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Diablo Lake: Protected

Page 24

by Lauren Dane

  They said nothing, but in that look she told him how she felt. That nothing had changed, despite the blood tracked into her mudroom.

  What had changed was the fact that she could no longer pretend away that she’d be Patron with him at his side. His wolves would be hers too. She hoped she could do as good a job as Katie Faith had.

  Then again, Katie Faith’s in-laws were a walk in the park compared to what hers would be.

  “I’m going to shower,” he said at last, once he’d stripped down.

  She nodded. “I’ll get you a towel.”

  He smiled. It wasn’t a big smile. Or even a happy smile. But it was for her. To her. His way of reiterating what she’d just told him. That nothing had changed between them

  His spine was straight and he stood tall as he took his adorably naked butt down the hall to the bathroom.

  Two in the morning. She heated a towel in the dryer and then left it for him, folded up on the counter in the bathroom.

  After a quick text to Katie Faith to say he’d come home and was all right, Aimee snuggled down in their bed to wait for him, pretending to read but really just staring at the screen until the letters swam into soup.

  He prowled in some minutes later and she lay back against the pillows to stare. So masculine and powerful. Sexy.

  A few bruises marked his torso and his hands were a mess, but otherwise, he didn’t seem to be injured too badly. Not physically anyway.

  He climbed into bed and pulled her to him, holding her close. She let down the walls she kept her magic behind and let it free, let it slowly blanket him. Protective.

  “Tell me,” she said at last.

  “I’m Patron. Everyone knows you weren’t at fault for that debacle at city hall.”

  She kept waiting.

  “I exiled Darrell and my father for a year for breaking the law of sanction. Darrell unfortunately needed a beating to get that fact through his head and I added another year to his sentence after that to underline just how serious I am. Wherever he goes, he might need some medical attention. No, you’re not going anywhere.” He tightened his hold. “He’ll get the help he needs but you won’t be the one to do it. I don’t want him near you or this town.”

  Shifters did have healers, so it wasn’t like she was the only person who could help. And frankly, fuck Darrell Pembry.

  “I didn’t want to have to physically challenge my father. But he wouldn’t listen. Not to my mom or anyone else.”

  He shuddered and she had to fight her instinct to ask more questions. Fight her instinct to run out there and beat these wolves for hurting Mac’s heart the way they did.

  “I had to really hurt him. He just kept coming. Over and over. I wanted him to keep down, to just fucking let it be over. It wasn’t as if he ever could have won. But...”

  “Sometimes only the very painful lessons stick with some people.”

  “He couldn’t stand anymore.” The emotion in his voice tore at her. “By the end, he was lying there on the grass under the moon and I felt good. I felt right. I beat the hell out of my father and all the wolves there howled and celebrated it. Including me. What is wrong with me?”

  She let go then and poured her magic out, sheltering and comforting. He sighed, snuggling tighter to her.

  He could always be vulnerable with her and she’d never betray him.

  “There’s nothing wrong with you, Macrae. You did what you were born to do. What you had no choice but to do.”

  “People don’t just beat their father nearly to death when they take over the family business.”

  “Shut up about that. You’re not human. You tell me that all the time. Usually to talk me into something involving sex, but still.”

  He snorted and she felt a little better.

  “You’re a werewolf. Beating your daddy nearly to death when you take over a pack is sort of your jam. I mean, he could have avoided it if he’d passed it to you like JJ did, or like other Patrons when it’s time for a younger wolf to take over. He made his choice and because he made that one, you had to make yours. You did what you had to for the good of Pembry.”

  “I know that in my head. My heart is another matter.”

  She understood that very well.

  “I think that just means you have a very big heart. What’s going to happen now? You exile them for a year, hell two for Darrell. What happens to Scarlett and Sharon and their kids?”

  “Sharon and the kids will stay here in town. She’s got a job and the kids are in school. It’s not necessary to punish them any further for being related to my brother. Maybe Sharon will find her spine while he’s gone. Maybe he’ll figure out he needs to be a better man. Who knows?

  “As for my mom, she’s a retired Patron like JJ and Patty are. Dad and Darrell claim she had nothing to do with the thing with Nancy at the town hall. She wants you in the pack, so I’m inclined to believe that. She’s got other secrets, as we both know, but I can’t punish her for that. Not unless I know more. She did start those rumors about Katie Faith so I fined her and made her donate the money to the Dooley recovery fund. She gave over her seat as Patron without blood so at least I didn’t have to leave her unable to walk, bleeding on the grass.”

  Thank heavens, because though she’d love to punch Scarlett’s lights out, she knew Mac didn’t want to.

  “She’ll remain in Diablo Lake. Billy offered to have her stay with him, but I think it’ll be the other way around. She’ll still make trouble, I can taste it.”

  Aimee didn’t hide her growl. He had enough to deal with! His mother should be helping, not making things worse. And, her trouble seemed aimed at Katie Faith and Jace, which wasn’t something Aimee was prepared to tolerate.

  But right then, it was about Mac. And about Scarlett being his mom and not the meddling, busybody bitch Aimee wanted to punch. There’d be time to handle that cow and Aimee would be the one to do it because she was done letting the former Patrons of Pembry hurt those she loved. Especially as the new Patron was Mac and she knew one day she’d be at his side.

  It had been easier for Katie Faith when she took over with Jace, but Aimee saw the difference in their situations. As much as she loved Mac and most of his pack, she wasn’t ready to go get hitched and start running a pack at his side. At least not for a few months. Let them have a Valentine’s Day as a couple first!

  She’d help. She’d nurture and love and do her very best. And as she did, she’d be preparing herself for the job. She didn’t want to reflect on Mac poorly, didn’t want to walk in without knowing a whole lot about pack culture and rules.

  She’d been the instrument to hurt Mac and that needed to be in the rearview awhile for the other wolves in Pembry. If she pushed now, some would reject her out of hand simply because it was too much change.

  Mac needed to make his way as Patron. Let his wolves see his leadership and commitment first.

  “Go to sleep. It’s been a spectacularly awful day. I love you. You did the right thing and you’ll keep on doing the right thing. It’s who you are.”

  He squeezed her, laying his head on her shoulder so she could comb through his hair as he fell asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Mac woke up to the scent of chocolate. He remained in their bed, eyes closed, the warmth of the room and the smell of brownies baking the sweetest wake up in the world after the nightmare of the day before.

  Her side of the bed still bore her fragrance and the slight indentation of her weight but her heat had evaporated so she’d been up at least an hour or so.

  After a few moments he heard her moving around out in the kitchen. He listened a little while longer, assuring himself they didn’t already have a house full of wolves. Once he’d ascertained they were alone, he opened his eyes because brownies, Aimee and alone could lead to a very goo
d morning indeed.

  He sat, sucking in a deep breath as he continued to listen to her putter. Drawers opened and closed. The fridge opening up. Her footfalls as she moved through the kitchen and dining room.

  As much as he loved his grandparents’ place and the part of town his parents and aunt and uncle lived in, he preferred this side of Diablo Lake where the edges of several communities met. Magic swirled around with shifter energy here. A few blocks in either direction and there were Dooleys as well as Pembrys. Lots of witches.

  It smelled better here. Usually because Aimee was baking, but he’d take that any day. And his wolves already knew where he was and had been coming to visit.

  Perhaps the shift to Aimee’s house would help his wolves step into this new reality. Leave behind some of the traditions they’d had under Scarlett and Dwayne and make new ones.

  What he’d done the night before still lived in his memory. But the sleep and being able to unload all that on Aimee when he’d gotten home meant he was pretty much okay with it. It was, as she’d said, what he’d needed to do.

  She popped her head in, smiling at the sight of him and he’d never been happier. “Morning. I’ve been baking. Plus we’ve had a few visitors already today.”

  He stood, finding a pair of sleep pants to pull on. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “Because you were sleeping and they were here very early. I told them all you’d get back to them when you got up but if there were problems to talk to Huston. He’s been by a few times too and I’m pretty sure Everett has driven past at least twice.”

  Patrolling around the Patron’s home was a pretty common thing. “That’ll be happening regularly from now on. Huston and Everett are my lieutenants.”

  He’d need to think about the logistics of that. Maybe purchase a pack house nearer to this one so they could sleep there and trade off guarding him. And Aimee, though he’d save that for another day.

  “So right now we’re all alone and there are fresh-baked brownies,” he said.

  She nodded, one brow rising. “And a lot of other food. Is it common for werewolves to bring casseroles after a challenge is won?”

  “We’re in the South. Everyone makes casseroles for any old occasion. But if you told me my aunt dropped off her ham-and-potato soup, I’d be very grateful.”

  “She didn’t. But Huston did.”

  “Bring me brownies and let me fuck you,” he told her.

  “That’s an offer I can’t refuse.” She darted away, and he pulled the just-put-on sleep pants off and tossed them aside right as she returned with two pans. “They were still cooling, but I’ve honestly never let that stop me. I made a batch with walnuts and chocolate chips and one without in case you’re a weirdo who hates nuts and chocolate chips.”

  “What if I was allergic?”

  She tossed her robe and quickly got naked and he sort of forgot his question until she said, “But you’re not allergic to either. I don’t want to poison you! I like your dick too much for that.”

  He reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her down to the mattress as she laughed.

  “I’m glad. I think.” He kissed her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you for being such a good listener last night.”

  “Part of the service I provide. I will be here for you. Always.”

  “Even though my family is loopy?”

  “My mom’s best friend nailed a dude in the cans for talking shit about her kid. It’s not like my family is shy and retiring.”

  Mac flipped her to her back, reaching out to grab a fork, scooping up some of the chocolaty goodness. With nuts and chocolate chips of course and she was right, they were so fucking good. Could have been that he hand fed them to a naked, willing witch, but whatever, he was blessed in many ways.

  He kissed her, chocolate only spicing her elemental taste. Her hum of pleasure shocked along his spine, settling at the base of his cock where it tightened.

  That slap of desire, of deep want of this woman he loved to his very core, should have left him unsettled. It was big and bold and had the power to take him to his knees.

  And yet, he embraced it because it was her. Because he knew he couldn’t resist her and didn’t want to. Knew too, that she’d protect him as much as he protected her. Sure, they’d fight. He was bossy and so was she in her own way. She was independent and had her own mind. He found that remarkably sexy even as he also sometimes found it infuriating.

  But she’d never misuse his heart.

  He spread her out, taking his time kissing and nibbling from the fingertips of her right hand, across her body to the fingertips of her left. He licked across her nipples until she writhed, a pleading tone entering the sounds she made.

  She attempted to grab the dick she claimed to love so much but once she touched him, it would be over, so he avoided her move, taking her hands and putting them above her head.

  He kissed over the velvet skin of each of her ribs, across the hollow of her belly and the curve at her hips. The happy sigh she made when he pushed her thighs open and looked his fill at her pussy only pummeled his self-control.

  And that was before he took a lick and was lost in her. Her taste, the way she responded to his touch, the magic that surged the closer she got to climax seemed to stick to his tongue.

  All of it ensorcelled him. Willingly.

  He traced his fingers over her inner thighs as he ate her pussy like he’d been starving. Knew when she was getting close and pulled back over and over until he deemed her ready.

  When she climaxed, her back bowed as she nearly roared his name, one of her hands tangled in his hair, pulling to get him where she wanted.

  And when she was nothing more than a bunch of jumping muscles, he moved back up her body and entered her slow but deep.

  Those beautiful eyes opened and she smiled, catlike as he began to thrust, keeping that slow, deep rhythm that drove them both crazy.

  There was no need for words. Everything she felt was clear in her gaze. Clear in the way she opened to him, heart and body. Clear in the trust she gave him when she was soft and vulnerable.

  As always he was torn between letting go deep within her and dragging things out as long as he could.

  Which wasn’t much longer, because she wrapped her thighs around his waist, changing her angle and bringing him impossibly deeper. Where she was impossibly hotter and even tighter.

  The grin on her face told him she knew it too. Minx.

  He held off, sweat beading on his brow, his control a sheer, thin thing as orgasm took up space in every single cell until there was nothing but pleasure and he came, hard, still so deep in her it was like their hearts pounded in time.

  “Ms. Mayor, that was pretty astonishing,” he managed to say.

  “I haven’t won yet, so don’t count your chickens. But you can call me Ms. Mayor when we’re alone.” She giggled and he leaned over to kiss her quickly.

  “My father wrote a letter to the city council last night, resigning his seat. They’re meeting today I imagine. Whether they appoint you now, or wait for the election next week, we both know the outcome. Gonna be a lot busier around here between your promotion and mine.”

  “Second jobs more like,” she said without any acrimony. “But I figure we can try something new around Diablo Lake. More decisions made as a community. That’ll spread out the work and also bring people together. And we need it just now.”

  “Has the magic changed since last night?”

  “It doesn’t quite work that way, but I know what you mean. I think everyone will be holding their breath a few days to see if banishing your daddy and Darrell sticks. I think once we know it will, things will ease up and we can get back to normal. Or, normal for Diablo Lake anyway. Until the next thing happens.”

  His mother still had s
ecrets. His father would be away from town twelve months, along with his brother and some of their allies. If they came back and they weren’t chastened, he’d have to beat down some more wolves. And do it over and over until the lesson finally got learned.

  Until then he had a woman who made him sex brownies, listened to his troubles and accepted the fact that werewolves came to their house all hours of the day and night. And when he thought about it, it was a pretty damned good turn of events. They’d make it through because she was tough and smart and magic and he loved her. The miracle of it was that she loved him back and he made a pledge to never forget what a blessing that was.

  * * * * *


  Because no author gets to this point on her own, I am forever grateful to:

  Angela James, who keeps me in line and makes sure I don’t have fourteen names that start with D in every book.

  The Carina Press team from stem to stern—you’re all fantastic and amazing.

  Laura Bradford, who talks me off ledges, cheerleads my dreams and helps me live them.

  My husband—2016 was my least favorite year of all time and without his support through it all, I’m not sure I’d be here today.

  Also available from Lauren Dane

  and Carina Press

  Second Chances


  Goddess with a Blade series

  Goddess with a Blade

  Blade to the Keep

  Blade on the Hunt

  At Blade’s Edge

  Diablo Lake series

  Diablo Lake: Moonstruck

  Diablo Lake: Protected

  Cascadia Wolves series

  Reluctant Mate

  Pack Enforcer

  Wolves’ Triad

  Wolf Unbound

  Alpha’s Challenge

  Bonded Pair


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