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Me and My Ghoulfriends

Page 10

by Rose Pressey

  No walking around, no whispering and no late night karaoke. They all promised—all but one. Mrs. Williams. She was still angry with me for not contacting her husband. I needed to invest in a good pair of earplugs.

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  Chapter 10

  The next morning, I woke up to Mrs. Williams singing as loud as she could in my ear. Her song of choice was I Will Survive.

  Very funny. Surprisingly, she had respected my wishes and waited until morning before beginning her recital. Technically, I had said: Don't sing during the night.

  I tried to ignore it at first, covering my ears with my pillow, but when she saw me do that, she glided over and sat down on the bed beside me, leaning in close. On her final off-key glory note, I jumped out of bed.

  I simply had to get rid of her STAT. I didn't need her as my alarm clock.

  After Mindy forcing me to attend her sleuthing excursion, I was feeling confused and rather downhearted. Was something really going on between Callahan and Brianna, or was Mindy exaggerating? She wouldn't make it up on purpose, but honestly, sometimes she didn't see things as they really were.

  After a quick shower, I grabbed a protein bar and trudged my way to work like a chicken with an egg broken inside it. I pulled my coupe up to the curb in front of Book Nook and sat there for a while, gazing out onto the street in front of me.

  Apprehension consumed me and I didn't know why. Where was I going with my life? Nearly all of my friends were dead people. I guess I would call them friends, except for Mrs. Williams. I went around talking to the thin air, and I struggled to hide the fact from everyone. Mindy and my family were the only people who knew about the abilities.

  I was confused about Callahan. I had thought our date had gone really well, and then, the minute I'd left town, he'd cozied up with someone else. Maybe Mindy just thought she'd seen them together. Maybe it wasn't at all like it seemed. Then again, that was probably wishful thinking on my part.

  Perhaps I was doomed to be forever boyfriend-less. Instead of a lonely cat lady, with a million cats to talk to, I'd be the lonely ghost lady, with a million ghosts to talk to. Even if I did get a boyfriend, would I ever to able to share my supernatural secret with him? I'd never been able to in the past.

  I forced myself out of my car and to the front door, never looking at the coffee shop just steps away. As I opened up the store and turned the sign to Come on in, my gang of ghosts trudged past me like they were reporting for work as well. We really had developed our own little routine. Basically, they followed me everywhere I went, whatever my routine was, it was theirs too.

  "You really should organize these books better. I can't find anything,” Abe said.

  I rolled my eyes. Oh yeah, and all of them were full of advice.

  "She's too man crazy to do something like that,” Mrs. Williams snorted.

  I ignored her nasty comment.

  Midway through the store sat the counter, secure against the left wall. That was my space for most of the days I spent at work. I completed transactions there. I ate my breakfast and lunch there when people weren't watching, and I did my fair share of daydreaming there as well. Like today.

  Instead of getting work done, I was staring at a shelf of books and daydreaming. What I wouldn't do for one of those delicious lattes...

  I had my chin propped up on my hands as I stared out at the shelves of books in front of me. Maybe I should just sneak over real quick and grab a tasty chocolate covered cherry latte. What harm could that cause? Possibly, if there were a lot of customers I wouldn't even have to talk to Callahan much, and I could snatch my order and dash out.

  No, I had to be strong and not give in to my caffeine addiction. Because that's all it was really, just my caffeine-fiend thoughts swirling around in my mind.

  Besides, I was angry with him anyway, way too angry to stroll into his shop. All right, too angry or too hurt? I think maybe it was both.

  I thought of myself as a pretty good catch. I was independent, strong and, I've been told, pretty, so what was the problem? He didn't even know that I saw dead people. And I don't advertise my ghost hunting. Not that I'm ashamed of it or anything. But some people do like to label anything dealing with the paranormal as just silliness. Those same people always come around at Halloween time, though, wanting to be spooked and to know everything about ghost hunting.

  Luckily, it had turned out to be a busy day and I'd forgotten about my desire for coffee and ... All right, I'll admit it, my minor craving for a peek at Callahan. The hectic grind had also kept my mind off of the bombshell Mindy had laid on me—that Callahan and Brianna appeared to be a couple.

  I'd even gotten a call to check out a haunted location in New York. Now that really would get my mind off of things. Look out New York, here I come. I told them I'd make arrangements and call them later in the week to confirm. It would probably be a couple of weeks before I could get away, but it would be an adventure. I'd always wanted to visit the Statue of Liberty.

  Yes, with all the activity, I hadn't had time to think about Callahan and his sweet kisses, or the way his hands had felt while holding me tight, and the way his smile made me feel.

  I'd just finished helping a customer and was guiding them to the register when the bell tinkled in my ear, letting me know another customer had entered. That coupon I'd placed in the local paper sure was paying off. I looked over to greet them and then, in an instant, my stomach sank. Moving down the aisle, coming toward me, was Callahan, looking as handsome as ever.

  Needless to say, I was shocked that he was there. I'd just accepted what Mindy had told me to be reality. If she'd said Callahan was with Brianna, then it must be true. I'd assumed I'd never talk to him again. At least I'd only talk to him if I'd gone to his shop or, perhaps one day, run into him in the grocery store, or something like that. But instead, he was standing in the middle of Book Nook looking as handsome as ever.

  Was it possible for him to look better than he had before I'd left? What was he doing? Why was he paying me a visit?

  He smiled his broad smile at me, and I couldn't help but get a tingle all over.

  Did he get that feeling when he looked at me? Or did he get that feeling for every woman he saw? As long as I lived, I'd never be able to understand men. They can be inane, completely immature and sometimes downright cruel. What's that saying? Men: can't live with them, can't live without them.

  After looking up to see who I was staring at, Abe gave me a sympathetic look as he walked closer to hear what was about to be said. Abe beamed at Callahan.

  Did he not realize the man was a potential womanizer? Mr. Yummy was accused of one of the worst dating offensives possible. Did Abe think I was supposed to be forgiving of that?

  I wasn't sure how things had worked in 1865, but in this day and age it wasn't going to work that way. Not for me, at least.

  I turned my gaze over to Vivian and she had the same he's-a-good-guy look in her eyes. I wasn't buying it though; I wasn't giving in to his charms that easily.

  Callahan looked over his shoulder.

  Damn, he must have seen me looking at Vivian. I wanted to shoo Vivian and Abe away, but that would be painfully obvious. Me waving frantically at invisible things over his shoulder. How would I explain that? Oh, don't worry Callahan, I'm just brushing off President Lincoln and some long dead southern belle. Never mind me. He'd call for a straight jacket for sure.

  Callahan cleared his throat. “How was your trip?” He held out his hand and offered me the cup of steaming coffee in it.

  "Fine.” I grabbed the cup and set it down. I didn't want to be too rude, but not too friendly, either. I couldn't believe he'd brought me coffee. I wondered if it was chocolate covered cherry.

  "I just wanted to tell you, again, what a wonderful time I had the other night."

  I bet he says that to all the girls. I imagined he had a wonderful time with Brianna as well.

  "I kept an eye on your store for you, even though I knew your fri
end was there. I figured I could help out some, too."

  That wasn't the only thing he'd kept his eye on.

  "Thank you,” I said.

  I fidgeted and shifted my feet. Having him standing that close in front of me made me nervous. To my surprise, judging by the expression on Callahan's face, he looked nervous, too.

  "I was wondering if you'd like to go out again tonight. That's if you're not busy.” His voice was almost a whisper.

  I had to strain just to hear him. Why was he whispering? It was almost as if he was afraid someone would hear him, but for all he knew, we were completely alone.

  He couldn't see what I could see or hear what I could hear. Could he? Could he see the ghostly apparitions moving effortlessly around the room? Could he hear the whispers and chatter from the corners of the spaces?

  Callahan was patiently staring at me, waiting for an answer.

  I hated being put on the spot like that. Abe and Vivian were pacing behind Callahan nodding yes, vigorously. It wasn't fair for me, three against one. I could tell him I was busy, but I never had been a good liar. He'd see right through my fib.

  Maybe I should give him one more chance, see if he mentions Brianna. Mindy may kill me, though, but for whatever crazy reason, I decided to take my chances.

  "What did you have in mind?"

  I took another sip of my drink, trying to appear casual. He had remembered chocolate covered cherry. Too bad I didn't have the will power not to drink his coffee.

  "Maybe we could grab some pizza after work? I really had a great time the other night, Larue. I really want to get to know you better.” A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

  All right, now I was convinced he was up to something. I had to say yes, just so I could get to the bottom of it, and find out what his motives really were. Seriously, that's a legitimate reason. It wasn't because of his baby blues. Most certainly not.

  "I like pizza.” I said softly. Now I was sounding downright aloof.

  Callahan furrowed his brow and frowned. I think he was confused by my detachment.

  "Would you like to go right after work or later than that? I'm free all night, so just tell me when."

  "How about seven?” I said in a lighter tone. I didn't want to be too harsh.

  "Sounds good, can I pick you up?"

  No way.

  "I have some things to do first, so I'll just meet you at the restaurant. I suppose we're going to Pie in the Sky?"

  Considering that was the only real pizza place in town, I'd assumed that was where he'd meant. I smiled at him, and he still looked a little bothered by my behavior from before, so I almost felt sorry for him. I say almost because I suddenly had a vision of Brianna flash through my mind.

  Abe and Vivian were beaming as they glanced back and forth between me and Callahan, apparently happy with their matchmaking abilities. Mrs. Williams was quietly watching the scene from the corner of the room. Thankfully, she wasn't singing or badgering me, although she'd probably just follow me on my date and then break out into song.

  The longer she had to wait for me to speak to her husband the more aggressive she became. Last night I had stopped by and tried to talk to him, but he just wouldn't talk to me. The poor guy was really depressed.

  I'd promised her I'd keep trying, but it wasn't fast enough to suit her. The longer it took, the angrier she got.

  "I'll see you at the restaurant. I'm really looking forward to tonight,” Callahan grinned.

  If I didn't answer that statement, I knew for sure he'd think I didn't like him anymore. But did it really matter what he thought? From what Mindy said, by all accounts Brianna and Callahan were together, but just how together I didn't know. I was so confused.

  "I'm looking forward to it too,” I finally managed to answer.

  He smiled, turned and walked to the door. Turning his head, he gave one more grin, and then strolled out the door.

  I tried to sound normal, like I didn't have suspicions in my mind. As I watched him disappear around the corner, I wondered what I'd just gotten myself into. Why on earth was I agreeing to a date? Indubitably it was because he was gorgeous.

  As soon as he was out of sight, I called Mindy to tell her what I'd agreed to. When she answered, I abruptly chickened out.

  "What's up?” she said merrily into the phone.

  Her cheery tone scared me away from breaking the news to her over the phone. Although, over the phone, she couldn't kill me.

  "Where are you?” I asked casually.


  "Are you coming over?"

  "As a matter of fact, I am."

  Just then the bell tinkled, grabbing my attention.

  "I'm here now,” Mindy said as I looked at her walking through the door, cellphone at her ear.

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  Chapter 11

  "Where are the doughnuts?"

  "You said you didn't want doughnuts. You need to lose five pounds, remember? Besides, doughnuts are for mornings."

  "I know I said that, but I'm shocked you really believed me. And doughnuts are for any time, not just mornings.” I laughed.

  She shrugged. “You tell me to do something and I do it."

  "Yeah, right. You never do anything I tell you to do."

  "Do you think we can hang up now?"

  We both giggled and clicked our phones shut in unison.

  "Where did you get that?” she shrieked, pointing at the tall paper cup perched on the counter.

  "I ... um...” I was in serious trouble.

  "Spit it out, now. I want all the details of how this hot, steaming cup of coffee got here.” Mindy snatched up the cup and waved it in the air. “I know it's not an old cup because it still has steam coming off it,” she barked.

  "Callahan brought it to me,” I mumbled.

  "Why?” Mindy plopped her giant purse down on the counter.

  I shrugged.

  "You do know why. Save yourself the agony and tell me now."

  I gave her a sheepish grin.

  "I can't believe you are talking to him after I specifically told you not to. I told you he was with that tart. You shouldn't even let him in the door. Ban him from setting foot in this place."

  "He asked me out for another date,” I mumbled, thinking maybe she wouldn't hear me. Maybe she would just drop the subject. Who was I kidding?

  "I hope you told him no and where to go. And hopefully you told him where to stick this coffee cup of his as well.” She gave me a furious glare.

  "Actually, I told him yes.” I almost ducked, afraid she might smack me.

  Surprisingly, very calmly, she said, “And why did you do that?” She enunciated every word.

  "Because we're not sure what he was doing. Granted, I don't want to date him if he is with Brianna. But you really just saw them talking, and nothing else. I figure perhaps I can maybe just come out and ask him what he was doing. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt."

  "Good luck with that. Where are you going?” She turned her face from me and looked out the window. No doubt she was giving me the cold shoulder.

  "For pizza."

  "Just be careful, Larue. I don't want you to get hurt.” She looked at me again. This time her glare was replaced with a look of worry.

  "How can I get hurt?"

  "Like he could break your heart—that's how you can get hurt."

  "I would never let that happen."

  "Oh, just like you didn't let it happen in college with John?"

  "Yeah, well I learned my lesson after him. I'd never let that happen again."

  Mindy walked over to the window to look out.

  I knew she was upset with me, but I felt I was doing the right thing. For once, I wanted to do what I wanted to do, not what everyone else told me to do. I was sorry she felt bad, but it was something I had to do. I didn't walk over to Mindy, I thought I'd let her have her space.

  After a few minutes she broke the silence.

  "Come here and look at this,�
� Mindy said, beckoning me over to the window.

  "What is it?” The concern in her voice had me worried.

  I scurried over as quickly as I could. “Is someone hurt?"

  "Why does she have those black candles in a circle like that?"

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Hold on.” Mindy walked back to the counter and yanked down her purse, bringing it back over to our spot in front of the window. She reached inside, her arm thrust in up to her elbow. Then she whipped out her trusty binoculars. I should have known she'd drag those out.

  "Put those down! She's going to see you."

  At first Mindy didn't reply, intent on spotting her target. Like she was hunting her prey. She was a woman on a mission.

  Finally, she responded, “She can't see over here. Besides, she's too busy with her weird séance-voodoo-creepy thing."

  "She has candles. I don't think candles constitute voodoo or whatever. And, by the way, if you can see her, she can see you.” I waved my finger at her.

  "Look at the way those candles are flickering. Don't you think they look a bit strange?"

  "Oh gosh. Candles that are flickering? They do look strange, now that I think about it. Wait, maybe you should call the Fire Marshall?” I giggled at my own joke.

  "Is she religious? Maybe that's why she has all the candles.” Mindy gave me a serious look, searching my face for my answer.

  I looked at her for a second, then said, “I heard she dated a preacher once. Is that close to being religious?"

  We exchanged glances, then burst into laughter.

  Mindy thrust the binoculars at me. “Here, have a look for yourself, and tell me what you think."

  I stuck the big things up to my face, not sure what I'd see. I figured it would just be a bunch of candles.

  As I peered through the binoculars across the street I saw that Brianna had candles around her, and she had her eyes closed. She looked kind of peaceful with the glowing candles all encircling her.

  "I have to admit it is really strange."

  "So what do you think she is doing?"


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