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Daddy, Daddy, and Me

Page 13

by Sean Michael

  “I wanted us to be able to chill out.” Touch. Be adults.

  “It’s going to be great!” Don got out and went to the trunk for their bags.

  He grabbed the little sack of electronics—phone chargers and the like—from the back seat.

  “How’d you hear about this place?” Don asked as they went up the front steps.

  “Ben at the restaurant. He brought his girlfriend.” The whole kitchen was cheering him on, teasing him about Don good-naturedly. Hell, the servers had given him a “love package”—lube, rubbers, wipes. He’d cracked up.

  “Cool.” Don’s hand slid into his. “Is this okay?”

  “Better than. Place is run by family, hmm?” No lying for him.

  Don squeezed his fingers. “Cool.”

  They headed in, and a charming older man met them at the door. “Are you Jeff and Don?”

  Jeff nodded, smiled. “I am. Are you Ken or Timmy?”

  “Timmy. Ken’s out feeding the chickens.”

  “Is that what’s for supper?” Don asked, the corners of his mouth curling up.

  “We’re having a spaghetti and meatball supper brought in.”

  Jeff was suddenly grateful he hadn’t told anyone he was a chef.

  Don chuckled. “Cool. I was just teasing about eating your chickens.”

  They all grinned, and Timmy shrugged. “I couldn’t do without the fresh eggs, but that old rooster? Don’t tempt me.”

  Don suddenly sobered. “It doesn’t crow at 6:00 a.m. or anything, does it?”

  “No. He’s just grumpy.” Timmy winked and led them into a lovely place, beautiful and warm. Jeff gasped at the space. It was fabulous. The perfect size and shape for a little high-end restaurant, if it had a commercial kitchen and wasn’t so far out.

  Don gave him a look. “You okay?” he asked softly.

  “Yeah. Yeah, it’s fabulous in here.”

  Timmy grinned. “Isn’t it? I wanted to turn it into a restaurant, but it’s not going to happen.”

  “How come?” Don asked, looking around. “Oh, if that’s not too rude.”

  “Well, I’m not a chef, and we’re not really young enough to handle anything that busy. Ken and I are getting up there, you know?”

  “How long have you been together?” Don looked and sounded genuinely interested.

  “Thirty-seven years.” Timmy grinned.

  “And eighty-six days.” Another voice sounded, a big, gruff-looking man showing up. “Hey, y’all. How’s it going?”

  “Wow, that’s really cool.” Don held out his hand to the newcomer. “You’ve got to be Ken.”

  “I am. Welcome.”

  Jeff nodded. “This place is amazing. I love it.”

  “You probably want to see your room.” Timmy gave his partner a smile. “I’ve put you upstairs at the back. There’s a great view of the farm.”

  “As long as there’s no crying babies at 2:00 a.m.” Jeff winked. Hell, he already missed them.

  Timmy laughed. “No, no babies. Even the animals will be quiet, I promise.”

  Don squeezed his hand, smiling at him.

  “How many kids do y’all have?”

  “Two, a three-year-old and a six-month-old.”

  “A boy and a girl,” Don added, and Jeff could hear the pride in Don’s voice.

  “Lucky guys. Are you going to have any more or are you done?”

  Jeff looked at Don, maybe a little panicked. Hell, they hadn’t even talked about next week.

  Don chuckled. “I’d say we’re undecided.”

  Timmy laughed too and opened a door for them. “Well, here you are.”

  The room was old-fashioned and simple—a fireplace, a rocking chair, a love seat. A lovely king-size bed. A pink claw-footed bathtub was evident through a second door.

  “Oh, it’s great.” Don let go of his hand and walked in, looking delighted.

  Timmy smiled at him and handed over a key. “Let us know if you need anything.”

  Jeff loved the idea of a real key, not a plastic card. “Are we coming downstairs for supper?”

  “We’ll deliver it around seven. I’ll leave it outside your door.”

  “Oh, that’s stunning. Thank you so much.”

  Timmy shook his hand, beamed. “Breakfast is at nine. We’ll see you in the morning, hmm?”

  “Nine?” Don lit up. “We get to sleep in!”

  “Well, you do.” Jeff winked, then patted Don’s butt. “Thanks, Timmy.”

  Timmy gave them a salute and left, closing the door behind him.

  Soon as the man was gone, Don turned to him, pushed into his arms. “This is awesome. Thank you.”

  “Yeah. It’s not bad at all.”

  Don laughed and then pressed their lips together, the happy sounds filling Jeff’s mouth. The kiss was slow, long, and lazy. It felt illicit, a little naughty, oddly enough.

  Don rubbed against him. “God, why do I suddenly feel so horny?”

  “Because we’re alone?” He rubbed back, loving the ridge of Don’s cock.

  Don laughed, nodded. “Maybe. Take me to bed?”

  “You got it.” They stepped backward toward the huge bed, one kiss chasing another.

  Don was hungry, biting at his lips and touching him all over.

  “You know, I never got to date you.” Jeff eased Don onto the bed.

  Don lay back and reached for him. “No, we skipped to the good parts.”

  “We did.” He crawled into those open arms. “Hey, baby.”

  “Mmm, hey.” Don smiled, wrapped his arms around Jeff.

  They knew how their bodies fit together now, how they settled, and Jeff loved that, loved having a partner. Don moaned for him, the sound sweet, hungry.

  “What should we do first?” He grinned, rubbed his body along Don’s.

  “Go for a hike?”

  “In the dark?” He goosed Don, chuckling.

  Don shrieked and jerked, then laughed.

  “We could play tiddlywinks. Poker. Scrabble.”

  “I vote poker. You’ve got one right here for me.” Don pushed a hand between them and rubbed Jeff’s prick through his jeans.

  Jeff snorted, hips pushing into that warm touch. “That was terrible.”

  “This isn’t, though.” Don slid his hand up and down, squeezed Jeff a little.

  “No. No, this isn’t.” He wasn’t really focused on what he was saying. He wanted Don’s mouth.

  Don smiled at him, fingers still stroking, playing. His eyes looked drugged, but they were staring right at him.

  “Want you, babe. Want to suck you while you do me.”

  Don made an incoherent noise and nodded, started tugging at his shirt, pulling it out of his jeans. Jeff joined in, worked Don’s belt open, fingers needing skin. Don sucked in for him, giving him room as Don pushed Jeff’s shirt up and went for his nipples.

  “Cheating…,” he murmured against Don’s lips.

  “Am not!” Don laughed, pinched his nipple.

  “Are too!” They rolled together, their laughter on the air.

  Don pulled Jeff’s shirt the rest of the way up, fingers going back to Jeff’s nipples.

  “You sure they’re not just decorative?”

  “Let’s make sure.” Don grinned and then slid down a little and licked his way to the nipple.

  Jeff tangled his fingers in Don’s hair, careful not to tug, not to pull. Don wrapped his lips around the targeted nipple and sucked gently, flicked his tongue across the tip.

  “Oh damn. That’s nice, Don. Sweet.” The tender touches melted Jeff, made him feel like he was precious.

  The sucking became a little stronger. Then Don let that nipple go, moved to the other one.

  “Yeah.” Jeff tried to focus, tried to make his fingers work.

  When Don released Jeff’s other nipple, he looked up and grinned. “I don’t think they’re decorative.”

  Jeff moaned an answer that could have been a yes or a no but was mostly “don’t stop.”

  Seemed Don spoke his language because his nipple was surrounded by heat again, Don sucking. Jeff started rocking, eyes crossed with the fucking heat of it, like all the need was distilled and poured right there.

  It was so good he almost didn’t notice Don undoing his belt, his zipper. His cock noticed, though, pushing at the fly, wanting that touch. Don pulled down the zipper and opened the fly, found Jeff’s prick in his underwear and took it in hand.

  “Yeah….” He bucked up into the touch, toes curling.

  Don kept sucking on his nipple, that hand sliding up and down his needy prick.

  “Wanted to….” He was going to suck Don, but….

  “Shh. Let me love on you.” Don tongue-flicked his nipple again, then began to kiss his way southward.

  “Love….” He rolled the word in his mouth, in his brain.

  “Yes, love.” Don sounded distracted as he flicked out his tongue to touch the tip of Jeff’s cock. Jeff nodded and twisted, moved around and reached for Don’s waistband. Don groaned, pushing his hips restlessly toward Jeff.

  “That’s it.” Jeff pushed Don’s jeans down, fingers stuttering as hot lips surrounded his cock.

  Don hummed, mouth starting to pull on his prick.

  “Shit. So good. I just want to….” He managed to work Don’s fly open, the scent of Don’s cock so right.

  Another sound from Don’s mouth vibrated Jeff’s prick. He groaned and arched his neck, managing to get his lips around the tip of Don’s flesh. Don gasped, causing Jeff’s cock to slide from his lips, but he quickly took Jeff in again and sucked hard.

  Jeff tugged at Don’s leg, rested his head on it, and started sucking Don, matching his rhythm. Don shuddered for a moment and then started sucking harder again. Yeah. Hell, yeah. Don’s cock was heavy and dripping on Jeff’s tongue. The flavor exploded in his mouth, made his balls ache.

  He rolled over Don, cupped that hot ass in his hands, and pulled Don in deeper. Don grabbed his ass in return and pulled him deeper into Don’s mouth. Yes. Fuck. He swallowed hard, head bobbing, even as he thrust into that heat.

  They moved together like they were born for this. Don’s prick tasted amazing; the suction around his own cock felt even better. Don’s ass was hot, skin soft and smooth in Jeff’s hands. Don began to hump into his mouth, ass clenching and releasing. Yeah. Fuck yes. Jeff groaned low, pulled harder.

  Don’s movements became almost frantic. Jeff pushed one finger against Don’s hole, then slid it in. Don pulled off his cock, shouting out as heat filled Jeff’s mouth. Jeff grunted, swallowing hard, his own cock so hard it could cut glass.

  Don quickly took Jeff’s cock in again, head bobbing, lips tight.

  “Oh. Oh, babe. God, your mouth….” He arched, gripping Don’s thighs.

  Don kept sucking, pulling Jeff right into his throat. Jeff pushed down, gliding in deep, taking Don’s mouth. He lost all grace, everything but his need. Don just kept sucking and swallowing around his cock, hands hard on his ass.

  “Please.” He rolled, the tip of his cock slithering on Don’s soft tongue, and that was all he wrote.

  Don took in his come, each swallow making him shudder, making his orgasm last. He moaned, forehead on Don’s thigh. Don slowly let him go and then kissed his balls.

  “Damn.” He rolled off Don, thumped to the bed.

  Don shifted and curled next to him, head on his shoulder. “Yeah, that was nice.”

  “Nice?” His heart was still banging against his rib cage.

  Don laughed, almost giggled. “Really, really nice.”

  “When my brain starts working again, you’re getting such a goosing.”

  Don laughed, the sound happy and bright.

  “You mock. I will pinch your butt.” Later.

  “I thought you were going to goose me.” Don snuggled in closer.

  “Um-hum.” He licked Don’s lips. “Later.”

  “Okay, boss.”

  He draped one arm around Don’s waist. “Is it silly… to miss them?”

  “I don’t think it’s silly at all—they’re a huge part of our life.”

  “Yeah.” He kissed Don’s shoulder, letting himself relax.

  “You want me to put the alarm on my watch so we don’t miss supper?”

  “I’m not sleepy. Just lazy.” Besides, he needed to call Samantha, make sure the kids were okay, calmed down.

  “’Kay.” Don snuggled in closer, eyes drifting closed.

  He kissed Don’s forehead, smiled.


  DONNY THOUGHT maybe this was the most decadent day he’d had in a long time. They’d woken up and made love, then gone down to breakfast, followed by an easy wander through the woods around the B&B. Now they were sitting together on a porch swing, idly rocking. The weather was warm and pleasant, and there was not a kiddie monitor in sight.

  If he was any more relaxed, Don figured he’d be asleep. He thought Jeff might actually be dozing, eyes closed, lips parted.

  They’d called Samantha and Mike last night before dinner to check up on the state of the kids. They were both fine, the tide of tears having stemmed as soon as he and Jeff were out of sight.

  Donny pushed with his feet, making them swing a tiny bit faster.

  Jeff was a little in love with this place, Don thought. He’d oohed and aahed over the breakfast, over the grounds. It had been adorable.

  He leaned his head on Jeff’s shoulder. It was nice out here, and the house had great personality. Even the damn grumpy rooster added to the charm.

  “Mmm. I like it here, babe.” Jeff murmured the words, settled against him.

  “Yeah, I can see that. It is beautiful.” Peaceful in a way that had nothing to do with the lack of noise or kids.

  “You think the guys would let me bring the kids here?”

  Donny smiled and nodded. “Ask them. The worst that happens is they say no.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, you know, I would have hated this even a year ago. But….” Jeff shrugged.

  “Do you think you changed because you had to, or do you think this was always inside you, waiting to be drawn out?” Was Jeff going to eventually start chomping at the bit for his old life?

  “I don’t know.” Jeff got them rocking again. “I had a certain responsibility to Mitch to keep up appearances. You know, Beth hated him. Hated him.”

  “Yeah? Was he good to you?” Donny still wasn’t sure what Jeff had seen in that asshole.

  “I thought so. He was handsome, smart. He gave elegant parties.” Jeff sighed. “I don’t think this whole thing was his fault. I found something besides cooking I loved more than him.”

  “A man who loved you would have tried to make your kids fit into his life.” Donny couldn’t figure out how anyone could not simply fall in love with Jeff’s kids.

  “I think he loved my ambition. To be able to say he had a chef as a partner.”

  Donny kept his mouth shut on the words that wanted out. Jeff knew Mitch was an asshole and didn’t need him to rub it in, to point out how selfish Mitch had been long before the kids had come into Jeff’s life.

  “I’m sorry you got hurt.” He couldn’t be sorry Mitch had left, though. He couldn’t. Mitch’s loss was most definitely his gain, and he would not give his family up for anything.

  “I don’t know, Don. I don’t know that I was all that hurt, to be honest. I was tired, missing Beth, overwhelmed.”

  He squeezed Jeff’s leg. “Good. He’s not worth your hurt.” He wished Mitch wasn’t being an asshole now so Jeff could draw a line on the past and forget about it.

  “I wish he’d fucking go away.” Jeff pulled away a little bit. “Although that’s not very fair, is it? It’s not his fault that Beth died and that his world got upended.”

  “No, but it was his choice to leave you, and he’s being an utter asshole about things.” He stroked along Jeff’s thigh this time. “I wish he’d just go away too.”

  “Yeah.” Jeff sighed. “You think I’m a shit, for finding someone else so
soon? Someone I love?”

  “No.” He chuckled and kissed Jeff’s cheek. “Could be I’m a little biased, but no, I don’t think you’re a shit.”

  “I’m not fickle. I just…. Shit, Don. I want to feel like I’m not the bad guy because I’m happy with my life.”

  “Jeff, you were good to that man for a lot of years. Way better than he ever was to you. And then he dumped you. Not the other way around. You have every right to get on with your life, to be happy. To love again. To love me. You’re not the bad guy here, and you aren’t a bad person. I wouldn’t love you like I do if you were.”

  Jeff’s fingers twined with his. “How do you love me, Don?”

  “Let me count the ways?” He smiled. “You’re hot. You’re good. You cook like a dream. Your kids are cuter than you. You love me. You make love to me.”

  “You forgot my sense of humor and my incredibly studly belly button.”

  “Uh-huh. Your sensitive little nipples, your fat cock that you know what to do with. Your ass….”

  “Listen to you….” Jeff’s cheeks were pink as he leaned in close. “You perv.”

  He laughed softly. “The kids aren’t here—I’m allowed to be.”

  “You got that right. We might have to explore this later, this pervy side of you.”

  “Well, it’s not like I’m suggesting whips and chains.”

  Jeff looked at him and started chuckling. “Please. True torture would be making me eat McDonald’s….”

  “Oh God, I’m going to remember that and let you deal with the kids when they want to start going there. And you know they’re going to want to, because all their friends are gonna be eating there.”

  Jeff so wasn’t the fast food type, though. “Not my babies. Never. Not a single McNugget.”

  “That’s definitely going to be your job.” The kids probably weren’t going to like the food anyway, not after eating as good as they would thanks to Jeff, but Donny bet they’d have to go at least once to prove it.

  “I’ll just tell them how awful it is—feed lots and grade G beef.”

  “Grade G? I don’t even want to know.” He made a face. Fast food and college students went together, and he’d definitely had his share of the stuff.

  “Nope. It’s foul.” Jeff looked satisfied, almost smug.

  “Food snob.”


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