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Prime Selection

Page 31

by Monette Michaels

  Concerned he’d hurt her, he stopped thrusting and began to pull away.

  Nadia twined her arms loosely about his neck. She dug her fingers into the muscles at the top of his spine, kneading like a she-kitten he’d once owned as a child. “No …

  don’t leave me. Stay … stay in me.”

  She moved her hips in a small, circular motion and clenched his cock, holding him to her with her vaginal muscles. He groaned at the sensation; his cock somehow found even more semen to jet into her depths.

  A small tremor shook Nadia. “I’m not done with you yet, my gemat.” She licked the seam of his upturned lips. “Do you think you can get us to the bed this way?”

  Huw chuckled. “Nadia, my flower, you are as light as a cloud and I’m a big, strong Prime male. Of course I can.” He settled her more closely against him with one arm holding her hips to him and the other went around her upper back. “Nestle your head on my shoulder, cwen. Let me do all the work.”

  “Good.” She snickered into his uniform top. “Someone is still clothed.”

  “I was in a hurry.” He kissed a dainty ear that peeked out of her soft, blonde curls.

  She turned her head and licked his neck, little swipes of her tongue that promised to drive him crazy. His semi-hard cock jerked and stiffened again within her heat.

  “Nadia … don’t start something you might not be able to finish.”

  As he walked them into the bedroom, she lifted her head and scrunched her nose. It was so cute he had to stop and kiss the tip and then took her lips in a leisurely kiss. He ate at her mouth, dipping his tongue inside to play with hers. He groaned and pulled away.

  “Behave, little she-cat. You go to my head too quickly.”

  Nadia snickered and tightened her inner muscles around his revived erection. “I’d say I go to the little head also.”

  Huw laughed. “Both my heads, then.”

  As he resumed the walk to the bed, which seemed like light-years away rather than a few meters, Nadia ran her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. He shuddered and chill bumps pebbled his skin. When she traced his gemat mark through his shirt, he swore under his breath.

  Nadia giggled. “When Mel first told me the marks were erogenous zones, I didn’t believe her.” Her body shuddered against him. Nadia moaned and shoved at his uniform top. “We need to figure out how to get your clothes off without your penis slipping out of me.”

  “We’ll figure something out. And if the worst happens and I slip out for a second or two, I know how to put it back in you.” He assured her in a husky voice. “The One knows I could live inside your body. All that sweet heat bathing my cock is the closest thing to the Eternal I can think of.”

  Nadia nuzzled his neck. “Being compared to heaven is a good way to get a lot of sex out of me, gemat.”

  “I plan to compliment you frequently and compare you to all the deities of all the religions in the galaxy if it will keep you close to me.”

  Huw lowered Nadia to the bed and followed her down; he managed to keep his cock fully inside her. The motion had them both groaning.

  “Relax, now.” Huw braced himself on his forearms above her. “Let your legs fall to the bed.” He hadn’t understood how she’d kept them around him as long as she had.

  “I don’t think I can.”

  Huw reached back and carefully pulled her legs off his hips where she’d locked them around him. She groaned and winced. “Cramps?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  Huw pushed up and sat back on his knees. His cock twitched, complaining at the loss of her tight heat. Ignoring his little brain, he picked up one of Nadia’s long, sleek legs and massaged it. “I love your legs.”

  He lifted her foot to his lips and kissed her arch as he kneaded her calf. As he moved his fingers up her leg to her thighs, he kissed her ankle. Then he repeated the actions to the other leg.

  “God, that is so good.” She shuddered delicately under him. She peeked at him from between her thick, dark lashes so in contrast with her pale hair and golden skin. “I miss you, Huw. I need you in me again.” She reached for his erection and slid the tip of one finger up and down his turgid length. “Bring that here.”

  Nadia left his cock and moved a finger to sweep through the glistening, blonde curls on her mound. When she thrust her finger inside and pulled it out, he captured the finger and suckled it, cleaning it thoroughly. He loved the taste of her sweet cream.

  “Huw … please?” Nadia arched off the bed, pushing her hips up as she pulled his cock to her.

  “One moment. Patience, lubha.” Huw wanted skin-to-skin contact this time. He kissed the tips of her fingers and then placed her hand on the bed. “Patience.”

  His gaze never left her as he tore his shirt from his body and rose from the bed long enough to get his boots and pants off. When he came back to her, he slid into her welcoming arms and pussy.

  Their mutual groan said it all. They were home, safe for now, in one another’s arms.

  Safe enough to spend what remained of their off-duty hours to make love, sleep, and make love again. He didn’t think he would ever tire of being with his woman in this way.

  Nadia raised her head and nipped his chin. “Move those hips, Caradoc.”

  A fierce love soared within his heart and mind and soul. Her receptive body and amorous touches and thoughts told him all he needed to know—she loved him. Adored him. And needed him to take her to the heights of pleasure once more.

  “My gemate has only to ask…” he leaned down to rake her lower lip with his teeth, “…and I will provide.” Bracing himself, he gave her what she asked for. A pounding, hard rhythm that moved her body up and down the mattress under him.

  She clasped his upper arms and arched into each thrust, matching the demanding pace he set. With each push, she groaned, and with each pull, she mewled. “Harder.

  Harder. I want to fly … make me fly.”

  “Mine!” He took her lips, his tongue mimicking the thrust and retreat of the sexual dance.

  Nadia curled around him, clutching him to her with arms and legs. He touched her mind and found her climax was close; he fed it with his own impending pleasure. She clung to him tightly; she was afraid he’d leave her before she climbed the precipice and fell over the edge.

  “We’ll fall together, lubha . I won’t leave you.”

  “God, Huw, harder. I’m so close … so close.”

  She drew on his tongue with a frantic suction that had him rumbling deep in his chest. But when she scraped her short nails down his back to sink into his buttocks, he came. He growled his pleasure into her mouth and willed her to come. She screamed her climax into his hungry mouth.

  The waves of pleasure flowed over and through them, building upon one another’s feelings until Huw could’ve sworn their souls left their bodies and joined the Eternal for a nanosecond before falling back into them.

  As small aftershocks caused their bodies to tremble against each other, Huw vowed to the One—nothing and no one would ever take this woman from him. And if something should, he would follow her into the Eternal.

  Chapter 26

  One Standard Week later, Tooh 2 Resort

  From a shady poolside table, Huw turned his head to glance at Nadia, Lia, and Mel as they sunned themselves closer to the pool’s edge. The trio looked tanned and happy as they sipped some fruity, pink alcoholic concoction from large glasses decorated with fresh fruit. He was pretty sure they all had a buzz going on.

  His Nadia was damn cute and amorous when tipsy. He couldn’t wait to take her back to their hotel suite to make love in the huge sunken tub again; they’d practically drowned each other the first time they’d tried it. He thought he had the logistics worked out now.

  Stretching his legs in front of him, he surreptitiously rearranged his cock which had gone from what was a constant semi-erect state since mating with Nadia to fully erect at the thought of his naked, slippery, golden-skinned gemate covered in bubbles and
sitting on his hard-as-titanium cock.

  “Down, Huw.” Wulf chuckled from the chair to his immediate left. “Or resort security will ask you to leave for indecent exposure.”

  Joen who sat on the other side of Wulf laughed.

  Huw shot the two men an ugly glance. His brother grinned and aimed an amused glance at Huw’s crotch.

  When Huw looked down, he swore and pulled his shorts’ waistband up and shoved his cock sideways so the purpled tip didn’t peek out over the top.

  “Not funny, brother.” Huw nodded at Wulf’s lap. “You seem to be having the same problem—but mine’s bigger.”

  Joen snorted his drink out his nose and broke out laughing and coughing at the same time.

  Wulf glared at the communications officer and slapped him on the back—hard— several times. Their women all turned and looked at them. Probably wondering what was so funny.

  “We know what’s funny. Really, Huw, we just had sex an hour ago. And you know as soon as we hit the hotel suite to dress for dinner, we’ll have more sex. So suck it up, zaychik.”

  “Behave, brother,” Huw said to Wulf. “The ladies think we’re sex addicts.”

  Joen saluted the three women with his glass of Valerian whiskey. “And the little darlings would be one hundred per cent correct. It’s nice having a gemate to be intimate with … on all levels.”

  Wulf raised his glass. “I’ll drink to that. My life was empty without my Melina.”

  Huw and Joen tapped their glasses to Wulf’s and then took a drink.

  Huw was grateful to the One for giving him the chance to have such a beautiful, brave, and intelligent woman in his life. He wasn’t at all surprised the other two men felt the same way—for a Prime male of their generation a gemate was a miracle.

  He took in and let out a deep breath of the fresh, salty sea air. Ansu bhau. It was nice to relax with his brother and his friend and not have to worry about being attacked by pirates, Antareans, rebel fanatics, and assorted giant worms for a short while. It was more than nice to have a suite of rooms on one of the most beautiful planets in the outer galactic spirals and to have nothing to do but eat, sleep, have sex with Nadia, and repeat the same for the week of leave they’d been given by Alliance Military Command.

  After securing the situation on IP 568, the Gold crews had taken the captured mercenaries and Antarean crews and their ships back to Tooh 10 for the Alliance Military to deal with, reported to everyone who needed to be reported to, and then were given leave time before the bulk of Gold went back to policing the outer spirals.

  The Galanti, on the other hand, would be traveling in the opposite direction, toward the center of the galaxy. Their destination was the Tau Ceti system and their mission was to pick up the Alliance astrobiologist and geneticist, Dr. Brianna Martin, and her team, and bring them back to Cejuru Prime to set up a reproductive research lab.

  “So?” Wulf asked after taking another sip of his Valerian whiskey. “Do you think we’ll have to carry our women back to our rooms? Or can they hold their alcohol?” His question was precedented on the fact the very helpful poolside waiter had brought the three ladies another round of drinks.

  Joen laughed. “Lia is the smallest of the three. So it is safe to say I’ll at the very least need to offer her an arm. My little doc has no capacity for liquor.” He hummed happily under his breath. “But I think I might just carry her anyway. I love carrying her—she nestles and nuzzles my mark. By the time we make it to our room, we end up on the floor making love.” He beamed proudly as he eyed his mate. “We haven’t made it to the bed yet—well, for the first round of sex, anyway.”

  Wulf saluted Joen with his whiskey, a smile twisting his lips. Huw could tell his brother had had the same experience with Melina. As had Huw with Nadia. His poor cwen had bruises from being taken against the wall, door, floor, over the backs of furniture, and once on the dining table in their suite.

  As a good Prime male, he healed his woman after every round of sex, which led to slower and even more lingering sex. Life was good.

  Well, then again, not always.

  Huw stiffened in his chair as he noticed three enlisted Prime soldiers staring at the women. His low growl had Wulf and Joen joining in. After cautious and scared glances at Huw and the others, the three unattached males beat a hasty retreat.

  “Father just had to go and announce to the Prime people that some Terran women were capable of developing a gemat-gemate relationship,” Huw said. “It’s been like open season ever since.”

  Huw glared at another male, this time a Volusian, who stared at the girls’ hips. The barely there bathing suits did nothing to cover their gemate marks. And with him and the other gemats within calling distance, the gemate marks on the women were in varying stages of arousal. The markings glowed and whirled, putting on quite a show for the casual onlooker.

  Huw covered his mark with his hand and rubbed as if that would help calm it down.

  But the only thing that would effectively ease his mark was Nadia, and he drew the line at public sex acts.

  “It’s as if we’re animals in a zoo.” Wulf glowered at the clueless Volusian.

  “Everyone, no matter the race, wishes to see the markings.”

  “Be reasonable, my friends. We couldn’t keep it a secret any longer.” Joen spoke calmly, the voice of reason among the three males. “We now have ten Prime-Terran couplings in Gold Squad—all with markings resulting after the first sexual intercourse.

  And all the couples so far are displaying battle-mate symptoms. According to my little doc, there are twenty other couples, some of them with Volusian females who are indicating an ability to mark also, under observation on three of Gold’s ten ships. The phenomenon is like a wild beast in the room. People can’t help but notice.”

  “Well, some people had better stop staring at my Nadia.” Huw uttered a low, nasty snarl. “Or I’ll take the bak’s blue-skinned head off.”

  Nadia looked over at Huw, alarm in her eyes. “Huw? You’re projecting rage. What’s wrong?”

  “The Volusian apayebo sitting two lounges away is staring from your breasts to your hip and slobbering all over himself.”

  Nadia laughed, drawing curious glances from the other two women. She pointed to their men, and the women smiled and nodded. Huw could tell his brother and Joen were also communicating with their gemates. The air all around their table shimmered and hummed with the telepathic communications.

  “Come to me, sladkie.” Nadia waved him over. “Give me a kiss and then glare at him. That should handle it … don’t you think? Although, the growling in surround sound scared the three Prime males handily enough.”

  “The Volusian can’t read a Prime male’s batel rabia as easily as another Prime.”

  “Huw … no fighting.” Nadia sent him cool, calming energy, taking his heated emotions down just enough so that he wasn’t vibrating with the urge to castrate the idiot Volusian who probably was completely unaware he was close to death.

  Her sweet touch didn’t last long when the Volusian rose and approached the women.

  “That does it.” Huw shoved out of his chair and was quickly followed by the other two men. Their primal growls echoed around the pool area.

  Nadia met him before he could travel two more steps. Mel and Lia intercepted their men just as quickly.

  “Huw, sladkie…” Nadia stroked a hand down his arm and blocked his forward movement with her body, “…my man does not kill stupid people.”

  She nuzzled the side of his throat, nipping his shoulder before she relaxed into his body. He encircled her with his arms, rubbing his jaw over her blonde curls. He glared at the man who now beat a hasty retreat.

  “Stupid Volusian,” Huw said. “The Alliance needs to send out a memo to all soldiers about staying away from Prime gemates … or there’ll be bloodshed, especially with the Prime males in the early stages of courting.”

  The doctors still didn’t know if the Terran women could break the bond by st
aying away from a Prime male or not. So far, all the mating couples wanted to be mated.

  Getting Dr. Martin and her people to Cejuru Prime and starting a more comprehensive testing of the mating process was more important than ever. “I wanted to kill a lot of men who looked at you before I marked you.” Huw kissed an errant curl touching Nadia’s cheek.

  “But you didn’t.” Nadia brushed a kiss over his tense jaw. “I’ll sit with you in the shade. I’ve had enough sun.”

  Either the other two women had made the same decision or Wulf and Joen had convinced them, since all six of them now sat at the shady table.

  “I’m hungry.” Nadia shot Joen a nasty look when he snickered. “For food, Joen. Get your mind out of the bedroom. It’s not as if you men were suffering…” She shook her head and Huw had to smile at the look of consternation on her face.

  “Cwen,” he took her hand in his and nibbled her fingertips, “we can do nothing but think of making love to our beautiful women.”

  Nadia rubbed her cheek over their clasped hands. “Well, once we’re back on duty …

  you’ve got to give us a break. I have work piled up and I can’t drop everything to meet you for sex every freaking three hours or so.”

  “More like every fricking hour,” mumbled Mel.

  Wulf laughed and kissed Mel’s cheek, which burned bright red. “That’s because we’re on vacation, gemate lubha. We men have some control—and you women have all the control. You just say ‘not now.’ We’re not animals to take you when you don’t want to be taken.”

  Lia snorted delicately. “But you men will attempt to change our minds.” She added under her breath, “Been there, done that.”

  Joen leaned over and nuzzled her ear and whispered something not even Huw could hear with his more than excellent hearing. Whatever the man had said had Lia turning to kiss him on the mouth … and tongue was involved.

  Nadia laughed and turned to Huw to say something. She then stopped. Her frown had him turning to see what had changed her mood from amusement to worry.


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