Eleanor of Aquitaine

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by Marion Meade

  346 “John airily replied”: Ralph of Coggeshall, p. 136.

  347 “At Gournay”: Round, Cal. Doc., p. 475.

  347 “Ever since his peace treaty”: Gervase of Canterbury, vol. 2. p. 93.

  348 “In the meantime, Arthur”: Roger of Wendover, vol. 2, p. 203.

  348 “But in the end”: Ralph of Coggeshall, p. 137.

  349 “By Monday, July 31”: Roger of Wendover, vol. 2, pp. 203-204.

  349 “With John came William”: Histoire des dues de Normandie et des rois d’Angleterre, p. 94.

  349 “Dawn was breaking”: Ralph of Coggeshall, pp. 137-138.

  350 “Venting his frustration”: Roger of Wendover, vol. 2, p. 205.

  350 “Having secured his prisoners”: Ibid., p. 204.

  351 “That year, John kept Christmas”: Ibid., p. 206.

  351 “In November. John had released”: Ralph of Coggeshall, p. 139.

  351 “The king addressed him”: Roger of Wendover, vol. 2, p. 205.

  352 “Afterward, a chronicler said”: Ralph of Coggeshall, pp. 140-141.

  352 “In February”: Roger of Wendover, vol. 2, p. 205.

  353 “Opinion about the death”: Ibid., p. 206.

  353 “The chronicler described”: Luard. Annals of Margam, p. 27.

  353 “We send to you brother John”: Hardy, Rotuli Litt. Pat., p. 28.

  353 “It has been suggested”: Richard, vol. 2, p. 424; Powicke, p. 476.

  354 “Messengers came to John”: Roger of Wendover, vol. 2, p. 207.

  354 “In the meantime”: Ibid.

  354 “Whoso is afraid”: Guillaume le Maréchal, I. 12721-42.

  354 “On December 5”: Roger of Wendover, vol. 2. p. 208.

  355 “Those Norman barons”: Ibid., p. 214.

  355 “She would not live”: In 1259, Henry III, John’s son and Eleanor’s grandson, gave up all claims to Normandy. Anjou, Maine, Touraine, and Poitou. The southern portion of Aquitaine, however, continued to be a source of discord between England and France for centuries. Not until the midfifteenth century would the last of Eleanor’s inheritance be incorporated into France. 355 “The chroniclers were too busy”: Peter of Blois, in Migne, vol. 207, p. 431.

  355 “On April 1, 1204”: Luard, Annals of Waverley, p. 256.


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