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Taming the Omega (The Rogue Pack Book 4)

Page 10

by Samantha Cayto

  “One of your omegas came wandering in, wiggling his slutty ass at our sentries. Then he ran away before we could question him.”

  Caleb felt the growl rising in his throat. How dare this asshole speak about Seth that way? They made it sound like the omega was asking for the attack that could have easily killed him.

  Lorcan made a subtle sign with his hand to knock it the fuck off. With effort, Caleb swallowed down his anger and kept quiet. Still, he worried about what Lorcan was going to say and do. Seth wasn’t truly a member of the pack, and given the recent confrontation with Caleb’s old pack about Will’s pup, Annie, he worried that Lorcan would hand Seth over to Haldon. He knew the alpha wanted to avoid stressing his pack with fighting.

  “I know who you’re talking about.” Lorcan sounded almost bored. “He’s a new pack member and didn’t mean to go astray.”

  Caleb’s breath caught. Lorcan was accepting responsibility for Seth’s actions! He hoped that meant the alpha intended to protect Seth from any retribution. And, if Haldon needed more blood to shed to assuage any slight over the territory breach, Caleb would be more than willing to provide it. He could take any kind of punishment so long as it meant protecting a weaker pack member.

  So long as it means protecting Seth.

  Yeah, there wasn’t any point in pretending to himself that the little omega with the hurtful past and fear of pack life hadn’t gotten under Caleb’s skin. In only a few days, Seth had become important to him to a degree that left him feeling uncomfortable. He didn’t want to care so much for another shifter. This was how you got hurt. Really hurt. The kind of hurt that dug in deep and never healed.

  “What do you want in restitution?” Lorcan’s question snapped Caleb back into focus.

  The beta started posturing. “Well, I can’t say I want anything other than the boy who breached our perimeter.”

  Before Caleb could leap forward and rip the guy’s throat out, Lorcan took what looked like a casual side step. It effectively blocked Caleb from acting on the impulse.

  The alpha shook his head. “Haldon knows that’s not happening. He may have been willing to sacrifice his own son in furtherance of his agenda, but he should know me better than that. I’m not giving up a member of my pack purely to apologize for something so trivial.”

  The beta opened his mouth. Lorcan overrode him. “What does he really expect me to give him?”

  The beta rubbed at his chin, as if contemplating the answer. Even a gamma could see that it was all posturing, a game to make it seem like Haldon was being magnanimous to accept anything other than Seth’s hide.

  “We can always use more supplies. I suppose we can work something out.”

  “I’m gratified to hear it,” Lorcan drawled. Then he whistled sharply.

  Deidre came bounding out of the woods and shifted beside her alpha. The sight of a naked female distracted the Haldon boys, not surprisingly. Shifters might not be a modest species, but they had strong sex drives, and Deidra was an impressive sight.

  “One of my betas,” Lorcan said with a brief wave of his hand. “As you may recall.” Yeah, probably because she’d beaten the crap out of many of them during skirmishes between their packs. “She’ll coordinate getting the items we agree to.”

  The alpha took a step closer. “Now, how much of an affront do you think one small omega is to the mighty Haldon?”


  It took less than an hour for the deal to be struck and for Haldon’s emissary to leave loaded up with a goodly amount of food, carpentry and woven goods. Lorcan had struck a hard bargain, making even Caleb worry a few times that he was about to tell Haldon’s beta to go pound sand. In the end, though, both sides had given and gained enough ground to claim victory.

  “Well,” Lorcan said rubbing at his eyes. “That settles that. I don’t like the fact that at least two of those gammas are unfamiliar to me. Haldon has recruited new blood.”

  Caleb stepped up to him. “Thank you, sir, especially given what you just said.”

  Lorcan furrowed his brows. “Are you thanking me for doing my duty?”

  He was taken aback for second by the question. “Yes, sir. I mean, no sir.” He huffed. “It’s just that Seth isn’t a member of the pack. Not really. Officially or anything. You didn’t have to pay Haldon anything.”

  “Look, Caleb. My head is splitting, which happens when my mate and daughter are in the least amount of danger, not to mention the dozens of others that I’m responsible for. I know we’ve been kind of leaving the door open to the idea that Seth might leave. Frankly, that’s a game I’m not even trying to play anymore. He’s a vulnerable omega. This is a safe pack for him to join. End of story. Oh, and by the way, your probationary period is up as of now. You’ve more than earned your right to be here.”

  The alpha wordlessly stalked over to the longhouse. It took Caleb a few seconds to process the guy’s declaration before hurrying to join him. He entered the great room as Lorcan enveloped his mate and pup in his arms. Relief was a palpable thing among the pack members, and everyone slowly returned to whatever they’d been doing. Even though the pack had managed to fight for its territory and even fend off a minor battle with Haldon’s pack over some trouble with Kyle, it really was way too vulnerable still. Any outside threat could prove fatal. And, if Haldon was bringing new muscle into his pack, the Rogues needed to, as well. One extra gamma such as himself would not be enough.

  The issue was one for the next council meeting, however. His most immediate concern was the omega sitting in the corner of the couch next to Joey. Seth’s gaze was already trained on him, and they kept their eyes locked as Caleb approached him. Whatever welcome he’d been expecting, the omega surprised him by launching himself to his feet and slamming into Caleb.

  Even with his breath knocked out of him, Caleb managed to steady them both and wrapped his arms around the boy. “Hey, what’s this?”

  “I was worried about you,” came the muffled reply.

  “I’m fine.”

  Seth raised his head. “Kyle was listening at the kitchen window and said that Lorcan paid off that other pack.”

  “Well, yeah. You know—restitution. Our ways are changing. We shifters don’t have to settle all of our fights with blood. Sometimes blankets and carrots do the trick.” He tried to give the omega a reassuring grin.

  Seth wasn’t having any of it. Pulling away, he said, “It’s because of me. I wandered into their territory and they figured the Rogue Pack was responsible for what I did. But, it’s not. I trespassed on your pack lands, too.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Lorcan’s not like Haldon.” He reached for the boy, trying to offer comfort, but Seth danced away from him.

  And over to the alpha.

  “Excuse me, sir.” Although clearly nervous, Seth stood straight and looked Lorcan in the eye.

  Over the top of his pup’s head, the alpha stared back at Seth, his expression one of polite attention. “What is it, Omega?”

  The boy’s hard swallow was visible. “I want to thank you for what you did. I know that you paid dearly for my mistake.”

  “Taking care of an omega is my duty, although I appreciate your gratitude. Haldon’s guard should never have attacked you no matter what the perceived provocation. And he used it as an excuse to get things they are too lazy or indifferent to create themselves. It’s done, though, so no need to dwell on it.”

  Seth licked his lips. “Yes, sir, except I want you to know that I will make it up to you. To the pack. I’ll work off the value of the goods you lost.”

  “When Andrea clears you for work, my mate will assign you tasks. Everyone in the pack is expected to do their fair bit for the greater good, naturally.” The subtle shift in the way the alpha characterized Seth’s future work for the pack was not lost on Caleb.

  Lorcan shared a look with his mate, who leaned into him, while giving Seth a reassuring smile. “Of course. We’ll find a good fit for you. There’s lots to do.”

  Seth i
nclined his head. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Lorcan shot Caleb a pointed look over the omega’s head before leaving with his mate in tow.

  Understanding that his job now was to bring Seth fully into the pack, he loped over and took the boy by the waist. “Come on, let’s grab some breakfast from the kitchen and go back to the shed. It’s been an exciting way to start the day, and I’m famished.”

  The omega didn’t resist being tugged away. He stood quietly by, as well, while a helpful sigma took time from her normal breakfast chores to fill a basket with a simple, cold meal. With the food on one arm and Seth on the other, Caleb walked back to a place that had already become like a small, cozy home.

  “Here we go.” Letting the omega go, he set up the meal. “Come on, you need to eat,” he urged when Seth stood by the door.

  The boy didn’t argue. He slowly joined him, folding his thin legs gracefully into a pretzel and taking the bread and cheese Caleb offered. They ate in silence until they’d consumed almost every morsel. Caleb used his chewing time as a chance to come up with a way to say what he needed to.

  Surprisingly, Seth beat him to it. “I’m part of the pack now, aren’t I?”

  Caleb took a long swallow of water to buy himself a small reprieve. “What makes you say that?” Shit, such a cowardly way to address the issue.

  “The alpha paid a lot to make my problem go away. It’s going to take me a long time to repay that.”

  Guilt compelled him to say, “Lorcan doesn’t see it as a debt. You’re not obligated to ‘repay’ the pack.”

  “Maybe so, but I’m not so feral or dishonorable that I’d let this pack suffer in any way because of me.” He lifted weepy eyes to Caleb. “I have to work to make up for the value of what was paid out because of my actions.”

  The sight of the boy’s distress stabbed Caleb right in the heart. He reached out. “Oh, sweetheart, don’t cry.”

  Pulling back, Seth held out his hands. “No, please don’t touch me. Sometimes when you do, I forget my own name, and I want to get this out.”

  “Okay.” Caleb settled back down, both pleased and alarmed at the confession of his effect on the omega.

  “I have to stay. It’s the only right thing to do. That means sooner or later, I’m going to go into heat.”

  Caleb sighed. “Oh, Seth. I’m sorry. I know that frightens you.”

  The omega nodded. “Yeah, it does. So does giving up my freedom to live in the security of a pack. But, I was talking to Joey before the intruders showed up. He seems so happy to be a part of this one. He had the same experience I did out on his own. You said it yourself—omegas aren’t made to be alone.

  “Anyway,” he added with suspicious sniff. “It’s not only Joey. Will, Mabel, and the alpha mate look happy and healthy, too. Obviously being an omega in this pack isn’t a bad thing. If you have the right mate. A powerful one.” The boy trained those dark brown eyes on Caleb’s, his request clear.

  Oh, shit.

  Seth held up his hand once more, as if to ward off Caleb’s words, not his body. “Before you say anything, I know you’re not in the market for a mate or pups. I’m the last person to dismiss your feelings about controlling your life and not mindlessly following pack custom.”

  The omega sniffed again and looked down. “I wish I had the kind of choice you do, but there’s no controlling or changing my omega physiology. I’m going to go into heat and breed whether I want to or not.”

  Unable to simply sit there and watch Seth sink into misery a moment longer, Caleb pulled him into his lap. Far from fighting him, the boy melted into his embrace.

  “I know there are sigmas who could maybe breed me. Some can manage to with omegas as well as other sigmas I’ve heard.”

  “Yeah, we have two pups who were both whelped and sired by sigmas. Lorcan is cool with that. He doesn’t give off any territorial hormones to suppress other males’ fertility, so that helps. The pack is also male-heavy, so there are a few guys to choose from for a mate.” Even as he said it, though, the thought of Seth with another male caused his wolf to become restless.

  He sighed at his own foolishness. “Omegas are always different, of course. You’re more fertile than the average sigma female, yet harder to impregnate. Or so I’ve heard.”

  Seth nodded. “I know. I was taught that my future belonged to a powerful shifter out of necessity. I need potent seed to get pregnant. What if I go into heat and a sigma can’t breed me? I could die.”

  Just hearing that made Caleb cringe in horror. He squeezed Seth. “I won’t let that happen.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping. There’s no one else who could save me who isn’t already mated, and well, I trust you, Caleb.” He hugged him back tightly. “Please will you do this for me? I don’t expect you to mate with me or even raise the pups. I’m only asking for mounting service, nothing more. Please?”

  What was there to say? There was only one answer. Part of him knew this was where his path had always led the moment he’d first entered that cave to care for this omega. His long-held resolution to guard his heart wasn’t something he could let go of, however. The pain of watching his sire drink and neglect himself into an early death haunted him still. Nothing frightened him other than seeing that same kind of slow disintegration in his own future.

  His sense of duty to the pack, and his personal obligation to Seth after having brought him into this situation, wasn’t sufficient to wipe out his life plan. But, by the same token, he’d pledged to serve the Rogue Pack in whatever way necessary. He also couldn’t disrespect Seth by only mounting him and walking away as if he meant nothing. As if any pup they created together meant nothing and didn’t deserve having their sire there to help them become healthy, productive pack members. He would not be so cold-hearted and dishonorable.

  There was a middle road to be taken that satisfied all the concerns. He could mate with Seth, giving the omega and their pups the status and protection that came from belonging to a gamma. Nothing required him, though, to offer more than the physical. He could still guard his heart. He liked Seth, but he didn’t have to ever love him to make a good mate. Even the idea of such affection was something newly recognized by their species. Mating had always been more about pack health and social order. And, he already knew that the two of them found pleasure in each other’s touch. A proper mounting would finally allow him and Seth to scratch the itch that had been building.

  Yeah, he liked that idea, all of it. So did his cock.

  Feeling relieved at having worked out a solution, he kissed Seth’s head. “I won’t provide mounting services, as you call it.” He chuckled. “Where did that expression come from?”

  Seth stiffened in his arms and tried to pull away. “I understand,” he said in a low, ragged voice.

  Holding him tight, Caleb said, “No, sweetheart you don’t. I’m saying I’m going to mate with you, if you’ll have me.”

  There was no response for so long, Caleb began to worry.

  Finally, “You don’t have to do that. I told you I know you don’t want to mate. You said so.”

  Caleb struggled to find the right words. It was critical that he didn’t make Seth feel like a burden. “That’s true. I said that, except I hadn’t met you yet. I may not like the idea of mating and siring pups, but I know I want you. And, I want whatever pups you whelp to be mine, no one else’s.”

  As he said the words, part of him nagged that he wasn’t being entirely truthful. What good would it do to tell the boy that he couldn’t let him into his heart? He’d give what he could, show his soon-to-be mate the measure of his devotion. It would be enough. It had to be because it was all Caleb had to give.

  Chapter Eleven

  Seth sat through his first meal with the pack, as an official member no less, with a sense of unreality. Except for that morning when they’d stayed safe from the intruders, it had been a long time since he’d been among so many shifters. It felt strange to eat in front of anyone other than
Caleb. He wanted to run back to the shed. It had quickly become a place where he felt safe.

  Really, though, that was only because Caleb was usually with him. And, the gamma sat in the chair to his right with a hand on Seth’s thigh or across his shoulders, a constant reminder that he was there. It helped with Seth’s nerves, although the attention he was getting from the others still left him jittery.

  After Caleb had agreed to mate with him, Seth had stayed in the shed resting and eating lunch and a couple of snacks. Caleb had gone to speak with the alpha, then had spent the rest of the day with Seth until dinner time. He’d told Seth that Lorcan wanted them to eat with the pack now that Seth’s status had been settled. When Seth had demurred, the gamma had done what higher-ranked shifters did best—he made it a command. Although it had immediately raised Seth’s hackles, part of him also felt relieved. There was no more decision-making for him. From now on, his life would be dictated to by his pack and his mate. There was a sense of freedom knowing your limitations.

  In the end, he needn’t have worried too much anyway. Lorcan’s announcement was brief and met with a cheerful reaction all around. The other pack members seemed to be genuinely happy to have Seth join them. Feeling wanted helped ease his worries, as did Caleb’s dutiful attentiveness. The only thing that rattled his poor wolf and himself was knowing that when he returned to the shed, Caleb would claim him.

  The pain of both the mounting and the mating bite was something that worried him. He wasn’t sure how bad it would get, but he’d never heard anything positive about either of those events. Caleb would be as careful as possible, he knew that. The gamma had always treated him gently. There was only so much he could do to avoid hurting Seth, and that was the plain fact of life.

  Fretting over the night to come wasn’t going to help any, so he concentrated instead on how amazing his dessert was. Joey had only overseen the baking of chocolate pies, his mate having put his massive paw down about the omega restarting his cooking so soon after whelping. The sigmas had done a great job under his watchful eye, though. Chocolate was an unheard of delicacy for a shifter. Rumor had always been that shifters, like dogs, couldn’t handle the human treat. Andrea said that was nonsense, and Seth was delighted by it. He savored every forkful.


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