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Shatter - Sins of the Sidhe

Page 8

by Briana Michaels

  “There you are,” Ro whispered longingly as she stared at the towering black mass. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him. All the shadows parted like the red sea to make way for the immense giant. Teen Ro twisted and turned in a fit under her sheets. The shadows backed away while the massive blackness swallowed them whole. They were gone as fast as they came. In a shriek of panic, teen Ro sat up in her bed and cried out in despair. She’d had a nightmare, one that she had over and over again for years.

  Ava let go of their hands and glared at Rowan differently than before. Now Ava looked at Rowan like she was something to fear and they should all run away from her if they had any sense. Rowan was familiar with that look, had seen it time and time again whenever she tried to share a piece of herself with someone. But Ava didn’t run. Her eyes were glowing violet and her face was pale as ivory. She didn’t speak, but Adam and Devlin came rushing back into the room as if Ava had screamed for help.

  “Are you alright Ava?” Adam rushed to her side and grabbed her by the shoulders.

  “Aye. Aye Adam, I’m fine. Just a wee bit shocked is all. Our girl has been holding out on us. The Shadow Lord has a grip on her.”

  Well that spooked them all. The men looked at Rowan like perhaps they seriously should take a step back. Rowan sat doe-eyed and quiet. Ava went back to calm, cool and collected and was the first to break the silence. “I caught your eyes when you saw that shadow, love. You knew him. Do you see him often?”

  “I uh, umm, not every night or anything no, but sometimes yes. He’s not like the rest, like he’s not one of them at all. He’s built different, feels different.” She wasn’t sure if her answer was going to cause more trouble or more crazy stares. But honesty is always the best policy, so Ro decided for truth. “He feels good to me, actually.”

  Adam looked passed annoyed and was moving into pissed off. He didn’t like secrets that weren’t his own and Rowan was in no position to hold any from them. “What in blazes are you talking about?”

  Ro felt flustered and targeted and didn’t like it. “It’s this huge shadow. It must be seven or eight feet tall. But where some of the shadows I see look like people, you know arms, legs, body, head, this one just looks like a huge Maytag refrigerator with a basketball sitting on top. He’s broad, immense. He’s the only one that doesn’t scare me.”

  If she was going to be really honest, he fascinated her. He made her feel something. Familiar. Safe. Wanted. All of those things and none of them; it was confusing to say the least. She left that truth buried though, best to keep some things to yourself.

  Devlin let out a very audible growl and Adam masked his expression behind cold stone. Ava just sat and studied the Rowan’s face. Ava knew she was telling the truth, but that it wasn’t a good sign. “That shadow has a name, love. His name is Lorcan. He is the Shadow Lord, a soul snatcher and ruler of some very dangerous demons.”

  Oh boy. That didn’t sound so good. Rowan started to shake her head in denial and tried her best to keep it together. That couldn’t be true, could it? This must be some terrible mistake. Rowan felt a pang of betrayal and a load of guilt. She was so used to seeing the creepy crawlies come to her; they felt like part of her everyday life. But the strongest pull of intimacy came from the largest one; the one she thought was her protector from the dark things that surrounded her. And now she had to face the reality that he was not a guardian angel, but that he, too, was dangerous and evil.

  Wouldn’t that just figure? Ro’s life was a lot of things, complicated and ironic were on the top of the list tonight. This fucking sucks. It was too much. Rowan didn’t know if she was going to cry, scream, or run and she was trying to keep calm. Emotions were flickering over her face and her lungs were having trouble taking in air.

  Ava held out her hands and tried to calm Rowan down. Eyes glowing violet again, skin lightening to the color of fresh water pearls, Ava began humming a sweet song. Her voice sounded like happy birds on a spring morning. Rowan began to ease back and breathe normally. She felt like she was swinging in the breeze and her vision was hazy, and snap! just like that, Rowan was feeling better, thinking clearer, and was hungry again.

  “Sorry love, I had to make you calm down. You looked like you were going to go into a fit of hysterics and that isn’t going to help any of us. I understand this a lot for you at the moment, but we’ve no time for beating around the bush.” Ava went out into the kitchen and brought back a plate of scones and a pot of tea.

  Good grief, Nora was going to start thinking Rowan was a pig. She’d have to think of a way to thank her for all this cooking and baking. Sinking her teeth into an orange and cranberry scone, Rowan sighed.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t think that it mattered all that much what each of the shadows looked like. I didn’t hold back the information on purpose, please believe me.” She looked at Adam when she said it. “And I also don’t know why I’m so hungry. I feel guilty eating so much of your food but I can’t seem to stop. It’s like I haven’t eaten in days when it’s only been an hour. I’m just not myself lately, I guess.” She slumped back in the seat, all the air whooshing out of her and she just stared into the fire.

  “You’re hungry because magic can drain your body. We’ve only just discovered a small bit of your powers and it can be straining for one so young. I know this is a lot to take in my dear, but we all have to do our best to work together. We need to find a way to break through Lorcan’s door and defeat him. ‘Tis the only way to have the balance of nature restored.” Ava patted her leg like a loving Mother Hen and then poured some tea.

  Devlin just stared at Rowan, lost in thoughts and emotions of his own. He said nothing and didn’t drink the tea that was offered to him.

  Adam went over to Rowan and held her small hands in his large strong ones. The surprises seemed endless this day. “My dear, do not fear or shy away from us. We need you, Rowan. We’ll not let anything happen to you, but you must trust us.”

  Rowan stared into Adam’s eyes and for a second, she believed the biggest lie of them all: That she was safe.

  Chapter 9

  After much debating and a little arguing, they all decided that leaving for Ireland would be better done sooner rather than later. They were to leave first thing in the morning. Fae magic was stronger in the old lands, and they needed every ounce of it. Adam and Devlin’s homes were more secure and protected with the older magic found in Ireland, and they wanted Rowan kept as safe as possible. Although Ro kept reminding them that she didn’t bring her passport, none of them acted like it was an issue. Several hours later, it was almost midnight, and Ava left to pack bags of her own, Adam went into his office and shut the door, while Rowan made her way back down the hall to her own bedroom.

  “My lady, may I speak with ye a moment?” Devlin walked beside her, barely fitting side by side down the hall with his body as wide as it was.

  “Whatever it is, can it please wait until the morning? My brain is fried and my eyes are starting to burn.” Ro was exhausted and wanted to go to bed and wake up to a better day.

  “Nay lass. I must apologize for my behavior earlier. ‘Twas wrong of me to be so bold. I, I canna explain what came over me.” Well, that wasn’t the whole truth. He knew damn well what had come over him. Lust. Something he didn’t give into often, but certainly did today.

  “Don’t apologize, Devlin. I was just as bad.”

  His throat clenched and he fought to swallow. Hearing her say his name made him want to take her to his room to repeat the act again just to have her shout his name to the rafters. On that lovely thought, his cock started throbbing with approval. Och, the woman did things to him.

  She sighed. Rowan didn’t want to talk about that kiss right now. She just wanted to be left alone to wallow in her guilt and rejection. “It’s been a trying day. Tell you what, I promise not to kiss you again. Feel better?”

  Piecrust promise, that’s what Mary Poppins called it: easily made, easily broken. If
she was going to be honest with herself, all Ro wanted to do was curl into bed and be held, comforted and kissed by that man. Every time she had a second to think, it was about him. Every time they touched, a heat surged through her body and pulled at something low in her belly. Every gaze she caught from him made her burn. His voice was deep, thick and strong, and it made her feel like a puddle of senseless longing. He was fascinating, glorious, sexy as hell… and completely out of her league.

  Fuck it all, he was too good for her and she knew it.

  Saying goodnight, Rowan shut the door, stripped out of her clothes, and realizing she didn’t pack a stupid set of pajamas, crawled into the cushy bed in her birthday suit. A small scratching noise came from the door and Rowan knew just who it would be. Wrapping a cream colored blanket around her body (in case she was wrong) she opened the door and let the fox in. “I thought you were nocturnal?” Oh well, in the bed she climbed, Fintan by her feet, and fell asleep almost instantly. She hoped she’d dream of the man down the hall tonight, and not the shadow who haunted her.

  Meanwhile, down the hall, Rowan’s promise not to kiss him again did not make Devlin feel any better. In fact, it made him feel worse. Perhaps the spark he felt was only his to feel. She must’ve not felt a thing or she’d have made no such vow. He’d masked his hurt feelings with a blank face, bowed goodnight to her, turned on his heels, and headed down the hall to his own lonely room.

  Devlin paced his room like an animal in a cage. Och, this won’t do. He felt restless and foolish. He was acting like a rutting beast with no sense left in him at all. The woman was a complete wonder to him. To think that she’s been seeing these dark creatures for so long, with no one to protect her, it was a miracle she hadn’t snapped already. And to learn that Lorcan has been so close to her, all these years, and she didn’t feel any fear towards the bastard was boldness beyond reason. Aye, the woman was made of stern stuff. The image of her ready to fight in the woods, the trees and bushes as the backdrop, a wee blade in her hand and challenge in her eyes. She was a hellcat to be sure.

  And didn’t that just turn him on more.

  Fintan had decided to crash with Rowan for the night, which made Devlin happy. Best have a set of eyes on the wee lass at all times from now on. Spells were cast around the house for protection, but at this rate there was no telling what Lorcan could or could not do with his connection to Rowan. In truth, Devlin felt scared for her. And worrying about someone other than himself wasn’t an act he was used to. Part of him liked the thought of protecting someone as precious as she, but the other part of him saw it as pure distraction. A weakness that could get them all killed.

  Lying back in his bed, naked as a bairn, he concentrated on her face and then he saw her. There she was, lying in the large bed, all curled like a vixen herself. She’d already fallen asleep, that was good. She was completely drained after such a long and taxing day. But she’d not complained once about it. Taking a closer look, Devlin saw she was on her side, sheets tucked around her small frame, shoulder and back bare to the moonlight beaming in through the windows, one arm tucked up under her pillow, the other resting on her waist. Soft twin mounds rose up and down with every breath the lass took. Ballocks, the woman was naked! Fintan shook his head fiercely, blurring Devlin’s vision, and then the sight was gone.

  The sly fox was right; Devlin had no right to be staring at her now. Bloody fox. Gruffing and cursing under his breath, the Druid pounded his pillow into flattened submission and tried his best to think of anything other than what was at the end of the hall. He had no such luck.

  The next morning was cold. Surprisingly cold. October was finally here and the wind kicked out frigid temperatures already. That’s weather on the East Coast for ya. Tank tops yesterday, fleeces today, gloves and scarves tomorrow. Damn, Rowan seriously wished she’d packed more clothes. Nothing to do about it now, she wasn’t about to ask if she could go back to her house for an extra sweater or something. No way.

  Turning away from the window, she let Fintan out of the room, shut the door again and headed towards her private bathroom. A hot shower would do the trick. Today was a new day just waiting for goodness to happen. Rowan tried to say that to herself every morning. Hey, might as well put the good vibes out there, right?

  The shower boasted two heads that rained steamy wonderful bliss on her front and her back. Shampoos and soaps were lined up in a neat row on a tiled ledge. Rowan pumped some of the shampoo into her hands and started singing “I’m gonna wash that man right outta my hair.” The acoustics were pretty awesome in the bathroom and Ro loved to sing and dance. It didn’t matter if she sang all by herself in the kitchen, the car, or a bar with a crowd. This morning she sang herself into a good soapy lather and carried on her one-woman-show until she was clean and refreshed. Grabbing a towel to wrap around herself, Ro walked into her bedroom and stopped in her tracks. Ava was making her bed and giggling at her.

  “Aye lass, ‘tis good to be singing and merry, you’ve a beautiful voice. Although, I’m not accustomed to those songs you were belting out.”

  “Er, thanks,” For the love of Pete, embarrassed much? “I don’t mean to sound rude, but what are you doing in here?”

  Ava fluffed the last of the decorative pillows and placed it on the bed as the final touch. “I’ve brought you some extra clothes.” She picked up a pink polka dot duffle bag and plopped it on top of the just-smoothed-out comforter. Ava unzipped it and smiled.

  “Adam doesn’t understand that a girl’s gotta look her best at all times. I figured he’d told you to pack light, so I’ve made up for the weight myself. I believe these should fit you just fine, love. I hope you don’t mind my saying, but you’ve quite a body. Best show it off while you can.” She winked and went out the door.

  Rowan put on her own pair of jeans, a grey t-shirt with the Cheshire cat on it that said “We’re All Mad Here” and then bit the bullet and rummaged through the duffle. She pulled out a deep purple cashmere sweater and pulled it over her head. Taking a look in the mirror to fix her hair and slap on some mascara, she stood back to take in the view, “Man, this does look good!” Rowan walked out of her bedroom with a little more pep in her step. Good clothes will always do that to a girl.

  Everyone was gathering in the kitchen. Ava handed Rowan a mug of hot, strong coffee with a little cream and sugar - it was perfect. Rowan liked strong coffee to kick her ass awake in the morning, but the grumpier side of her needed to be sweetened up too. This one did the trick. Ro took another sip and smiled cheerily at Adam who looked like he was going to need more than sugar to sweeten his mood. Then she sidled up next to Devlin at the breakfast bar eager for food. They both reached for the same slice of toast and when their hands touched, a jolt went through the both of them, causing Ro to make a squeak. Devlin looked irritated and grabbed the toast from the tray and laid it on a plate in front of her.

  Nothing got passed Ava, including the toast scene, and she smiled one of those grins that had Adam knowing she was up to something.

  After everyone’s appetites were sated, Adam announced that it was time to go. Ava grabbed her bags with the help from a not-so-pleased Adam, Rowan had her one bag, and Devlin was carrying Fintan and the duffle Ava packed for Rowan. Ro expected them to pile into the Audi, but instead they went marching through the back of the house.

  Before she took another step she shouted, “Wait a minute!” Dropping her bag, Ro ran back through house to the kitchen. She poured some sugar onto a plate and traced her finger in it, drawing a picture of a flower. There, not a “thank you” note in the traditional sense, but it was something sweet and happy. She hoped Nora would take it as a sign of appreciation for all the cooking the little Brownie had done.

  Rowan ran back out of the house and towards the group. They trudged through the woods until Rowan was sure that she had missed a memo on this travel situation. When they finally stopped in front of a large scarlet oak tree, Rowan marveled at its beauty. The trunk was at
least 80 feet tall and its branches filled out the span of 45 feet or so. It was a magnificent testament to Mother Nature’s beauty. The bark had nubs that twisted and climbed. The leaves were the color of dark rubies. Rowan wished she had thought to pack her camera. She loved taking photos of trees and had quite a collection of them saved on her laptop at home with the hopes of one day creating brilliant frames for each of them and turning a section of her studio into a photography art gallery. She sighed in disappointment. All those dreams were getting left behind now.

  Adam turned to face the group, his serious face slapped on tight. “Hold hands,” he commanded. Ava, looking bored, grabbed Adam’s hand and then reached for Rowan’s. Rowan held on with the woman on her right and then clasped hands with Devlin. Devlin closed the circle with Adam and something bulky wiggled under Devlin’s fleece. Before Rowan could ask what it was, Adam announced, “Hold on tight. Whatever you do, do NOT let go and break the circle, Rowan.”


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