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Prime Selection

Page 27

by Monette Michaels

  “Is that better?” Huw whispered against her cheek. His warm, moist breath made her shiver.

  “Yes.” Nadia rubbed her cheek over his. “I see another advantage to the constant mental touch. Your energy transfer can heal any soreness you cause.”

  “That is true. As battle-mates, we have that extra ability.” Huw moved away from her and helped her to stand. “You’re not to be hurt in any manner. I’ll always fix what I can or see that you receive the medical assistance you need.”

  “And I can do this for you, also?” Nadia turned and placed her arms around his neck and nestled her head onto his shoulder. She took in a deep breath. His unique scent made her happy and calmed the remnants of her earlier emotional upset.

  “Yes. Battle-mates aid each other in battle and keep their partners from suffering pain from battle wounds. Soothing my woman’s soreness is a simple matter compared to the pain from a battle blade or laser wound.” Huw rubbed her back with his big, warm hands.

  She sighed and leaned into him. All she wanted to do now before they met Lia and Joen for dinner was to lie down and take the nap he’d promised her. No sex, just the comfort of her man’s big, warm body engulfing her, protecting her.

  “We’ll do just that … after Lia takes the images of our marks.” Huw whispered against the hair over her ear.

  Considering what she and Lia had discussed earlier, Nadia had one more order of business to complete. “Do you want me to move in with you? Or do you want to move in with me? We can make the move after supper.”

  The shock and then the joy which crossed from Huw’s mind to hers pleased her. He hadn’t anticipated her offer … even considering his now constant presence in her mind.

  So not everything she thought or did was sensed by him. She had some privacy.

  “When did you make this decision?” He caressed her face with a gentle finger. “At breakfast you were so fixed on the week-long…”

  She touched his lips, silencing him. “I made the decision a short while ago. Lia said you needed the physical closeness—and so do I. But I’m not cut out for nonstop sex. So I’m compromising with you.” He laughed. She traced the smile on his mouth with the tip of her finger. “You were surprised. You didn’t read my mind?” She wanted to confirm her hypothesis.

  “No … I don’t need to go deeply into your thoughts unless you’re threatened in some way. I’ll rest my touch on the surface of your mind. I thought you understood that from speaking with Mel about these matters.”

  Nadia shook her head. “Nope, no one mentioned that. Not even Lia,” she shot her smiling friend a nasty look, “told me.”

  “Nadia,” Lia said. “You wouldn’t have believed me if I had. You thought a mental touch meant a mental digging. You needed to learn this truth about the connection yourself.”

  “Next time, share.”

  Lia laughed and nodded.

  Nadia turned her face into Huw’s neck and rubbed her forehead against his pulse.

  “Let’s get the pictures done. I’m falling asleep standing up. It’s been a hard day so far.”

  Huw laughed and picked her up as if she weren’t a six-foot two-inch, strongly muscled woman. He then carried her out of Lia’s office toward the medical lab.

  “Huw!” Nadia slapped at his shoulder “Put me down. I weigh too much for you to lug around.”

  “You, my little lubha, are a delightful armful and weigh nothing to a Prime male such as me.”

  Nadia sniffed. “And you, my big, strong Prime male, are full of crap … but I love you saying so. And you can carry me any time you want. I like it.” She snuggled into his arms and luxuriated in the sensation of being carried.

  Several hours later, Huw’s quarters

  The blare of sirens indicating a yellow alert woke Nadia from the soundest sleep she’d had in weeks. She tried to sit up and reach for her com unit, but Huw’s arms held her. “Rest on me, cwen. I’ll check to see what’s going on.”

  Nadia relaxed back into his body as he spooned her. His naked skin was hot and comforting against her back. His cock was semi-erect and lying along the seam of her ass. She wiggled into him and had to choke back her laugh at his swearing.

  “You’ll pay for that action later.” He nipped at her ear. “Now, behave, while I speak to my brother.”

  “Wulf? Why are we on yellow alert?” Huw stroked her hip as he listened to his brother for several minutes.

  Her man multitasked too well. She was aroused and wanted him.

  “Nadia and I can be at our stations immediately if you need us. We are rested—Fine.

  Let us know.”

  Dammit, duty calls. Nadia willed her libido to calm down; there was always later.

  Huw reached over her body and placed his com unit back on the bedside table. She turned over and plastered herself against his chest, her arms looped loosely around his neck. “What’s up?”

  “Emergency call from the two cruisers we left in the Iota Persei system. One outpost is reporting they are under attack by pirates. The Picarus went to back up the Renard.

  They took on heavy laser cannon fire and had to land. Now they are defending the best they can by using their cruisers’ cannons as planetary defense. They put out a general call for help—and we’re the closest.” He kissed her forehead. “We’ll be on red alert in about two standard hours once we near the besieged planet. Wulf wants us back at our stations at that time. There’s nothing we can do now.”

  “Are our people okay?” Nadia frowned. Going dirt-side had meant the enemy had severely damaged the ships. Grounded cruisers could only do so much against a determined enemy.

  “The captains reported minor injuries. Currently, they are holding their own. But the longer they have no backup, the more danger they’ll be overrun by the pirates.”

  “Are they sure the attackers are mere pirates?” Nadia rested her head on his shoulder, kissing his skin, loving the taste of him.

  “Captain V’ro of the Renard reported the pirate fleet looked to be cobbled from Volusian and Terran military rejects,” Huw hesitated, “but he also told Wulf the enemy fought too well to be just a bunch of opportunists looking to rip off easy loot from some scientists.”

  Nadia frowned and looked into Huw’s molten gold eyes. “There’s been an increase in pirate attacks in this part of the galaxy on jump gates and traders. Could it be the Antareans are behind all of these attacks?”

  “That’s what Wulf and Mel think. They’ve sent word to both Prime and Alliance Military Commands. Blue Squadron is coming to back Gold up. But Blue was on patrol in the Gliese system and has farther to come.”

  “Well then, I think we should get up and get dressed and eat before…”

  “Lubha, we’ll do all those things … we have time … but first, if you aren’t too sore, I need to be in you again.” He brushed soft kisses over her eyes, cheeks, nose, and finally lips. “Only if you want me, that is.”

  “Oh, I want you. Your healing of me and the nap helped immensely.” She brushed her lips over his. “This time, I’ll make love to you. Just lie back and enjoy…” She lowered her voice to a growling murmur. “I intend to.”

  Nadia shoved him onto his back and straddled him. “But this time I’m on top.”

  Rolling her hips forward, she pressed her swollen clit and pussy lips against his stiffened cock and rubbed herself up and down his length, spreading her moisture, marking his cock as hers.

  Huw’s intent, golden gaze fixed on her face, he opened his mouth. She caught the protest forming in his mind and leaned over. Cupping his face with her hands, she kissed him, swallowing his words.

  Damn his alpha-Prime-male hide. He wanted to be on top. Obviously, the sex surrogates who’d taught him how to do the deed were all meek and submissive. She was not meek, and her peers and enemies could all attest to the fact she sure as hell wasn’t submissive.

  She broke off the kiss and Huw inhaled. His body tightened under her as he prepared to roll her over and take co
ntrol. “Enh. Forget all that crap about always being in control.

  We’re partners in everything now and that goes for our sex lives also. Let me show you how a battle-mate makes love to her gemat.”

  His body still tight with suppressed sexual urges, Huw said nothing. He lay quiescent and looked at her, his hands idly stroking her ass. His touch made her shiver. Yeah, her man was dominant as hell. The images in his head made her pussy clench and her clit throb. She readily admitted to herself she didn’t need to be on top all the time.

  But this time, she did. Her man had to learn she could hold her own and had her own fantasies. One was riding him, controlling all that male potency even for a short time.

  And, God knew, she could only do so if he allowed it. Huw could overpower her at any second—and they both knew it. Whatever control she had, he consented to. And wasn’t that what being partners was all about? The ceding of control?

  His mind-touch stroked along their connection and he smiled. A sexy, shit-eating grin which told her he’d once again picked up on some of her fantasies. He squeezed an ass cheek with one big, hot hand. “We’ll definitely try that later. I love your ass and am more than happy to give you what you need. Claim me, Nadia. Show me what it is to be your man.” He slapped her butt. “Since I’ll be the only man who ever has you in his bed.”

  Nadia released his face and began trailing biting, sucking kisses along his neck and shoulders. “My only man.”

  She slid down until her lips found his gemat marking. It glowed and swirled in a hypnotizing pattern of gold, red, black, and white. She traced the intricate pattern with her tongue. Her own marking heated, and she imagined it mimicking the colors and motion of Huw’s.

  Huw groaned and swore under his breath, but did nothing to stop her. She touched his mind and found a predator lying in wait, ready to pounce. Well, the prey wasn’t ready to be taken yet. The predator would have to wait his turn.

  “Huw, am I too heavy?” Her body lay upon his full length, her legs lying between his, her arms bracing her slightly above him, and their lower abdomens skin to skin.

  “No. Your weight is nothing. Why?” He stroked her back from the nape of her neck, down her spine, to the top of the crease in her bottom. His hand lingered, teasing and tantalizing her butt before he trailed his fingers back up to her nape. Over and over he petted her, slowly and surely driving her arousal ever higher.

  Nadia shuddered and scrambled to find the words to answer. She had a plan and his stroking wouldn’t dissuade her from its successful execution. “Because I intend to be on top of you for a while.”

  She pinched a male nipple and smiled at his sharp inhalation of breath. “So, that means, you’re not to take over unless I tell you to.” She scored his nipple with her teeth.

  “I want to lick and bite and touch you all over. It’s my turn to arouse you until you scream my name.”

  He frowned and lifted her chin, forcing her to look up. “I always shout your name when I come.”

  “Not the same, big man—” Grinning, Nadia rotated her hips on top of him; she felt both their pleasure at the move zing along their mate-bond. He growled; the powerful rumble expanded his chest and she rode the motion like a sea creature rode a wave.

  “Because by that time, you’ve already had me begging for release and screaming your name many times and—”

  “And swearing with words I’ve never heard before.” Huw raised his head, nipped her lower lip, and then kissed away the hurt. “You, my cwen, are very foul-mouthed when you come.”

  “Never before you.” At his look of shock, she explained. “No man has ever made me come as hard as you have. Only you have driven me to the point of begging and swearing. Only you.” She brushed a light kiss over his mark. It pulsed against her lips.

  Huw’s immense pleasure at her admission was a living, breathing thing inside and all around her. His emotions wrapped her in a golden, hot glow until she couldn’t separate her essence from his. It was the same feeling she’d had the first time they’d orgasmed together and cemented their bond.

  “Take what is yours, my gemate lubha. Show me how you love me.” Huw placed his hands by his head, a motion of surrender in most cultures in the galaxy.

  Tears of joy teased the corner of her eyes. She knew what it had taken for Huw to cede control. She read it in his mind, sensed it in his still-taut muscles. He fought the primal need to claim—for her.

  “I do love you, Huw.” She undulated her body along his. “With my body, heart, and soul.”

  Huw’s eyes glittered, but he said nothing. His molten hot gaze traced her body. His lips tightened, and he emitted a low rumble like a giant cat’s rough purr. He asked to be stroked and stroke she would.

  Nadia turned her attention back to his chest. It was a wide expanse of muscle covered in bronzed skin and a light dusting of dark hair. His nipples were puckered into tight peaks and his mark was sizzling and swirling like a kaleidoscope in nonstop motion.

  Her lips twisted into a slight smile. Mine. All mine.

  Bracing herself on one elbow, she rubbed her cheek from nipple to nipple, occasionally pausing to nuzzle and kiss the warm smooth skin. Turning her head slightly, she licked a male bud delicately, making it wet, before taking it between her lips and suckling it. He tasted clean and spicy, something uniquely Huw; it reminded her of the pure sea salt found only on Earth and some citrusy herb.

  Leaving the one nub, now reddened from her lips, she nuzzled her way to the base of his throat and inhaled again. His scent had made her pussy ache from the first time she’d met him. She licked the hollow at the base of his throat. More salt. More citrus. And something earthy, musky.

  “God, you taste so good. So hot.” She licked her way from his throat to the neglected male nipple after making a quick lick over his marking. She suckled the other nipple until it was as red as its mate. “Do you taste this good all over, hmm?”

  “Why don’t you find out?” Huw purred the words. His body twitched under her, and his heart rate increased as she licked around his gemat mark without touching the mark itself.

  “Does my mark look exactly like yours when we’re aroused?” Nadia pushed up from him until only her lower body was meeting his.

  Huw’s gaze zeroed in on her gemate mark. His nostrils flared and his constant low purr turned into a louder, more guttural buzz-saw growl. She looked down and was amazed at the sight of her marking moving and glowing just as Huw’s was.

  Before she realized what he was doing, Huw brought one hand down to cover her mark, the heel of his hand massaging it.

  “Huw!” Nadia pulled away from the incendiary touch. She took his arm and shoved it back toward his head. “No touching. Not yet—and especially not like that. I could come from that touch alone.”

  Huw’s lips twisted into a naughty grin. “That’s the point. I can make you come—you can make me come—at any time just by rubbing the marks that make us one. Prime”— his voice lowered to a sexy murmur—“are very sexual creatures with their mates.”

  “I’m getting that message.” Nadia ached like a son of a bitch. She sensed Huw could come at any time. But she didn’t want either of them to gain pleasure until she’d reached the one goal, the ultimate destination in her master plan to be on top of this magnificent male creature who was her mate. “But it might be nice to try another way, a Terran way to reach the same goal.”

  Huw’s forehead creased. “What way is this?”

  Nadia smiled. “Let me show you.”

  She slithered her way up Huw’s body again and then retreated, brushing her body all along his until her face was in line with his thick erection. All through the hours of sex they’d shared, she’d felt his cock in her, but hadn’t had the chance to explore it in all its glory.

  “Your cock is the most beautiful cock I’ve ever seen.” She breathed hot moist air over the tip of his cock as she fisted his base in one hand and cupped his balls in her other. Precum glistened on his purpled glans. �
�Like that?” She licked the pearly fluid away, cleaning his cockhead thoroughly. His cum was salty and sweet like a taffy she’d once had on Mars.

  “Oh, Diew! Yes-s-s-s!” Huw’s words came out on a sibilant hiss of pleasure. “More … please.”

  “Oh, baby, this is what I’ve wanted to do ever since I felt you in me the first time.”

  She ran her teeth lightly down the heavily veined column of his cock. “I love sucking cock.”

  A stream of Prime words flowed from Huw. Nadia couldn’t understand most of the words, but suspected they were both foul and praising. She took him in her mouth and hummed. Another spate of words. His hands were on her head, holding her. She sucked him in and out of her mouth using only her facial muscles.

  Huw used his hands to force her to move more vigorously on his cock. She let him since it was what she wanted to do.

  Hunched over his loins, she fondled his balls with one hand, balls so big she could barely hold onto both of them, and fucked his cock with her mouth. Huw set the rhythm, but when she sensed his balls tightening to come, she released his balls. Then she squeezed and pulled at the base of his cock, stopping the climax.

  Huw roared above her head. “What…?”

  She released her grip on the base of his shaft and began the rhythm Huw had shown her once more. This time her other hand stroked the seam running down his ball sac with little forays to his perineum. And as he was about to come, she stopped him again.

  Huw’s growls were now mixed with groans. In between the sounds, he muttered, “Please, lubha … good, Diew, it is so good … ansu bhau, Nadia, just wait…” His words disintegrated into streams of Prime words and her name.

  Smiling around her mouthful of cock, Nadia dared to tempt the beast lying under the surface of Huw’s iron control. God knew her man was being so good. Time to let the beast roar. Her own arousal was near boiling. Every time she’d stopped Huw’s pleasure, she’d stopped hers.

  Both of them needed release—and she’d made her point. Each of them had the right to tease and pleasure the other. Sex was a mutual endeavor, a rarefied balancing act of dominance and submission.


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