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Jack of Hearts (Aces & Eights Book 1)

Page 24

by Sandra Owens

  “Dammit, I’m in love with you. The things I said—”

  “Were for my own good?”

  He let out a relieved breath. She understood. “Yes.”

  “Men are so stupid.”

  He couldn’t argue with that. She gave a snort that sounded uncomfortably sarcastic, slid out of the window seat, and slammed the window down. Okay, so she hadn’t understood. He stared at the pane of glass separating them, and thought about forcing his way in and making her listen, but then he’d only prove to her just how stupid men really were.

  “This isn’t over, Madison,” he said before heading down the stairs.

  The next night, he was back, and she didn’t take as long to open the window, which he took as a good sign. That, and she was still wearing the bracelet. The sexy little shorts and top were gone, replaced with sweatpants and a loose T-shirt, which was too bad. But she was still gorgeous, even when she was trying not to be.

  This time, he was ready with what he wanted to say. “Give me five minutes, Madison. Then you can tell me to go to hell if you want, and I swear I’ll leave you alone.”

  “Why not? I have nothing better to do tonight.”

  Ouch. He leaned back, bracing his hands on the railing, and curled his fingers around the metal. He’d thought he had exactly what he wanted to say mapped out, but he was about to bare his soul, and what if she stomped on it?

  “Four minutes, Alex.”

  “Right, better get to it.” He took a deep breath. “The last night we made love, it rocked my world . . . what I felt for you. And then you told me you loved me.” How could he make her understand how much that had meant to him?

  “That sucker punched me, Mad. I watched you sleep for hours, and all I could think was, she doesn’t know me. How can she love me if she doesn’t know me? That’s what I thought.”

  He pushed away from the railing, moving to the edge of the window, and leaned his shoulder against the frame. “I’m an FBI agent, and you didn’t know that. I got it in my head that we needed to start over, that if we had any chance of a future together, it could only happen if you knew the real me.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me? Didn’t you think that was something I should have known about you?”

  He saw the hurt in her eyes, and if he didn’t think she would slap his face, he’d scoop her up off that window ledge and carry her to bed where he’d show her how sorry he was.

  “I couldn’t tell you. I wanted to, but I had a job to do. What if you had let something slip to Ramon, even if you didn’t mean to? That would have put you in danger, and I wasn’t about to let that happen.”

  “So I was a means to an end? Get close to me so you could find out what I knew about Ramon?”

  He dropped to his knees, putting himself at eye level with her. “No. Please don’t think that. Did I ever ask you about him?”

  “No. I thought that at first, when you showed up at Ramon’s wearing an FBI vest. But when I tried to remember if you asked me even one question about him, there was nothing. I had to ask, though.”

  “So where do we go from here, Mad?” It was probably too much to hope that she’d invite him to climb into her bed. Green eyes searched his, and he kept his gaze on hers, waiting to hear her answer.

  “You said I don’t know you. I think we should start over, get to really know each other this time.”

  Not what he’d wanted, which was mainly to pick up where they’d left off, but she was calling the shots. “Start over how?”

  She put her fingers on the bracelet and twirled it around her wrist. “Figure it out.”

  His brain was starting to hurt. “You said it yourself. I’m just a stupid man. Help me out here.”

  That earned him a half-second smile. “The bracelet’s beautiful. I love it. All the gifts were lovely, but no more. Good night, Alex.” She closed the window in his face. Again.

  What just happened?

  “That was your boyfriend on the phone,” Lauren said.

  “Alex?” A streak of something hot coursed through her—something that felt a lot like jealousy. Why would he call Lauren?

  “The one and only.”


  Her friend grinned. “Promised I wouldn’t tell you. If you need me, I’ll be in the back. We just got five boxes of books delivered.”

  “Get back here!” Madison glared at Lauren’s retreating back. “And stop laughing,” she yelled.

  What was Alex up to? When he’d explained why he had acted the way he did, she understood his reasoning. In some ways he was still the man she’d fallen in love with, but in a big way that really counted, he wasn’t. An FBI agent? She was still trying to wrap her head around that one.

  When he had showed up at her window, her world had righted itself again. He’d even said he loved her, and she’d almost thrown herself into his arms right then, but she needed him to prove that she was worth fighting for, thus her challenge to him to figure out how to win her back. He was up to something, and she loved nothing more than a good surprise.

  “What was all the yelling about?” Angelina said, walking up next to her.

  “Just Lauren being her aggravating self. You’re in early today.” She gave her mother a hug, inhaling the familiar scent of gardenias.

  “I was restless and decided I’d rather be here than at home with all my thoughts.”

  She didn’t like the dark circles under her mother’s eyes. Maybe she wasn’t handling things as well as Madison had thought. “Let’s have dinner tonight, and then go visit daddy.” Even though Angelina visited his grave every Sunday, Madison thought a special trip might be in order. Her mother always returned lighter of spirit after talking to her husband.

  “I’d love that.”

  “Then it’s a date.” A customer walked up to the counter, and she smiled. “Can I help you find something?”

  Three days passed, and Madison hadn’t seen or heard from Alex since he’d last tapped on her window. Maybe he hadn’t meant a word he’d said. It was Saturday night, and Lauren was getting ready to go out with someone she’d met after she’d run into the back of his car at a red light. And wasn’t that so Lauren? Crash into a car and end up with a date with a hot guy.

  The only plans Madison had were to drown her misery in the bottom of an ice cream container while she streamed more episodes of Kung Fu. Damn Alex for getting her hooked on Grandfather and Grasshopper. She put on her most comfortable staying-in clothes—baggy harem pants and a Miami Dolphins football shirt.

  Determined she wouldn’t think of him all night, she poured a glass of wine to go with her pint of salted caramel and chocolate fudge swirl. “The dinner of champs,” she said, carrying the two items into her bedroom.

  She was halfway through her glass of wine and waiting for the ice cream to get soft when her bedroom door flew open. Hemingway used her arm to get traction, taking off as if shot from a cannon. Startled, Madison choked on her wine, which dripped down her chin as Lauren barged in, followed by Alex. Madison swiped her hand over her mouth.

  Of course Alex would show up on a night when she had on her rattiest clothes, and she narrowed her eyes at Lauren’s smirk.

  “What’s going on?” Her gaze landed on Alex, and her heart did a happy dance, not that she was going to let on how thrilled she was to see him.

  Alex leaned his shoulder against the doorway and stuck his hands in his front pockets. “You’re being kidnapped.”

  “Huh?” She frowned at the wicked grin he gave her. And why was Lauren rummaging in her closet?

  “Here, put this on.” Lauren dropped a sundress on the bed before disappearing into the closet again, coming back out with a pair of sandals.

  “I’ll ask again. What’s going on?”

  “Your boyfriend’s kidnapping you. Get dressed.”

  Maybe she should have been more specific when she’d challenged him to figure out what she wanted. “So we’re going out to dinner?”

  “Among other things.” Alex lift
ed his chin toward the dress on the bed. “Either put the dress on, Madison, or I’ll carry you out in what you’re wearing. Your choice.”

  And he would. What was he up to? Although a little giddy from the excitement bubbling up, she didn’t let it show. “I’ll get dressed after you tell me where we’re going.”

  He tsked. “Don’t say you weren’t warned.”

  There was that wicked grin again, birthing butterflies in her stomach. He started for her, and she scooted off the side of the bed away from him. “Fine, I’ll get dressed, but you need to go wait in the living room.”

  “Why? I’ve seen you naked.”



  Lauren laughed, and Madison shot her a glare. “Whose friend are you, anyway?”

  “Yours, and you should trust me. You’re going to like being kidnapped.” She waved a hand at Alex. “Go away. I’ll make sure she gets dressed.”

  “What’s going on?” she asked after he left.

  “My lips are sealed, but if you don’t want to be kidnapped by the hottest guy you’ve ever dated, I’ll take your place.”

  “In your dreams.” She was dressed and ready to go in fifteen minutes. When she walked into the living room, she eyed the suitcase sitting by the door.

  Alex stood. “Ready for your adventure?”

  “That’s my suitcase.”

  He glanced at it. “Yes, it is.” Taking her hand, he said, “Thanks for your help, Lauren.”

  “Are you kidding? This was the most fun I’ve had all week. See you Monday.”

  “Monday?” Madison said. She really was being kidnaped.


  “This is the bridge to the Keys,” Madison said.

  Alex glanced at the woman who’d given him the silent treatment for the last hour. “There’s no getting anything over on you, Grasshopper.”

  “I don’t agree. You’ve pretty much managed it from day one.” She turned her gaze back to the window even though it was nighttime and impossible to see the passing scenery.

  Ouch. After racking his brain, trying to think of how to start over with her, he’d decided on a romantic weekend away. At first he was going to ask her to go somewhere with him, but what if she refused? Since he didn’t have a clue what her answer would be, he’d decided to just abduct her, not giving her the chance to say no.

  If she’d adamantly refused, he wouldn’t have followed through. But he’d seen the excitement in her eyes, and he’d breathed a sigh of relief. He’d have a whole day to romance her with no one bothering them, and he hoped they’d spend most of that time in bed. At the moment that wasn’t looking promising, though.

  He estimated he had another hour of driving to set things right between them. If he failed, he might as well turn the car around and go home.

  “I have some things I need to say to you, Madison. Will you listen?”

  “I’m here, aren’t I? That must mean something, although I don’t think I should have let you talk me into this.”

  He hoped to hell it meant something. Traffic grew heavier as they crossed the first of forty-two bridges that would ultimately take them to Key West, and he let his foot off the gas pedal as he collected his thoughts. He had to get this right.

  “When you told me you loved me—”

  “I took it back.”

  “Yeah, you did. You sent me to the devil.” He’d been proud of her for telling him off. Hadn’t at all liked it, but he’d deserved it. “The thing is, Mad, that man didn’t deserve your love.”

  “No, he didn’t.”

  She sounded so sad, and he glanced at her. Maybe it was a mistake to try to have this conversation while he had to pay attention to the road, but he wanted things settled between them before they arrived at their destination.

  “Why did you come with me tonight?”

  The look she gave him implied he was stupid. “Because you kidnapped me?”

  “Not really. I think you know I wouldn’t have forced you. Let’s be honest with each other, okay? I’ll go first.” After crossing another bridge, he saw a pullover on the gulf side and turned the car in. Once stopped, he released his seat belt and shifted to face her. He wasn’t good at talking about his feelings. Hell, what man was? But if he didn’t, he’d lose her.

  “I’d hoped to say this in a more romantic setting, but this will have to do.” He locked eyes with her. “I’ve never told another woman I loved her. You’re the first.” He scrubbed at his face. “I’m a man and when we’re in love, we really do get stupid.”

  “That’s a fact.”

  He chuckled. “You don’t have to be so agreeable, Grasshopper. Anyway, if nothing else, I want you to know that I regret lying to you. I don’t know how else I could have handled being in love with you and doing my job . . . Well, I just don’t know, okay? I can’t undo any of it, but I’d do it all over again if it meant keeping you safe. If you can’t accept that, now’s the time to tell me.”

  What was it about this one woman over all the others he’d dated that had his heart pounding so hard he could literally hear its beats as he waited for her to speak?

  “You should have told me.” She turned her gaze back to the window. “But I suppose if they had no qualms about killing my father . . .”

  “That they wouldn’t hesitate to come after you?” he said when she didn’t finish. At her nod, he said, “What makes you think they did?” They still hadn’t found proof that the Alonzos had murdered Michael Parker.

  “If I tell you, are you going to use the information against my uncle? Because it would kill my mother to know her brother had anything to do with it.”

  He had to touch her, and he reached over the console, putting his hand on hers. “We have enough to put Jose away without it.”

  “I’m not sure why I trust you after everything, but I do.” She turned her hand over, lacing her fingers through his. “I found a thumb drive in Ramon’s office that belonged to my father. It had all his notes from his investigation and the first draft of the story he was writing. How would Ramon have that if he didn’t have anything to do with killing my dad?”

  At the tears rolling down her cheeks, he squeezed her hand, wishing there weren’t a console between them so he could wrap his arms around her. “Are you going to tell your mom?” He hoped not.

  “No. I put the thumb drive in a safety deposit box. I plan to forget it exists.”

  “I think that’s wise. I’m so sorry, baby. That had to be an awful thing to learn.”

  “God, it was. Right now, I don’t even want to think about it. On the plus side, I guess I won’t have to pay back the loan from my uncle.”

  “It’s over. Neither one of those poor excuses for a man will be able to hurt you again,” he said. “What about us, Madison? I meant it when I said I love you. Where do we go from here?” She rubbed her thumb over the top of his hand, and he wanted to close his eyes and do nothing but feel her touching him.

  “I have no idea. You’re the one who kidnapped me.”

  “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.” Pushing aside the disappointment that she’d avoided answering, he started the car. Although quiet settled around them as he drove, it wasn’t uncomfortable, and she still held on to his hand.

  He used the time to think about everything from her side, and in her place he’d want to get to know the real her, not the person he had thought she was. So he would give her that. The question he asked himself, would he still love her after everything? The answer was a resounding yes, and he counted on her feeling the same.

  “Are we going all the way to Key West?”

  “Nope, we’re going here,” he said as they drove off the causeway onto Little Torch Key. He’d done an Internet search for romantic getaways, and this one had caught his eye.

  “Oh my God, are we going to Little Palm Island Resort?”

  Surprised, he glanced at her. “You’ve been there?” He didn’t much like the idea of her being here with ano
ther man.

  “No, but my dad brought my mom here for their anniversary one year, and she couldn’t stop talking about it.” She bounced in her seat like a kid about to get an ice cream cone, making him smile.

  “You’re being kidnapped, woman. You’re supposed to be bargaining for your freedom.”

  “I have no money, Mr. Kidnapper.”

  He waggled his brows, giving her a lecherous smirk. “I’m sure you have something to offer that will satisfy me.”

  “Dirty old man.” She ruined her reprimand by giggling.

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet, baby.” Her mood had definitely improved. Had she forgiven him?

  He got them checked in, and when he led her by the hand into the thatched-roof suite and heard her gasp, he thought this might have been his best idea ever. The suites were detached and private, with a veranda that sat right on the Gulf of Mexico. Through the glass walls and doors, he could see the moonlight glistening on the water like a ribbon of diamonds.

  A king-sized bed with butterfly netting took up the left side of the room, and on the right was a sitting area. On the coffee table were a complimentary bottle of champagne in ice and a platter of fresh fruit and assorted cheeses.

  “This is amazing, Alex.” She lifted onto her toes and pressed her lips to his.

  Coming here had definitely been a genius move on his part. “Am I forgiven?”

  “I’m very close. The thing is, I never stopped loving you, even when I didn’t like you. I thought about everything you said, and I get why you couldn’t tell me who you were. Just don’t do something like that again, okay?”

  “Never.” He dropped their bags at his feet, circled his arms around her waist, and lost himself in the taste of her. He had his girl back. Christ, he’d missed her. Her stomach growled, and he leaned back, peering down at her.


  “Starving.” She eyed the feast laid out for them.

  Right. Change of plans. Eat first, sex later. “Then let’s eat.”

  She shook her head, the red hair that had captivated him from the moment he’d seen her catching his attention as it curled around her face. “Have I ever told you I love your hair?” He wrapped a strand around his hand. “You want a few minutes before we eat?”


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