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The Tortuous Path (Fall of the Terran Empire Book 2)

Page 9

by G. P. Hudson

  For the next few days she nurtured that hatred. She had explained how she loved the Empire but hated the ruling nobility. She showed him that the two of them were the same. Kindred spirits even. She played her part perfectly, and he believed it all. It was pathetically easy.

  “Are you awake?” Reynolds said, rolling over to look at her.

  “Yes. I couldn’t sleep,” Reese said with a tender smile. “I have a lot on my mind.”

  “I’m sure it’s been a difficult few days for you. You do realize that it couldn’t be helped, don’t you?”

  “Of course, I do. Don’t trouble yourself over it. You were merely performing your duty. I am curious about something, though. What will happen to the Avar warships, now that they are UEDF property?”

  “They will be reassigned. Their crews will be scrutinized, and likely replaced. Why do you ask?”

  “I was thinking that you should take them and add them to your fleet.”

  Reynolds sat up. “I don’t understand.”

  “I surrendered to you, not one of the other admirals. Why should they get your spoils?”

  “Hmmm, you do have a point.”

  “Wouldn’t the nobility just disperse the spoils amongst themselves?” she pressed.

  “They would. Especially with how envious they are of my fleet. They will want to bulk up their own fleets with these ships.”

  “Exactly. I would hate to see that happen.”

  “I don’t know that I can stop it.”

  “I thought you were a full Admiral. As far as I see it, you only answer to the Emperor himself. I imagine that he’d be so happy about your success that he wouldn’t object to you keeping these ships.”

  “He might object. He is part of the nobility himself.”

  “If he does, you can explain that you need the extra ships to conquer more Frontier Alliance systems.”

  “That might not sit well with the admiralty.”

  “I’m sure it won’t. They’ll hate you even more now that you’ve taken the Avar system without any casualties. The last thing they want is you conquering more systems.”

  “They will persuade Cherenko. He will block my request.”

  “You’re right. But what if you didn’t make the request?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “What if you took the Avar ships, and used them to conquer the nearest Frontier Alliance system? In this case, the Tran system.”

  “Without consulting the Emperor, or the Admiralty?”


  “I couldn’t do that. I would be accused of insubordination.”

  “Or, it might be seen as a strategic initiative. When you planned for this campaign, did you not account for losses?”

  “Of course.”

  “Instead, you haven’t incurred any losses. Why not take those same projections and apply them to the Tran system? It seems the logical course of action.”

  “Yes, but I selected the Avar system for a reason. I predicted that it would not be as well defended as the others since it had not fought any recent battles. The other systems have, and their defenses are hardened as a result.”

  “Wouldn’t the extra ships overcome that problem?”

  “It’s not that I can’t take the other systems,” Reynolds continued. “I can. It’s just that the losses would be unacceptably high. But the addition of the Avar fleet might actually offset those losses.”

  “A victory like that would make you untouchable. How could they take away your ships after you deployed them so skillfully?”

  “Yes, even Tavian would have to keep his mouth shut. My triumph would be unquestioned. Nobody could challenge me then.”

  “Opportunities like this do not come very often. You must strike now before the nobility gets hold of the Avar fleet.”

  “They will persist in undermining me. They will never let me keep this fleet.”

  “Bold action now would make you the Empire’s brightest star.”

  “All this strategic talk has gotten me aroused,” Reynolds said with a mischievous grin.

  Reese felt the revulsion welling up inside her but managed to push it down with her best seductive smile. “It appears your condition requires my immediate attention.”

  Chapter 22

  “What do we do?” Gerry said.

  “We need to find that freighter,” Danny said. “We have to get Isaac.”

  “But what about the UEDF?”

  “We’re a private vessel. With any luck, they’ll leave us alone.”

  “Not going to happen,” Gerry said. “We’re being hailed.”

  “Turn on the holo-disguises. It’ll be easier to explain.”

  The two clones activated their holo-emitters, transforming themselves into the two smugglers, Rollan and Hasad.

  “Okay, that is just amazing,” Korinna said from behind the two clones.

  “I’m establishing a comm with the UEDF,” Danny said.

  “Ready when you are,” Gerry said.

  Danny activated the comm with his mind, and a UEDF corporal appeared on the comm.

  “Civilian vessel, this star system is under military quarantine. You will turn your ship around and exit through the jump gate or you will be fired on.”

  “But we are supposed to rendezvous with a freighter to pick up some cargo,” Danny said.

  “Did you hear me when I said you would be fired on?” the corporal said in a menacing tone.

  “I did,” Danny said. “I apologize. We will turn around immediately.”

  The corporal terminated the connection without another word.

  “That settles that,” Gerry said. “What do we do now?”

  “We’ll have to head back to the Tran system,” Danny said.

  “What about Zeta? They might still be there.”

  “I don’t think they’ll bother us. They were trying to catch us before we left the system last time. They won’t think that we’d come back. Besides, these disguises fooled them before.”

  “It’s still risky.”

  “True, but what choice do we have? We have no idea where the freighter is, and we need to get Isaac. The only person who can help us is Mr. Leventis. We did what he asked. It’s time for him to live up to his end of the bargain.”

  “He might try to double-cross us,” Gerry said.

  “Yes, he might. That won’t end well for him.”

  “No, it won’t. Alright. Turn this thing around and let’s go have a chat with Leventis.”

  The ship left the Avar system without incident and set a course for the neighboring Tran system. It was relatively close in metaspace terms, and ten hours later they were crossing through yet another jump gate, into the Tran system.

  They passed through the gate defenses without difficulty. Once Mr. Leventis’s name was thrown around, the Tran warships let them through. Clearly, Leventis wielded plenty of influence in this system.

  Danny tapped into his ship’s scans and sensors, searching for any sign of the Zeta battleship. “I think they’re gone,” he said.

  “Are you sure?” Gerry said.

  “Not entirely. They could be hiding. But they’re not showing up on any of my scans.”

  “Good. Let’s hope it stays that way.”

  They crossed the distance between the jump gate and the Tran homeworld. They were questioned on several occasions by the Tran authorities who were more interested in a payoff than anything else. Once that was settled nobody seemed to care what they did.

  The Tran system was on a permanent war footing, and the homeworld was like a fortress. Nonetheless, when It came to commerce, it was business as usual, provided the right palms were greased. It was the same throughout the Frontier Alliance.

  When they entered orbit around the Tran world, Danny contacted Mr. Leventis. To his surprise, Leventis didn’t waste any time answering.

  “I’ve been expecting you,” he said from the comm screen.

  “Then you know about the Avar system?” Gerry said. />
  “Of course. I also know about your excellent work on Aurora station. Well done.”

  “We fulfilled our end of the deal, now where’s Isaac?”

  “He’s right here, waiting for you. I’m sending you a set of coordinates. Land the ship there, and you can pick up Isaac.”


  The comm went black as Leventis disconnected.

  “What do you think, little brother?” Gerry said.

  “Something isn’t right,” Danny said.

  “Yeah, I sensed it too. Do you think Zeta has gotten to Leventis?”

  “Maybe. Or he decided to sell us out.”

  “Hang on,” Korinna said. “I didn’t notice anything unusual.”

  “You’re not augmented,” Danny said. “Our ocular implants can pick out subtleties that most people don’t recognize.”

  “You can do that just by looking at him?” Korinna said.

  “Usually. If he were here in person, there would be other factors.”

  “Like what?”

  “Sound. Smell. For example, I can hear your heartbeat right now. I can tell that you are a little excited, but not frightened in any way. That is different from when we first met. Your heart was racing then due to the panicked state you were in.”

  “Wow. So, you two are like a couple of human lie detectors,” Korinna said.

  “Among other things.”

  What do we do with the women, Gerry said through their neural link. They’ll be in danger if it is a trap.

  Agreed, but I’m not sure what we can do, Danny said. Leventis will be tracking us. He’ll know if we take a detour to drop the women off. We might be putting them at risk of capture again.

  You’re right, we’ll bring them with us. But what if it is a trap? What do we do then?

  I have an idea, Danny said. This ship has a couple of jetpacks in case external repairs are needed.

  Gerry grinned as Danny sent her a visual of what he had in mind. I like it, little brother.

  Danny turned to face Korinna. “We need a favor.”

  Chapter 23

  Danny and Gerry waited for the starship to put some distance between it and them before activating their jetpacks. Leventis’s scanners would not pick them up as they plunged through the sky in freefall. In the meantime, Danny maintained his neural link to the ship’s computer.

  “It’s incredible that you can do that,” Gerry said over her comm. “Did Isaac ever say what kind of range the connection has?”

  “No,” Danny said, looking over at his close friend’s plummeting figure. At the same time, he monitored the ship’s activity through his neural link. He retained full control over the starship. He could fly it, and use any of its instruments, including its external sensors and cameras. “Although there’s already considerable distance between us and the ship.”

  “We should fire up our jetpacks before we become part of the scenery below.”

  “Agreed. I’m sure it’s safe now. On three. Three, two, one.”

  The two clones fired their thrusters first, slowing their descent until they came to a stop, hovering in the sky.

  “Let’s go see what kind of party Mr. Leventis has thrown for us,” Gerry said.

  The two clones fired their main jets and took off, streaking through the sky toward the designated coordinates. They stayed low to the ground, hugging the contours of the landscape to avoid detection. They had both trained in stealth insertion tactics while at Zeta and were confident that they could sneak up on Leventis without being spotted.

  “The ship is landing,” Danny said. “I’m scanning the area.”

  Danny swept the area with the ship’s sensors, looking for any overt threats. Gerry watched as well through their neural link.

  “I’m picking up an aircraft approaching from the southeast,” Danny said.

  “I see them,” Gerry said.

  “The ship’s systems are not picking up anything else. Do you think Leventis is actually dealing honestly?”

  “Ha! That man is a snake. He is up to something. We just don’t know what it is yet.”

  “I hope you’re wrong, sister.”

  “That’ll be the day.”

  “Aircraft is coming in for a landing. Everything still looks good.”

  They watched the small plane land, as they stealthily approached the meeting site. A hatch opened on the plane, and people started to file out, including Mr. Leventis.

  “I don’t see Isaac,” Danny said.

  “Neither do I.”

  Danny accessed the starship’s systems and activated its external speakers. “Where is Isaac, Mr. Leventis?” Danny said through the ship.

  Leventis seemed surprised but quickly regained his composure. “He’s coming. Why don’t you come outside so we can talk face to face?”

  “I prefer speaking this way.”

  “Oh, come on now. Don’t you trust me?”

  “Are you trying to be funny?”

  Leventis frowned. “Look, you two did some excellent work on Aurora station. Awe-inspiring work. I have nothing but gratitude.”

  “Then tell me where Isaac is.”

  “Soon. First I want to talk business.”

  Danny reached out with his mind and tried to connect to Isaac’s brain implant with no success. Either Leventis lied about Isaac coming, or he wasn’t close enough to establish a neural link yet. “There is no business to discuss. We did what you asked, and now it’s time for you to deliver.”

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong. There’s always business to discuss. I have another job for you two.”

  Change course. Let’s come in behind them, Gerry said through the neural link, and the two clones altered their direction, looping around the coordinates.

  “Sorry. We’re not doing any more jobs,” Danny said through the ship.

  “Why not. You two are mercenaries. Why waste your talents? Look, I get that you’re not with Zeta anymore, and I don’t blame you. Masterson exploited you. That was a terrible relationship for you two. But that’s no reason to not become free agents. Do you have any idea how much money you can make?”

  “Do you really think that hiding Isaac is going to encourage us to work for you?”

  “I’m not hiding him. I told you. He’s on his way here.”

  “When will he get here?”

  “Soon,” Leventis said.

  Danny’s annoyance got the better of him, and he accessed the ship’s hidden plasma cannons. Machinery whined as hidden hatches were flung open and the two turrets slid out of their hiding place. The two guns swiveled and locked onto Leventis.

  “I’m not playing any more games,” Danny said.

  Leventis smirked, surprising Danny. “I think you should rethink that.”

  “Really? I Disagree.”

  “Because I’m the one who had those cannons installed.”

  “They’ll kill you all the same.”

  “While that is true, it is also true that you will die immediately after.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Why don’t you use that augmented brain of yours. If I installed the plasma cannons, then I already know they’re there, and I’ve already anticipated you pointing them at me. Your ship is currently in several crosshairs. If you kill me, or if I give the command, you and your ship become glass.”

  Danny thought about all the women on board. What if Leventis was telling the truth? Could he risk their lives?

  “Look, just listen to my offer,” Leventis continued. “That’s all I ask.”

  “Fine,” Danny said. “But the guns stay pointed at you, so don’t try anything cute.”

  Leventis nodded in agreement. “A competitor of mine in the Sol system is expecting a shipment to arrive in the near future. I want you to ensure that it never does.”

  The clones landed a safe distance from the meeting site and proceeded the rest of the way on foot to avoid detection.

  “What type of shipment?” Danny said, hoping to k
eep Leventis talking while they closed in.

  “Weapons,” Leventis said.

  “Is that all?” Danny said sarcastically. “A shipment like that is bound to be heavily defended.”

  “Yes, that is true. That’s where your fancy Zeta battleship comes in.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Oh, come on. You’re not fooling anyone. I know you stole a Zeta battleship when you escaped the Pallian system. Well done, by the way. Now that battleship has more than enough firepower to intercept that arms shipment and stop it from reaching Sol. It should be easy enough to do so while it’s traveling through metaspace.”

  “I see,” Danny said. “Look, I don’t know who you think we are, but killing a scumbag like Erbakan was one thing, and blowing up ships with who knows how many people on board is another.”

  “Blow up? Who said anything about blowing anything up? Clearly, you’ve misunderstood. I don’t want you to destroy the shipment. I want you to steal it.”

  “Steal it? In metaspace? Do you have any idea what you’re asking?”

  “Of course, I do. You have a ship full of Zeta combat clones. Boarding a ship in metaspace is child’s play for you.”

  Danny wanted to wrap his hands around Leventis’s throat and squeeze, but they had to get Isaac first, and then they had to make sure the women on board the ship got away safely. As the meeting site came into view, the two clones circled around to sneak in behind Leventis’s aircraft.

  “So, let me get this straight. You want us to hijack a weapons shipment for you in return for what? Money? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there isn’t anywhere to spend that money in metaspace.”

  Leventis laughed. “No. I’m offering you something far more valuable. Zeta clones.”

  Danny and Gerry exchanged startled glances as they furtively approached Leventis from behind.

  “That makes no sense,” Danny said while he and Gerry pointed their plasma rifles at Leventis and his men.


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