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Page 11

by Casey Peeler

  “Thanks, Daddy,” I say as we sit and eat supper.


  When the yelling stalls for a moment, I take the opportunity to intervene between them.

  “Can y’all stop it, please?” I say.

  “Boy, you stay out of this,” he says.

  “Yes, sir,” I say, knowing we won’t be having supper together tonight. I say a quick prayer as I walk out the front door that they are both alive when I return. I text Chauna, and she says we can meet at her house. I take the shortcut and am there in a few minutes.

  Pulling up to her house, I can see them eating dinner and laughing. If only my family were that way. We eat together, but sit in silence. I know her mom’s gone, but she and her dad have a relationship I can only dream about. I knock on the front door, and when Chauna answers it, she pulls me into her arms.

  “Everything okay?” she asks.

  “Same as always,” I say.

  “We’re just finishing supper. You want some?” she asks with a twinkle in her eye.

  “Sure. With all the yellin’, I didn’t get to eat at home,” I say as she takes my hand in hers.

  “Daddy, Walker’s gonna join us,” she says. Mr. Jackson stands and shakes my hand.

  “Good to see you, Walker,” he says as Chauna hands me a plate. I fix myself a plate of country-style steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, and corn, and then take a seat. We are quiet while we eat, but Mr. Jackson breaks the silence.

  “You know, Walker, if you ever need to get away, feel free to come here,” he says, and I’m at a loss for words because I know I’m not his first pick for his daughter.

  “Thank you. You kinda get used to it after a while,” I say.

  “So Chauna’s told me you want to go to college.”

  “Yes, sir. I want to go to either Appalachian or Western,” I say with confidence.

  “Those are both great schools. Any thoughts on majors?”

  “Business,” I say, and as I look at Chauna, I see her grinning from ear to ear.

  “That’s good to hear,” he says. “Chauna, any more thoughts on college?”

  “Nope,” she says, short and sweet. You can see that this doesn’t make him happy. As he starts to say something else, she stops him. It’s obvious that I don’t want to be present for this conversation. “Walker, you ready?” she asks.

  “Sure. Thanks for supper, Mr. Jackson,” I say as I stand and place my dish into the sink.

  “You’re welcome. Don’t be too long, Chauna,” he says as if he knows where we’re going and what we are about to do.

  As I begin to walk toward my bike, Chauna takes my hand and pulls me toward her. She wraps her arms around my neck and presses her lips to mine. Almost as if she can’t get close enough to me, she kisses me harder and deeper. I just pray her dad isn’t watching.

  As things slow down, I say to her between kisses, “We better stop before we give your dad a show.”

  She starts to laugh. “Come on,” she says, and I realize we aren’t going for a ride.

  Taking out her phone, she turns on the flashlight, and we walk toward the woods. After several minutes, we come to a clearing. She takes a seat, wrapping her arms around her knees as she pulls them into her body. Sitting beside her, I just wait.

  “Have your parents always been like that?” she asks.

  “Yeah. They both were brought up in families where they didn’t respect each other. In fact, I think that is the only reason their relationship works.”

  “I don’t get it,” she says.

  “Me either, but when you are brought up to believe that doing wrong and yelling at each other is okay, it makes sense.”

  “What do you mean?” she asks. I know this is my moment to tell her everything about why I came to town, what I do at Ivan’s, and how Boondocks is involved. But, just as I’m about to say the words to come clean, a large buck walks into the field.

  Without a word, she points. I’ve never seen a creature so graceful and strong this close up. As he catches a glimpse of us, his head lifts and turns toward us. He gives a warning sound and then takes off into the darkness.

  “That was amazing,” I say.

  “Yeah, this was the spot,” she says, and I don’t need an explanation. This is where her best friend lost his life.

  “I’m so sorry, Chauna,” I say as I pull her into me.

  “It’s okay, but sometimes I come out here to feel close to him. That day changed my life, and Logan’s, too.” I know the whole story now, but I wonder if she’ll tell me in her own words.

  “I know,” I reply.

  “Walker, I thought you might enjoy coming out here and escaping everything. I know you like our spot, but we don’t do much thinking there,” she says with a wink, and she’s exactly right.

  “It’s nice to just sit here with you, but I do like our spot, too,” I say as I kiss the side of her neck.

  “Me, too,” she says as she turns toward me and wraps her arms around my neck. As she starts to slide on top of me, I feel as if Lane is watching us. Pausing, she looks into my eyes.

  “It’s okay,” she says, but for some reason I can’t take things further with her here. Not in this spot.

  I brush her hair behind her ear. “No, Chauna, as much as I want to, this spot isn’t about you and me.” As tears begin to form in her eyes, I kiss her lips, “So, what you want to do Friday?” I ask.

  “Why?” she asks.

  “I don’t know. Maybe because it’s your birthday?” I say.

  “You remembered,” she says.

  “How could I forget? Ally and Beth have been talking about it for weeks now,” I say with a laugh.

  “What are they planning?” she asks as if she doesn’t know already.

  “Nothing,” I lie.

  “Whatever. They are always looking for a reason to party.”

  “Just be ready when I pick you up Friday for Boondocks. You only turn eighteen once,” I say and kiss her once more. “Now let’s get home. You have school, and I have to work tomorrow,” I say as I stand and pull her up.

  Chapter 26


  School is unbearable without Walker, but I try to keep myself busy by studying, and I even fill out a few college applications to make Daddy happy. Walker texted early this morning, letting me know he wouldn’t be around until he picked me up for Boondocks tomorrow night. I try not to worry and decide to focus on my birthday and finding the perfect outfit to celebrate in. Beth, Ally, and I go shopping, and I find one that I love, and I know Walker will as well.

  Friday morning I wake up to the smell of bacon and a hint of something sweet. Walking downstairs, Daddy has pancakes and bacon waiting for me. “Happy birthday!” he says as he lights the candles in the pancakes.

  “Thanks, Daddy!” I say as I give him a hug. He sings “Happy Birthday” to me, and I could listen to that voice all day long. While I blow out the candles, my phone buzzes, and it’s Walker.

  Walker: Happy birthday, Princess! See you tonight! Love u!

  Chauna: Can’t wait! Love u 2!

  Placing my phone back on the table, I notice Daddy staring at me. “What?” I question.

  “Walker, huh?” he asks.

  “Yeah. Just wishing me happy birthday.”

  “You know, I’ve been hard on you two, and I’m not sayin’ he’s stolen my heart or anything, but it’s obvious he wants to better himself. I like that about him.”

  “I like that about him, too,” I say as I place another bite of pancake into my mouth.

  Hurrying to get ready for school, I look into the mirror. I’m freakin’ eighteen years old! An adult! After I finish my makeup, I grab my backpack, keys, and hurry out to start the day.


  Thursday was a long-ass day preparing the shine for delivery. Ivan wasn’t kidding when he said this was a big order. I swear, there is so much shine I don’t know if we’ll finish on time. For this run, I have to not only be the lookout for Dad, but for Jimmy and J
ames as well.

  When I arrive at Boondocks Friday morning, Darren is waiting for me to help him unload and stock the shine while the others head back to the shop. When we finish, Darren fixes us some lunch. That’s right, lunch. Who the hell moves this much shine in broad daylight? Ivan, that’s who.

  “So, any big plans tonight?” I ask Darren.

  “Nope, just getting everything ready for the big crowd coming tomorrow,” he says.

  “It’s Chauna’s birthday tonight. I can’t wait to show her a good time,” I say.

  “She doesn’t like big celebrations,” he says.

  “Why?” I ask. “She loves to have a good time.”

  “Yeah, but that’s different. You know it’s Logan’s birthday Sunday?” he says.

  “I had no idea.”

  “Yeah, they always had to decide whose party was going to be on what day, but no matter what, he made sure that Chauna’s was more of a celebration.”

  “He…meaning Lane?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

  “Yeah. That’s why she doesn’t do big anymore.”

  “Well, I want it to be as big as possible tonight. You only turn eighteen once,” I say as I slide off the stool. I know that I’ve got to make this the best damn night of her life and one she doesn’t forget, and to do that, I’ll have to stop and talk with her dad.

  “Well, I hope it works out for you, kid,” Darren says as I walk out to the Tahoe.

  Pulling into Ivan’s, I notice more cars than usual. I walk inside to return the keys to Jimmy’s Tahoe and find Suzy working hard at the front desk. It’s Ivan and all the others just sitting around that catches me off guard. I try not to make eye contact as I hurry back out the door, but just as I’m about to step outside, I see the look on my dad’s face, and I know something’s wrong, bad wrong, and I don’t want any part of it.

  I hurry to my bike and head to Chauna’s house to talk to her dad. Luckily for me he’s home for a late lunch. I wait after I knock on the door.

  “Mr. Jackson, do you have a minute?” I ask.

  “Sure, come on in, Walker. How’s this week been treating you?”

  “Okay, I guess. I like working at Ivan’s, but I want my own shop some day.”

  “That’s a good goal to have. So, what brings you here?” he questions with concern.

  “I just want to make today special for Chauna and wanted to see what we could do at Boondocks tonight to make it all about her.”

  Worry covers his face. “She doesn’t like big celebrations.”

  “I know. Darren told me,” I say, and as soon as the words leave my lips, I wish I could take them back.

  “Darren told you? When have you been hanging out with Darren?” he asks.

  “When I helped him stock the shine this morning,” I say.

  “Walker, I know you want to go to college and start a business, but don’t let your father bring you down. If you need to get out, you come to me, and we’ll figure out something. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, and you want a better life. I want a better life for my daughter as well.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you.”

  “Now, let’s talk about Chauna’s birthday.

  We discuss plans for her special night at Boondocks and when we finish our conversation, I head home to get ready for a night out with my girl.

  Chapter 27


  As soon as the last bell rings, I walk out to the parking lot, and it’s obvious that my friends have been up to no good. My truck has been toilet papered, and there’s chalk paint all over the back windshield. I’m gonna kill them, but I smile and laugh as I approach the truck, and they all jump up from the bed and hit me with silly string.

  “Y’all!” I holler as they nail me with it.

  When we finally stop laughing, Logan jumps from the truck and walks toward me. We haven’t spoken much since the night at the spot, but we always keep tabs on each other.

  “Happy birthday! How does it feel to be legal?” he questions.

  “No different, except now I can buy your dip instead of you having to find someone to do it.” I laugh.

  “Only two days, and I can do that myself,” he says proudly.

  After discussing our plans for Boondocks tonight, we all go home to get ready. Taking my time, I curl my hair in loose waves, put my eyeliner on just right, and add mascara. After sliding on my new outfit that’s perfect for both Boondocks and riding on a bike, I wait in the living room for Walker.

  At six on the dot, I hear his bike coming up the driveway. Glancing out the window, I see him get off his bike, and I can’t wait to get into his arms. Walker has on a pair of perfect fitting jeans, a T-shirt under his leather jacket, and when he removes his helmet and runs his hand through his hair, I lose it. I hurry to the door, and as he makes his way to the porch, I open the door and jump into his arms, catching him off guard.

  “Damn, Princess,” he says as he places his lips on mine. “Happy to see me?” he asks.

  “Damn right, I am. It’s been like three days!” I say as my lips find his. He walks up the steps and takes a seat on the swing while pulling me onto his lap. We start to kiss, but then he pauses and pulls away.

  “Where’s your dad?” he says with panic in his voice.

  “Boondocks,” is all I say before I find his lips again. His hands roam my body from head to toe, and I start to do the same. As things start to get hot, Walker pulls away.

  “Happy birthday, Princess,” he says as he reaches inside his jacket and pulls out a small box.

  Looking at the pink chevron wrapping paper, I know that he didn’t wrap it, but I know it came from the boutique in town. I slowly open it and fall in love as soon as I see a bracelet with a princess crown dangling from it. Knowing it will look perfect next to my mom’s bracelet that I’m wearing, I ask Walker to place it on my wrist.

  “It’s beautiful,” I say when he finishes.

  “But not as beautiful as you,” he says while brushing my cheek with his hand and leaning in for another kiss. As our kiss slows, we pull away.

  “Guess we better get to Boondocks,” he says.

  “Lead the way, my prince,” I say as he walks me to his bike.


  As I drive to Boondocks, I am hopeful that Ally, Beth, Logan, Paige, Darren, and her dad have been able to pull off my plan.

  As we enter the parking lot, everything looks normal, but as we enter the door, I hope and pray everything is in place. Chauna walks in before me, and right on cue, I hear the strum of a guitar and her dad’s voice begin to sing “Happy Birthday”. She pauses and turns to look at me, and I flash a guilty smile. The look on her face scares me. I’m not sure if she’s happy or pissed. She looks around the room and sees the tables decorated with Mason jar lights, a huge cake made just for her, and gifts galore. As her dad finishes the last note, everyone begins to clap. Chauna walks toward the cake and blows out the candles. If only I knew her wish.

  Once the candles are out, she begins to thank everyone for coming and makes her rounds to speak to everyone. I stand and watch as she celebrates her birthday. When things settle down, the music kicks up a notch, and she makes her way toward me.

  “So, this is what you were up to?”

  “Guilty,” I say.

  “And I thought you just wanted to make out.” She winks.

  Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pull her to me. “Oh, I did. Happy birthday, Princess,” I say and kiss her sweetly for everyone to see.


  I can’t believe that Walker did this for me. Is it bad that I rather he hadn’t? Birthdays are hard after losing Lane, but maybe it’s time to move forward. I can’t worry about what life would have been like with Lane here.

  Looking to the right, I see Logan propped up against the bar. I look toward Walker who smiles as if he can read my mind. As I make my way toward Logan, he stands.

  “Happy birthday, Chauna,” he says.

  “Thanks, Lo,” I say as I giv
e him a hug. “You okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, he’d be happy,” he says. “Are you okay?”

  “I think I’m still in shock. I know you only turn eighteen once, but I didn’t expect it.”

  “It was all Walker’s idea. He even talked to your dad about it.”


  “Yup,” he says as he pulls something from his back pocket. “I thought you might like this.”

  As he hands me a small envelope, I have no clue what it might be. Then I see Lane’s handwriting, and my hands begin to shake.

  “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry,” Logan whispers.

  I take a minute to hold the envelope and try to guess what’s inside by feeling the outside. I am clueless, and as a sharp stick pokes my fingers, I jump. Logan starts to laugh, and I decide to quit stalling and open it.

  As I pull the back open, I close my eyes and pull out the contents. I grasp one then two circular objects. Looking at them in my hands, I don’t have to ask. I know. My bullet shells.

  “How did this happen?” I ask Logan and then look back to the beautiful set of earrings I hold in my hand.

  “Remember when you shot that first deer?” I nod my head. “Lane stole the shell and maybe one of his. He had them sent off to make a pair of earrings just for you. He said he was holding on to them for the right time. I felt like that day was today.”

  “I love them, Lo!” I say as I clench them tightly in my hand and wrap my arms around him.

  “It’s time to start celebrating. Just like we used to. It would make him happy,” he said.

  As a single tear streams down my face, I reply, “I know.”

  After putting the earrings in my ears, I talk to Logan a few more minutes, and Walker joins us. It’s amazing how two boys who were just duking it out can suddenly get along. I’m sure they’re just being nice for me. Daddy takes a break, and Luke Bryan’s new single, “Kick the Dust Up,” blares through the speaker. All of the girls go crazy, and we hit the dance floor. We shake our hips and sing at the top of our lungs. Before long, the guys have joined us, and I laugh as Walker wraps his arms around me and begins to sing as well. It feels good to celebrate my birthday with everyone who matters most in my life.


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