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Challenge Page 13

by Quinn Ward

  “Like hell you will,” I protested. I twisted my fingers in his hair, turning him to face me. “I told you I love you and that means all of you. If you ever came into the kitchen on a Sunday morning when we’re getting ready for brunch, you’d realize you’re not the only one who gets a bit psychotic under pressure.”

  “Yeah, but with me, a lot of it’s going to seem stupid and superficial.” His cheeks brightened, and he grimaced at his admission. “The Peter everyone knows here isn’t the same guy you’re with. Get a good look at this face, because until I’m back home, it’s probably the last time you’ll see me without makeup other than right before bed. I already made an appointment to get my hair touched up because there’s no way in hell I can walk into that shoot Monday with these roots. And with the way you’ve been feeding me, I’ll be lucky if anything in my closet fits. I’ll probably have to make an emergency shopping trip.”

  I did the only thing I could think of to shut Peter up; I pressed my lips to his. It wasn’t even much of a kiss; there was no tongue, no passion, just an intimate point of contact. He groaned and shifted slightly in his seat, so I pulled back.

  “I’ve seen you wearing makeup before,” I reminded him. “I happen to think you look sexy as hell when you’re wearing it. And I get that you’re probably going to be wearing more than you do back home but that makes sense because it’s part of your job. As for the hair, I’ve known you most of your life. I know damn well that blond isn’t real. So, when we get to your place, we’ll get settled, you’ll get your hair done, I’ll find a way to fill the time, and that’ll be that. As for the food, there’s not much I can do about that because you’re the one who hooked up with a guy who specializes in pasta dishes, but maybe I’ll try making you something a bit healthier. In the meantime, we’ll go shopping.”

  “You hate shopping,” Peter reminded me.

  “True, but if it’s what needs to be done, then I’ll suffer through it. It’s not much different from when I have to take Sophia shopping. Shopping is one of the evil necessities in life.”

  “If it’s too much for you, you can stay at my place while I run errands. Or you can explore the city on your own. I’m pretty sure you’ll do just fine without a tour guide.”

  The train pulled into the station and we stood, waiting for the passengers ahead of us to file off the train. The moment we stepped out of the station, sensory overload became a real problem. Between the skyscrapers closing in around us, the never-ending stream of horns blaring on the road, the smell of exhaust fumes and sweaty commuters, and the raging sea of people racing every which direction without looking up to see who they were about to plow into, it was too much.

  Within the first few minutes, I was counting down the hours until it was time to go home. I really hoped the city wasn’t a deal-breaker for Peter because there was no way I visit here more frequently.

  When I stepped to the curb, trying to hail a cab, Peter pulled me back “Babe, trust me when I say it’ll be faster if we walk.” He reached for my suitcase and started dragging it behind him before I complained. It was hot, I was tired, and the last thing I wanted to do was walk however far it was to Peter’s apartment.

  The further we got from the station, the less congested the sidewalks became and eventually the traffic wasn’t nearly as unbearable. If the entire city was like this with few exceptions, maybe I’d have to revise my earlier disdain.

  We stepped up in front of the building and Peter waved at it dramatically. “Well here it is. It’s not nearly as nice as yours but you seriously don’t want to know how much a place that big would cost here.”

  I followed him up the steps and waited while he unlocked the front door. I thought that was the end of our trek, but I was proven wrong once again when Peter headed for the staircase. By the time we rounded the third-floor landing, I was about ready to crack. I never considered myself out of shape, but this was brutal. Finally, we reached the fifth floor and Peter unlocked the door to his apartment.

  When he swung the door open and ushered me inside I hoped I managed keep my face neutral. I was certain Frankie’s college dorm room had been bigger than this apartment, and Peter had multiple roommates. While he ducked into one of the bedrooms to let his roommates know we were there, I snooped around a bit, gaping at what passed for a kitchen. There was almost no counter space; hell, there wasn’t even a full-size stove. Peter stepped up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and nibbling my ear, probably trying to distract me from what qualified as New York City living.

  “I know it’s not much, but it’s been home for a long time. And when you’re trying to make it, you do whatever you have to do to get by.” For some reason, his words gave me pause, and I wondered if there was anything else that he’d done ‘just to get by’. The idea of him doing something like selling his body enraged me so I pushed those thoughts out of my mind. Peter took my hand and led me into his bedroom. There was barely enough room to walk along one side of the bed and you could easily reach into the closet while sitting down on the mattress.

  “You know, it’s a good thing I love you, because this takes togetherness to a whole new level.”

  Peter shrugged. “Like I said, it’s what was affordable when I first moved here and my roommates are pretty cool so I haven’t had a reason to leave.”

  “I’ll give you credit,” I said not trying to hide my amazement. “It shows just how dedicated you are to achieving your dreams that you could deal with this.”

  “You get used to it after a while.”

  I sat on the edge of the bed, watching as Peter rummaged through a dresser hidden inside the closet. In case I hadn’t mentioned it, the bedroom was tiny. He pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and a tank top, laying them out on the bed before crossing the hall for a quick shower. With nothing else to do, I laid back for a nap.

  When I woke, the apartment was empty and there was a note on the pillow next to my head.

  It was my turn to let you sleep. I tried waking you, but you were dead to the world. If you want to twiddle your thumbs and watch me get my hair colored, text me for the address. I’d suggest putting on your shoes and walking around a bit. There’s a market nearby if you wanted to be a dear and get something to make for dinner.

  Love you

  Those last two words made up for my annoyance that he’d left me here on my own. I could hear his roommates on the other side of the wall and wasn’t up for the whole strange dude in their place conversation. I debated pulling the blanket over my head and sleeping until Peter got home, but I was intrigued by this market he mentioned. It may not amount to much, but I had promised him I’d find some healthier options to make for dinner while we were here. Of course, that was before I realized I’d be working in a kitchen so small a hobbit would be cramped.

  The front door closed, and I heard the snick of the deadbolt while I rummaged through our suitcase, trying to find something that’d be comfortable for walking around in the late afternoon steam bath. Most of the clothes that were my size still had the tags on them, meaning Peter had gone shopping, probably after deeming my wardrobe unsuitable for his friends.

  Stop being an ass, I scolded myself as I peeled stickers and tags off a pair of khaki shorts and a simple burgundy T-shirt. If I’d packed, I’d have stacked all the shirts in one pile and the shorts in another, but not Peter; he’d alternated, almost like he knew I’d be responsible for dressing myself at some point and wanted to make it clear which tops and bottoms went together. It was cute seeing the subtle ways he asserted his control. By the time I was dressed, most of my irritation had fled. I even snapped a selfie from the front steps of Peter’s building and sent it to him so he’d have proof I didn’t hide in the bedroom all day, even if I was still second-guessing that decision.

  The market wound up nothing like I’d expected. There were a few vendors set up, all with produce trucked in from who knew where. I surveyed what was available, then went back and made my purchases. I’d stop by the butcher s
hop on my way home to pick up the protein for tonight. Anything beyond that would have to wait until I talked to Peter and found out the food storage situation at his place.

  Peter was already home by the time I got back to the apartment. He greeted me at the door, wrapping his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist, nearly knocking me on my ass. “I like seeing you in my space.”

  My gut twisted because I understood what he meant but his words were hard for me to digest. I liked being wherever Peter was, but after my adventure today, I was more certain than ever that I would never warm up to this city. Part of me wanted to go home, but that wasn’t fair to Peter. This was supposed to be our weekend to see if our lives could truly mesh outside the bubble of my townhome.

  “What are you making?” Peter asked, taking the bags out of my hand and peeking inside. I followed him into the kitchen, or at least tried to because there was barely room for one person in the cramped space. I let him put the groceries away, then swapped places with him.

  “With as hot as it is I didn’t want to make anything too heavy, and the market had some fresh peaches, so I figured we’d have pork chops and couscous tonight.”

  Peter hummed in approval. “That sounds perfect. I was thinking if you’re not too tired after dinner we might head out to a club.”

  I bit back a groan, because clubbing and bars had never been my scene, but I got the impression it was a big part of Peter’s life. If that’s what he wanted to do, I’d suffer through the night just like I did when my brothers dragged me out. “I suppose we could do that. The only problem is I’m pretty sure I don’t have anything suitable for going out.”

  “I’m sure we can find something that’ll work,” Peter said, sliding up behind me and burying his hands in my front pockets. “Contrary to popular belief, not everyone dresses up when they go to the clubs here.”

  That may be true, but I wasn’t going to the clubs with just anyone; I was going out with Peter. He made it quite apparent his looks were part of the overall package because of his job. I didn’t want anyone seeing me out with him and judging him for it.

  Making it through dinner without any interruptions was a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t sure whether that was a coincidence or if Peter had asked his roommates to stay out, but I wasn’t going to question it.

  While I showered, Peter said he’d find clothes that were both comfortable enough for me and dressy enough for a night out on the town. We switched places after my shower and I started getting dressed. The T-shirt he laid out must’ve been his, because it was two sizes smaller than I normally wore and nothing I’d seen before. In less than twenty minutes, I was ready to get the night started so I could count down until we were back here.

  I sat on the couch flipping through TV channels while Peter took his sweet time getting ready. I turned when Peter finally stepped out of the bedroom, nearly swallowing my tongue at the sight before for me. Peter wore a pair of heels higher than any I’d seen him in before, pants that appeared to be leather, and a flowing black top that shimmered in the light. But that wasn’t the biggest difference; his face was nearly unrecognizable with his dramatic eyeshadow, liner, and what I had to assume were false lashes. He lips were tinted a deeper shade of pink than natural and shimmered in the light. My mouth watered, desperate to see if his lip gloss was flavored, but resisted, not wanting to ruin the look.

  “Babe, if you keep looking at me that way we’re never getting out of the apartment.” Peter sauntered across the room and slid his hands down my torso. “Then again, looking at you I’m not so sure I so want to go out. I’m tempted to take you back to the bedroom and beg you to fuck me.”

  “I’d be down for that,” I responded, not expecting him to let me off the hook. He’d been looking forward to tonight; I could tell by the glint in his eye when he mentioned dancing.

  “Oh hell no,” Peter scoffed. He pulled me closer, grinding his hips against mine to a beat only he could hear. “We won’t do this every night, but tonight, I want to take you out and show you off. Want my friends here to see why it’s been so easy for me to stay away.”

  “If it’s time for you to get home, I’d understand,” I told him. It’d break my heart to say goodbye to him, but I didn’t want him feeling as if he had to choose between me and the dream he’d worked his ass off to make come true. And I didn’t even want to think about what it would do to Sophia if he decided his life here was too much to consider giving up for us.

  “Fuck that.” Peter smacked me on the chest. “If you really think that’s what this is about, you’re a bigger idiot than I’d realized. I stayed with you these past few months because I knew how much it sucked to leave the first time and I was putting off doing it again. But then, I fucked it all up and fell in love with you for real. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but don’t you dare start trying to push me away for my own fucking good.”

  I closed my eyes and nuzzled the hollow below Peter’s ear. The tension in his stance eased, and his body relaxed in my grip as I kissed my way down his neck. This was why I loved Peter so much; because he always called me on my shit. “You’re right and I’m sorry. I had too much time to think today and realized how different our worlds are. No matter how hard I try, I can’t imagine you moving back home for us any more than I could see me dragging Sophia up here.”

  Walking through the neighborhoods had been difficult for me. It made sense that Peter felt so at home here. He was vibrance and noise, someone whose presence demanded to be noticed. Seeing him now, I realized even more how much of himself he’d closed off when he drove to town for his Mama’s funeral. He was truly radiant; smiling broader, shining brighter. He was alive in a way I hadn’t seen until tonight, and we hadn’t even left the apartment yet.

  “You don’t need to think about either of those things right now,” he told me as he backed away. “Tonight is all about you and me getting away from reality. It’s about the fantasy of living in a world where we aren’t separated, where neither of us has to think about being together in terms of what we might have to give up. Tonight’s about me showing you everything I’ve ever dreamed about doing to you. Because even when I thought I never had a chance with you, it was always your face I saw late at night.”

  “When you put it that way, I don’t even know how to respond.” I curled my fingers around the back of his head, weaving them into his long, freshly dyed, blond hair, sealing my mouth over his for a sweltering kiss. My tongue dove into his mouth, tasting the faint hint of mint toothpaste that made me hungry for more of him. By the time we came up for air, both of us were hard and Peter stroked my cock through my jeans. Right about then, I’d have done anything Peter asked as long as it wound up with us back in this apartment, in his bed, and naked as soon as possible.



  The club I wanted to take Freddie to wasn’t that far, but tonight I hadn’t dressed for walking the streets of New York. I had chosen every article of clothing for maximum effect and it was working. Freddie didn’t even realize what I wore under my clothes, but I couldn’t wait to show him once we got home. Hell, if I had my way, he’d realize while we were dancing that I’d pulled out a satin and lace corset I rarely ever wore, simply because I was dying to see his reaction to me wearing it.

  The line outside the club was already down the street by the time we arrived, so I laced my fingers with Freddie’s and got behind everyone else. Nights like tonight, I wished life was like a Hollywood movie where everyone knew someone and had the hook up to avoid waiting their turn to get inside. The thumping bass of the music inside was barely audible from where we stood, but that didn’t stop me from swaying my hips, grinding my ass against Freddie’s dick, giving him a glimpse of what was to come once we were inside.

  Freddie groaned behind me and I expected him to tell me to stop. He and I had never been affectionate in public beyond holding hands and even that was a rarity. If there was one thing I hoped to achieve this weekend, it was helping Fredd
ie come out of his shell, proving he no longer had to hide who he was. Because the man I caught glimpses of once we were alone at home was truly stunning. When he relaxed, the lines stress dug into his forehead practically disappeared and his tense jaw went lax.

  Instead of pushing me away to keep a respectable distance in public, Freddie slid a hand over the front of my pants and bit the side of my neck. “I swear to God, Peter, if you don’t quit that, I’m going to drag you home and fuck you senseless.”

  “Mmmm, I love it when you get all caveman,” I replied as I redoubled my efforts. “But we are going into that club. You’re going to buy me a drink and then we’re going to dance. By the time we leave you’ll be so horny you’ll be tempted to toss me up against the side of the wall and fuck me in public.”

  Yes, I was shoving Freddie right out of his comfort zone, but I had no doubt the thought would turn him on as much as it did me. He was so bottled up, so in control most of the time, and I was desperate to see how he looked when he came undone.

  “You do that often?” I couldn’t help but smile at the jealously growled question. His fingers dug tighter into my hips, and he ground his cock into the cleft of my ass. I tipped my head back, resting it on his shoulder. I turned my head to the side and Freddie took the hint, sealing his mouth over mine in a sloppy, uncoordinated kiss.

  “No, Freddie, I’ve never been fucked against a brick wall,” I reassured him. There were other things I’d done, but I wasn’t going to tell him that right now. I preferred revealing my depravity to him in drips rather than a flood that’d wash him out of my life. “But with you, I think it’d be hot as hell. My hands would be fucked for work on Monday, but I’d savor every scrape as a memory of what we’d done.”

  “Oh, you’ll definitely remember this weekend.” He was already starting to loosen up a bit, which was good. He was uncomfortable here and I knew it. Knew before we’d even boarded the train he wouldn’t fit into my world. That was okay because I didn’t want him trying to force himself for my sake; I wanted to build a new life together, just the three of us and all our complications.


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