Dual Desires (Triple Threat Book 3)

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Dual Desires (Triple Threat Book 3) Page 14

by Bella Jeanisse

  Chad laughed. “Dude, she can’t walk.”

  “I was thinking in a wheelchair.” Tommy let out a laugh of his own. “I ain’t that stupid.”

  Hesitantly, Chad replied, “Uh, they really don’t want her up ’cause she keeps getting dizzy, and she gets those headaches sometimes.”

  “You’re getting too over protective,” Jon interjected. “Let him take her, so you get a break. You look like hell. You getting any sleep?”

  “I don’t need sleep.” Chad exhaled loudly. “You can take her, Tommy. But if she has any problems, get your ass back here and don’t take her far.”

  “I’ll go get a wheelchair.” Jon headed for the door.

  “Get a nurse too,” Chad uttered. “She’s hooked up to a lotta stuff.”

  Not long after, we were on our way, with Tommy’s jacket over my shoulders. “You OK?” Tommy asked as he pushed me toward a bank of windows.

  I looked up at him. “Yeah, thanks.” When we stopped, I reached out and touched the cold glass. “I wish we could go outside. It’s stuffy in here.”

  “It’s like twenty degrees out there,” Tommy informed me. “Chad would freak if I even suggested taking you out in it.”

  I had not thought about the weather. I looked at the street below. Snow lined the curb. Giovanni loved snow. We had once gotten into a snowball fight that turned into a roll in the snow then kissing. It was months before we got together, soon after Rosario joined the Marines. However, we spent almost every spare minute with each other then.

  A lone tear rolled down my cheek. I could see Giovanni’s face above me that day. For a few seconds, I closed my eyes. I felt his lips against mine and sensed his arms around me. Then there was pain. My hand instantly went to the side of my head.

  “Babe, what is it?”

  I leaned back on him. “My head.”

  “Shit. Why is Chad always right?” He ran his fingers through my hair. “I gotta get you back before he yells at me.” Quickly, but carefully, Tommy wheeled me to my room.

  “What happened?” Chad’s hand held my face.

  My body was slowly lifted. Soon the bed was under me again. The pain dulled my other senses.

  “I think she has a headache,” Tommy replied.

  I opened my eyes partway. “I’m fine.”

  “Everything OK?” a voice called out.

  Chad kissed my nose. “Can you hook her back up? She’s in pain again.”

  I whimpered while the nurse worked on me. She injected something into my IV. Then I felt a surge of heat run up my good arm. My eyes opened wide because it burned for a few seconds.

  “Shh, give it a minute.” Chad nuzzled my neck and held my good arm still. “My baby girl, I’m so sorry. It’ll work. I promise.”

  I felt another hand on my arm. “Just relax.” It was my mom’s soothing voice.

  Chad didn’t let go until my body relaxed. “See. It’s better. Right?”

  I nodded but felt slightly high. “I’m OK,” I mumbled.

  “We’re gonna get going.” Jon’s voice broke through my haze. “If you need anything call.”

  Chad lifted his head off me. “Sure. Thanks, guys.”

  * * *

  I opened my eyes and tried to figure out when I fell asleep. Someone held my hand. I closed my fingers around theirs. The comfort was appreciated.

  Chad’s mom, Valerie, startled me with, “I’m so sorry, Crystal.”

  I turned my head. She sat in a chair next to me.

  Tears fell from her eyes. “I can’t imagine what you’re going through. The pain must be awful. I don’t know how I would—”

  “Mom, please don’t make it worse for her.” Chad came into view.

  “Chad,” I called to him. “The gown’s hurting my shoulder. Can you open it?”

  He came to my side and kissed my lips. “Baby, I brought you some of Giovanni’s T-shirts. Do you wanna wear one? It might make you feel like he’s here with you.”

  I looked up at him. “How’d you know?” I smiled at the thought of Giovanni’s shirt against my skin.

  He smiled. “I know you better than you do, baby. I just wanna relieve your grief a bit.” He glanced at his mom. “Can you close the door, please?” He looked at me again. “Dad came to see you and took your mom home with him. He told me to tell you he loves you.”

  Chad’s mom got to her feet. She sniffled and walked toward the door. Then Chad pulled out a T-shirt and a pair of panties from the duffel bag.

  After his mom sat in the chair again, Chad closed the curtain around the bed. “Mom, please don’t say anything.” Chad opened the gown and carefully took it off me. Valerie put a hand over her mouth but kept quiet.

  He sat me up. “Mom, help me get the shirt over her head.”

  She got up and pulled the shirt down as she cried silently. My own tears fell from pain. Chad held me up with one hand and put my good arm along with my IV tubes in an armhole with the other. Then he slowly pulled the shirt over the bruised side of my body, as I cried out several times.

  The shirt just fit over my broken arm. The IV tube and monitor wires were a little uncomfortable and in the way, but it was better than that gown. He took the sheet off me and put my panties on with great care. He tried hard not to scrape them on the bruises of my bad leg. He did a good job. It only hurt my leg and hip a little.

  When he was done, he pulled the sheet back up. “You OK?” he asked after he kissed me again. “Can I do anything else?” He brushed the hair from my face again then wiped my tears.

  I looked up at him. The love in his eyes blew me away. That love kept me going. “Maybe a drink? My mouth feels dry.”

  Chad opened the curtain and went out the door, which he left ajar. Chad’s mom had stopped crying. She was obviously still affected by my condition. I reached a hand out to her. “Ma, I’m gonna heal.”

  She took my hand in hers and kissed it then put it down on the bed. “I love you as much as I love Chad you know.”

  “Can I come in?” Chris asked from the doorway, which made me look up. Soon he was by my side with flowers, which Chad’s mom took. “Crystal, I’m so sorry.” He kissed my cheek and hugged me gently. When he stood up, tears were on his cheeks. “I feel like I should be doing something for you.” He caressed my cheek. “Can I get you something to eat at least?”

  I smiled at him. “I’m not hungry, but thanks. Just sit with us. You know Chad’s mom, right?”

  They both smiled. “Hi, Valerie.” Chris sat next to her and picked up my hand. “How you doing? Really? I know you ain’t fine.”

  I looked at him. “Not good. The morphine helps with the physical pain.” A tear fell from my eye. I was suddenly overwhelmed with grief. Maybe Chris reminded me of Giovanni. “I miss him so much. Why did God take him from me? Why’d I have to lose him?” Then I started to cry. Stupid fucking tears!

  Chris sat me up slowly and hugged me again. “I miss him too.” He caressed my hair. “I’m sorry you lost him.”

  He hurt me but not enough for me to care. I lay my head on his shoulder and clung to him. Then I let out everything I was afraid would hurt Chad. “I loved him so much, Chris. I don’t wanna live without him. What am I gonna do? I wish I died too! I can’t deal with this pain anymore.” I cried louder. I had not realized how much I had held in.

  Chad’s mom suddenly got up and rushed away.

  “What’s the matter, Mom?” Chad asked from somewhere close by.

  “She wants to die. You need to tell someone.”

  Chris whispered in my ear, “Chad and I want you to live, and so does everyone else. Please, Crystal. It’ll get better. You have to give it time.”

  “I feel like my soul was ripped out,” I explained. “My heart’s broken so bad I don’t know who I am anymore.”

  Chris’ tears ran down my neck. “Please believe me. It’ll get better. We’re gonna take care of you.” He held me close until we heard multiple footsteps. Then he lifted his head.

  “OK, Crystal.”
I looked up to see a nurse at the foot of the bed. Chris let me go and laid me down gently. “I’ve got something for you.” She had a syringe in her hand. “We can’t have you this upset. You need to let your body heal.”

  Chad was behind her. “I’m sorry. I had to do something. I love you too much to see you suffering like this.”

  I didn’t ask what she injected into my IV. I didn’t care. I just wanted the pain to go away. If it would take drugs to do it, that was fine with me. Chad had such pain in his eyes though. I put my hand out to him.

  He laid down with me and held me. “I love you so much. Please don’t tell me you wanna die. I can’t lose you, too. If I lost my very best friend, I’d be nothing. I promised Giovanni I’d marry you. How can I do that if you’re gone, too?” He cried into my shoulder.

  “I’m sorry.” I reached around his neck and carefully put my hand through his hair. After a while, my hand went limp, and my eyes started to close. Soon I heard and felt nothing.

  Chapter 17

  I woke up to Rosie, one of the hospital nurses, who checked my IV. “Sweetie, I have to move your legs around a bit.”

  Someone had done that every day while I was there, to prevent blood clots. The device they normally used, caused too much pain for me and didn’t fit over my cast.

  She pulled the sheet off Chad and I. “Oh my, aren’t you guys comfy. Should I cover him back up?”

  Her eyes were on Chad, who was asleep in only his underwear. I turned my head and looked at him as well. “No. He could care less if you saw him naked. He’s the least modest person I ever met.” I bit my lip then asked, “What day is it?”

  She slowly moved my broken arm a little. “Wednesday. They all blur together sometimes, huh?”

  “Yeah.” It felt like I had been there forever.

  “How’s your pain today?” She picked up my leg with the cast. I cringed from the bruises that still ran all the way down it. “Sorry. I’ll get you something in a few minutes.”

  I sighed. The pills didn’t work as quickly. Nevertheless, in order to go home, I had to be off intravenous medicine. Then I smiled when Chad’s hand crept my body up a bit, from my belly.

  Rosie moved my leg carefully and rubbed some of the bruises gently. “He’s very handsome. Such nice hair. I love watching how he cares for you. You’re the only one on this floor we don’t need to do much for.”

  I slowly caressed Chad’s cheek. He was so cute asleep. His hair was all over the place. I wanted to put my fingers through it, but I didn’t want her to see it. I smiled at him, happy for a change. He did all he could to ease my broken heart and help me start to heal.

  I never expected him to take care of me so well. It was like his personality and attitude had changed since I woke up after the accident. I knew he loved me, but what he had done for me twenty-four hours a day, was beyond that. By then, I had gotten used to him even helping me go to the bathroom.

  It had been five days since the accident, and I woke up in his arms every morning. It was nice to have his body against mine if I woke up in the night. Nightmares were quickly soothed away. His touch did me a world of good. I wore a short nighty and panties. So a lot of our skin touched that morning.

  After Rosie put my right leg down, she picked up my good one slowly, seemingly so she wouldn’t wake Chad. She moved it around and rubbed it also.

  Chad’s cock slowly hardened against my hip. After a while, Rosie giggled and turned her head away. I looked down. Several inches of Chad’s rock hard dick peeked out of his boxer briefs. I quickly covered it up.

  With a blush, Rosie looked at me. “I’ve never seen one that big in person before.”

  Then Chad moaned and whispered, “I need you, baby.”

  I panicked. That meant he was about to fuck me in his sleep. He always said something like that just before he started. Then his hand slid to my right hip and he tried to pull my panties down.

  The nurse still had my good leg up. “Horny little devil isn’t he?” Just before she put my leg down, she touched my calf. “His name is Giovanni? Why do you call him Chad then?” She was one of the few nurses who didn’t know our situation.

  Emotion clogged my throat. Tears fell fast, and I started to sob. I couldn’t even tell her she was wrong. Desperate, I clung to the material of Chad’s underwear.

  Within seconds, Chad’s arm was around me. “It’s OK, baby.”

  The nurse looked at me alarmed as she put my leg down. “What’s the matter? Does something hurt?” She paused. “Is she OK, Giovanni?”

  Chad lifted his head. “It’s not physical pain. I’m not Giovanni. That’s her fiancé. He died in the accident. I’m her best friend. She’s still grieving for him.”

  She quickly apologized, “I’m so sorry. You guys just look at each other like your so in love. I didn’t mean to make you cry, sweetie.” She pushed my hair away from my face. “I’m sorry you lost Giovanni. It’s going to take time. I’m sure Chad here will take good care of you.” Then she left the room and closed the door behind her.

  Chad nuzzled my neck. “It’s OK. I know you miss him. I do too.” He caressed my cheek with a finger. “I love you, and I’m here for you.”

  I turned to him and brushed his lips with mine. I wanted him to hold me and kiss me like Giovanni used to. My heart felt so empty again. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I kissed him again, this time with passion. He laid his body down on the left side of mine, took my face in his hands and kissed me back deeply. He opened his mouth and teased me with his tongue as our breath quickened.

  I grabbed his hair and pulled as a surge of desire filled me. I whispered, “Chad I want you so much.” His hard cock against my thigh called to me. I needed him to numb the pain.

  Chad slipped his hand under my pajamas. He touched my bare breast gently then ran the tips of his fingers over my nipple. I softly moaned, and my head went back a little.

  “It’s been weeks, baby,” he whispered. “There’s been no one else.”

  He soon moved his hand lower and slid it into my panties. His kisses grew more urgent. He pushed a few fingers inside of me. It took seconds for him to bring me to orgasm.

  “Chad… oh God, Chad!” I cried out as quietly as I could, while I quivered within. I wished I could touch him too. The rest of the world was gone. Our problems faded. “Chad…”

  His hand moved, and the front of his underwear came down. Then he lifted my nighty and kept his hand on my bare breast as he kissed my neck. “I need you baby.” His hips slowly moved over my leg and he moaned softly as his cock rubbed my thigh. My panties were pushed aside at the crotch, followed by the tip of his cock against my entrance.

  “Baby… Uh…” He pushed in a few inches and moaned. I whimpered and clung to him. He froze. “It hurts?” I nodded. Then his mouth came down and covered my nipple as he waited until he could continue.

  “Chad, what are you doing to her?” Every muscle in Chad’s body tensed with the sound of his mother’s voice. “Get off her before her mother comes in.”

  Never had he lost an erection so fast. He covered my breast with one hand and leaned on his elbow. Then he turned his head. She stared at us with an angry expression. I could feel he was upset she caught us.

  “I can’t, and you don’t wanna know why.” Chad leaned his head on my good shoulder. “I’m sorry.” He subtly pulled my top down.

  I didn’t know what to think. Embarrassed was not the right word. I hadn’t even heard her come in. Then I looked into Chad’s eyes. His love for me was so obvious, and it made me smile. He had filled the hole in my heart again. He touched my face, which made me feel so good.

  His mom grabbed the sheet and covered us. “I don’t wanna know what you’re doing.” Then she turned away for a few seconds. “Just don’t do it again.”

  Chad took the opportunity and pulled out of me. Then he quickly adjusted our underwear. “Sorry, Mom.”

  “This is crazy.” His mom looked at us again. “What’s wrong with you two? How could y
ou be kissing and in your underwear? It’s only been a few days.”

  I sighed with relief. She didn’t seem to know what really happened.

  “Val, I think they’re in love,” my mom suddenly commented. “Everything’s changed, and they need each other. You know how that opens up possibilities.” She looked ecstatic at the thought.

  Chad’s mom looked at us too. “I thought I was imagining it.” She sighed. “But, the look in their eyes says it all.”

  I thought about it. For as far back as I could remember, Chad meant the world to me. When I met Giovanni, that didn’t disappear, it changed. My feelings for them were similar. Am I in love with both of them? Is that even possible? Flashes of our life came to me. I couldn’t stay away from him without great effort. Is love why only Chad can console me sometimes? Or why I can’t help but look at him even when Giovanni is right there with me? Or cheated with him? Is that why it feels so good when he says he loves me or calls me his baby?

  My eyes closed. I loved Giovanni. I’m sure I did. However, if I had lost Chad, I would be a basket case. He meant so much more to me. I reached my hand out and raked my fingers through Chad’s hair. Then I whispered with sudden clarity, “I am in love with you.”

  He put his head down on my shoulder again and gently hugged me. “I knew it,” he replied softly. “I’m sorry it took something like this for you to see it too.” Then he reached up and kissed my lips several times, while he ignored our mothers in the room.

  Chad’s mom put her hand on his back. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. I know you’re a man, but you’re still my little boy.”

  He turned to her. “Mom, I love her with everything inside me.” He caressed my face and looked at me. “This is the only way we can console each other right now. I didn’t mean for you to walk in on it, but I’m not sorry I was doing it.”

  She brushed the hair from his face. “Can you get some clothes on now? I don’t feel comfortable knowing you guys have so much skin touching while I’m in the room.”

  “Can you guys turn around?” Chad got off the bed after they had looked away. He pulled out pajama bottoms and put them on. Then he came back and kissed me on the lips. “I love you, my baby girl.”


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