

  Holy shit did that feel good.

  Moaning aloud now, I ran the tip of the toy over my clit, almost too intense pleasure sizzling through my body. My breathing escalated, and a flush of heat swept through me, seeming to go from the bottoms of my feet all the way to my ears. Soon I was chasing the toy with my hips, my eyes closed and my neck arched as I got closer and closer to my climax. It didn’t take long before I was crying out, but the toy soon became too intense and I turned it off, panting as sweat cooled on my forehead.

  My whole body relaxed, the tension that had been riding me for the last few hours melting away. I was wet and sticky between my legs, but exhaustion swept over me and I groaned, grabbing my blanket as I nuzzled into my pillows. A pleasant tingle seemed to hum through me, and I sank into my bed as I decided to take a nap.

  Screaming woke me, a woman shrieking, “Oh my merciful Goddess!”

  Another woman began to laugh hysterically, her familiar and beloved cackle waking me from a dead sleep. For a moment I was confused, disoriented, and I felt hot and achy. The arousal had returned, and it seemed to have brought a fever with it. Hauling myself out of bed, I tried to figure out what my mom and Aunt Patty were being so loud about, and why there were here.

  It wasn’t until I was pulling my sweatshirt over my painful nipples that I suddenly remembered what was drying in my dish rack.

  Despite feeling weak as crap, I ran up the carpeted steps and burst out into the hallway leading to my open kitchen/dining room/living room.

  There, to my complete mortification, I found my mom, dressed in her usual midwestern mom capris and cute peach top, along with my Aunt Patty, dressed in her usual skintight jeans and faded Poison t-shirt, staring at my sink. At first glance you’d never think they were sisters. My Aunt Patty had dyed black hair teased out into a helmet that would have been the height of fashion in the late 80s. Her current outfit of ripped jeans, black leather boots, and concert t-shirt all heralded back to the days of the classic heavy metal bands. In many ways, my Aunt Patty resembled an aging rock video chick, but I loved her to death.

  My mom, on the other hand, was always far more conservative than her rebellious older sister. Mom got good grades, married a fantastic guy, went to college, and got a job as a teacher. With her honey brown hair, pale skin, and hazel green eyes she clearly took after my Scottish grandmother. In many ways she was like the Donna Reed of the new millennium, motherly but conservative.

  But right now my normally chill mom looked about ready to pass out.

  Her hazel eyes darted from the drying rack of dicks, to me, and then she lifted her hands in a fluttering motion. “Synthia! What in the name of all that is sacred is this?”

  “Mom!” I frantically tried to come up with some excuse, any excuse, as I stared at the plastic dick parade in horror. “It’s not what you think!”

  Aunt Patty, bless her heart, snickered and gave me the perfect out. “Oh calm down, Carol. Syn is probably doing one of those sex toy parties. They’re all the rage now. It’s like Tupperware, but more fun. Right, Syn? What do you kids call that-it’s your side gig, right? Side job? I forgot the term my grandkids use, side something.”

  “My side hustle, yes!” I practically yelled as I shoved my mother out of the kitchen area, and onto the couch where she couldn’t see the sex toys anymore. “I’m selling dildos as my side hustle.”

  Red as a tomato, my mom stammered as she tried to pretend she was totally cool with the whole situation. “Well I’m sure you’ll do a wonderful job. You were top cashier at the Dairy Mart two months in a row your senior year.”

  My mom’s statement made me and Aunt Patty exchange a look, then start laughing. The stress and absurdity of the situation washed over me, and tears trailed down my cheeks as I collapsed onto the couch next to my mother. She batted me away, fighting a smile, then frowned.

  “Synthia, you’re burning up. When’s the last time you took some medicine?”

  I tried to shoo her and my Aunt Patty off me, but they were both doing that mom ‘wrist to the forehead’ thing.

  “You’re right, she’s warm,” Aunt Patty headed towards the kitchen. “Do you have any cold meds, Syn?”

  “Yeah. The cabinet next to the stove, right hand side second shelf.”

  My mom took my hand as she looked at me closely, her worry scenting the air between us, mixed with a smell I’d come to associate as my mother’s love. “I’m so sorry I made a scene and pulled you out of your sickbed. I was just a little…surprised. You’ve…we’ll you’ve never shown any interest in those things before. Are you getting…” she cleared her throat. “Are you starting to feel feminine urges?”

  While this conversation was supremely uncomfortable, my mom had been there with me during my testing, had held me while I cried and railed against the injustice of the world. It was my mom who’d helped me through my depression, and my mom who’d always been a source of hope. She’d been my rock and even though I wanted to crawl beneath the rug and hide, she deserved to know.

  Giving her a small smile, I said, “Yes. I am.”

  Clapping her hands together, she squealed. “Really?”

  “Yes, Mom. Really.” I looked over at the corner of the ceiling, mortified but needing to say it. “My body works in all the regular ways now.”

  “Can you…reach completion?”

  Dying of embarrassment, I choked out, “Yes.”

  “Honey, I’m so happy for you!”

  Aunt Patty reappeared with two green capsules and a glass of milk. “What’s going on?”

�Synthia can feel desire!”

  My Aunt set the glass down with a thump. “Seriously!”

  To my surprise, my mom leapt from the couch and the two sisters clutched each other’s arms as they jumped around together, laughing and crying. I sat on the couch, staring at them and wondering if I was having some kind of fever dream. Were they really doing a touch down dance from the 80s together over my ability to orgasm? Aunt Patty hugged my mom, gave another happy dance, then handed me the pills with a huge smile.

  “Darlin’, I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am for you. Have you gotten laid yet? How about oral sex? That’s the best. I’ve come on way more rock star’s faces than their dicks.”

  “Patty,” my mom yelled, smacking her sister’s shoulder before taking a seat next to me. “Have some class and decorum.”

  “Sorry, sis, you got all the class in the family, and I wouldn’t know decorum if it bit me in the ass.” She sat on my other side and handed me my milk. “Now take your medicine. Have you been nauseous at all? Any headaches?”

  “No, I think it’s just a virus. You know how easy it is to get sick when you’re around tourists all day.”

  Aunt Patty nodded sagely. “One summer when I was a teenager I worked at Kings Dominion and I got the flu like twenty times.”

  “You got the flu because you kept making out with park guests,” my mom teased.

  “Just the cute ones,” Aunt Patty grinned back.

  I sank into my marshmallow couch while they talked, letting their voices and presence sooth me. Just relaxing here, surrounded by my family brought me a sense of contentment and satisfaction that I appreciated in a whole new way. I didn’t just feel their love, I could almost taste it and my hyena was basking in her joy at being with family.

  She was lonely, missed having others of her kind around, but the love of a mother was universal, and my hyena loved my mom back. It amused me to realize that in many ways she was separate from me, with her own opinions on things. When I devoured a good bowl of broccoli and cheese soup, she’d grumbled in my mind while I ate it. And while I’d never been a big fan of salami, she’d gone crazy for it at the grocery store, and I found myself buying two pounds of the stuff.

  Which I scarfed down in less than a week.

  It really was that good.

  “Syn?” My mom said as she rubbed my hand. “You ready to go back to bed?”

  “Yeah,” I breathed out through my nose. “Sorry, I’m sleepy.”

  Aunt Patty stood, then helped me up off the couch. “Those were PM cold meds, you’re probably going to be out for the rest of the night. When you wake up you’ll be as good as new.”

  “Great,” I mumbled, leaning heavily on my mom before we reached the stairs.

  My mom brushed my hair back, the soft scent of her sweet perfume reaching me. “Can you make it down the steps okay? My knee has been acting up so I’ve been trying to avoid the stairs.”

  “Yeah, I’m just tired.”

  My aunt rubbed my back, her normally smiling face serious. “I know that what happened to you sucked, but honey, I’m so glad it knocked loose whatever was wrong with your brain. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to fall in love, and I’m so glad you’re going to have that chance.”

  Her words brought tears to my eyes, and we all got a little choked up as they said goodbye. Once I was alone, I trudged down the stairs, my eyes locked on my bed. The pills my Aunt had given me were doing their job, dragging me towards my pillows where Bobo was already asleep. I took enough of a detour to pee and fumble through brushing my teeth before I collapsed back into bed. Light headed and burning up, I didn’t bother to pull up any of my sheets before I passed out.

  Over the next twenty-four hours I slept probably eighteen of them, and spent the other six feeling like complete shit. My temp still hovered around one hundred, not high enough to go to the doctor, but my whole body ached. My head, my chest, even my toes felt like I’d been through a torturous exercise boot camp. And to top it off, no matter how bad I felt, my arousal was relentless. Preferring to try to sleep off whatever was wrong with me, I took some more cold medicine and whimpered myself into unconsciousness.

  The next time I woke up, it was dark.

  Like completely dark.

  And I was dying.

  My body felt abused, my skin tight and on fire as if I’d somehow gotten a major sunburn while I slept. And something held me in place. Restraints of some kind were wrapped around my wrists and ankles, holding me tight to my bed. I went to scream, but a delicate woman’s hand sealed my mouth shut.

  “Hush,” a female said in a lovely, husky voice with a faint southern accent that brushed over my skin. “Take a deep breath, my Queen. You are safe, I would never harm you. Scent me, I’m not your enemy.”

  By this point I was almost panting, and in my alarm I’d missed the most important hint about my visitor.

  She smelled like blueberry muffins and kitchens filled with sunshine and family. Right away I relaxed, but the pain continued to pulse through me, distracting me from my visitor. I was sick, really sick, and I needed help. Whoever this person was, she could get me to a doctor, or something. I wasn’t dumb, I was pretty sure that whatever was going on with me had something to do with my newly awakened arousal, but the pain was becoming too much for me to endure.

  The only point of relief was her cool, silken hand on my mouth, but all too soon she took it away.

  “Syn, are you all right?”

  “Hurts,” I panted, my body twisting in my bonds. “Need help.”

  Sympathy poured from her as she cupped my cheek. “I know, my Queen. Your Alpha has much to answer for, but I will help you. In his defense, the ravens are pissed he won’t give them your name, and he’s having to smooth over some ruffled feathers. No bird pun intended.”

  Giving a whimpering growl, I said, “I hurt, help me!”

  “I’m sorry, beautiful girl,” she whispered into my ear before taking in a deep smell of my neck. “I’m making jokes while the mating fever is burning you alive.”

  I was confused, the pulsing of my pussy making it hard to think. “Please.”

  “Shhh,” she whispered as her lips brushed over mine, awakening a new hunger for her touch. “A Queen should never beg for release. It is my honor to ease you, my love. I just hope your Alpha forgives me for having the first taste.”

  I strained to see beneath the blindfold, but it was no use. Either it was still night, or the blackout curtains on my basement windows were closed. I couldn’t detect the first thing about her, and I didn’t like it. My hyena, on the other hand, didn’t care one bit. Her mate was close enough to touch, and she was giddy with joy.

  The path of my thoughts shattered as I realized I was naked as she drew the sheet off my body.

  “It’s amazing, you know,” she mused. “I’ve always thought as a man, but I’ve never desired as a man. Not until I saw you for the first time. You were coming out of your house in the early morning and you were just about the prettiest thing I’d ever seen. The sun was rising over the forest, and you paused for a moment, admiring the sky. You were still wearing your pajamas, white with little pink hearts all over them. The light caught your hair, turning it to molten bronze and my heart broke with how beautiful you were.” She skimmed her fingers over my stomach, making me shiver. “And how utterly fuckable. It was a shock to feel not only the emotional impact of your presence, but the physical ones as well. Needs I’d never experienced before seared me.”

  Her words painted such a sensual picture that I moaned, the confusing scent of both male and female arousal perfuming the air.

  “Be easy,” she whispered right before she captured my stinging nipple briefly in the cool balm of her mouth, “I haven’t transitioned yet, so I can’t fully pleasure you as you need, but I can still ease you. You have such a beautiful pussy, and you smell like fresh cinnamon rolls, waiting to be devoured.”

  I wanted to fight, to free myself of these bonds, to resist t
he seductive touch of this stranger, but I was helpless against the demands of my body. Sensations of astonishing pleasure curled through me as she suckled, ever so gently on my distended nipple. The need to come grew with each pull of her mouth, and soon I was once again pleading for more.

  “With pleasure,” she growled, kissing her way down my stomach. “You smell so fucking good, ripe and swollen with need. I can feel your pheromones working through me, your magic invading my very cells, freeing me. Relax, my Queen. I’ve studied the art of bringing a woman pleasure, how to satisfy her and ease her need. Let me show you some of the things I’ve learned for you.”

  I let out a garbled, totally inarticulate groan as she began to lap lightly at my slit, working her tongue slowly from top to bottom.

  “Delicious,” she whispered against me. “I could eat you forever and never grow tired of your taste.”

  My reply was lost when she began to flutter the tip of her tongue against my clit. Just like that I went off, screaming out my release, my muscles melting into a puddle of goo. Bright zings of aftershocks rocked through me, drawing more whimpers and moans.

  “Mmmm, soak my face,” she murmured. “Show me how much you love it.”

  I uttered a weak, “Shit” as she wrapped her lips around my clit and sucked.

  Pleasure made me languid while I rocked my hips into her mouth, my body sliding against my sheets as warmth curled through me like a fire. I was so incredibly satisfied, yet still hungry for her touch. Thoughts about how wrong this whole situation was tried to intrude, but she chose that moment to use her thumbs to open me further, and began to do this thing with her tongue. It had me seeing stars.


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