Book Read Free


Page 16

by Casey Peeler

  Walking down the hallway, I hear Mom, Aunt Mary, and Uncle Scott talking in the living room. They see me walking toward the door and ask where I’m going.

  “Outside. I just need some fresh air,” I say.

  “I really think you need to rest,” Mom says.

  “Well, there’s a chance that walkin’ out this door could change my life, so resting will just have to wait,” I say as I wink at Uncle Scott. He smiles at me, and Mom and Aunt Mary look confused.

  Opening the big white door is harder than I thought, but I manage. I take a step onto the wraparound porch and look out. Nothing. I walk around toward the lake. Nothing. Walking around toward the front again, I hear the sound of an engine I’d know anywhere. Chauna.

  As her truck comes into view, a smile escapes my lips, and I try to hurry toward the stairs. Once it comes to a stop, she jumps from the driver’s side and doesn’t bother to close the door. She runs toward me, but stops abruptly and places her hand over her mouth and begins to cry.

  Standing there, I open my good arm and walk toward her. She takes a few small steps with her arms crossed as tears still fall. After what feels like an eternity, we are within arms’ reach.

  “Walker,” she breathes. I don’t say anything. “What happened?” she inquires as her fingertips graze the white bandage.

  “My dad is what happened to me, but let’s not worry about me right now,” I say.

  “I’m so sorry, Walker. I’m okay and surviving, but I want to know what happened. I have to know,” she says as she looks me in the eye. I know I have to tell her everything right now. Taking my only functioning arm, I wrap it around her and lead her toward the house.

  “Chauna, I’m so sorry for leaving. I thought it was what I needed to do at the time, but when I look back, I should have stayed.”

  “I’m so lost without you,” she whispers as she places her head on my shoulder.

  “Now you’re found,” I whisper into her ear as we walk into the house.

  Chapter 36


  Walking into the house, I feel like a little girl in a castle. Everything is so unique and in its own perfect place. Walker leads me to the living room where I’m greeted by his mom, Scott, and Mary.

  “How are you, Chauna?” Mary asks as she approaches me and puts her arms around me.

  “I’m hanging in there. Thank you so much for the food. I really appreciated it,” I say.

  “That’s the least I could have done.”

  Looking around, I notice Walker’s mom, and I now know that she and Mary are sisters. I guess that’s why she looked so familiar.

  “Mrs. Bentley, it’s nice to see you again,” I say and mean it. There’s something different about this woman from the last time I saw her.

  “Same to you,” she says.

  “If y’all don’t mind, I need to talk to Chauna about a few things,” Walker says.

  “Of course, and you probably need to lie down for a little while, too,” Mrs. Bentley states.

  Walker leads me to his room. Everything is neat and orderly, just like the rest of the house, and the bedding looks brand new.

  Walker takes a seat on the edge of his bed, and I sit beside him. “You can lie down if you need to,” I say.

  “I’m good for now.” He takes my hand in his and explains why he left town, didn’t answer my calls, and what he discovered. I realize that he did leave me, but only because he wanted justice. Even though I wish he’d have let his parents go, I wonder if we’d be sitting here right now if he had. “Princess, I thought that your dad was going to be okay. It wasn’t until I talked to the officer at the hospital that I learned he didn’t make it. That’s when I tried to call the first time, but my doctor came in. After everything I had been through, my mind was crazy on medicine, but when I thought that you weren’t going to text me back, my heart broke. I knew it was my fault, and I promised that I’d never give up on us.”

  “Walker, I prayed that you were okay, but then Jimmy told me he’d seen you. I couldn’t understand why you hadn’t called, but it’s obvious you couldn’t. I just wish you would have had them call me.”

  “I guess they had no choice but to call my guardian. I swear, I’ll be glad when I’m eighteen,” he says, and I laugh because I know it’s not too far away.

  Glancing at my watch, I jump to my feet. “Oh my gosh, Walker. I’m gonna be late for work,” I say as I grab my phone and text Darren. He tells me to not worry about coming in, but I can’t do that. It’s my responsibility to support myself. I look back at Walker who is grinning from ear to ear. “What?”

  “You’ve got your dream, haven’t you?” he asks.

  Looking him straight in the eyes, I know I have more than my dream. I have a future.


  When Chauna looked at me with those eyes, I knew exactly what I had to do. This frog had found his princess, and it was time to make it a reality. I place her hair behind her ear, and she smiles and brings her lips to mine.

  “Walker Bentley, I thought that I’d lost you, but I can promise you one thing. Now that you’re back, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I wouldn’t want you anywhere else, Princess, but I think I hear Boondocks calling,” I say with a smile.

  “Only you would understand,” she says as she gives me a brief kiss. “I’ll be back in the morning.”

  “Why not tonight?” I ask.

  “First, I’m not staying in here with your mom, Mary, and Scott in this house, and second, it will probably be like three before we finish up tonight.” Understanding, I kiss her once more, and as I start to walk her out, she stops me and tells me to rest. She helps me get comfortable and promises she’ll see me first thing in the morning.

  Chapter 37


  Walking out of the Archer’s home, I feel like another piece of the puzzle is in place. The anger I felt for Walker has extinguished. After pulling in the back at Boondocks, I take a quick moment to call Logan before going in because he’s not going to believe this.

  “Hey, Chauna. You okay?” he asks.

  “I’m perfect! Guess what?”


  “Walker’s back,” I say with excitement, but the tone on the other end of the phone is the complete opposite.

  “Are you serious? Where’s he been?” he asks, and I can tell he’s upset.

  “Look, it’s a lot to explain, and I’ve got to get to work. Are you coming in tonight?”

  “I’m on my way. Just tell Darren he better have some wings ready,” he says, and I know that this conversation won’t be pretty.

  Hurrying into Boondocks, I clock in and pull my hair up. I add a little gloss and grab a tank from the pile in Darren’s office. I’ll tell him later. When I walk into the main area, the first person I see is Darren.

  “You okay?” he asks.

  “Actually, I’m better than okay.”

  “Are you sure?” he questions again, and now Paige and Krista are approaching.

  “I’m in my favorite place, and Walker is back. There’s only one thing that would make this perfect, and that’s Daddy,” I say as I walk to a customer to take an order.

  Within fifteen minutes, Logan is busting through the door. I look toward Krista who tells me she’s got my tables covered. I walk toward him, take him by the hand, and lead him to the back entrance. I open the door, and we take a seat on the back porch area.

  “Lo, I know you’re pissed, and believe me I was to start with, but then I saw him.”

  “You saw him? Where?” he says as he turns to look at me.

  “At the Archer’s.”

  Confusion crosses his face. “Mary is his mom’s sister.”

  “You’re kiddin’, right?” he asks as I shake my head. “You mean that never came up in conversation?”

  “Nope. I guess I just assumed they were alone in town. Plus, the Archers and his family are way different.”

  “That’s for sure. So, tell me. Why’d he leave?
I know you enough to know that you’d be madder than a hornet if he just followed them.”

  I pause. “He left to stop his parents. He heard the sirens and stopped by Boondocks after he left me.”

  “Being a nosey mofo,” Logan says under his breath.

  I elbow him in the side. “Daddy was alive when he left. He knew his parents were behind it, and he followed them. Needless to say, it didn’t end well.”

  “That’s nothing we don’t know already. His dad’s in police custody,” Logan says with an attitude.

  “Look, you don’t have to have such an attitude about it. I’m just trying to tell you what happened.

  Logan looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “So let me get this right. He leaves to chase after his parents, his dad gets caught, and now he’s like some hero?” I’m shocked at Logan, but then again, I should have figured that he wouldn’t let me finish. “Exactly what I thought. So in the meantime, I’m the one you turn to and help you with everything at the hospital, funeral, and all the police crap, but yet, I’m going to be the one left out to dry. He was gone over a week!”

  I don’t waste another minute. “Lo!” I say, and he just keeps running his mouth. “Lo!” I say louder this time. Can’t he shut up for like two seconds? I grab his shirt and pull him an inch from my face. “His dad freaking shot him! That’s why he didn’t call for a week. Now shut up so I can finish.”

  As I let go of his shirt, he doesn’t say a word as he moves away. “Now that his dad is in custody and his mom is done with him, her sister is okay with them being around. Mary is smart enough to stay away from something not kosher. I don’t know why he didn’t mention it to me, but that doesn’t matter. I’m only hoping that Troy Bentley pays for what happened to my daddy.”

  “What about his mom? She was there, too.”

  “Yeah, but I think watching your husband try to kill your child will shake up your world in a good way.”

  “I guess you’re right,” he says as we both stand. “You know I’m just looking out for you, right?”

  “Yes, but remember I’m a smart girl, too. Not to mention, I have a few angels on my side,” I say as we start to make our way in. “You totally thought I was gonna kiss ya, didn’t ya?” I say with a laugh.

  “Hey, a guy can dream, can’t he?” he says with a laugh, and I pause. Turning to him, I smile and place my hands on each side of his face.

  “Lo, one day a girl is going to rock your world, and when she does, I’ll be the one going all Tarzan on her ass.”

  “I love you, Chauna Jackson. Damn, Walker is one lucky guy. Just remember I can whoop his ass if needed.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him like the best friend he is. “Lo, I love you, too.”

  Boondocks is slammed all night, and as they announce last call, I notice a few police officers enter the bar. Strange. I don’t worry about it, but as they approach Darren, curiosity consumes me. Walking toward the bar, I lay my towel on the counter. “Everything okay?” I ask.

  “Actually, they were just asking me some questions. You might actually be able to help more than me,” Darren says.

  “They said that the cops just busted that bar in Commerce for moonshine. You don’t think that had to do with Troy, do you?” Suddenly, I remember the empty jars at Walker’s house.

  “I’m not sure. I know they liked to drink it. You think they were selling that far away?” I ask.

  “Possible. I just think there had to be a reason for what happened here, and for them to go down that way,” Darren says.

  “I can ask Walker,” I say and soon realize I’ve said too much.

  The police look to me. “You mean to tell me he’s in town?”

  “Yes, sir. He’s not in trouble, is he?” I question.

  “I don’t believe so. Where is he staying? We’ve checked their house.”

  “They are at Scott and Mary Archer’s house, but please don’t go there until in the morning.”

  They both look at each other. “Sure. No problem,” they say and shake hands with Darren before leaving.

  As soon as they are out the door, Darren turns to me. “Get out of here and go to the Archer’s house. I don’t think he’s in trouble, but his mom could be.”

  I hurry to my truck and head toward the lake. As I approach, all lights are off except the front porch. I notice Mary and Barbara swinging on the front porch. They look so happy, and I wonder what it would be like to have a sister.

  I get out of the truck and walk toward them. They stop their conversation as I come into view.

  “Chauna, everything okay?” Mary asks.

  “I’m not sure. The police showed up at work tonight. I guess they didn’t know Walker was in town. I’m afraid y’all are going to have visitors in the morning,” I say.

  “Shoot! No worries here, sweetheart. Everything is going to be just fine. Isn’t that right, Mary?” Mrs. Bentley says, looking at her sister.

  “It sure is,” she says. “Chauna, you can go see him if you want.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask.

  “Of course,” she replies, and I walk to his room.

  Opening the door, I see him sleeping in an upright position. I quietly close the door, and slide off my shoes. I raise the covers and begin to slide in beside him. I don’t want to wake him, but I don’t want to leave him either.


  I feel the bed dip, and then I smell her. “Chauna?”

  “It’s me, just sleep,” she whispers, but there’s no way. I have to know why she came tonight.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask and attempt to slide up further in the bed.

  “There were a few visitors in Boondocks late tonight. Darren wanted me to come and warn you. The police will be here in the morning. I need to know. Did you have anything to do with what happened with my daddy or what went down at Boondocks?”

  In this moment, I know I should tell her about my part in this, but will she question why I didn’t tell her earlier today?

  “The only way I fit into this is being a lookout when my dad had runs, and every now and then I’d deliver to Darren. I had nothing to do with your dad, but I overheard a conversation my parents were having the night it happened. That’s why, when I heard the sirens, I had to see what was going on. I had no idea what they were planning, but now that I look back on it, I realize there were clues I never noticed.”

  “You swear? Because I’m telling you right now, if you ever do that again or anything illegal, I’m done. You got it?” she says and relief washes over me.

  “I swear, Princess. I’d never do anything to hurt you. You are what makes me strive to be better,” I say as she sits up and looks at me.

  “Walker Bentley, I love you,” she says as she lightly presses her lips to mine without putting any weight on me.

  “I love you too, Chauna Jackson. So fucking much,” I say because that’s how I feel. Without her my life is meaningless.

  As she lies beside me she’s careful not to hurt me and as I wait for her to drift off to sleep I let my mind wander.

  Chapter 38


  Waking up to the sun peeking through the window, I look over my shoulder and see Walker sleeping peacefully. I try to carefully slide out of the bed when his voice startles me.

  “Where you going Princess?” he asks.

  “Ladies room,” I say.

  After I take a few minutes to make myself look presentable, I go back to check on Walker. He’s sitting on the side of the bed and even with that big ass bandage he’s hot!

  “Stare much?” he asks with a laugh.

  “I have no idea what you’re talkin’ ‘bout,” I say as sweet as sugar.

  “No worries, you can stare all day, but I need to get ready in case the police stop by today,” he says and the thought of them taking him away in handcuffs makes me sick to my stomach.

  “Stop that,” he says. I smile and help him slide on his shirt. “It’s going to be fine.” I can only ho

  As I help him stand, there’s a knock on the bedroom door, and his mom greets us with a good morning. I feel awkward that I slept in the same bed with Walker under the same roof as his mom and the Archer’s.

  “I’ll give y’all a few minutes,” I say as I smile to Walker.


  Knowing that Mom is going to talk to me about what could happen, I beat her to the punch.

  “Do you think they are going to charge you?”

  “Probably,” she says as she takes Grams and Gramps picture off my nightstand. “You miss them don’t you?”

  “Yeah. I miss them a lot,” I say.

  “I can’t believe you kept this picture,” she says with a smile. “It was my favorite of them.”

  “I couldn’t ever leave it. No matter where we lived, that picture made me feel like I was home.”

  “Walker, I thought about leaving before they got here.” I start to interrupt her, but she raises her index finger to tell me to stop before I start. “I’m not, and no matter what I will take the fall if they try to put your name in it. Do you understand me?” I tell her yes. “Your father made me believe that was the only life I was capable of having, but you have always been my reason to try to do better. Not to say I was good at it. I want to be a better person for you and for myself. I’ve missed this,” she says as she moves her arms toward the house that surrounds us. “We could have had this, and one day you will. Not this place, but your own. No matter what happens to me. Promise me that you will always do your best.”

  Taking Mom’s hand in mine I say, “I promise Mom.” Suddenly, I realize that this is what it’s like to have a real mother one that cares and will do anything for her child. For once in my life, I’m glad to say that Barbara Bentley is my mom. Looking at her, I see a woman that has a lot of battle scars, but those have made her shine. She now looks like she can take on the world and win.

  Within moments, Aunt Mary comes to the door to tell us we have company. Taking a deep breath, I try to calm my nerves. Mom helps me up, and tells me she’ll be down in just a minute. I walk out of the room and look back toward her.


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