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The Heart of the Falcon: The Guardian Maidens Book 3

Page 13

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I said, “Well, yeah. If she does that then what can I do? If she uses lady magick, I have to do what she tells me.”

  Jack whispered where everyone could hear, “Yeah, let them think that. It works to our advantage. You know why.”

  I whispered back, “I know. We let them think that.”

  We stayed at the table a while longer, and then Brenda went to put the children to bed. Alice stayed to clean up from dinner. When Brenda came back, about an hour later, we sat for a bit more and then made sleeping arrangements. Val and Dawn would stay with Shaheen. Brenda was thrilled but embarrassed about her special milk being needed for healing, but she insisted that she would get more before going to sleep so that it would be available for Shaheen during the night. Val reiterated that it was too soon to tell, but that she expected Shaheen’s recovery to be much faster because of the milk. Alice wanted to sleep with April and comfort her how she could. Harmony and Stacy were still away at Gerald’s, and that left just me and Brenda. I gave Brenda a look that let her know that the idea of being with her was very appealing to me, and she blushed and said that she had better rush off and take care of a few things and get the milk ready and asked Alice to help her again.

  The other girls were very interested in how the milk was prepared and asked if they could at least go and watch. I thought about asking to be allowed to watch as well, but Brenda seemed a little self-conscious, and I decided to leave it for a later time when she was more used it and it had become more commonplace. I did think that I might take advantage of my time with her in bed later to explore how it worked for myself, between just the two of us. I wanted to drink straight from the source again, but what I really wanted was to try my hand, and fingers, at possibly filling a cup with the precious liquid as well. The fantasy, as I imagined it, was very arousing.

  All of them headed off to get ready for bed, and I sat alone in the front room, downstairs, reviewing the day. It had been a disaster. And on the other hand, it wasn’t so bad. April found out about her true history and started the process of transitioning to her true age. The four warrior princesses and I, the five elements as we called ourselves now, had spent time getting to know each other. Harmony and Shaheen had an argument that I thought was going to end in bloodshed, and we started our exploration of the Kobold cavern.

  Of course, we had been completely unprepared for exploring and things had gone horribly wrong. First of all, we weren’t in the right frame of mind. Shaheen was angry and arrogant; Harmony was angry and frustrated; I was timid and unsure of my leadership in Shaheen’s presence; and Val and Dawn were unsettled by the emotions surrounding the rest of us. And then, Shaheen had been injured the moment that we set foot in the underground. She had saved our lives, but we had almost lost her, if not all of us. She was badly injured, and if it hadn’t been for Val, she might have lost her ability to walk and use her right hand in battle. Then again, it happened after Brenda had been given her ability to make the milk, and Shaheen would recover even better because of it.

  What else? Jean and Gerald had talked to us about Jean, and all the people in my house, being of Elven descent, and Stacy and Harmony had gone to teach Jean about some of her abilities. Jack and Tanya had been disclosed about everything that was going on and they accepted it cheerfully, including their older sister not being at all who they had been raised to believe, and even that April would be a grown woman and would be mated to me soon.

  What a day. And tomorrow might be just as exciting as today. What was on the agenda? April might be out of bed and who knew what she would be doing. Stacy was a new creature, but I couldn’t ignore her either. Harmony said that she and Shaheen had a few things to work out, or she was pretty much going to ban Shaheen from any future adventures. As for me, I wanted to get back to the adventure as soon as possible. I was going to find out what we faced and go kill it tomorrow unless something very important prevented me. I would. I wouldn’t rush us into danger, but I would kill it if I could.

  Stacy contacted me and said that she and Harmony were leaving the farm, and that I shouldn’t wait up. We wondered if we could actually contact someone if they were asleep, and we decided to try it at some point. I agreed that I wouldn’t stay awake until they got home but would see them in the morning. We kept it short because it was still tiring to talk that way, and it seemed harder over longer distances.

  I would have gone to bed then, but I didn’t actually know where my bed was. They had told me that I would have my own bedroom someday in the future, but I didn’t think that it was ready, and I didn’t know which one it would be. I must have dozed off in the chair where I sat for a while after that.

  I heard a soft voice call my name, and I opened my eyes and lifted my head to see who it was. It was Brenda. She was dressed in a nearly transparent gown that came down only as far as the bottom of her crotch. I could see that she wore nothing else. Of course, she wore nothing else, but I could see her naked body beneath the thin garment as it hung from her shoulders, her breasts tenting the fabric in front of her. There was no belt or anything to give it any shape. It was a see-through curtain, and the only shape was Brenda’s beautiful body.

  I said, “Brenda, you look beautiful.”

  She smiled and held out her hand and pulled me to my feet. She led me up the stairs and I followed eagerly. Brenda was one step ahead of me on the stairs, and her gown was so short that the lower part of her lovely bottom was uncovered just in front of me. And I wanted it. I slid my hand up Brenda’s leg, up under the gown to her waist, and felt a bulge start to rise in my pants. The way that she had appeared, said only my name, and led me away to what I expected to be paradise was more alluring than I could have hoped for.

  When we reached the top of the stairs, she stopped and turned to face me. I was still a step below her, and this put our faces at the same level. I put my arms around her waist and kissed her very gently.

  She said, “Come up here and let me take your clothes off.”

  I stepped up into the upper hallway and Brenda undressed me and hung my clothes on hooks that had been installed at the top of the stairs for that purpose. When I was free of my clothes, she brought out a sleeping shirt for me and pulled it over my head. It was a more manly version of what she herself was wearing. Mine was sleeveless, made from a somewhat thicker fabric, and came down a few inches lower than hers, and was very comfortable. As she smoothed the shirt down my sides with her hands, she gently ran her fingers across the front of my crotch and around my penis very briefly. Her touch excited and thrilled me.

  Brenda turned and continued leading me by the hand to the back side of the house. At the rear corner, on the left side, she said, “That will be your room. It isn’t ready yet,” and we continued down the hall to the next room. Opening the door, we entered the room at the center of the back of the house. It wasn’t lit at all, but moonlight streamed through a large open window. Brenda walked straight to the window and encouraged me to put my arms around her from behind as we stood together. She pointed at the moon and took a deep breath of the night air.

  She said, “Isn’t it beautiful? It’s so peaceful. And so big.”

  She bent forward slightly and wiggled just a tiny bit against my penis. She sighed and put her hands on the window sill and leaned over so that I was pressed against her sex, but she acted as if it were entirely unintentional, and entirely natural.

  She said softly, “The moonlight feels so good on my skin. Husband, I have never been so happy. It may be that I have never known what happiness was.”

  She reached one hand between her legs and found my balls, and then my shaft. She stoked it lightly and placed the tip at her flower and pressed onto it just enough to hold it there, but not enough to take me inside. I felt like she was telling me that if I entered her, it should be my decision, not hers. I left myself where she had placed me, but I slid my hands around her body and cupped the beautiful woman’s wonderfully heavy breasts, feeling the fabric barely separating her skin from mine.

  Brenda bent lower, putting her elbows on the window sill, and I used the natural movements of her body to slide gently inside her pussy.

  She said, “Husband, I feel you like never before. I look for you several times a day and see you with the sight that you have taught us. All day long, I check to see that you are there, connected to me, alive and well, and planning to come back to me at the end of the day.

  I kept one hand on Brenda’s breast, but slid the other to her hip, and I pushed it down slightly, rotating my body into a position to thrust downward against her sensitive spot. The sensations for me, as I started slowly moving in and out, her tasty labial lips sliding along my shaft and the entrance to her tunnel licking the underside of my post, felt amazing. Hot and wet, but firm and gripping and tight. The feel of her ass pressed lusciously against my groin, her thighs warm on my own, was the feeling of being loved by a woman in love.

  We weren’t in a hurry. We weren’t even going anywhere. I think we shared the feeling that we were together, and sex wasn’t even our goal. We were in love. My penis was buried in love. Her pussy was filled with love. My hands felt and gave love. Brenda’s breast was there for love. Brenda’s ass was a blanket of love warming me as she leaned against the window sill, breathing the fresh night air, overlooking the garden below.

  We went on like this for quite a while, and Brenda, her breasts now hanging out the window as I thrust slowly in and out of her, said, “Oh look. Harmony is home.”

  I looked over Brenda’s shoulder, and sure enough, Harmony was down in the garden, sitting by herself.

  Brenda whispered loudly, “Harmony, up here!”

  Harmony looked up and then stood and smiled and said, “Brenda, is that you? What are you doing? Why are you awake?”

  Brenda said, “I’m not alone. We were looking at the moon. We’re almost done. Do you want to come sleep with us?”

  Harmony said, “Are you with Ronin?”

  I playfully started thrusting harder and faster so that Brenda would moan and Harmony would see her breasts shaking in the window.

  Harmony said, “Oh, I see. That looks fun. I would love to come sleep with you. Should I wait until you are finished?”

  Brenda stiffened as I pumped her firmly and grunted, “Oh, we, uh, we, are almost done, oh, oh, oh, ha, ha, ha, ya!” and then I grunted and climaxed in behind my lover with her tits out the window as she tried to talk to another woman. That was fun.

  Brenda finished her own climax and said weakly, “Oh, um, yes. I mean, come on up. Oh, that was good.”

  Harmony grinned in the moonlight and headed into the house. When she came into the room, she was still dressed, and Brenda and I were in the bed, under the covers. As soon as Harmony had her clothes off, I lifted the blanket, and she climbed in beside us. She snuggled against me and Brenda reached across my body and rubbed Harmony’s shoulder tenderly.

  Harmony said, “This is nice. It’s so warm. I like this.”

  We were all asleep not long afterward.

  Chapter 14 - The Beginner's Body

  Just after dawn, there was a little knock at the door, and I woke up and said, “Come in.”

  The door opened quietly, and one of the girls slid into the room and closed the door silently behind herself. She was wearing a long robe, tied at the front, but in the dim light, and because I wasn’t fully awake yet, I couldn’t quite see who it was. Brenda and Harmony were still in bed on each side of me, and Brenda raised her head and said quickly, “Harmony, it’s time for us to get up anyway. Come on, let’s go get ready.”

  I didn’t know what they were getting ready for, but when Harmony looked at the woman in the doorway, she jumped out of bed and both she and Brenda hurried to get up. They didn’t stop to say goodbye to me, but both hugged the new visitor on their way out and were gone in the next instant. I wondered what the hurry was, but I didn’t pay much attention. Apparently one of the other girls wanted to talk to me about something, and the other two wanted to give us privacy or something like that. Maybe it was Val.

  I said, “Do you want to get in?” and I pulled back the covers.

  She undid the tie at her robe and set it aside and came slowly to the bed and slid in beside me. I still hadn’t noticed exactly who it was, still being half asleep, but as she snuggled naked under my arm and against my shirt, as her leg caressed my own, and I kissed her on the lips, she gave a satisfied sigh and pulled herself higher on my chest and looked into my face.

  She said, “Daddy, I love you.”

  I said very quietly, “April, is that you? Sweetie, what are you doing here?”

  She kissed me very tenderly and said, “I came to see if you wanted me to hug you before you get up.”

  I said, “Oh, how nice.”

  I said it as if it was perfectly natural, but my emotions were far from settled. And when I felt her push up on top of me and spread her legs to the sides of my own, I actually felt frightened by it.

  I said, “Sweetie, how are you? What has been happening?”

  Her face was very close to mine, and I could see that she looked different than she had the morning before. She was definitely older. It was her, but she had aged.

  She stroked my chest and said, “Daddy, I’m older now. It was hard. And it hurt. Like growing pains. Like when I was starting to change like a woman, a few years ago. And I was sweating a lot. And I was really hungry. Do I look prettier?”

  I said, “April, you are very pretty. I told you before.”

  She said, “I look different now, I think. Am I still pretty?”

  I said, “Well, I’m sure you are. Let me get a look at you. But, sweetie, do you want to put a gown on?”

  She sat up next to me on the bed and said, “No. We’re upstairs. Upstairs is optional, so I don’t have to.”

  She sat next to me on her knees with her arms at her sides, her back straight, and her lovely chest proudly thrust out slightly.

  April was very beautiful. She looked like she might be 20 or 22 now. Not as old as Harmony, who looked young, even for her 32 years, but April wasn’t the 15-year-old girl that she had been.

  I said, “You look very lovely. Tell me about how you feel different.”

  April very slowly and very gracefully got off the bed and stood straight. She turned her back to me and said, “My legs are firmer. More toned. And a little longer already. That’s what hurt most. And it still does. It’s still growing. Not as fast, but I have another spot to release and I’m kind of afraid that it will hurt some more. My hips are a little wider, and I have a real lady butt. Well, almost.”

  I watched as April ran her hands down over her rear cheeks and unconsciously bent forward a little, emphasizing her changing shape. She lifted her hands over her head and stretched. She turned around and cupped her breasts. Her breasts were rounder and just a little more than a handful each. They swelled out from her chest a few inches, like a third of a nice grapefruit, but not enough to look like a full half or more. They were precious. It was getting lighter in the room now, and I could see nice pink areola and nipples spouting at the points.

  She said, “My boobs aren’t as big as they should be yet. They feel nice though. The skin had to stretch. It takes a long time. And here, look.”

  April came closer and put one foot up on the bed and looked down between her legs and pulled her thighs apart.

  She said, “This is the best part. See, I’m getting a real lady vagina. With little lips inside, not just outside. It’s cute. Well, I think it is,” and she looked at me for confirmation.

  I agreed that it was extremely cute, and she smiled and thanked me.

  Still holding it where we could both look, she said, “And, uh,” and she pushed her first two fingers in and grunted and closed her eyes and winced.

  She said, “It’s getting squishier. And it feels good. And I think I’m ready.”

  I gulped and stared as I said weakly, “Ready for what Baby Doll.”

  She opened her eyes and smile
d and said, “Baby Doll? I like that. That makes me feel really squishy in there.” She pulled out her fingers and grinned and said, “Ready for kissing at least. But more would be better. I think I'm ready.”

  She slowly climbed back on the bed and straddled me again, but this time she didn’t lay down. She sat on top of my hips and looked down at me. I could feel that she was sitting on my pelvis, not directly on my penis, and I was glad for that. April moved like a cat slowly stalking its prey, graceful and liquid in her movements.

  She said, “Daddy, can that be our secret name for me? And nobody else? And we only use it together? Unless we are all taking a bath, and then you could call me that because it would be so warm and soapy and wet. And you could call Brenda ‘Love Muffin’, and Harmony would be ‘Love Monkey’, and Momma could be ‘Love Toy’? She likes that. She told me. She’s your love toy.”

  April spoke so slowly and carefully, like it was honey dripping from her lips. And she made every word sound delicious and sexy. She had begun rocking herself on my stomach, obviously exploring the feeling of rubbing herself against my bare skin where my shirt had ridden up and left me uncovered.

  She had her eyes closed now, saying, “They can be your little love toys and I will be your Baby Doll, and you can have me to sleep with every night, or if you don’t feel well, or just to snuggle with on the sofa. And you can play with me and dress me up and undress me again, and we can make little doll clothes that make me look cute, and you can take them off and play with me. And you can take me in the bath and dry me off and put a nightie on me and when we get to bed, you can change your mind and take it off of me, and I can snuggle between your legs and you can make up games for us and stories and I’ll be with you and do whatever you want us to.”

  I said, “April, do you want to grow older like this? Or do you want to stay a little girl?’

  April moaned, and I wondered if she were about to have an orgasm.

  She kept her eyes closed and continued to writhe on my stomach and said, “I very much want to be a woman. A little Baby Doll woman for my Daddy Husband. A mature fuckable Baby Doll Wife for my wonderful Daddy Husband. Oh, this is nice.”


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