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Seal's Professor: A Military Roommate Romance

Page 33

by Piper Sullivan

  His response caught me off guard and I could only smile, “I’m serious Caleb, what would I have told Braden?”

  The door to the room opened unexpectedly and I turned to see who entered expecting Samson, but instead it was two men I haven’t seen before.

  “Mr. Hayes, I’m from the Daily Tribune…” one of them started and I instantly got my back up and glared at them.

  “Have you no consideration, you can see he’s not well, get out of here this instant!” I ground out and went to stand between Caleb and the parasites.

  “Are you Miss Callaway, the mother of his child?”

  God, he was relentless. I was about to attack him physically when Caleb spoke up.

  “It’s okay Rae, I can handle this,” he said.

  I hesitated and then stepped aside.

  Caleb looked at me and then at the reporter, “For the record, Miss Rae Callaway is the mother of my child, and no, I’m not going to fight for custody. I plan on marrying her,” he said and then glanced my way.

  I was too overwhelmed to say anything; my mouth fell open and closed a few times.

  “That is if she will have me,” he continued while the reporter’s camera man clicked away taking photos.

  I glanced at Caleb and caught him watching me. What just happened? He just stated to the reporter that he wanted to marry me. I was sure it was his concussion speaking, so I moved closer and leaned down to whisper, “You don’t have to pretend for the press, they can make their own conclusions, I don’t really care, I just want you to get better.”

  “I’m not pretending, it’s the truth, I am in love with you.”

  Shocked I sat down not trusting my own legs, even the reporter and camera man stood silently watching. I knew I had to say something but words failed me, so instead I leaned over and pressed my lips against his.

  “Is that a yes or a maybe?” he asked against my lips.

  “It’s a maybe, first get better so that you can get on your knees to propose,” I whispered and then kissed him, the other people in the room forgotten.


  Two months later Braden and I went with Samson to meet Caleb at his physiotherapist. He had been working hard to get back on his feet, and was finally able to take more than twenty steps before having to rest. When I entered the rehabilitation centre it was decorated with gold balloons and white roses all over the place. At the far end, I spotted Damien and his fiancée standing among the staff along with a bunch of really big bulky men who I could only assume were Celeb’s rugby mates. Caleb stood near the parallel walking bar in a suit. I glanced around the room and slowly approached him with Braden holding my hand.

  Caleb looked at me and smiled and with the help of his physiotherapist he went down on one knee and held out a little velvet box.

  “Rae Callaway, I’m on my knees finally, so will you do me the honour of being my partner in crime?” he said with a grin. Around us everyone stood holding their breaths and waiting in anticipation, some of the women were dabbing tears from their eyes and I was pretty close to tears myself.

  I looked down at Braden and then asked him, “So do you want Caleb to be your real dad?”

  Braden didn’t even wait; he launched at Caleb and hugged him tightly. I smiled and went down on my knees then leaned in and kissed him, “I would want nothing more,” I said softly and Caleb slid the ring unto my trembling finger.

  Finally, my life was starting to get direction, my son finally accepted me as his only mother, while I had the love of my life right by my side, nothing could be more prefect that this.



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  A Family By Christmas

  Chapter 1

  “What am I going to do?” Lucy asked in a voice high with desperation. She paced the small living room of the apartment she shared with her four-year-old son Jacob.

  “Call him,” her brother Chris advised softly from the other end of the phone receiver held to her ear. “You’ve kept this from him long enough. Do you have any idea how hard it was keeping it from Mom and Dad?” he demanded.

  Lucy laughed hysterically. The mere thought of rich, famous Joe Landers finding out he has a secret son would make huge headlines and that was the main reason she’d kept it from him. She didn’t want her son exposed to that kind of life.

  “You never should have kept this from him,” Chris admonished and she rolled her eyes at the years’ old argument.

  “I never should have told you,” she snapped and instantly felt guilty. It wasn’t Chris’s fault that she’d fallen for her brother’s gorgeous best friend from college. She’d met Joe a little over five years ago, while she, herself, was only a college sophomore.

  Joe had come back to town to act as best man for Chris’s wedding and after one alcohol-hazed night, he’d left Erie, Pennsylvania and Lucy in his rearview mirror. The town wasn’t affected as much as Lucy – she’d been pregnant with Joe’s child. He’d gone on to sign with the St. Louis Cardinal’s professional baseball team and now had a recurring multi-million dollar contract. He loved his high-rolling celebrity lifestyle and the spotlight it gave him. He’d gone on record numerous times saying how he wasn’t the type to settle down with just one woman and he adamantly claimed not to want children.

  Lucy, a straight-A student, who loved nothing but studying and collecting books, couldn’t stand the thought of her son being used as fodder for some money-grubbing newspaper or tabloid trash. So, she’d kept Jacob’s existence a secret. It had worked fine for four years now.

  Chris inhaled deeply on the other end of the call. Having moved to San Francisco, California shortly after getting married, he kept in constant contact with his little sister. Ever since she’d gotten pregnant and refused to reveal the father, their parents had virtually disowned her. They’d died in a freak car accident a month before Jacob was born. Chris was the only family she had left.

  “You can’t do this alone, Luce,” her brother said. “You’re gonna need help.”

  “And you’re sure neither you nor Amber can come?” she asked again. He’d already told her they couldn’t get the time off of work, but it didn’t hurt to ask again.

  “I’m sorry, sweet pea, I wish we could, but Amber just got this big promotion and I need all the hours I can clock for the mortgage. I know it sounds like we’re brushing you off, but I promise you, I’m not. It’s killing me to know I’m letting you down, but I can’t take any time off until next month and then God Himself won’t stop me. You just need to make it until then…” He trailed off.

  “And it isn’t like I can get a babysitter,” Lucy admitted. “This is a 24/7 clinic and they won’t let Jacob stay with me.” No matter how badly she didn’t want to call on Joe, she slowly realized she had no other choice.

  “So, bite the bullet and call him. If he’s an ass, then you let me know and I’ll beat him senseless,” Chris threatened. “But honestly, I can’t see him turning his back on his own flesh and blood.”

  Lucy caved at her brother’s trust and faith in his longtime best friend. Maybe she had been wrong about Joe, maybe she did owe it to him. Mind made up, she decided she’d call him and ask him for help, but she refused to throw Jacob in the line of fire just yet. If Joe came and actually showed some interest in being with her son, then maybe she’d tell him. Only time would tell.

  Chapter 2

  Joe Landers ran his fingers through his spiky, black hair and laughed at the naughty girl sitting next to him. She leaned against him, her breasts pressed as tightly against his bicep as possible and whispered really interesting things in his ear. Or, at least what he managed to hear was naughty. The pounding bass pumping through the club’s speakers managed to drown out pretty much everything. Her makeup seemed exotic but he knew the flashi
ng, fluorescent lights always camouflaged the smallest flaws. Even though she looked like Marilyn Monroe at the moment, she was probably more of a Molly Toothless in reality. But hell, he didn’t care. His bear goggles were on tight and he was ready for whatever ride she provided.

  “C’mon baby,” she cooed and scooted across to exit the leather booth seat, her hand grabbing his and urging him along behind her. “Let’s go someplace a little quieter.”

  Joe nodded and tossed a few bills on the table to cover their drinks and followed her lead. Once on his feet, he slung his arm around her shoulders and laughed when they both weaved and wobbled their way to the door. Shoving through the blacked-out door, he inhaled sharply when the cold Missouri air hit him square in the face. Shaking his head to dispel the ringing in his ears, he frowned when it didn’t work. The girl squinted down at his jacket pocket.

  “I think your pocket’s ringing,” she slurred and then giggled.

  Joe pulled away from her and dug in his pocket until he found the offensive little device. Pulling it out, a familiar face from years ago flashed across his screen and he sobered in a hurry. But before he could hit the send button to answer, the connection dropped. His eyes flicked to the signal strength on his screen and he noted he had full service. Had she lost connection? The little screen went black as he stood there and let his thoughts run wild. He’d had it pretty bad for his best friend Chris’s little sister ever since he first laid eyes on her. Joe had rolled into town to act as best man for his bud’s wedding and this little slip of a college sophomore flat-out stole his breath. He remembered that day as clear as if it were yesterday. He’d pulled his rental car up in front of the Conlay’s modest brick home. A petite girl with a long, bouncy ponytail knelt in the front yard gathering the contents of a spilled bag. He’d rushed from his car to help her scoop the books and papers before the wind carried them away. Contents safely returned to her backpack, they rose and the moment their eyes met, Joe’s heart lurched in excitement. He faced five-feet-seven-inches of the most adorable bookworm he’d ever met; her big, brown, doe-eyes nearly cut him off at the knees. He still remembered what she’d been wearing that day as well: a yellow sundress with a pair of those little white tennis shoes. Shaking his head to clear the lustful fog settling over him, he swiped the screen to the right and held his hand up to his drunken date, motioning for her to be quiet. He then waited for Lucy to answer the call. She picked up on the fourth ring.

  “Joe?” she whispered. “I’m sorry it’s so late, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “Nah Luce,” he scoffed. “It’s good to hear from you. What’s it been – six years?” he asked and batted his hand when the drunken woman grabbed at his arm, her face scrunched in a jealous sneer.

  “More like five years, give or take a few months,” she answered drolly.

  Joe laughed at her sassiness, his gut feeling a warmth that had nothing to do with alcohol. He’d instantly fell in lust with her the day they’d met, so when he had the chance to spend some one-on-one time with her after Chris’s wedding, he fulfilled his fantasies by giving her the night of her life. A small part of him hated leaving her behind the next morning, but she just wasn’t a good fit for the lifestyle he’d wanted. She was the kind of woman a man settled down with, raised a family with and grew old with. Three things he didn’t want.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure of this little call?” he asked playfully and then scowled at himself. The alcohol was messing with his mojo.

  “I need your help,” Lucy admitted gently.

  Sensing a chance to rekindle an old flame, Joe shoved his date back inside the club and pushed the door shut behind her. Leaning against it, he put all his weight into keeping her inside while he made other plans.

  “When and where darlin’?” he drawled. “Give me the details and I’ll be there,” he promised.

  Chapter 3

  “Why can’t I go with you, Mommy?” Jacob asked in a low and frightened voice. “I don’t want to stay with a sitter, I want you,” he insisted and Lucy pressed her eyelids closed to avert the tears.

  She’d had no idea how difficult it would be to look down into her baby’s big blue eyes and tell him that he had to stay with a stranger while Mommy went to the hospital to get better. The only time he’d been out of her sight was when she’d gone to work; barring that, the duo were never far from one another. When she’d gotten the Librarian position at Erie’s public library, she’d found Jacob a day care just next door. That convenience allowed her to see him on days when the library sponsored children’s activities and during her breaks. She took solace in knowing he was just next door and she could pop over to see him anytime she’d wanted to. He only had a few more months and then he’d be ready for kindergarten. She wasn’t sure how either of them would handle that step, but she vowed to cross that bridge when the time came.

  She set the shirt she’d been folding down on her bed and knelt before her son. Little tears escaped his eyes, snaking shiny, moist patches down over his baby cheeks. She took his glasses off and dabbed at his eyes with a tissue.

  “I know sweetie,” she cooed reassuringly. “I don’t like this either, but Mommy has to get better and the doctors need me to stay there while they give me medicine.” Shoving his little glasses back onto his freckle-smattered nose, she bent down and gave him a quick peck on his protruding lips.

  “You get to stay right here at home and Mr. Joe is Uncle Chris’s best friend, so you’ll be just fine with him. I’ve made him a list of all your favorite foods and television shows -” Her voice trailed off when anxiety caused her chest wall to tighten to the point of hyperventilation. Taking a deep breath, she released it slowly and did her best to smile.

  “Uncle Chris will call and check on you and you can come visit me, can you be a big boy for me?” Lucy asked pasted a smile on her face.

  Jacob tucked his chin and hugged the raggedy teddy bear a little tighter to his chest. He nodded gently and climbed up on the bed to watch her pack. She’d just zipped the rolling suitcase closed when someone knocked on their door. Jacob jumped at the unexpected pounding and gripped his bear a little tighter.

  Lucy inhaled deeply and steeled herself for the upcoming performance. She looked back down at her son and prayed Joe wouldn’t see himself in the boy’s eyes like she did. Her baby had taken after his father in every way but two: he had his mother’s bad eyesight and he was shy to the point of terror; which was in direct contrast to Joe’s arrogance.

  “You ready to meet Mr. Joe?” Lucy asked Jacob and held her hand out for him to take. He nodded once and slipped his small fingers through hers.

  Chapter 4

  Joe popped a mint in his mouth and ran his hands through the thick black spikes on his head. After hanging up with Lucy, he’d gone straight home, tossed some clothes in a gym bag and hopped the next flight out. Upon arrival at Erie International Airport, he’d promptly rented a car – a 2017 candy apple red Ford Mustang GT – and hauled ass to her apartment complex. It was the longest fifteen miles of his life. He glanced down at his watch and the indigo blue digits read 5:27 a.m. Damn, he’d made good time, he thought to himself. After one last, deep, breath, he raised his hand and knocked twice.

  However, he wasn’t prepared for the rush of emotions that assaulted him with she opened the door. Although a small woman to begin with, Lucy’s petite frame barely managed to hold her skin on her bones, her hollow cheekbones and dropping eyes betrayed her condition without her uttering a word. Fear tore through Joe on a level he’d never felt before. But before he opened his mouth to inquire about her health a small hand snaked around from behind her and wrapped around her thigh.

  “Joe,” Lucy greeted him softly. “Thank you for getting here so quickly. I’m sorry I bothered you with this, I just don’t have anyone else to turn to,” she apologized and moved aside to allow him room to pass.

  Narrowing his eyes, Joe studied the gray pallor of her once vibrant skin and pressed his lips firmly shut as he b
rushed past her into the small, yet cozy apartment. Mismatched furniture spread throughout the simple flow of rooms. He dropped his duffel bag on the butternut yellow sofa and let his eyes roam past the living room to the kitchen beyond. It was clean to the point of immaculate and he remembered that Lucy had been a neat freak. To his right were two bedrooms with a bathroom between them and to his left was a small nook, barely large enough to hold the tiny dining table and four chairs.

  Frowning, Joe realized he could fit her entire apartment in his bathroom alone. How had she ended up like this? A straight-A student with a promising future in Journalism, Lucy was the smartest person he’d ever met. Turning back to face her, his eyes landed on a smaller person standing beside Lucy, his little fingers clinging tightly to her leg.

  “And who is this big guy?” Joe asked gently, squatting so he was almost eye level with the child.

  “Are you really my Uncle Chris’s best friend?” the little boy demanded suddenly, his own blue eyes narrowed suspiciously. Using a small finger, he reached up and pushed his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose.

  Uncle Chris? Joe pondered. As revelation hit, his eyes went from the boy’s to Lucy’s and he raised his eyebrows in question. Lucy answered by slowly shaking her head and then smoothing her hand over the top of his spiky black hair.

  “Jacob, this is Mr. Joe Landers,” she introduced gently. “Joe, this is my son, Jacob Conlay.”

  “Joe Landers?” Jacob squealed in delight. “You’re the pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals,” the little boy shrieked. “Mommy, I know him,” he insisted gleefully and reached up to pull on her loose t-shirt. “This is Uncle Chris’s best friend?” he asked again as if he couldn’t wrap his little mind around the fact that his uncle was friends with a famous person.

  Joe chuckled good-naturedly at the little boy and extended his hand.


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