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Shatter - Sins of the Sidhe

Page 11

by Briana Michaels

  “Are ye alright lass? I hope I wasna too rough for ye.”

  Rowan looked at him with eyes that were now brilliant emeralds shining with the light of a thousand stars. “More,” was all she said, “I want more.”

  Rowan grabbed the back of his head coaxing him closer to her lips. Swollen and red, she licked them before she sent her tongue towards his. His cock grew hard inside her instantly, and that movement was enough to make her cry out his name. She rolled him onto his back with the strength of full-fledged Sidhe and rode him till he was a writhing hot mess.

  His body was wide and her legs were a little short, but she managed to balance just fine. Slowly at first, Rowan raised up until he almost escaped her opening, and then she slid back down grinding her hips in a swirling motion. With every stroke, she brought the two of them closer and closer to another climax. He massaged her luscious mounds as they swelled up and down with every movement she made, nipples taught and beckoning to be suckled. He reached down to rub his thumb on her tiny sensitive nub and she arched her body back till she almost bent in half. Rowan drove him harder and deeper than he’d been before, until she could no longer keep her rhythm.

  Rolling Rowan onto her back, Devlin grabbed her legs and put them on his shoulders and pounded into her body like it would never be enough. It was the finest mix of pleasure and pain and Rowan was in seventh heaven from it. The movements didn’t last long until they both exploded into wave after wave of glorious ecstasy. They cried out to one another until both their energies were spent and they were left shuddering in each other’s embrace.

  Birds chirped around them and the sun beamed warm rays across their naked bodies. It felt like summertime even though it was October in this sacred place. Devlin was still trying to collect his thoughts when Rowan rolled over and sat up.

  “That was amazing.” Her smile was so big she thought her face was going to split.


  “No, I mean, that was seriously awesome. I… I don’t have words.” She made herself shut up before she sounded more stupid.

  “Lass, are ye sure you’re alright?” Devlin sat up and got closer to her. Picking the leaves and small blades of grass from her hair, biding time before he told her what had happened. This was a precious moment, one he didn’t expect, and he wanted it to last a wee longer.

  “Why do you keep asking that? I feel great. As a matter of fact, I’ve never felt this good in my entire life.” Watching the birds fly in and out of the trees, she let out a small laugh, “I feel free!”

  Aye, that she would, he thought. In the act of their love making, Rowan had become one of the Fae.

  Chapter 11

  Helping her get dressed, Devlin struggled with how exactly to tell her that she’s changed into something other than human. He knew she had magic, but Fae magic like this was most unexpected. There are many types of magic out there in the world: old, new, black, white, learned, inherited, strong, weak. Devlin thought that Rowan’s magic was inherited and silently strong. He was very wrong.

  The power shining in her eyes now proved that Rowan was not just Fae, she was part Sidhe, and that comes from old magic - magic as old as his own. Trying to figure out how to tell her without spooking the lass, he remembered the conversation they’d just had about his age a few hours ago. And that went so well, he grimaced. Devlin figured the best approach would be a direct one, though it was not going to be easy.

  “Lass, come with me for moment.” He led her over to one of the reflection pools that were so often found in the Faelands. Urging her to take a step closer and look down, her eyes reflected powerful moonbeams that shined like bright emeralds.

  Startled, Rowan got on her hands and knees for a closer look. Oh dear God in Heaven, what happened to her eyes? Panic stricken, she looked at Devlin for answers and he stayed quiet. Rowan couldn’t deny the magic that pulsed through her body now. She was filled with a thousand hummingbirds and was shaking from the pure thrum of power pulsing inside her. It was thrilling and frightening all at once.

  “My eyes don’t look human anymore. What’s the matter with me, Devlin? What’s happened?”

  Rowan touched her face as she stared at her reflection. Devlin tried to explain, but in the end, he really had no answers. They got dressed in silence, both their minds whirling with questions and worries and they walked out of the fairy mound much like they’d walked into it: Rowan upset and Devlin trying to seek a way to make things better.

  Back at the house, Ava was playing music loudly and dancing in the kitchen. Adam was going over old books of Fae and Druid spells that Devlin kept; he was trying to figure out what their next step should be. Adam was concerned they may need to call for more Sidhe Warriors to aide them in this battle, but it had been so long since he stepped into his homeland, or any other Faeland for that matter, he wasn’t sure who was trustworthy or loyal enough to ask for help, if anyone at all.

  The back door opened and slammed shut. Rowan was mumbling to herself as she walked through the kitchen and into the living room with the plan of finding a bathroom to hide in until she could calm down.

  Adam dropped the large leather bound book onto the floor when he caught sight of her face. What in the name of St. Brigid happened? With lightning speed, Adam stood in front of her, blocking her path and bringing her to a halt. Adam stared into two sparkling eyes shining like green fire. He spun his head around and glared at a worried looking Devlin. The look said that this was entirely his fault, which gave Devlin another layer of guilt because he couldn’t argue.

  Ava bounced in to see what all the hub-bub was about when she clapped her hands over her mouth and she squealed with joy. This was excellent. Excellent indeed! “You’ve bonded!” she exclaimed practically doing a boot-scoot-and-boogie up to Rowan for a better look. For good measure, she tilted Ro’s face up to hers and watched the green gems dance in the light. “Aye, you most certainly did. Twice!” With another squeal of delight she clapped her hands together.

  Well this was awkward. Rowan’s face was turning scarlet and Devlin was raking a hand through his hair nervously. Without a word, Rowan marched out of the room and slammed the bathroom door.

  “What the hell happened?” Adam barked.

  “Without sounding too cliché, it just happened Adam,” Devlin’s voice was dangerously low. It was the truth, but now he was beginning to feel angry about it. Devlin had acted on impulse and now the woman he loved, yes, loved, was wailing away in the bathroom scared and confused and it was entirely his fault. Devlin sat down on the plush sofa with a huff. Burying his head in his hands, he had no excuses for what transpired.

  “It just happened? How does something like that just happen? Did you trip and fall in by accident?” Adam’s fury was rolling off of him in icy waves. Now was not the time to fuck, it was time to fight. To kill. To have their long sought after revenge. How could Devlin have let lust get in the way of what must be done? Adam’s sarcasm was as thick as molasses with a bitter bite and Devlin stood up and decked the Sidhe square in the jaw for it.

  Before things got out of hand, Ava reared up and grabbed them both by the throats; it was time for her Divine Intervention side to go to work.

  “Listen to me, both of you. Adam, this is what the Fates have wanted. Rowan needed to break down the walls that she has spent her lifetime building to protect herself. She needed to give herself fully, release it all, and destroy what she was to become who she’s meant to be.” She gave Adam a challenging look, as if to dare him to argue with her on the matter. “Now that her Fae-side has been released, we have a better shot at destroying the Shadow Lord. She is part Sidhe, she is strong.”

  No one made a move or tried to argue so she released the two warriors and looked calmly over to Devlin. “’Tis a good thing, love. Rowan has great power in her and without setting it free, she wouldn’t stand a chance with what is meant to be done.”

  The way she spoke you’d think Rowan was a wee lamb about to b
e sacrificed. Devlin didn’t like it. “She’s a woman, Ava, not a weapon or a sacrifice.”

  Without another word, Ava smoothed the rumples from her tunic and marched out of the living room in search of Rowan. She wasn’t going to get into an argument with Devlin on what or who Rowan was. He’d find out in time. They all will.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  “Go away.”

  “‘Tis Ava, love. Please let me in.”

  “I said go AWAY!”

  The door opened anyway, even though it was locked. Stupid magic. Rowan was sitting on the toilet, eyes red-rimmed with snot running out of her nose. She looked like a hot mess.

  “Ah, there now love, you’ve nothing to worry over.” Ava quickly started blotting the tears away from her face and stroking Rowan’s arm. “I said you had powerful magic in you, and I was right. I usually am you know. But this isn’t something to be afraid of. You’re still you, only now you’re more.” Busying herself by fussing over Rowan’s teary face Ava continued, “You’ve bonded with the Druid.”

  “Yes, we covered that already. We bonded. Twice, as you so astutely pointed out.”

  “Och! I don’t just mean bonded like had-a-go-in-the-fields, love. You’ve claimed him for your own.” Rowan studied the woman’s face and tried to figure out her meaning.

  “Certain half-Sidhe must go through a type of sacrifice to become one of the Fae. You can’t have something for nothing you know. For you, your sacrifice was the whole of you – all your secrets, fears, desires, everything that you’ve locked up tight for too many moons. You’ve spent so long building up a fortress, staying in a closed circle of few friends, with no husband, no children, no one to love or love you back. You were so sure that you were to spend your life alone you locked yourself away before life did it to you first. You are more, Rowan. And you deserve more. You have been hiding from yourself for too long, love. You’ve blinded your eyes from all the other things that you can see if you just looked. The souls can see you dear. You have a purpose. You’d understand it better if you open your minds’ eye and take a look.” She turned Rowan around to look in the mirror. “Now, aren’t you a vision?”

  Now that she’d slightly calmed down, and her face was fixed and snot and tears wiped away, Rowan was able to look at herself fully and take it all in. Her hair was thicker, skin smoother, lips pinker. Her eyes looked like two bright emeralds glittering in the light, unless you got closer, then you saw that they were swirls of all shades of green melding together like the fairy hill she was just laid out on. Rowan stared at her hands and saw that all her burn scars were gone; it was like she’d been remade.

  “What does this mean Ava?”

  “Och, I think you know very well what this means. You have old magic in you, love. Maybe it took a Druid to unlock your doors, or maybe it just took love. Either way, you are now half-Sidhe. And that has some big advantages which are necessary for what you have been charged with doing.”

  Ava helped her out of her clothes so she could take a shower. Rowan was still small, but didn’t feel that way anymore. Stepping back Rowan ran her hands down her body, all felt the same but not. It was weird and exciting and scary. Trailing a hand down herself towards her nether region, she let out a gasp. She was suddenly hot and aching. A wave of desire slammed into her, through her, and out into the living room. She needed Devlin. Needed him inside her with an ache so strong she sank to the floor and moaned with the pain of it.

  Looking down at the helpless ball of nerves on the floor, Ava knew that feeling well and almost pitied the poor girl. Almost. Smiling in remembrance of breaking into her own Sidhe-side, Ava opened the door and shouted for Devlin. He came running in and stopped in his tracks when he saw his woman on the floor. Sinking to his knees, he quickly grabbed the quivering body that was Rowan. Without another word, Ava shut the door and left the two lovebirds alone.

  “By Danu! What’s wrong? Are ye hurt?”

  “Devlin,” that was all she could squeak out. Her eyes rolled back in pain and agony took over her face as she tried to reach for him. “I need you,” she whispered.

  The ache inside her was so great she let out another groan and curled tighter on the cold floor in pain. She was crying from being so overwhelmed, it was like her body could do nothing but ache for his touch. Sensations and urges rolled through her body and out into the room. She was all but blinded and choking on the lust consuming her now. It hurt. It blinded. It paralyzed. Gasping, Rowan felt like she was going to combust if he didn’t take her soon.

  “I need you inside of me, please…” she strained to whisper.

  Och, she was a puddle of the purest lust. Never in all his days has Devlin seen the likes of it. The woman was molten lava sizzling and burning as she reached up to grab him. Her skin was burning and soft, she smelled like sweet honeysuckle on a hot summer night.

  She didn’t have to beg… much. His need to be inside her felt almost as great as her own and he was made senseless with the urge of it. Not wasting another minute, Devlin scooped her up and propped her onto the countertop. The energy in the bathroom swirled around them, growing into a tornado of sinful pleasures. It was getting harder to breathe, harder to think. All they could do was act on their impulses.

  Standing between her quivering thighs, he dropped his pants. There was no time for anything else. Positioning his shaft onto her hot, wet center, he drove himself inside her burning entrance until there wasn’t an inch left to spare. Rowan cried out and slammed her head back against the mirror drowning in a sea of pleasure. She was so wet and tight he let out a growl of his own. His muscles bunched and he pulled her closer to the edge of the counter for a better angle. With his size and her small frame, it was a miracle he didn’t snap her in half. Yet she managed to take him fully with no problem. Sliding out and then rocking up and in, he hit all those secret pleasure points that many women didn’t even know they had. The result was of epic proportions. The force of her climax was like a Tsunami of erotic waves. Going, going, going there was no end to Ro’s orgasms and she cried out from the sheer torture of it.

  Devlin began losing control of his rhythm and he panicked with the need for more of her. This wasn’t enough. He wanted more, more, more. Acting on instinct, he pulled Rowan’s hair, exposing her tilted neck, and bit her hard.

  Hot, sweet wine rushed into his mouth as he took her. He drank greedily while Rowan held his head in place and clenched her thighs hard around his middle, bringing him closer to her. Breaking free from her neck, he claimed her mouth and all his hate, rage, regrets, and desires, poured down her throat like a fine heady wine. Her inner fires consumed it all and burned for more. His orgasm came with a vengeance. By Danu, the man hadn’t cum with such force in all his life. Spilling his seed into her once more, they almost slid down onto the cold tiled floor and he had to use what little energy he had left to stay standing.

  Slowly, slowly, slowly Rowan released her legs out of the lock they held Devlin in. Everything was tingling and buzzing and she felt light-headed. She felt so much better now. The pain was gone and all that was left was nothing but good vibrations echoing through her body.

  Devlin slid down to the floor, knees bent to his chest; he leaned back against the cold wall and tried to take in air. The rush of their lovemaking had his head swimming and magics thrumming. He’d never felt something so strong before. It was almost suffocating. His pants still down around his ankles, boots still laced, he seriously should have been more thoughtful in how he’d taken her.

  Rowan breathed deep and smiled. She felt a thousand times better, stronger, and freer. She hopped down from the counter like an agile cat and ran the shower for them. Feeling something tickle her neck she swiped and came away with red, wet fingers.


  He looked up at her, the color running from his face. “By Danu, what I have done?”

  He hoisted himself up to look at her marred neck. Blood was slowly seeping out of two puncture wou
nds he most surely put there himself. Sick with grief for having hurt her, he tried to turn from her gaze and hissed in self-disgust. His eyes burned as he fought back the misery that was bound to seep out of them. How could he have hurt her in this way? Been so savage? What was wrong with him? And here she was, the sweet lass, rubbing his arm and consoling him when she should be bashing him in anger. He was a boar.

  “Devlin, look at yourself in the mirror.”

  Nay, he couldn’t bear to look at himself. Shaking his head, trying to not speak for fear of sounding weak, he pushed away from her. She sauntered over to him, naked and full of fire, and grabbed his face with her hands forcing him to look at his reflection. Fangs. The man had fangs as bright and shining and sharp as Adam’s. By Danu, what the hell has he done?

  Rowan started laughing. The feisty wee sprite was truly laughing at him. He was going to be sick and she was amused. “I dinna see what’s so funny about this woman.” He was mad.


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