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Phoenix (Blackwings MC Book 3)

Page 6

by Teagan Brooks

  “Yeah,” Wave answered. “Met in the Marines. He’s also Copper Black’s cousin.” Wave directed his attention back to Phoenix. “It’s been a long time, man, and it’s good to see you, but what are you doing at Taylor’s place? You two know each other?”

  “Taylor,” Phoenix muttered.

  “Yeah,” Wave pointed at me. “That’s Taylor Davis and this is her place.”

  “Her name is Annabelle Burnett,” Phoenix insisted, “and there are quite a few things her and I need to discuss.”

  I felt the blood drain from my face. I was pretty sure I knew some of the things we needed to discuss and I had no interest in talking about any of them, especially not with an audience.

  “Oh, fuck me,” Token blurted. “He’s from—”

  I cut him off. “Stop right there, Token. Yes is the answer to the question you didn’t get to ask, but this isn’t a discussion that needs to happen outside or in front of just anyone.” I cast my eyes toward the front door just as Nathan stepped outside hoping Token would get my meaning.

  “He’s not him is he?” Token asked quietly.

  I shook my head quickly. “No, he’s not.” He’s the good guy, I thought to myself.

  Wave stepped in. “Nathan, can you go inside and pack an overnight bag for you and Taylor? You two are staying at the clubhouse tonight.” Nathan nodded and went into the house. “Before he comes back, is there any chance that anyone else has discovered her location or possibly followed you?”

  “If you’re talking about Octavius, then no, he's dead. Has been for over a year now.”

  My hand flew to my chest. “What?” I breathed. Octavius was dead? I suddenly felt very unsteady on my feet. My body swayed to the right. I reached out for Wave or Token to steady myself when I felt Phoenix wrap his muscular arms around me to hold me steady.

  I couldn't help myself. I melted into his broad chest, my arms circling around his waist. He smelled just like I remembered, a mix of leather, spice, and something woodsy. Before I could stop it, another sob escaped, followed by a torrent of tears. I had missed him so damn much.

  I felt my body being lifted and moved. Phoenix’s deep voice whispered softly into my ear, “Just taking you inside, doll face.”

  Doll face. How I had longed to hear him call me that over the years. He called me doll face the first day we met and continued to do so the entire time we were a couple.

  Phoenix gently placed me on my sofa and sat down beside me. Nathan came running into the room. “Mom! Mom! What's wrong?” my son frantically yelled. “What the fuck did you do to her?”

  I felt Phoenix’s body stiffen, but I had no idea why. I was in such a state, I couldn’t even scold Nathan for his foul language.

  “Nathan, calm down,” Wave commanded. “Your momma’s okay. You know neither Token nor I would ever let anything happen to her. She just got some shocking news, that’s all.”

  I sniffled and looked up at my son. “I’m fine, honey. You know how I can get when I’m really tired. I’m sorry if I scared you.”

  He studied me for a long minute. “I’m not sure I believe you, but I’ll drop it for now. Are we ready to go to the clubhouse?”

  I wasn’t sure how to answer that question. I needed to talk to Phoenix, and, honestly, I didn’t want to go anywhere without him, but I knew Wave had a party planned to celebrate Nathan’s new contract and I didn’t want to miss that either.

  Making the decision for me, Wave answered, “I think it would be a good idea if we all went back to the clubhouse. That okay with you, Phoenix?”

  “Sure, man. Whatever you think is best,” Phoenix replied.

  I went to the bathroom and freshened up my appearance, grabbed a few more things for the night, and rejoined everyone in the living room, more nervous than I had been in years. I couldn’t even begin to figure out how Phoenix found me and more importantly, why he found me.

  I followed the men outside and glanced between the bikes. I desperately wanted to ride with Phoenix, to cling to his waist and bury my nose in his back. Phoenix leaned down and whispered into my ear, “Go ride with your boy. I’ll be right behind you.”

  Reluctantly, I climbed on behind my son. I glanced back at Phoenix several times before I finally told Nathan I was ready. Once we were on the road, he started talking. “Mom, who is Phoenix?”

  I sighed. This was not a conversation I wanted to have with my son. I had to choose my words carefully, particularly until I saw confirmation that Octavius was indeed dead. I didn’t think for one second that Phoenix was lying to me, but I wanted proof. No, I needed proof.

  “Phoenix is someone I knew in high school. I haven’t spoken to anyone from my hometown in a very long time. I don’t know why he’s here, but you know Wave wouldn’t have invited him to the clubhouse if he didn’t trust him.”

  “So, if he is just some old friend of yours, why were you so upset?”

  “Honey, I’d really rather not have this conversation while we’re on your bike. Can we table this for now?” I asked.

  He reluctantly agreed and we rode the rest of the way to the clubhouse in silence. My mind was flooded with memories from the past, memories that made my heart ache with the thoughts of what could have been.



  I don’t know how I managed to keep my bike upright as I followed Wave to his clubhouse. After almost 20 years, I finally found my Annabelle. Only, she wasn’t my Annabelle anymore. She was an older version of my Annabelle going by the name of Taylor Davis. And she had a son. A son that wasn’t my son. That thought had me grinding my teeth and tightening my grip on my handlebars.

  My mind was flooded with questions I desperately needed answered. How could she have another child and leave two children behind? Was this kid Octavius’s son or did someone else father that child? How old was he? How in the hell did she end up under Wave’s watch? Oh, fuck me, was Wave that kid’s father?

  By the time we pulled into what I assumed was Wave’s clubhouse, I had managed to get myself all worked up. I wanted to throttle Annabelle and kiss her at the same time. How could I feel so relieved to have finally found her while simultaneously being so damn angry with her? I didn’t have a strong handle on my emotions. Part of me wanted to head back to my hotel room and try this again the next day while the other part of me wanted to never let her out of my sight again. The latter part of me won that battle.

  I followed Wave into his clubhouse. It appeared to be an old indoor storage building that he converted to house his brothers. It was pretty shabby looking from the outside, but the inside was a different story. The front doors opened into a large room with tables, sofas, a few pool tables, and a bar at the back of the room. “Welcome to the Knights of Neptune’s Clubhouse, Phoenix.”

  “Thanks, man. Nice setup you got here.”

  “Follow me. You look like you could use a drink,” he said over his shoulder as he made his way to the bar. He was wrong. I couldn’t use a drink; I needed a whole fucking bottle.

  Wave cleared his throat and clapped his hands together one time. “Listen up, Knights. This here is a buddy of mine from back in my days as a Marine. He’s also the president of the Blackwings Motorcycle Club, so you’ll see him wearing his colors. You treat my friend with respect or you will be answering to me.” He chuckled and added, “If he doesn’t whoop your ass first. Now, everybody, give Phoenix a Knights’ welcome.” The men in the clubhouse hooted and hollered, raising their drinks in the air. The women clapped and cheered. I was not up for social hour. I was here for one thing and one thing only, Annabelle.

  Wave handed me a shot of whiskey, which I immediately downed and shoved my glass back for a refill. “Listen, man, I don’t know her whole story and it isn’t any of my business, but I have to know, are you putting Taylor in any danger by being here?”

  Taylor. I would never get used to that name. I shook my head. “Not at all. I’m pretty sure I know why she’s been hiding out here all these years and I ca
n assure you, that reason is no longer an issue.” As far as everyone knew, Octavius was dead and gone, and I had the papers to prove it.

  “All right. I know we’ve lost touch over the years, but I trust you, man. It’s just, Taylor has become a part of our family and we all look out for her. Not a one of the Knights would let anything happen to her,” he explained.

  I couldn’t help the disdain in my tone. “She an Old Lady?”

  Wave laughed. A full out belly laugh. “Are you serious? How well did you know her? That girl has never, and I mean never, had anything to do with any of the brothers. Hell, I’ve known her for 13 years and I’ve never seen her give any man a second glance. Over the years, she’s become a little sister to the guys.”

  I managed to maintain my mask of indifference, but the relief I felt was almost too much to hide. “What about the kid?”

  “Nathan? He’s a good boy. Loves his momma with everything he has. I don’t know what business you have with Taylor, but if anyone is going to give you trouble, it’s going to be Nathan, and that’s just because he’s going to try to protect her. It’s always been just the two of them. Hell, it took a long time before he warmed up to anyone other than Token and he was just a tiny little shit then.”

  “How old is he?”

  “Just turned 18 about a month ago,” he said.

  I sucked in a sharp breath. He was just a year, maybe not even that, younger than Ember and Coal. That meant, without a doubt, he was really Nivan.



  I slammed my fist down onto the bar. “Fuck!” Motherfucking son of a bitch.

  Silence fell over the bar and all eyes turned to me. Wave clapped me on the shoulder. “Come on, man, let’s go to my office. Prospect, hand me that bottle. No, you fuckhead, the good shit.”

  I followed Wave into his office and dropped into the first chair I spotted. He handed me the bottle and I took several long pulls before I came up for air. “Thanks, man. Listen, I need to talk to Anna— I mean Taylor?”

  He leaned back against his desk and studied me. “Well, that’d be up to her, but I’m not so keen on it given your current state.”

  I sighed. “Fuck, if it makes you feel better, you can stay, but I can’t not talk to her.” I sounded like a pussy, but I didn’t give a fuck at that very moment. She was the only one who could answer my questions and I was only going to make myself crazy the longer I waited to ask them.

  “Okay. I’ll go get her for you.”

  Wave returned with Annabelle in his wake. She walked into the office and leaned against a wall that happened to be the place in the room farthest from me. The tension in the room was damn near palpable and it was obvious something had shifted during the ride from her house to the clubhouse. She quietly said, “Wave said you wanted to talk to me.”

  I half-laughed, half-scoffed. “Something like that. He feels like he should stay. You want him to hear all the shit we have to talk about? And let me just tell you now, I know most of what happened and there’s A LOT you don’t know.”

  She shifted her weight from foot to foot and started fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. “Um, I’m not sure…”

  Enough of this bullshit. “Look, you know damn well I would never do anything to hurt you, but this conversation is going to be emotionally charged. There’s no other way it can go. There will be yelling and crying and who knows what else, but I swear I won’t touch you unless it’s to comfort you.”

  She nodded. “Okay then. Do you want to go to the room I’m staying in for this?”

  “I think that would be best.” I stood and waited for her to show me the way.

  Wave caught her arm and whispered something in her ear. She nodded, patted his chest, and whispered something back. Any other time I would have been thrilled that she had someone who watched over her so closely, but it was currently pissing me off. Yeah, I would probably yell at her and get angry with her, but I had also missed her, longed for her, loved her for over 20 fucking years. I damn sure wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.

  Finally, she started walking toward her room. I couldn’t help but admire her body as she all but glided down the hall. Her ass was fuller than it once was, but it looked good on her. The way her hips swayed was damn near hypnotic. Before I was ready to take my eyes off of her delectable ass, we arrived at her room.

  She closed the door and turned to face me. I could see the apprehension written all over her. Shakily, she gestured to a chair in the corner of the room and slowly inched her way toward the bed.

  “Wait,” I said sharply. “I want to see some of the Annabelle I have wanted to see for two decades. Go take those colored contacts out.”

  She blinked at me. Then, blinked again. “O-okay, Phoenix.” She scurried to the bathroom. I dropped into the chair, completely stunned that she didn’t balk at my demand. I should have asked her, but those fucking green eyes were pissing me the fuck off. Those weren’t her eyes. I wanted to see the baby blues that only two other people in the world had, our children.

  She came back into the room with her eyes downcast. When she took a seat on the bed, she kept her eyes on the floor. “Look at me, Annabelle,” I said softly.

  She slowly raised her head and, finally, her eyes. It was like a punch to the gut. There she was.

  My girl.

  My love.

  My Annabelle.

  I stood and took two long strides to reach her. I cupped the back of her neck and pulled her to her feet. My other hand cupped her cheek as I brought my face closer to hers. “Annabelle,” I breathed, “I’ve missed you so damn much.” Then, I covered her mouth with mine. Home. I was finally fucking home.



  Nothing in this world would ever compare to Phoenix’s lips on mine. They were the poison and the antidote, one in the same. His kiss started soft, just a touch of his lips to mine, but it quickly became more urgent. He pressed harder, squeezing me to him. When his tongue slipped into my mouth, I think my heart stopped for several beats. Every bit of nervous tension disappeared as I melted into his embrace, kissing him back with 20 years’ worth of passion.

  Suddenly, he pulled his lips away from mine, but continued to cup my cheek with his hand. His eyes were wild, his breathing heavy. He groaned, “That was the hardest thing I have ever done, pulling away from you, but we need to talk first. Just, promise me one thing?”

  “What?” I asked. I would promise him anything.

  “Promise you’ll let me kiss you again when all is said and done.”

  I felt myself blush like a teenager. The things this man could do to me. “I promise,” I said softly, trying to mask my smile.

  His hand slid from my cheek to my neck where he gently caressed my skin. “What happened to your birthmark?”

  Suddenly feeling self-conscious, I took a step back and covered my neck with my hand. “I had it lasered off years ago. I was told to keep it covered because it was a distinct physical characteristic and I got tired of covering it with makeup every morning.”

  Phoenix nodded in understanding. After several beats of silence, he quietly asked, “Do you still have it?”

  The hand covering my neck automatically moved to my forearm and absently rubbed over the area hidden underneath my sleeve. “Yes, I do.”

  “Show me.”

  I pushed my sleeve up and held my arm out to him. His large hand wrapped around my arm and his thumb reverently smoothed over the faint scar.

  “Do you still have yours?” I asked.

  One side of his mouth curved up into a half-smile as he nodded and extended his arm. There it was. The letter A lightly scarred into his skin framed by an ornate tribal tattoo.

  I reached out and ran my fingers over the area, remembering the night we forever marked our bodies to show our love for each other.

  I was brought back to the present when Phoenix cleared his throat and moved to take a seat on the bed. He kicked his boots off and situated himself
so he was propped up against the headboard. “This is going to be a long conversation. Thought we might as well get comfortable.”

  I nodded in agreement and moved to sit beside him, leaning back against the headboard as well. I pulled a pillow into my lap so I would have something to fidget with. I always fidgeted when I was nervous, and nervous didn’t even begin to cover how I was feeling. There were things I was going to have to tell him that I didn’t want to relive. I’m sure he had things to say to me that I didn’t want to hear. I decided to get the ball rolling. “How did you find me?”

  “Octavius had a file containing a lot of information about you. In that file were hospital records for a Jane Doe and a Johnny Doe. It also contained handwritten notes made by Octavius. He thought you and Nivan were Jane and Johnny. Anyway, the thing that caught my eye was a doctor’s name on the hospital reports. That doctor is now a member of my club. I asked him about it. He told me what he knew and I went from there. To make a long story short, the guy that helped you, Luke, is a friend of mine.”

  “Kathleen’s brother?” I asked.

  “Yes. He’s also the one who led the investigation against Octavius and his men. Ultimately, the farm and all associated property were raided, all of Octavius’s men were arrested, and the entire operation was shut down,” he explained.

  The entire operation was shut down. That sounded too good to be true. Before he said anything else, I had to know, “Are you absolutely sure Octavius is dead?”

  He reached inside his cut and pulled out some papers. Shuffling through them, he removed two pieces and handed them to me. I couldn’t believe what I was holding in my hand. Octavius Jones’s death certificate. It should have been wrong to feel as happy as I did seeing in official black and white that Octavius was dead. Wrong or right, I didn’t care. Tears of relief freely streamed down my face. “It’s over,” I whispered. “It’s finally over.”

  Phoenix shifted his weight. “He’s not a threat to you anymore, but it’s not over yet.” I looked at him quizzically. “I’m afraid some of the things I have to tell you, things that he is responsible for, will hurt you. I damn sure know they hurt me, but once you know everything, that’s when it will be over.”


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