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Psyche Moon

Page 3

by Chrissie Buhr

  “Have you been there?”

  “Once. I was one of the kids, the only one who didn’t lose a finger or toe.” I grinned at her wickedly, and she laughed.

  The view on Highway 21 was spectacular. We headed into the rising sun, generally speaking, and crisp summer air bathed us through the open windows. She pointed out landmarks and gave them names I didn’t know and stories I’d never heard. She clearly loved these mountains, sounding like a cross between a historian and a proud mother. Her intimate fascination with the land we passed was contagious, and I found myself asking many questions and sharing my own stories.

  She pointed over a far ridge to the north. “Up that way a few weeks ago I saw a moose – my first. They don’t seem to be common around here. Elk and deer, sure, but not moose. By the way he looked at me, I think I was his first person.” A mile later: “Last winter I had to hole up beyond that ridge overnight after a freak storm blew in. I probably could have made it out, but why take the chance? I found a nice cave and fell asleep listening to the wind.”

  We passed Idaho City and drove fifteen minutes beyond the old town. Slowing down for a turnoff, she expertly maneuvered her jeep along an ill-kept road. She drove much faster than I thought safe, but kept complete control. My body stiffened a bit as we bounced over the rough terrain. She could sense my discomfort but didn’t slow for my sake, enjoying showing off her skill and setting me on edge.

  It excited me. Everything about her made me want to take risks I wouldn’t normally take. Even my fantasies about her were more aggressive than my norm. Or maybe she was drawing out a part of me that I didn’t know was there.

  “This road’s not even used by the Forest Service anymore, and it’s not on any of the maps. Since it’s not hunting season, we shouldn’t run into anyone. We’ll be alone.” Her voice lowered to her erotic husky rumble at the last sentence. Almost a growl, it expressed how desperately she wanted to be alone with me.

  “That’s all I’ve wanted since I saw you dancing.” I returned her look and felt my body warm, my intentions quite clear. A few miles later she stopped and put the jeep in park. Leaning across the seat, she gripped my hip as her mouth touched mine. The gentle kiss conflicted with the passion growing between us, and my hand clutched her hair possessively. Our need was rising, and the kiss didn’t last long enough. “Time to go.” She jumped out of the jeep without opening the door, grabbing a full-sized pack from the back.

  “You can’t possibly carry all of that.” I gaped at the sight of it. “That has to weigh forty pounds.”

  “Closer to fifty.” She expertly hoisted it on her back and snapped the waistband, shifting it into a comfortable position as if it weighed less than half that.

  “Give me some of it, at least.” I demanded. I was no weakling, and it didn’t seem fair for her to be the mule.

  She laughed. “How are you going to carry it? I didn’t bring another pack. Besides, I’ve carried more for longer distances than we’re going today.”

  Fifty pounds! “Why would you bring so much for just a day hike? We can leave some of it behind.” I went to open it to remove some of the contents, but she twisted and slapped my hand playfully.

  “Nope. You don’t get to see inside yet. It’s a surprise.” I crossed my arms over my chest, but she didn’t relent. “I think we’ll go northeast from here.”

  “Fine. You could at least have brought me a pack.” She smirked, her eyes twinkling with her secret, and took off northeast. I trotted to catch up, wishing her pack didn’t hide her ass so well.

  The scenery of course was spectacular. I could barely breathe trying to keep up with Billie, who wasn’t even winded while carrying almost half her weight. We spoke infrequently, and then mostly to point out interesting plants and the occasional small animal. We caught a fox off-guard; it saw us, froze, and disappeared in less than five seconds. Finally we reached a small clearing. She turned, a sexy smile on her face.

  “We’re here.” Wherever here was, I thought, trying to catch my breath. I’d never find my way out alone. She gently placed the pack on the ground and wrapped her arms around me, causing my breath to quicken for entirely different reasons. “You’re amazing, Sadie. It’s the rare human who can keep up with me.” Interesting choice of words, I thought.

  But then her lips silenced all thoughts and there was only us. Finally I had her in my arms and could feel her skin buzzing when it touched mine. The radiance of her mind and body intoxicated me. I’d never felt so taken by a woman before in my life, and I knew then I would do almost anything to keep her.

  “God, you’re beautiful.” She murmured into my ear as she nibbled on it before inching her way to my neck, holding back the ferocious impulse to simply take me. “And so exciting.” I actually felt so under her gaze, though those were not endearments I usually heard. ‘Pretty’ or ‘mysterious’ were more commonly spoken, but I felt the way my very being excited this woman into frenzy. One hand gripping her neck, my other hand explored her back, reaching for the hemline of her shirt. It was all I could do to keep myself from just tearing it off. But I wanted to savor the moment – only for a moment, and then I would rip her shirt off.

  I could feel her body with only thin fabric between us, moist from the warm day and hike. Every time her breasts moved against mine, my arousal spiked higher. Her hands roamed over my body, gripping and squeezing while she kissed and nipped at my neck and throat. I thought I’d orgasm with just the expectation of what would come.

  “Wait.” She broke away abruptly.

  That one word and her physical separation almost knocked me senseless. I swayed. “Wait? I’ve been waiting. God damn it, Billie, I’ve been waiting since last night.”

  Without a word she retrieved a bundle from the pack: a blanket, thick and woven. It looked kind of coarse, though, and I wasn’t thrilled about the idea of sex on it. It was probably better than the ground, I decided. Then out came another smaller bundle, revealed to be a white silk sheet. She flicked it over the other with a satisfied look on her face, and I understood why she didn’t want me looking in the pack. This was at the far edge of erotic: silk beneath the forest canopy and a sexy redhead wanting to devour me on it.

  The purr of her voice mirrored my own desire. My thighs grew hot and wet, and I wasn’t sure how long I could take not touching her. “I’ve been fantasizing about this for a long time, but in my fantasy I’m with someone special. I waited years for the right woman to do this with. I was waiting for you.”

  I bit my lower lip, excited, aroused and most of all moved. One of her deepest fantasies, and she wanted to share it with me. I wondered just how far her fantasy would go. This was going to be good.

  Kneeling to remove her boots, I did the same. When I looked up, she stood there in all the wilds looking like a bestial goddess stepped freshly out of the trees. Her hair, still mostly bound at her neck, was starting to escape its tie, and curls framed her face. The sexiest green eyes I’d ever seen were intent solely on me, and the rest of the world disappeared.

  She waited for me, calling me with her physique, and I joined her beside our forest bed, feeling a deep heat and wetness building. Wrapping my arms around her, I kissed her cheek and throat, feeling her shudder beneath my touch. If I started with her lips, I’d never leave, and I wanted all of her.

  She leaned back her head and tightened her grip around my waist, insinuating a few fingers beneath the line of my pants. Slipping my hands under her shirt, I moved upward until I felt the curve of her breasts. They hung natural, with no bra, and yet were perky and firm. When I caressed them softly, she moaned. I teased her, bringing my mouth a little lower as my thumbs grazed her breasts. Gradually my fingers reached the nipples, finding them hard and ready.

  I brushed them impatiently, tweaking them roughly between my fingers. “I want to see them. I want to bite them.” I pulled her shirt over her head, and for a moment our eyes locked. She wanted me, too, and letting me take control was killing her. But I got her shirt of
f first, and the first move was mine.

  Pushing her down onto her back, I straddled her waist as I admired the view. Her breasts were as perfect as promised, erect nipples centered in a light red areole. I flicked my thumb teasingly over first one nipple and then the other, before tweaking the left bud painfully. Focusing on my eyes, she gasped in pleasure. Her hands moved to my ass, roughly squeezing a moan from my lips.

  Her ecstasy combined with mine, bringing me to a pre-orgasm height I’d never experienced before. It enticed me into giving her all the pleasure I was capable of. I took her right nipple into my mouth and teased it with my teeth. She fondled me through my jeans. My breath hitched periodically at the double sensation of her arousal and mine. At each gasp, my teeth pulled on her nipple causing her to gasp in turn.

  With a sudden wicked gesture, I grasped her wrists and pushed them to the ground beside her, keeping her from touching me like she wanted. Fire flared in her eyes and soul as she held back her natural desire to be in control. I knew full well she was stronger than me physically and allowed this because I wanted it. It was payback for all the teasing she’d inflicted on me, and she conceded knowing she’d take the upper hand shortly.

  She threw back her head as I concentrated teeth and tongue on first one nipple then another. Each time she felt a particularly exquisite sensation, her hands would grip into fists beneath my hold, her moans coaxing me on. Gently biting the curve of her breast and then the sensitive, pale skin at their base, she pushed her hips into me and let out a gasp.

  I could have stayed in that position forever, but Billie’s passivity ended and she broke my hold and rolled me under her easily. “No more teasing. Clothes off.” She meant mine. In her haste to remove my shirt, two buttons flew into the clearing. She pulled it off so swiftly that I didn’t have time to touch her. She tried to reach my bra beneath me and bit my breast lightly while she was at it. Arching my back from the bite, she took the opportunity to unsnap the offending piece of clothing, revealing my tits to her and the open forest.

  Being suddenly naked in the open world excited me. I’d never been an exhibitionist, and I was glad no one was watching. But exposing myself under the sun and sky brought out my bold side.

  She took a moment to admire me from above, and I tried to unbutton her jeans. She only smiled wickedly, showing her small white teeth and forced my wrists above my head. One hand held my wrists as the other cupped a breast, her fingers gripping hard enough to leave me gasping aloud. “Too much?” She asked.

  “God no. More. Harder.” I replied between gasps, meeting her eyes with a desperate plea. “Fuck me, Billie.”

  Her eyes lit up and she reached for the bra tossed casually beside us. “I’m going tie you down, Sadie, and make you pant and writhe beneath me until you come over and over. Pain and pleasure. I won’t harm you, but I’ll make your body hurt in all the right places until you’re begging for more. Any time you want me to stop, just say so and I will.” Her voice deepend to that sexy growl I already loved. “But you’re not going to want me to stop. Ever.”

  “Fuck.” I simply replied. She waited for a response, though, and I nodded. “God yes.”

  She tied my wrists together with my own bra, above my head, weighing down one strap with a rock. I could have pulled myself free, but the sensation of being tied down and vulnerable excited me to no end. She scratched my skin from wrists to armpits on her way back down, leaving my skin tingling in her wake. She shifted so that one leg nestled between mine, still straddling me, her knee pressing against my clit. My whole body hitched at the pressure.

  Her breasts hung over me, out of reach of my bound hands, and I wanted so badly to touch them. Touch her. She bit my neck as her nails raked across my sides, every movement a firm massage against my still covered clit. Her hands found my breasts, and she scratched them, then pulled and twisted one nipple until I screamed out. Erotic pain flashed through me so suddenly that I seized in orgasm right there, the spasms coming over and over.

  Satisfaction pulsed through her, but she wasn’t even close to being done. “Gods, you’re the most amazing thing.” She whispered in my ear before she bit it. Her body lay against mine, breasts against breasts, her thigh pressing against my aching clit. My orgasm had only started to subside when she reached between us and undid my jeans.

  Shivering underneath her, I couldn’t even speak. Her nails dug into my ass as she shoved the jeans as far down as she could reach. It wasn’t far enough, so she pushed herself further down my body until her face reached my navel. Which she promptly licked. The unexpected sensation made my body jerk, so she followed it by blowing on the wet spot, sending shivers through me once again.

  “I can’t wait to do that where you’re really wet, Sadie.”

  “God.” I replied. “You can do anything you want to me.” And I meant it. Everything she did, every touch, every breath, every scratch and bite left me in continuous ecstasy. Pain and pleasure intermixed in ways I didn’t know possible. The scratch marks left my skin sensitized to the next touch and to the breeze that flowed over us. Her bites caused my pussy to throb and juice.

  Her mind and soul consumed my body, possessing it. I was hers to pleasure. I felt her arousal alongside mine. Though I knew what she was going to do as soon as she did, it was always better than anticipated. I had no idea sex could be this intense.

  As she removed my panties, she lifted my knees up and out, exposing me completely to her and the forest. Rather than remove them, she left them around my ankles, binding them beneath her with a knee as she positioned herself between my thighs. She held me completely at her mercy – hands and feet.

  Her face disappeared from view and I felt her tongue graze my swollen clit. A gasp escaped me and I pushed my hips into her face. “Yes. God yes.” She murmured her appreciation and blew teasingly on my wet pussy. Another quick lick sent a jolt of electricity down my legs. She shifted as she unzipped her jeans, sliding them off and tossing them aside. Her legs brushed mine as she settled on top of me again, skin soft and muscles tight.

  A single finger slid into me, wet and ready, gently teasing before her tongue resumed its attention on my clit. I writhed beneath her – or tried to. The weight of her on my bound ankles held me down, and I could sense her enjoying my struggle. “Fuck me, Billie. Fist me. I want you inside me.”

  She granted my wish, pushing her hand into me suddenly. I screamed from the sudden ecstasy of pleasure and pain mixing. She wasn’t all the way in, but she worked it in and out relentlessly, her mouth nibbling around my bare pubic zone. I could sense her own orgasm rising with mine, and I didn’t question how she knew I was ready to come. I opened enough for her to completely enter me and my whole body rocked with instant orgasm. As I screamed, she thrust into me over and over. The orgasm pulsed through me for what felt like an eternity, and as it started to subside she bit me, hard. It felt like she had my clit in her teeth, though I’m not sure how she could have managed that. A second orgasm rivaling the first tore through me. It was so intense it was almost agony, and yet I never wanted it to stop.

  It faded slowly, and Billie withdrew her wet hand. “I think you scared the wildlife.” She said. I laughed.

  Untangling my wrists from the bra, I gripped one of her breasts. I didn’t need her dancing eyes to sense her desire, but both spurred me to action. “Come here.” Sliding up my body, she straddled my waist. Pushing her backwards against my knees, I had a gorgeous view of her trimmed red bush and pink slit. Playing with it, teasing it, she writhed on my hand. Her lean dancer’s legs were folded beneath her, too far away for me to taste. Pulling them towards me, her hips followed.

  I pushed two fingers into her, massaging her inside as I pleasured her clit with my thumb. The orgasmic pressure in her mind and body grew, and I couldn’t resist those amazing legs beside my face. Nibbling and biting everywhere I could reach while I found her most sensitive spots and worked them mercilessly. I drew her closer and closer to me, wanting her pussy in my face and ne
ver quite getting it there. But my mouth reached closer and I bit her inner thigh as high as it went. She panted and moaned her pleasure, spurring me to punch deep and hard into her.

  As her orgasm peaked, so did mine. The beautiful woman on top of me threw back her head, arching her back, and climaxed on my chest. Her contractions and her mental ecstasy released my own orgasm, and for a few moments even the trees disappeared while we writhed together.

  As the spasms began to fade, she righted herself to lie draped over the top of me. Her hands brushed through my disheveled hair, and we looked into each other’s eyes in shock, breathless. “What you do to me. Gods, Sadie, the way you fuck me. It’s like you have electricity in your hands and every time you touch me my body tingles.”

  Panting like she never had on the hike, Billie looked even more spectacular than ever, both during and after her orgasm. Her skin glistened with sweat, and her eyes were dilated and glazed. I couldn’t have moved her off of me if I’d wanted to and rested my hand on her ass instead. “That was the best sex of my life.” I honestly told her as I kissed her throat, causing her to shudder.

  “No doubt. Gods, Sadie, what have you done to me?” She was certainly pleased that I had done it, though I honestly didn’t know how. I was no novice, but I’d never given it so good in my life.

  We kissed, slow and lingering while we enjoyed the post-coital sensations. I heard her stomach growl and laughed. “I hope you brought food, because all I have are a few granola bars.

  The bold look in her eyes told me she had.

  “I don’t think I want to let you up, no matter what your stomach says.”

  Raising her eyebrows mockingly, she warned. “First thing to know about me: never get in the way of my stomach.”


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