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UN-WANTED (The UN Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Elaine Glass

  What the hell? I would fire both of them if they worked for me fighting on the job. That is a place of business not a playground.

  “Mark said a group of workers broke them up before it got to rough.

  There weren’t any bosses around but there are cameras recording the parking lot. Also gossip spreads like wild fire throughout the plant when something exciting happens. I’ll bet you a back rub they will be in H.R


  You got your self a bet with how many people work there, I say day after tomorrow they have to take statements and pull the footage from the cameras. Now let’s eat before the food gets cold.

  We sat in silence for a few minutes digging into the leftovers. I look up from my plate to find Liam looking at me. What? He shook his head.

  “Nothing just looking at you I guess” Blushing from getting caught staring at me.

  Baby you can look at me anytime you want. I will get naked if it would help take this view and all its glory in.

  Liam snorts then booms out a laugh. “Wow okay Humble much? Mr. Big Ego. You are so full of it!”

  I laugh with him I’m just playing, talking shit. I like to see you laughing, having fun, and I love that it is with me.

  Stay with me again tonight. I can wash your work clothes from yesterday, so you will have something to wear tomorrow. We can watch a movie snuggled up on the couch together if you say you will stay. Looking straight into his eyes I gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes I had.

  Chapter Eleven

  Liam Just so you know those puppy dog eyes will lose their affect after awhile you will not get you way all the time with them! All of that being said while I’m snuggling with Rick in my pajamas, as we watch The Guardians of the Galaxy.

  “Then I will only use them on special occasions, like when I want to spend extra time with you, or when I don’t want to sleep alone”

  Hmm we will see if it works out for you then. I say as I reach up to kiss him. I start out slow kissing him softly, He opened his mouth, I slip my tongue past his lips tasting him. I move to straddle his lap; I fill his length harden under me. Grinding down on him Rick starts to rub and grind back against me. I push back enough to get my hand under his waist band to pull out his cock. I line up our cocks and began to stroke, the feeling of our cocks together was mind blowing. He was moaning while I kissing him and working us toward our orgasm. I could feel balls starting to draw up, come for me baby, give me your load, I fell his cock start to swell in my hand as he comes. Ricks orgasm pushes me over the edge, I lean over grabbing tissues off the end table to clean my hand and us up.

  “You are so sexy when you are flushed and breathing hard after you cum.

  Let’s get to bed you have to get up early in the morning.”

  You are the sexy one, I’m going to take my time and lick every tattoo on your body the next weekend I have off.

  Rick groaned “You can’t say stuff like that when we don’t have enough time to explore that idea.”

  The alarm clock went off the next morning at the ass crack of dawn as usual. Being snuggled up to Rick made it even harder to get out of bed.

  But I persevered and got my ass up. Rick even got up with me, making my coffee and packing me a lunch for work.

  Kissing Rick goodbye, I headed to work, I did not want to go ughhh. I made it to work on time, stayed awake during the morning meeting.

  Thank Fuck everything ran well all morning, walking to the lunch room. I met up with Mark, hey man after work, do you want to walk out and look at my new truck?

  “Yeah I want to check it out I have been thinking about getting a newer truck. I can scope yours out and see if I like it.”

  Speaking low I lean in and ask have you heard anything about Rodger and Joe’s fight? Are they getting wrote up or fired?

  “They are talking to all the witness’s today. The security supervisor will pull the footage this afternoon when he gets back in town from some kind of training seminar. H.R will want to have that in hand before they call them into the office, tomorrow we will know what the outcome is.”

  Damn it!! I lost that bet.

  “What are you talking about? Who did you make a bet with?”

  I bet Rick we they would be in front of H.R today, if I was right, he owed me a back rub, if not I owed him one.

  “So, you made a bet, you lost the bet, but you won anyway?”

  Huh? Well yeah, I guess you’re right, I say while smirking.

  “You’re really into this guy, aren’t you?”

  Yeah, I am. I know its soon but I think as the “young hip kids say “catching some feelings for him.

  Mark looks at me rolling his eyes. “No one says that anymore you are getting so old you can’t even keep up with this generations language.”

  I flip him the bird discretely as I mouth Fuck You. “I am not old; I am only twenty-nine thank you very much! You are only a year younger than I am and you are calling me old, pot meet kettle.”

  “yeah about that how old is lover boy?”

  He is a thirty-nine-year-old stud. You would never know he was ten years older than me.

  “okay enough I don’t want to hear about your boyfriend’s sexual prowess!”

  We finished up our lunch, going back to work to finish up our day. Mark looked over my truck before we left for the day. Saying that he liked the design and set up of it and he would put that on his like list.

  The next day at work everyone was talking about how Rodger was escorted off the premises by the security guard. Joe was on probation.

  The investigation uncovered that Rodger had stolen Money out of Joes locker and when confronted about it at lunch he took the first swing. H.R

  decided that Joe was just defending himself, therefore getting to keep his job. They were all kinds of speculation as to why Rodger stole the money. Drugs, Gambling, Debt to the wrong people, was the top three. I knew the truth would come out sooner or later we would just have to wait and see what happened. But now I had a gambling debt of my own to settle. I was going to love every second of it.

  Chapter twelve

  Rick Summer has turned to fall I have been busy working on promotions for the bar. Liam has thrown in some great ideas that I am going to implement. Every weekend of Oct, I have Fun Saturdays planned, the first weekend will be the collection of Apple and Fall Ales from around the world. The second weekend will be Harvest night with the promotion if you wear farm attire you will get a free beer. The third will be a scare a crow contest the best costume wins four free drinks, the final weekend will be a sexy Halloween Party, the sexist costume wins a hundred bucks.

  I haven’t seen Liam, since day before yesterday, I was missing him, so I decided to surprise him with a visit. I was excited to tell him; I have decided to use his ideas for the fun Saturdays. Pulling up in his yard I noticed his front door was standing open. I got out stepping up on the porch.

  Hey baby, I yell through the front door of Liam’s Trailer. I walk in, shutting the door behind me. Looking for Liam, I walk down the hallway to the bedroom. I find him sitting on his bed zoned out looking at paperwork.

  Hey” I called out but you didn’t hear me. I sit next to him pulling him into a hug, kissing him on the lips. I missed you. Sorry to come by unannounced but I couldn’t wait until this weekend to see you.

  “Sorry I was distracted “

  What do you have there? Is everything okay?

  “Yeah everything is fine”

  “This is my CPS paper work from when I was a kid. This is the time of year when I was turned over to the state, I always wondered about what happened. Why I was surrendered.

  So, I called Mrs. Staples my old case worker last week. I ask her about the circumstances of how I came to be a ward of the state. I have always been told the basic answer; you were surrendered as a toddler. I wanted to know more she told me everything she knew telling me she would mail me a copy of my case file. This came in the mail a few minutes ago.”

  Wow that c
an’t be easy for you, going through life without knowing everything about your circumstances. Do you want to be alone while you go over all of this?

  “No please, I would like it if you would stay. I haven’t read the file yet I was reading the letter attached telling me that this was the paper work I requested.”

  We moved up to the head of the bed to get comfortable as we read the file. The first couple of pages was his personal information Name, date of birth, and social security number. There were papers for each foster home that he had lived in. A total of two homes throughout the years.

  Do you ever see any of your foster families that you grew up with?

  “My first family was an older couple who ended up going into a nursing home. I went to visit them as much as I could until they died. That was the closest thing I had to a mother and father I loved them very much.

  The second family I went to already had a house full of kids so the attention from them was nonexistent.”

  That had to be very hard on you as a young child, being moved from home to home. Not knowing who your family was.

  “It was tough for me moving from the Browns home, I grew up from a baby in that house. I don’t remember my real family, the earliest memory I have is Mrs. Brown feeding me in an high chair laughing at the mess I had made. “

  “The second Home was the Smiths I was glad to leave and get out on my own. They always had the maximum number of children they were allowed to have. When one aged out there was another there the next week to take their place”.

  “I always felt that there was something wrong with me, that was the reason they didn’t want to adopt me. But when I got older, I understood that being a foster parent, was a job for them. They took kids in for extra money. I know not all foster families are like that but it was the luck of the draw that I got put into that home.”

  Flipping to the back of the file there was an envelope with a note attached that read:


  This letter was found with you, I thought you would like to have it. I made copies to keep in your file for the state. You were found at the first Baptist church in town on Oct fifth by Pastor Stevens. He called the office and I was sent out to collect you and as they say the rest is history. You have turned out to be a fine young man Liam, this letter changes none of the success that you have found in life.

  Mrs. Linda Staples

  Liam hands was shaking as he held the envelope.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I was left in a church. I didn’t know that. How could I not remember something like that? Unfolding the note, I begin to read it out loud.

  Dear preacher,

  I seen in the paper where your church was a safe haven for kids That people didn’t want and I wouldn’t get into trouble or go to jail for leaving him here. I already got one kid older than this one I can’t take care of very good but he will be able to work soon and he don’t need watching when I’m not home. I was kicked out of the half-way house right when I got pregnant the second time so this is al I can do to help us, maybe he will have a better life this way his name is Liam East I had him at home so he has no birth certificate or social security number yall will have to do all that. He is two will be three on Nov, 21st.Please take care of him.

  I had tears rolling down my face as Rick pulled me into his lap.

  “SHHH Baby it’s alright I got you let it all out.”

  He held me until I calmed enough to speak.

  She couldn’t take care of me, the letter made it sound as if they were on the streets. I have a brother or had. She didn’t even leave her name on the letter; I have nothing to go on, I don’t even know if their still alive

  “Everything will be okay, your alive and well. Take some time to think about what your going to do. If you want to try and find them, I will help you if not, that’s okay too. You have lived your whole life not knowing

  about any of this. Just because you know now doesn’t change anything accept now you have all the facts of the surrender.”

  I curled up to Rick letting him hold me, I needed his touch to sooth me.

  The letter that my mother had written was weighing heavily on my mind.

  I am so glad you showed up today I could not imagine finding out all of this alone. It must have been fate intervening, getting you to show up on my door step at almost the same time the file did.

  “I will always be here when you need me Liam. I want to be there for you during all the bad times and the good. I love you Liam. You walked right into my bar and stole my heart. I have known since our first date that I you would wrap me around your little finger and make me Love you.”

  I love you too Rick so much! I can’t believe that someone as wonderful as you could Love me, But I’m so happy that you do. AHH I’m crying again, but at least these are happy tears. First wiping my eyes and the snot from my nose, I lean in and kiss him until I run out of breath.

  “It’s getting dark out, we need to get up and get something to eat. Do you have anything to cook, or do you want to go out?”

  I have stuff for BLT’S, we can make those and save ourselves a trip. I will fry the bacon, if you cut up the tomatoes and pull apart the lettuce. I also have chips to go with the sandwiches.

  While preparing dinner with Rick I realized that he was right nothing has really changed I was still in the same place I was before that file came.

  Sitting on the couch with a bag of chips between us eating our BLT’S. I looked over to Rick and wiped the mayonnaise of his chin. You never told me what you decided to for the month of October for the bar.

  “Oh yeah that is one of the reasons I came over today to tell you about my plans. I am going to use your Ideas.”

  That’s great which one? That’s when I found out he was using all of my ideas for the whole month of October! Wow I feel special that you would use all my ideas, this is great.

  “Baby you are special, special to me”

  You are such a smooth talker I should call you butter. Come on country cock let’s do the dishes, and go to bed.

  “Hardy har har I see what you did there.”

  Dishes done, lying in bed snuggled up, Rick rubbing me in ways that insures we will not be sleeping anytime soon he ask.

  ‘Will you come with me tomorrow to open the bar? Simon has somethings to take care of and will be coming in a little later tomorrow.

  We can spend some quality time together.”

  So, what your saying is you need help opening the bar tomorrow since your employee will be late?

  “Well not normally but I paid to have the floors buffed tonight after closing by a night crew. All the tables and chairs will need to be set back in place before we open tomorrow.”

  Fine I will help you, but you owe me a back rub. Not just any back rub either I want one like I gave you when paying up on our bet about Rodger.

  ‘Okay deal but be prepared to go in very tired in the morning because I am going to enjoy paying off this debt.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Liam Rick and I was sitting at the bar, with it being so early we would be alone until the first customers showed up. I was glad for the quiet time, moving all those tables and chairs back into place with four hours of sleep was no joke. Do you have any Idea how tired I am? You are a beast in bed when you want to be.

  Rick started to speak when the sound of someone slamming the door as they came into the bar interrupted him. We look up as a mad looking Rodger makes his way to the bar. He was sweaty, his hair looked greasy like he had not washed it in a couple of days. In his hand was a gun.

  “Keep your hands where I can see them Rick.”

  I look to Rick then back to Rodger I can’t believe this happening.

  “You get up off that stool hands on top of your head. We are going to get this over with quickly I want all the Money you have in the Register and the safe you have under the bar for big bills!”

  I stand up trying to stay very still, eyes wide, watching R
odger point the gun at Ricks head. I am praying please God, please don’t take him from me! Please let us get out of this alive! Rodger yelling snaps my attention back to him.

  “Put the money in this bag! Rick is opening the register, getting all the money from there, then he reaches for the safe”

  “Do anything stupid and I will blow Lover boys brains all over the fucking place you hear me?”

  “I won’t do anything just don’t hurt him. You can have the money and anything else you want. Let’s just all stay calm and get this over with”

  I was looking at Rick, I realized this might be the last time I got to look at his beautiful face I thought of how much I loved him. Tears streaming down my face. I speak up I love you Rick. I want you to know you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.

  “Shut your fucking mouth! Oh, Rick I love you, Boo who! You really think that someone who is a successful as him would Love you or want you for more than a quick fuck?”

  Rick was so nervous he was having a hard time opening the safe. Rodger was getting aggravated. He stepped toward the bar, hits Rick in the head with the butt of the pistol, while he was on his knees trying to get the safe open. Blood starts running down the side of Ricks head I scream Please stop don’t! Please don’t hurt him.

  Spit was flying out of Rodgers mouth while he is screaming at me. I will kill him do you understand me! No more bull shit! Just give me the money.

  Rick groans as he shakes his head, finally getting the safe open he put the money into the bag. “Here that’s all the cash I have in the bar.”

  Please Rodger you have what you came for, just lets us go, get out of here make your getaway.

  “See Liam I don’t think you understand the situation I owe some very bad men a lot of money, there is no getaway I can’t hide from them they will find me. I will pay them and stay where I am at living my life. But for that to happen they can’t be any witness’s from today.”


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