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Slave Gold (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Becca Van

“Darby, go and get Healer Marrick,” Barclay demanded from her other side. Movement from the bottom of the bed drew her attention, and she watched as Darby got up. His cock bobbed and swayed as he moved. Shannon drew in a ragged breath when she saw his gloriously naked body and sighed with disappointment when he pulled his leather pants on and drew his shirt over his head. God, he is so hot! They all are, and they’re all mine. He left the bedroom moments later.

  She turned to look at him. “I’m fine, Barclay. I just need to stretch and move. The muscles are a little tight but will loosen when I get some heat into them.”

  When she tried to sit up, Barclay placed a hand in the middle of her chest. “You will stay where you are until Healer Marrick has checked you over.”

  Shannon grinned at him, and he frowned. He was so cute when he was worried about her. It was nice to have three big men concerned for her welfare, but she knew she wouldn’t always react the way she did now. For now she felt like indulging them, because she could feel their worry through their mating bond. She wondered if their bond had strengthened when she had reached out for them with her mind while in the clutches of Tren, Garth, and Kai. It was the only theory that made sense, since it seemed she could feel so much more than before.

  “Okay,” she sighed and relaxed back into the mattress and realized that she wasn’t wearing anything. “Umm, can I have one of your shirts?”

  “Why?” Barclay frowned.

  “You can be so dense sometimes, Barclay. Shannon doesn’t want to be naked in front of Healer Marrick.”

  “Shit!” Barclay hurried over to the drawers off to the side of the room. When he came back, he and Gilmore helped her to sit up and gently drew the shirt over her head and pushed her arms into the sleeves.

  “Lie back, honey.” Gilmore eased her back down until her head was resting on the pillow again. “We don’t want you moving around too much before Healer Marrick looks you over.”

  Shannon was thankful to see the healer enter the bedroom with Darby following. Barclay got off the bed, uncaring that he was naked, and gave the healer room to work. Marrick ran the MediScanner over her body slowly from head to toe, and she could see the gleam of humor in his eyes. Obviously he knew her men were being overly cautious, too. He gave her a wink when the device beeped and then wiped all expression from his face as he turned to Barclay.

  “Your bond mate is one hundred percent healthy. The aching is probably due to being a little cramped. Movement will help ease the pain.”

  “Thank you, Healer Marrick,” Barclay sighed and moved closer as the healer walked toward the door.

  “Healer Marrick.”

  “Yes, Shannon?”

  “When can you implant the data chip into my brain?”

  “What?” Barclay roared.

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” Shannon scooted across the mattress, wanting to be on her feet. Before she could swing her legs over the edge, Barclay gripped her waist and lifted her. He held her steady and kept ahold of her as he scowled down at her. “If I’d had that damn chip in my brain when those assholes kidnapped me, I may have been able to escape. I could have tapped into the fighting strategies and used them to fend them off.”

  “I’ll think about it. You need a few more days’ rest before having that done.”


  “Shannon, you nearly died. Let me get over that fact before you talk about having a chip implanted.”

  “Okay,” she sighed. “When do you think that will be?”

  “You mean when will I forget about you almost dying? Probably never.” Barclay scooped her up into his arms.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to help you bathe.” He looked at her determinedly. “No arguments.”

  Shannon rested her head on his shoulder and let him carry her into the bathroom, but since she was feeling fine there was no way she was going to be resting. She had a new world to discover and new friends to make, because she was finally home.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Shannon spent the next few days dodging her bond mates. They wanted her to rest, but she would have gone stir-crazy if she had surrendered to their dictates. Elder woman Rose Swan was on her side and helped her to escape when they came looking for her. Every time her men caught up with her, they would wordlessly sling her over their shoulders and carry her back inside and dump her on the bed. None of them ever said a word, but they frowned at her, trying to portray their frustration and scowl her into subservience.

  Shannon didn’t have a meek bone in her body. She’d just wait until they went off back to their warriors and leave the dwelling once more. Barclay had just carried her back to their bedroom for the third time that day, and she waited until she heard the front door slam before leaving the room.

  “God, they are so frustrating,” Shannon muttered as she sat down at the table in the kitchen.

  “Those three men care very deeply for you, Shannon. They only have your best interests at heart,” Rose said as she washed and peeled vegetables.

  “I know that, Rose, but Marrick has already given me the all clear. I can’t put my life on hold and stare at the four walls just to placate them.”

  “They still aren’t over the shock. I heard them telling Marrick the agony you suffered. I don’t think they’ll ever forget that.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about,” Shannon grumped. “I’m going to help in the gardens. I love seeing vegetables grow.”

  Shannon kissed Rose on the cheek and headed out. Over the last few days she had become very close with elder woman Rose. She felt like the mother Shannon had never had. When Shannon opened the front door, she found Stefan standing off to the side.

  “Can I help you, Stefan?”

  “Actually, yes, you can, Shannon.” He smiled at her.

  “Okay, what can I do for you?”

  “Could you please stay inside? I have orders not to let you leave.” His eyes twinkled at her and then a grin spread across his face.

  “Of all the…Arrogant, bossy…Sorry.” Shannon snarled and slammed the door closed. She stormed back into the kitchen, mumbling under her breath as she went. Rose frowned but didn’t say anything. She just pointed to the clear glass door off the large dining room adjoining the kitchen. With a quick glance in that direction, Shannon realized Stefan’s brother Bryan was guarding the only other exit. Or is he?

  She hurried back to her room, closed the door, and walked over to the window. Quietly sliding the window up, she sat on the sill and swung her leg over until she was straddling the frame. Gripping the top edge for balance, she pulled her other leg over and then with a small jump landed on the ground. She saw no one about so took off at a fast clip. Moments later she was at the garden, immersed in conversation with dirt up to her elbows as she lost herself in her task.

  Shannon looked up at the sky and wiped the perspiration from her brow. The day had been quite warm, and she was beginning to feel the effects. Just as she picked up her tools and scrambled to her feet, a large shadow loomed over her. Uh-oh! She turned and met Gilmore’s glowering stare.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “What does it look like?”

  “Don’t get feisty with me, little one. We have been more than tolerant with you, Shannon, but you have pushed too far this time.”

  “Look, Gilmore. I understand you want to protect me. I get that. You are warriors and it’s what you do, but the danger has passed. I’m safe now and I can’t stay inside for the rest of my life.”

  Gilmore sighed and pulled her into his arms, hugging her close. “You’re right. I’m sorry. We just hated that we didn’t protect you from danger.”

  “It wasn’t any of your faults, Gilmore. They were crazy.” Shannon wrapped her dirty arms around his waist. “Can you please get Darby and Barclay to let up? I don’t know how much more I can take.”

  “I’ll try, but I’m not promising.” He pulled back slightly. “How did you get past Stefan and Bry

  “I climbed out the bedroom window.”

  A chuckle erupted from Gilmore, and his whole face lit up with amusement. That chuckle turned to a full-bodied laugh, drawing eyes and smiles their way. “You are sneaky, little one. I’ll have to remember that. Are you finished?”

  “Yes, I need a shower.” Shannon stepped back and held up her arms.

  “You have dirt on your face.” Gilmore’s thumb caressed her cheek.

  “Oh, well, a shower is definitely in order.” Shannon led the way back to their dwelling and smiled when Stefan frowned at her.

  “You are relieved of duty, Stefan. Go home.” Gilmore smirked.

  Shannon rushed to the bathroom and stripped off, hoping to be clean before she saw Darby and Barclay. Entering the bathroom, she slammed against a hard, immovable object. She would have fallen on her ass if firm hands hadn’t gripped her ribs. She looked up into Barclay’s angry face.

  “Don’t even start.” Shannon glared. “I’ve already had this conversation with Gilmore. I am fine. You can’t keep me locked up forever. I get that you want and need to protect me, but this has to stop. I love you. I love all of you, but damn it, you can’t keep me wrapped up in cotton. I trust all of you with my heart and soul, but you have to trust me back and give me the freedom to make this place my home.”

  As Shannon talked she saw Barclay’s surprise and was touched by the seriousness with which he listened to her. After a pause, he released her and stepped back. “You’re right. I hadn’t thought of it that way, and I’m sorry. I love you, too. Now go and clean up. I want to show you how much you mean to me.”

  “As do I.” Darby’s voice came from behind her and off to the side.

  “We all do,” Gilmore said. He was lounging against the doorframe to the hall.

  “Good,” Shannon muttered and let her tense muscles relax. She had tautened up in preparation for battle.

  Barclay stepped to the side and allowed her to enter the bathroom. She washed quickly, rinsed, and then dried off. When she entered the bedroom again, her breath hitched in her throat. All her men were waiting on the bed for her, completely naked.

  “Oh my. You are all so damn sexy.”

  “Come here, Shannon.” Darby curled his finger.

  Shannon walked over to the bed, dropped the towel, and climbed up onto the mattress.

  “Lie down, honey.” Gilmore positioned her where he wanted her.

  Darby leaned down and began to kiss her. He started off slow, which was so un-Darby-like, but he slowly increased the intensity of the kiss until she was gasping for breath. Barclay sucked one of her nipples into his mouth and flicked the tip of his tongue over the sensitive nub until it peaked and then he sucked it in, crushing it against the roof of his mouth.

  Gilmore moved in between her legs and gently spread her wider. His warm breath blew across her aching clit, causing her to arch up toward him. He wrapped his arms around her upper thighs, holding her open, and then lowered his head. The tip of his tongue circled around her clit, not quite touching her where she needed it most but heightening her desire all the same. Then he pushed two fingers inside her and laved right over her clitoris.

  Shannon sobbed into Darby’s mouth and reached up to hold onto him and Barclay. She threaded her fingers into Darby’s hair and cupped the back of Barclay’s neck.

  Darby weaned his mouth from hers until he was lightly sipping at her lips. He ran his hands all over her body. Her inner walls pulsed around Gilmore’s fingers as he pumped them in and out of her pussy, and then he sucked her clit into his mouth, gently scraping his teeth over the bundle of nerves. That was all it took. Shannon threw her head back and screamed. Her body shook and shuddered as pulse after pulse of rapture washed over her.

  Gilmore sat up between her legs and wiped his mouth and chin with a hand. “You taste so fucking good, honey. I love making you come.”

  “Please?” Shannon pleaded.

  “Please what, baby?” asked Barclay.

  “Please love me.”

  “We do, Shannon. We all love you so much.”

  “Me, too, but I want you all to make love with me. At one time. Please?”

  Gilmore groaned and then moved to position his groin closer to her. She panted as she waited for his large cock to push inside her. She didn’t have to wait long. He slowly eased the crown of his hard dick into her pussy and then held still. Shannon needed all of them right now. She was too impatient to wait. With a mewl of delight, she arched her hips up and took him all the way inside until his balls connected with her ass.

  “Shit!” he gasped. “I was going to take it slow, honey. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “You aren’t. You won’t.”

  Shannon sat up and pushed against Gilmore’s chest, and he let her shove him onto his back. With careful maneuvering so she kept his erection inside her, she moved up his body and straddled his thighs. Looking back over her shoulder to Barclay and Darby, she put all the love she felt for them into words.

  “Love me. Fuck me. Please? I need one of you in my ass.”

  Barclay reached over to the bedside table and removed the container of lube. Giving him one last needy look, she wriggled around until she was lying comfortably along Gilmore’s body and slightly lifted her hips.

  “You have such a delectable ass, baby. I could just eat it.” Barclay nipped her ass, making her squeal in surprise. Barclay was always so serious. This playful side of him was new, and she liked it. “Stay still and relax for me, Shannon. Tell me if I hurt you.”

  “I trust you,” Shannon replied sincerely.

  Cool fingers touched the puckered skin of her anus and she exhaled, trying to keep her muscles loose. Barclay was patient with her and slowly eased first one finger and then another into her rear. Every time he thrust and stretched her, the muscles in her pussy clenched down on Gilmore’s cock, making them both groan at the pleasure.

  “Hurry the hell up, Barclay. I’m not going to last. She’s squeezing me so hard.”

  His fingers withdrew and then he and Gilmore helped her to sit up.

  “Are you ready, baby?”

  “Yes,” she groaned. “Now!”

  The head of Barclay’s cock pushed against her rosette and she relished the slight pinching as he penetrated her ass. He held still for a moment and then slowly forged his way inside. Shannon felt full and aroused, but mostly she felt loved and cherished. Emotion welled up inside her, and tears began to spill down her cheeks.

  “Shannon, are you okay? Are we hurting you, little one?” Gilmore sounded worried.

  “No, I’m fine. I feel so full of love that the emotion has to come out. These are happy tears.”

  “Thank God.” Barclay kissed her ear. “I’m all the way in, baby. Are you ready?”

  “Yes! No. Wait.” Shannon turned her head, searching for Darby. He was already waiting for her. He was on his haunches beside her, his large hand wrapped around the base of his shaft.

  “Come closer,” Shannon panted.

  Darby shifted forward on his knees and went down on his haunches again. The position put his cock right on level with her mouth. Just where she wanted it.

  Leaning out slightly to the side, she licked over the slit in his cock, tasting the clear drop of fluid seeping from him. She hummed as his flavor coated her tongue. Opening her mouth, she hollowed out her cheeks and sucked his dick in as far as she could. When she pulled back up to the tip, she swirled her tongue around the corona, making sure to caress the sensitive underside again and again before sucking him back in.

  She found her rhythm quickly and concentrated on giving her bond mate pleasure. Then Gilmore and Barclay began to move. With slow, easy thrusts one pushed in as the other pulled out. With each rock of their hips they picked up their pace, and the friction of their cocks alternately stroking inside her two holes created a blissfully pleasurable warmth.

  As they loved her body, she felt their bond connection open, and she could feel each of them ins
ide her heart as well as what they were feeling as they made love to her. She could feel what her mouth felt like as she sucked Darby. She felt the tight grip of her ass on Barclay’s cock and the wet heat of her pussy as Gilmore thrust in and out. But most of all she could feel the deep love they had for her and their fierce determination to protect her.

  Shannon sobbed around the cock in her mouth and sucked Darby in deep. The tip of his shaft hit the back of her throat, and he groaned loudly.

  “Your mouth is so good, sweetie. I can feel what you do. I feel the love you have for us and I can also feel how my dick in your mouth feels to you. I’ve never felt anything so intense before.”

  “I can feel it, too,” Barclay panted behind her. “It feels like I’m loving Shannon’s pussy and mouth, as well as her ass. In-fucking-credible.”

  “Shannon,” Gilmore moaned. “So damn good, honey.”

  Shannon hummed her agreement, which pulled another moan from Darby. She felt the vibrations rush up his cock and grab hold of his balls. They began to tighten and drew up close to his body.

  “Fuck, I’m so close. Make her come. I can’t last.”

  Gilmore caressed his hand down her belly and threaded his fingers through the curls on top of her mound. He began to rub her clit lightly. Back and forth, round and round. The walls of her pussy felt as if they drew tighter and tighter, gathering in closer and closer together, rippling and squeezing around his cock.

  “Oh yeah. That’s it, baby. Let the pleasure take you. When you come, we are all going with you,” Barclay rasped.

  Shannon was hovering on the precipice, reaching for the stars. And then she was there. Her breath froze in her lungs and her body arched. The pleasure was so great white lights flashed behind her closed eyelids and then she was screaming around Darby’s cock. Her pussy clamped down hard, released, and clamped again. Great waves of ecstasy washed over her, making her body tremble, shake, and shudder. Just as the waves began to recede, Darby growled and shot his load down her throat. Barclay roared behind her and pumped his seed deep into her ass and Gilmore shouted out as he filled her pussy with his semen.


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