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Tall, Dark And Polar: A BBW Bear Shifter Romance

Page 4

by Maria Amor

  She continued to think about Marduke. He seemed such a good man, unlike the men she had known in the past. He was so hairy! What would it be like to sleep with a man who had so much fur on his body? She laid back and thought about him. She wished he were there right now. The very thought of him was causing her to feel a sensation she knew well. It was a tingling she felt for a lover. It was a sensation she had shared with too many men. The last man she’d slept with had nearly gotten her killed on the balloon. He had just used her.

  Marduke, on the other hand, was someone with whom she could form a bond. He was the kind of man she had dreamed about, just never had any luck finding. She thought about him some more. What did he look for in a woman? He had to enjoy women with full figures. All the ones she’d seen in the caves were big women, and not just in size. You had to have some meat and potatoes on you to survive in this cold land.

  Susan thought about the corset she once bought. She found it at a store in Toronto on a trip she took down there with some friends. It fit her perfectly and she didn’t mind paying the extra dollars to get one that was custom made. The sales clerk, an older man, had been so kind to her, asking Susan to let him know if she felt uncomfortable in any way while he fitted her. She loved the attention he gave. After a half hour of being fitted, she bought the corset and took it back home. Her latest boyfriend nearly fell over his erection when he saw her wearing it. He couldn’t get his clothes off fast enough. But, he’d gone south for a better job.

  What would Marduke like to see her wearing? Susan had thought he would stay when she gave him the option. She was ready to feel his fur all over, to kiss him everywhere. She wanted to hug him and tell him how much she appreciated everything he’d done for her. But he’d left her and had to attend the council meeting, whatever it was.

  Would he stay if she greeted him the way she was now, all naked and wrapped in the furs on this bed. How did bears mate? There wasn’t internet in these caves and no way to look it up. She’d do her best spoilt little girl pout when he came back. It worked most of the time.

  She thought about what it would be like to have him inside her. It was making her wet just thinking about him. What position did he like? Most of the men she’d let inside her wanted to be on top. She liked the feel of a man on her, but preferred spooning for sex. It made her feel needed and comfortable. It took a while for her to allow a man to have sex without a condom, too many bad diseases out there, and too many men who would tell you they were sterile. Susan had one scare with a missed cycle, didn’t need another. No unplanned pregnancies for her.


  Marduke was sent into the council chambers after he had waited outside two hours. He was racked with concern as he stood by the door to the chamber room. What were they talking about in there? He had a million questions running through his mind. They had to let him have Susan; it was his right. Had he not pointed out the way she was dropped out of the sky to him?

  “We have reached a decision,” Ursula began, “and it was not an easy one.”

  “At least you listened to me.” It was Mari speaking.

  “Enough!” shouted Ursula, “The council has made its conclusion and it is final.”

  Marduke could tell by the look on Mari’s face and some of the others’ the decision had been contested. No matter, whatever they concluded, it could not be debated.

  “Our decision is to let Susan stay,” Ursula proclaimed, a stern look on her face.

  “I thank you…” Marduke began to speak, his joy showing on his face.

  “On two conditions!” Ursula continued.

  The chamber audience became very still.

  “One: she must want to stay with us of her own free will. She can never have contact with the outside world again. Two: an effort must be made to reach the boat where she accidentally was taken from by the balloon. We want no trouble with the men of the southern regions. They are to understand Susan was not kidnapped by our clans.” Ursula stood up and faced the audience. “Our decision is final and recorded according to the will of the Winter Saints. Let no one contest it.”

  She then faced Marduke. “Go inform Susan of our ruling. I will talk with her myself later, and make sure she wants to stay or not.”

  The council began to file out through a side entrance in the chamber. The nine stone chairs were soon vacant and a few of the younger clan members gathered up books and scrolls they had used to reach their findings. Marduke, still wearing the fur cloak he had donned for the hearing, followed them.


  Back on board the ship, the snow had died down to a point where the crew felt it was safe to make landfall. Taking a boat out to an ice bank is never an easy task, and they were provided with a hovercraft for the job. The loss of Susan had cast darkness over the expedition. Everyone knew there would be an accounting once they returned south. But the expedition had to carry out its mission before they headed back.

  Both of the scientists in charge were on the deck of the ship while the hovercraft was being made ready. They were studying the satellite maps of the ice bank, which had shown recent polar bear activity. The bears hadn’t been seen in this area for at least twenty years and something was causing them to move around. If they could plant security cameras on the ice, it might be possible to record their movements remotely.

  “How long do you think this will take?” the captain asked Dr. Jones. He was dreading an insurance review when he returned to port.

  “We should be able to have it all set up in a week or two,” the scientist answered. “It all depends on how long the good weather holds.”

  The ship’s crew was busy with the hovercraft. It had been brought out of storage earlier in the day and was being tested and fitted for use.

  The same man, named John Cook, who had donated the hot air balloon, had paid for the hovercraft. It had been his dream since he was a little boy to duplicate the Swiss explorer Salomon Andree who had tried to reach the North Pole in a balloon in 1897 and failed. Andree and his companions died walking across the ice after their balloon, The Eagle, had landed far from the North Pole. A personal hero to Cook, he had viewed Andree as a tragic figure and had published several articles on the doomed expedition.

  But the balloon was gone. Vanished over the ice with a chef who never should have been allowed inside the basket. Cook watched the men make the final preparations on the hovercraft and seethed inside. Everything he’d dreamed about as a child, destroyed in a second of stupidity. He regretted the loss of the balloon far more than the woman who’d been inside it.

  Still, there was the hovercraft. No one had attempted using one this far north. He’d fitted the machine for the extreme polar weather and still felt it could be used. If he was able to take it far enough inland, the fame might make up for the loss of his balloon. He might be able to obtain his ultimate goal: a duplication of Andree’s balloon and a successful trip in it to the North Pole.

  “I’m going to try it out myself,” Cook informed the scientists, who were shivering on the deck. “If I can make land with it, we’ll start bringing your gear over to the ice.”

  “I wish we had used this thing to find Susan,” Elliot grumbled to one of the other crew members while they were getting the hovercraft ready. The other men glared at him and continued what they were doing. In spite of Elliot’s claims, everyone felt he should have tried to pull her out of the balloon basket when he leapt over the side.

  “I think she’s just about ready,” the captain announced to Cook when he saw one of the crew wave to him.

  The hovercraft was in the lower part of the ship, which opened to the water line. It was designed for tranquil waters and needed minimal sea activity to be launched. The advantage of it over a traditional boat was its ability to move over land and water, so long as the surface it pushed against was still. An array of gas-powered fans gave it lift and two more fans controlled the direction it went. There was room in the pilot’s cabin for four passengers. The base of the hovercraft was open for

  Cook entered it and sealed the door behind him. He’d warmed up the cabin before entering, but it was still plenty cold outside. Taking a deep breath, he started the lift fans after the crew had moved out of the way. The roar of the fans could be deafening at close range and everyone on the deck looked down at him, covering their ears as the skirt around the hovercraft’s perimeter inflated with air. The hovercraft, which had the name Jotunn and a serial number painted on its side, slowly lifted off the base.

  The hold door had already been lowered and the Jotunn was level with the seawater, which was already lapping into it. Another switch and the hovercraft’s directional fans kicked on. Slowly, the Jotunn moved across the arctic waters and out into the sea. From the video in the pilot’s cabin, Cook could watch the hold door closing on the ship. So far, the hovercraft was performing just as he expected. There was no wind to cause problems and the sea was still. He banked it to the right and aimed for the edge of the ice, which ran to the sea line. This would be the real test: could the hovercraft make the transfer from sea to ice land?

  “Jotunn to ship, “he radioed back. “I’m going for landfall.”

  “Roger that,” it was the ship’s radio operator. “Captain says be careful, he doesn’t want to lose anyone else.”

  Cook sniffed in arrogance. He’s spent plenty of hours piloting the hovercraft. If anyone could do it right, it was him. They didn’t even know about the rifle in the cargo hold. They didn’t need to know about it. He kicked the speed up and made for the waterline. There was a thump and the hovercraft was moving safely across the land. No rock outcropping or anything else to slow him down. It had worked.


  Susan awoke to find Marduke standing next to her bed. There was no way to know how long he’d been there or how long she had slept. She was still naked under the furs, waiting for his return. She wanted him to stay this time.

  “What did you find out?” she asked him, looking into his sad eyes.

  “They are going to let you stay,” he told her. “But you have to make the decision to stay here on your own. If you do, you leave the rest of the world behind. No returning.” He paused momentarily, “And,” he continued, “they are sending a party out to the ship you were on to let them know you are here on your own free will, if you want to stay. We don’t need trouble from the men to the south.”

  She reached out, took his hands and looked deeply into Marduke’s eyes. Then she rose from the bed, letting the furs fall from her body. “Do you want me to stay?” She asked.

  “More than anything in the world.”

  Susan put her arms around him. He’d saved her life out on the ice and brought her back. She could have died three times that day, if not for him. She felt the warmth of his body through the cloak he wore and looked up at him again.

  “Kiss me,” she asked. She wanted him in the worst way imaginable. She had nothing outside in which to return. Her father didn’t care about her and her mother was dead. If he loved her, it was all she needed in the world. She wanted to prove her love to him that very moment.

  Marduke put his lips to hers and held the kiss. She felt his beard on her face and reached behind to grab him by the hair of his head. She pulled him down with her on the furs and began kissing his face. He responded by pulling her back to him and thrusting his tongue down her throat. Susan opened her mouth and ran her tongue over his teeth and lips. She nipped his lip with her teeth and ran her hands under his cloak to feel the soft fur on his chest. Her leg still hurt and she managed to keep it out of the way.

  “Make love to me,” she said in his ear. “I want all you have. I want to be with you. I want to be your mate. There is nothing for me to go back to. I’m not the same kind of person you are, but I can be the wife you need. I can’t replace what you’ve lost, but I can do my best to make you feel loved.”

  He unclasped his cloak, held in place with a pin, which resembled a bear claw, and laid it next to the bed. Susan lay on one side and smiled at her lover as he undressed. She smoothed back the hair on her head and pulled back one leg to give him a better view of her body. He took off his jacket and placed it next to the cloak. His boots followed and then he stood there in his breeches. She wanted to take them off him, but he stepped out and placed them next to his jacket and cloak. Then he stood and faced her, naked.

  She’d seen his naked body earlier, but was coming out of a faint after witnessing his transformation to bear. This time, she could fully appreciate him. His body was firm and hairy. A soft layer of fur ran all down his front and to his legs. It was more than the average man had on him, but no so much that he looked like an ape. Now she could see his erect manhood under the fur. It had its own layer of fuzz, as most men had on theirs. He was uncircumcised, which wasn’t surprising either. It was a little bit bigger than the other men she’d been with, but not enormous. She couldn’t wait to feel it inside her.

  He crawled into the bed with Susan and pulled the furs over them both. He began kissing her neck, and then turned her over to nibble at the back of her neck. She told him how much she enjoyed what he was doing and to keep doing it. He brought his hands around to hold onto her large breasts and she could feel the fur of his body rubbing against her back. She felt his manhood throbbing against her butt and the sensation drove her wild. She reached around and gave it a squeeze, telling him she was ready to take him inside her right then.

  He opted to rub her back, telling her he wanted to make sure she was ready for him. Susan sighed, feeling his hands on her and rubbed against his cock some more. She remembered he couldn’t breed with her, so protection wasn’t an issue. She wondered how it would feel when he came inside her. She was going to hold him in her as long as possible. It was too bad she was getting most of the pleasure from what was happening; she wanted him to feel as good as she did.

  Susan rolled over and began to massage his chest with her hands. He took each hand and kissed it. She sat up next to him and began working her hands down his chest to between his legs. Susan held his cock and felt it. It was nice and firm, no problems here with a man who couldn’t perform. She wanted to stroke him, make him know how much she cared. Instead, she leaned over and kissed it on the side, then leaned back.

  He took her good leg and began kissing it, working his way down between her legs. When he reached the inside of her knee, Susan was ready to scream, it felt so good. He took the leg and placed it over his shoulder as his mouth reached the place between her legs. Susan stiffened up and moved his head just where she wanted it.

  Then his lips found her sweet spot.

  She thrashed back and forth on the bed and finally had to push his head away. She wanted to have a deep orgasm from him inside her; his oral lovemaking was just the introduction. She grabbed his back and pushed him on top of her. Their mouths met and the kiss was very deep as she slid under him, pushing her wetness into his fur.

  “Were you the one who shaved me down there when I was out sick?” she asked him in a whispery voice.

  “I was,” he answered as Susan felt him slide into her.

  She gasped again and spread her legs wide to allow him as much penetration as possible. He felt wonderful inside her. She could feel him thrusting slowly in and out. He kissed her mouth repeatedly. She had never felt so wonderful in her entire life.

  “Oh, God,” she said as the orgasm started building inside her. “You’re making me cum hard. Please slow down a little I want to feel it all.”

  He began thrusting with less power, making certain she could feel him move.

  “I want you to cum first,” he told her.

  Susan came the next second. She had never been so verbal in her lovemaking. This time, she let out a yell as the orgasm rocked her body. She grabbed Markduke’s hairy back and pushed her face into the fur on his chest, speaking incomprehensible words as the pleasure washed over her.

  Then she felt him start to cum. She felt his manhood began pulsing, much more intense than any man who h
ad ever been inside her. She felt him twitch and knew he was cumming. Then she felt the cum inside her. It wasn’t warm; his was hot. Not so hot to hurt her, but hot enough to let her know he had just climaxed. She even felt the pressure of the spurts, something she didn’t even think was possible. Then he was finished, lying on top of her.

  They lay next to each other, holding hands. Susan couldn’t believe how strong he had felt inside her. And the climax, hers was tremendous; at one point she had almost passed out. Feeling his hairy body on top of her was something she had dreamed about since waking up in this place. She wanted to stay in bed with Marduke the rest of her life. He appreciated her body and didn’t just want her for a quick bit of relief. He had made her feel needed and wanted. He’d even made sure her orgasm had taken place before his.

  His climax…was indescribable. She felt all of it. From the moment he had begun to reach orgasm to the final gush inside her. It was still there and she could feel the heat draining away, but could enjoy it. Feeling the pressure of his squirt, this was a new sensation. She turned and looked at her lover who, like her, was covered with a thin layer of sweat. She squeezed his hand and brought it to her lips, kissing it.

  “That was one of the most wonderful things anyone has ever done to me,” she told him. “I know it was the first time I have ever made love to one of you. Was it the first time you have ever been with a woman like me?”

  Marduke pulled her to him and stroked her hair. “Yes. We don’t mix with the men from the south. They don’t understand us and have tried to kill all of us in the past. So, we don’t have sex with anyone outside the clans.”

  Susan began stroking the hair back from his cock to look at it better. As she had thought, not much difference than a regular man’s. But, oh, what it could do. She began kissing around it and his balls, which were equally covered with a thick layer of hair. She took his member in one hand and pushed him back down on the furs with the other. Was he ready to go again? She couldn’t have enough of what he'd given her.


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