Eleanor of Aquitaine

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Eleanor of Aquitaine Page 54

by Marion Meade

  Roger of Pontigny (Pseud.). Materials for the History of Thomas Becket. Edited by J. C. Robertson. Rolls Series 67, vol. 4.

  Roger of Wendover (formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris). Flores Historiorum. 2 vols., London, 1849.

  Rosenberg, Melrich V. Eleanor of Aquitaine: Queen of the Troubadours and of the Courts of Love. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1937.

  Rotuli Chartarum. Edited by T. D. Hardy. London, 1837.

  Rotuli Litterarum Patentium. Edited by T. D. Hardy. vol. 1. London, 1835.

  Round, John Horace, ed. Calendar of Documents Preserved in France Illustrative of the History of Great Britain and Ireland. vol. 1. London, 1899.

  _. Ancient Charters, Royal and Private, Prior to A.D. 1200. London. 1888.

  Rowling, Marjorie. Life in Medieval Times. New York: G. P. Putnam’s, 1973.

  Runciman, Steven. A History of the Crusades. 3 vols. New York: Harper & Row, 1965.

  Rymer, Thomas. Foedera. Conventiones, Litterae, et Acta Publica. Edited by A. Clarke and F. Holbrooke. 7 vols. London, 1816-69.

  Salmon, A., ed. Recueil des Chroniques de Touraine. Tours, 1854.

  Schlight, John. Henry II Plantagenet. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1973.

  Stenton, Doris Mary. English Society in the Early Middle Ages. Harmondsworth-Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1951.

  ____. The English Woman in History. New York: Macmillan Co., 1957.

  Stenton, Frank M. Norman London. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1934.

  Stephenson, Carl, and Marcham, Frederick George, ed. and trans. Sources of English Constitutional History. New York: Harper & Row, 1937.

  Stone, Edward Noble, trans. Three Old French Chronicles of the Crusades. Seattle: University of Washington, 1939.

  Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England. 8 vols. London, 1852.

  Stubbs, William. Seventeen Lectures on the Study of Medieval and Modern History. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1900.

  ____. Historical Introduction to the Rolls Series. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1902.

  Suger. Oeuvres de Suger. Edited by A. Lecoy de la Marche. Paris, 1867.

  Suger. Vie de Louis VI le Gros. Edited by Henri Waquet. Paris: H. Champion, 1929.

  Thurston, Herbert, and Attwater, Donald, eds. Butler’s Lives of the Saints. New York: P. J. Kenedy & Sons, 1956.

  Vaughan, Richard. Matthew Paris. Cambridge, Eng.: University Press. 1958.

  Viorst, Milton. The Great Documents of Western Civilization. Philadelphia: Chilton, 1965.

  Waddell, Helen. The Wandering Scholars. London: Constable & Co., 1927.

  Walker, Curtis. Eleanor of Aquitaine. Richmond, Va.: University of North Carolina Press, 1950.

  Walter Map. De Nugis Curialium (Courtiers’ Trifles). Edited and translated by Frederick Tupper and M. B. Ogle. London: Chatto & Windus, 1924.

  Warren, W. L. King John. New York: W. W. Norton, 1961.

  __. Henry II. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1973.

  Waverley, Annals of (Annales Monastici). Edited by H. R. Luard. Rolls Series 36, vol. 2.

  White, Freda. Ways of Aquitaine. London: Faber, 1968.

  William Fitz Stephen. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket. Edited by J. C. Robertson. Rolls Series 67, vol. 3.

  William of Canterbury. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket. Edited by J. C. Robertson. Rolls Series 67, vol. 1.

  William of Malmesbury. Gesta Regum Anglorum. Edited by William Stubbs. 2 vols. Rolls Series 90.

  William of Newburgh. Historia Rerum Anglicarum. Edited by Richard Howlett. 2 vols. Rolls Series 82. vols. 1 and 2.

  William of Tyre. A History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea. Edited and translated by E. A. Babcock and A. C. Krey. 2 vols. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943.

  Williams, Watkin. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. Westminster, Md.: Newman Press, 1952.

  Winston, Richard. Thomas Becket. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967.

  Wood, Mary Anne Everett, ed. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain. 3 vols. London, 1846.

  The Year 1200. The Cloisters Studies in Medieval Art. 2 vols. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1970.


  Abbot Suger, see Suger, Abbot

  Abélard, Peter


  assembly at, Second Crusade.

  battle for, Third Crusade


  Adam of Churchdown

  Adam de Petit Pont

  Adelaide, Dowager Queen of France

  Adelaide, sister of William IV of Aquitaine

  Adele of Blois and Champagne

  Adrian IV, Pope

  Aelith, see Petronilla

  Aenor, mother of Eleanor.

  Agnellus, Thomas, Archdeacon of Wells

  Agnes of Meran

  Aimery, Viscount of Châtellerault

  Alais Capet, Princess of France.

  betrothed to Richard

  married to Guillaume de Ponthieu

  relationship with Henry II.

  Alexander III, Pope

  Alfonso I, King of Aragon

  Alice of Maurienne

  Alix Capet, Princess of France

  Alphonse VIII of Castile

  Alphonse-Jourdain, Count of Toulouse

  Amaury of Thouars

  Ambrose, troubadour

  Andreas Capellanus

  Angers, description of

  Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

  Anselm, chaplain to Richard


  Antipopes: Anacletus II Paschal III; Victor IV


  Dukes of: William I: William V: William IX; William X 1

  Eleanor as ruler of

  Henry as ruler of

  politics of

  position of women in

  Arthur of Brittany

  Aymar, Viscount of Limoges

  Aymer. Count of Angoulême

  Baldwin, King of Jerusalem

  Baldwin. Archbishop of Canterbury

  Baldwin of Bethune

  Ballad of Fair Rosamond

  Bardon of Cognac,

  Becket, Gilbert

  Becket, Thomas

  as Archbishop; martyrdom

  as Chancellor; siege of Toulouse; education of Prince

  relationships: with Eleanor ; with Henry ; with women

  Berengaria of Navarre

  Berlai, Gerald


  Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot

  meeting with Eleanor

  Second Crusade

  Bernard of Ventadour

  Bertha of Sulzbach

  Bertran de Born

  Bertrand of Toulouse

  Biographical sources

  Blanche of Castile

  Boccaccio, Decameron

  Bohemund I, Prince of Antioch

  Bourges, archbishopric of

  Brittany, duchy of

  Brulart, Adam

  Bury St. Edmunds

  Byzantium, politics of

  Cade. William

  Calixtus II, Pope

  Canterbury, Archbishop of, see Baldwin; see Becket; see Theobald; see Walter

  Canterbury, pilgrimage to

  Capet, Hugh

  Capet, Louis, see Louis VII


  Castles built by Henry II

  Celestine II, Pope

  Celestine III, Pope

  Cercamon, troubadour

  Champagne, war with


  Château Gaillard

  Chevauchée, see Royal progress

  Chivalry, cult of

  Chrétien de Troyes

  Christmas courts: Argentan, 1167 ; 1168; 1174; Bayeux, 1161; Berkhampstead,1163 ; Bermondsey, 1154 ; Bonneville-sur-Touques,1191 ; Bordeaux, 1156 ; Bourges, 1145 ; Bures, 1170; Caen; 1202; Cherbourg, 1158; 1162; Chinon, 1172 ; Falaise, 1159; Le Mans, 1160; Lincoln, 1157; Marlborough 1164; Westminster 1192; Windsor 1184

  Church courts, conflict with

  Church freedom

  Cité Palace

  Clairvaux, Abbey of

  Clarendon, Constitutions of

  Clermont, Council of

  Clifford, Rosamond

  Clifford, Walter de

  Codex Calixtus.

  Communal movement

  Comnenus. Manuel


  Conrad of Hohenstaufen, Holy Roman Emperor

  Constance of Antioch

  Constance of Brittany

  Constance of Castile.

  Constance, sister of Louis VII


  Constitutions of Clarendon

  Council of Clermont

  Courts of Love

  Crown, renounced by Henry.

  Crusade, First

  Crusade, Second

  in Antioch

  in Constantinople.

  Damascus, attack on


  early days

  Germans on

  in Jerusalem

  Louis as commander

  on Mount Cadmos

  notable Crusaders.

  preached by Bernard of Clairvaux.

  preparations for

  winter hardships

  women on

  Crusade. Third

  financing of

  military details

  preparations for

  Richard as hero of

  Philip Augustus, role of

  Damascus, attack on

  Dangereuse of Châtellerault

  Dieu-Donné, see Philip Augustus

  Dorylaeum, battle at

  Earthquake in England

  Eble II of Ventadour


  Eleanor of Aquitaine:

  as administrator: in Aquitaine; in England ; in France

  appearance of

  biographical events: birth; childhood and youth; marriage to Louis; as Queen of France; meeting with Bernard of Clairvaux ; Crusade; attempted divorce ; decision to marry Henry; annulment of marriage; return to Aquitaine; marriage to Henry; crowned Queen of England; return to Aquitaine; regent of England; regent of Normandy ; separation from Henry; ruler of Aquitaine ; conspiracy against Henry; imprisoned by Henry; release from prison; rule of Aquitaine; regent for Richard; marriage arranged for Richard ; negotiations to free Richard; retirement to Fontevrault ; campaign for John ; kidnapped; visit to Castile; attacked by Arthur; death

  See also Christmas courts

  biographical sources

  children of, Marie; Alix; William ; Henry; Matilda; Richard; Geoffrey; Eleanor; Joanna; John

  education of

  financial independence


  life style

  in literature and folklore

  as mother


  relationships: with Alais Capet ; with Becket ; with Henry ; with Louis ; with mother-in-laws; with sister; with Raymond of Antioch

  Rosamond Clifford, reaction to

  sister of, see Petronilla

  tomb effigy

  Eleanor of Castile, daughter of Henry II

  Emma of Limoges

  Emma, daughter of Geoffrey of Anjou


  reforms by Eleanor


  See also London

  English people

  Ermengarde of Anjou

  Esnecca, royal yacht

  Eugenius III. Pope

  Eustace, son of King Stephen

  Fabri, Etienne


  Finances of Third Crusade

  Fitzneale, Richard

  Foliot, Gilbert, bishop of London

  Folklore, Rosamond Clifford in

  See also Literature and folklore, Eleanor in

  Fontevrault, Abbey of

  childhood of John at

  Joanna at

  Richard buried at

  tomb effigy

  Frankish Syrian states

  Frederick Barbarossa.

  French Chronicle of London, The

  Fréteval, conference at

  Fulcher, Patriarch

  Fulk, Count of Anjou

  Fulk, King of Jerusalem

  Gaillard, Château

  Galeran, Thierry

  Geoffrey of Anjou, father of Henry II

  Geoffrey of Langres, Bishop

  Geoffrey du Lauroux, Archbishop

  Geoffrey de Rancon

  Geoffrey of Vigeois

  Geoffrey of York, see Geoffrey, bastard son of Henry II

  Geoffrey Plantagenet, son of Henry II

  Geoffrey, bastard son of Henry II.

  Geoffrey, brother of Henry II

  Gerald of Wales

  German Crusaders

  Gervase of Canterbury


  Gisors, see Vexin, The


  Green. J. R., Short History of the English People

  Guillaume de Ponthieu

  Hamelin, brother of Henry II


  Henry I, King of England

  Henry II, King of England:

  as administrator


  biographical events: birth; suitor of Marie of France; marriage to Eleanor ; victory at Malmesbury ; coronation; Becket as chancellor; son betrothed to French Princess. ; siege of Toulouse ; Becket made Archbishop ; son married to French Princess; clashes with Becket; reconciliation; assassination of Becket ; conflict with Young King; uprising of sons ; imprisonment of Eleanor; war with Philip Augustus; death

  children of; William; Henry; Matilda; Richard; Geoffrey: Eleanor; Joanna; John; illegitimate

  education of

  as father

  mistresses of

  officers of


  temper tantrums

  relationships: with Becket ; with Eleanor ; with God; with mother; with Philip Augustus: with Rosamond Clifford; with sons ; with women; with Young King

  working habits

  Henry Hohenstaufen, Holy Roman Emperor

  Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony and Bavaria

  Henry of Champagne

  Henry of Huntingdon

  Henry of Pisa, Cardinal.

  Henry Plantagenet, Young King

  marriage to Marguerite of France


  relationship with father


  Heraclius, Patriarch of Jerusalem


  Holy Roman Emperor, see Conrad Hohenstaufen; see Frederick Barbarossa ; see Henry Hohenstaufen

  Hombeline, sister of Bernard of Clairvaux

  Homosexuality of Richard

  Hubert de Burgh

  Hugh, Count of Apulia

  Hugh, Bishop of Durham

  Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln

  Hugh Capet

  Hugh le Brun

  Hugh Pierleoni, Cardinal

  Hugues de Champfieuri

  Humbert III, Count of Maurienne

  Hungary, description of


  Ingeborg of Denmark

  Innocent II, Pope


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