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Spirit Bear

Page 4

by M J Waverly

  She arched an eyebrow. "You wish."

  "We're lifemates. You'll give in to the attraction." He pounded his chest like Tarzan.

  Kimber wobbled and then flopped back down onto the sofa. "Why do I see two of you?" She scrubbed her hand over her face. "This is a rough case of the spins, but when I'm near you, it's better."

  "I'll take the couch, and you take the bed," Eli said. "You need to rest."

  "I should return to the motel." She grabbed onto his shirt, and he steadied her. "Maybe you're right."

  Eli lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bedroom. He lowered her down onto the bed and then covered her with a quilt.

  "Eli. Stay." She reached for his hand. "I don't want to be alone. When I'm with you, the vertigo is better. I don't understand."

  Protectiveness for Kimber welled up. "Rest. I'll stay." He laid down next to her, and she cuddled up against him, and he kissed the top of her forehead. Soft little puffs came from Kimber as she fell into a deep sleep.

  "Sleep." He pulled her closer.

  Chapter 6

  The next morning, Kimber's head pounded as if Thor had taken his hammer to her skull. She snuggled up against Eli and soaked in his radiating warmth.

  Eli. Eli Whitlock. She opened her eyes and bolted upright. A wave of dizziness hit her. The Spins. Oh yeah. She looked underneath the blanket and sighed in relief. They were both still dressed.

  What should she do? Get up without waking Eli. The bear charm against her skin became warm.

  "Hello, Kimber. Please don't go."

  Kimber narrowed her eyes at a still sleeping Eli. She rubbed the side of her temples. Must be a side effect of The Spins.

  "No, I'm here."

  Was someone telepathically communicating with her? "Artemis?"

  A deep growly laugh echoed in her mind. She's sensed this presence before, and the charm grew warmer against her skin. She pulled it out, and the bear charm spun around, but the snowflake on the side glowed a bright blue.

  A realization occurred to Kimber. "Are you Eli's bear?"


  The image of a bear formed in her mind. It was the same one she'd seen on the trails near the Bear Bay Nature Center.

  "Hello." A lightheartedness filled Kimber.

  The bear waved a paw.

  "Do you have a name?" She asked.

  "No, I'm part of Eli. We share a soul."

  "Wow. Does he know you're talking to me while he's sleeping?" Kimber ached to touch Eli's face.

  "No. I wanted to reassure you that Eli is a nice guy. He's had a tough time mentally after the accident. Even with the shifter magic, the pain broke his spirit. He started doubting his abilities, and because of his tough childhood, he creates barriers and walls to protect himself from pain."

  Something inside Kimber broke. She understood. After her parents died, she didn't want to interact with the world, and she built walls to keep people at bay, but she had Justin to take care of. It wasn't the same, but she could relate to Eli better than she had before.

  "Thank you for telling me."

  "He wakes. I must go." And the bear image faded.

  "Did someone say something?" Eli rolled over and blinked his eyes several times as he adjusted to the morning light.

  Tossing the quilt aside, Kimber was about to get out of bed, when Eli grabbed her arm.

  "Don't go." Eli levered up on his elbow and smoothed back her hair, which must be a nest of tangles. "You're so beautiful. I thought so when I saw you in Courtland."

  Kimber stared into his emerald green eyes, which reminded her of a crisp winter day. His nearness overwhelmed her, and an amazing zing of energy flowed from her heart and spread outward. She laid back down on the bed, never breaking her gaze with his. A surge of need and longing coursed through Kimber.

  He trailed kisses down her neck, and

  She wanted Eli Whitlock. Even though they'd just met, she knew he was the one deep in her bones and in her soul.

  Now. Embracing Eli, Kimber pressed her lips against his. His tongue delved deep within, demanding more. He tasted like mint and spices. She pressed her body against his as desire burned through her.

  Breaking their kiss, Eli stroked her face with the pads of his thumbs. "Are you sure?"

  She nodded.

  He rose up on his knees and removed his shirt.

  She skimmed her hands over his body, and over the thick scars from his accident covered his ribcage.

  Eli removed her shirt and tugged it over her head. The cold morning air brushed against her skin. Eli reached behind her and unhooked her bra, freeing her breasts.

  He gasped. "So, beautiful." A thrill surged through her. He caressed breasts, and then suckled each nipple. Kimber squealed with delight and grabbed his hair as her body demanded more of him.

  He laughed and then looked deeply into her eyes. "You shine so brightly and happy." And then he leaned back as if creating distance between them. She sensed his hesitation. No. She wouldn't let him block her.

  She unsnapped the button on his jeans and then started sliding them down his legs. "You vixen." Eli's husky voice.

  Kimber smoothed her hands over his nicely-shaped ass, and then to his hard erection.

  "Kimber. I can't control myself much longer." His commanding lips seized. Hot frissons traveled through Kimber's body, and she throbbed with longing. Eli pushed off her pants, the last barrier between them.

  He wrapped her hair around his hand, and then he planted kisses on the back of her neck. The tension in her core rose like the sun's solar heat beating down upon the earth.

  "Eli." She managed to choke out his name.

  She reached for his thick cock. Wet with desire, she guided his erection to her opening. "I want you." Yearning for Eli vibrated through every cell in her body.

  "Kimber," he growled. He rolled over with her legs wrapped around him.

  She was on top. She would be in control. She slid her wet opening over his cock. He inched his way deeper into her until he filled her, and they moved as one.

  An explosion of pleasure brought Kimber onto the edge of a rapture of pure joy.

  She collapsed back onto the bed. "Oh, wow."

  Eli pulled her into his arms. "My little snow nymph. You're so sexy and wonderful."

  Eli prepared breakfast. He wanted to take Kimber back to bed and stay there all day as they explored one another.

  She strolled into the kitchen in his tee-shirt, looking super sexy and delectable.

  "Warming up the biscuits and then frying bacon," Eli kissed her on the lips.

  "Do you have any coffee?" Kimber's golden curls, her heart-shaped face, and piercing blue eyes enthralled him. A descendant of Khione.

  "In the cupboard." He pointed up to the right uppermost corner.

  While Kimber prepared the coffee, a cell phone buzzed on the countertop. Eli continued to fry the bacon.

  "Do you need to answer that?" She gestured at the phone, which kept vibrating as if possessed.

  He shook his head." It's my dad. He always calls me at this time to make sure that I have completed my first run in the morning."

  Kimber leaned against the counter. "I didn't know your dad trained you."

  He doesn't, but that doesn't stop my father from sticking his nose in my business and thinking he's training me." Eli hoped he kept the anger out of his voice. Talking about his dad was one of those subjects he didn't like to discuss with other people, most of all, Kimber.

  She nodded. "Justin likes to think he can tell me what to do even though I'm the big sister. He gets a lot of ideas, and I need time and to make them happen. It gets frustrating because sometimes I just want to do what I want to do."

  Eli removed the bacon from the pan and placed it on a paper towel to drain. He returned the pan to the stove.

  He meandered over to Kimber. "I hope being with me is one of the things you want to do."

  She tilted her head back and gave him a timid smile. "Yeah. Absolutely."

; After breakfast, Eli found snowboarding gear equipment that would fit Kimber. "This is one of my favorite areas to snowboard." He gestured at the mountain, still covered with snow.

  "It's beautiful." Her eyes gleamed with wonder. "You're so lucky to see this every day," she said.

  Eli's heart soared to hear her speak with such awe. His bear growled with contentment. Eli couldn't believe how well Kimber snowboarded like a natural. Of course, she was a descendent of a snow nymph.

  On their third run, Kimber took off first, but she didn't stay on the main trail. She veered off, a side trail which snaked in and among the trees, which crossed over into the newly-established bear shifter sanctuary.

  "Kimber. Stop." Eli called out.

  She'd disappeared behind the Zeal, the magical barrier that kept humans out but allowed access to bear shifters.

  His bear roared. "We must follow her."

  For once, Eli and his bear were in agreement. He adjusted his strap and continued down the side trail. The strings of the Zeal's magic vibrated around him as he crossed the boundary.

  Kimber had removed her snowboard and leaned on it as she scanned the area around her.

  "Why didn't you stop? I called for you?" Eli forced his voice to stay calm, but her disappearance had rattled him. There could've been another shifter waiting for her.

  She turned her head and then pointed to the west. "Someone calls to me. My magic led me here." Thick snowflakes cascaded down upon her. Just around her.

  Fear streamed through Eli, and his heart pounded. "What do you hear?"

  "Someone calls my name. They're very lonely." A confused expression crossed her face.

  Eli knew exactly what was happening. The rogue bear shifter they'd encountered yesterday called to Kimber. Even though she and Eli had sex this morning, they hadn't committed to being life mates. He hadn't claimed her.

  Eli had been reluctant because of the Spirit Competition. He had to compete. No matter what.

  There were still trust issues on Kimber's part and if truth be told on Eli's part. His body had healed from the shattered ankle and broken ribs, but his spirit hadn't. Fear he'd turn to the pain pills still plagued him each and every day.

  Two big bears emerged through the trees. Eli recognized them. Jacque Baissier and Barron Montgomery. They were in charge of Artemis's new bear sanctuary.

  Kimber didn't move. Eli motioned with his hands. ""It's okay. She knows I'm a shifter."

  Jacque stood on his hind legs and sniffed. "She has been touched by magic, but you have not claimed your lifemate."

  A shocked Kimber turned, and her eyebrows rose up to her forehead as her cheeks turned bright pink. "I'm not his to claim."

  More thick snow fell upon Kimber.

  Barron laughed. "Another strong-willed life mate. Good luck."

  Eli had to know. "Is there another shifter around here?"

  Barron and Jacque exchanged knowing looks. "Yes. He's applied for residency. He seeks a life mate, and it was rumored that a potential one could be found in Bear Bay."

  "Who is he?" Eli wanted to know. Even though he hadn't claimed Kimber, she didn't belong to anyone else.

  "We can't tell you," Barron answered.

  "What we do know is that Kimber Gold is most welcome to Bear Bay," Jacque said. "The magic of your ancestor is needed in this land to combat the climate change the bears are experiencing."

  Kimber's eyes widened. "Thanks. I think. It's still strange to hear and see talking bears."

  "You'll grow accustomed to our ways," Barron reassured her.

  "You must claim your life mate. Or the goddess will make the decision for you. She will decide what and who is best for Kimber," Jacque said in his thick French accent.

  "Don't I get a say about this?" Kimber's eyes grew large.

  Overhead, a white owl flew from one large pine tree to another and then hooted.

  Kimber scowled. "Really?"

  "What did the owl say?" Eli asked.

  "The goddess knows best," Kimber answered.

  Chapter 7

  When Kimber returned to Eli's cabin, Barron and Jacque followed, both bears talking to Eli in low whispered conversations.

  Suddenly, Kimber stopped and held up her hand. "Don't you sense him?"

  "Who?" Eli joined her in a protective stance. Both bears sniffed the air.

  "To the south." She pointed.

  A rather large bear appeared. It was the bear she'd seen yesterday. He had a strange symbol that looked like an ancient Nordic rune on his midsection.

  Her gut instincts told her she could trust him. He desperately needed help. Someone to love. A mate.

  Sadness mingled with hope emanated from the bear as he locked eyes with her.

  "What is he doing here?" Eli asked in a raspy voice.

  The other two bear shifters stood behind Eli.

  Kimber placed her hand on Eli's shoulder. "His name is Pavel. He's from Russia. Artemis sent him here."

  Eli frowned. "You can speak to him?"

  "Yes." Kimber turned back to Pavel and smiled. "He says he won't take me away from you, but if I'm not happy. To find him."

  "What is that supposed to mean?" Eli straightened, and he seemed to grow taller and bigger as if he had a huge mega-watt shot of testosterone.

  "He has a symbol on his fur. Artemis has sent him, then we must speak with him," Jacque said.

  "We must go." Barron raised a paw. "Eli, if you want to work with us on the sanctuary, you're always welcomed."

  Jacque turned his big head. "Kimber, we'll see you soon, my dear, because you're one of Artemis's own."

  Kimber smiled. "" Thank you." This was like being in a wildlife film, where three bears had a business meeting in the woods.

  Pavel shook his big head side-to-side, and then wandered away and disappeared in the thick trees followed by the other two bears.

  Kimber felt sympathy for Pavel because she'd sense his loneliness. However, she had a connection with Eli and his bear.

  She would have to discover what it meant for her. For Eli. And for Justin and Khione Snowboards. Would she move to Bear Bay, Alaska? If they needed her magic in the sanctuary, she couldn't telecommunicate it over the computer.

  Eli turned to Kimber. "I need to get back. I have an appointment in town. You can drop me off at the Broken Toe Café when you return to the motel before you leave town for Courtland." He grabbed his snowboard and stormed off.

  What had just happened?

  Kimber tensed, and pain hit her in the chest, and small stinging freezing rain hit her body like small pellets. Something had changed. He had turned back into the cold Eli. Not the warm, sweet guy she made love with this morning.

  When they reached the magical barrier, a tingle washed over Kimber as she neared the Zeal.

  Eli had already strapped on his snowboard and made his way down the hill.

  She didn't know what to say to him. She turned and took in the majestic Mount Boreas named after her Khione's father, Boreas, the god of the North Wind. "I need help."

  Maybe it was time to find Artemis. How did you find the goddess? Ask an owl to send a message.

  Back at the cabin, Eli and Kimber didn't speak to one another as they'd unstrapped their boards and hiked the last half mile back.

  He cut a quick glance over at Kimber. "Would she be happier with this other bear, Pavel? She could be a life mate to a bear without any issues. No addictions.

  His bear's image emerged in his mind. "No. She is our life mate."

  When Eli returned to his cabin, his heart sank. His Dad's Silverado truck was parked in the driveway. Dad sat on the front porch on one of the carved wooden chairs. Anger glinted in his father's eyes. He hadn't remained in communication.

  "Stay inside," Eli ordered.

  Kimber was about to protest, but she didn't when she saw his father.

  Eli whirled around and then bolted up the steps to the cabin's porch. "Hey, Dad. What are you doing here?"

  "Where in the hell have you b
een? You haven't answered your phone for the past two days. I've been worried. Your mother is worried, so are your brothers."

  Eli held out his hand. "Dad, not now."

  James Whitlock finally stopped and glowered when he saw Kimber. "Is she one of your friends who helped you with your needs?" His father meant the illegal pain pills Eli had bought from a friend of a friend, who knew someone.

  "Is everything okay?" Kimber frowned.

  "Who are you?" James Whitlock snarled.

  "I'm a friend. Who are you?" Kimber looked at Eli, who didn't want to explain his father.

  Freezing rain pelted the cabin, Eli, and Kimber. The stings felt like painful insect bites.

  "It'd be better if you left." Eli clenched his hands into tight fists. We'll talk later."

  His life mate's eyes flashed with anger. "Don't do this. Don't push me away. Let me help you."

  "Eli, are you going to introduce me to this young lady?" His father insisted in that irritating tone when he wouldn't let up.

  "Dad. I'll meet you inside." Eli gritted his teeth and locked eyes with his Dad. He nodded and went into the cabin without looking back.

  Kimber's eyes glistened with tears. "That's your father?"

  Embarrassed, Eli didn't want to explain his father was checking up with him to make he hadn't relapsed.

  "Leave, Kimber. Just leave." He gestured at her Jeep.

  She blinked several times, and from the painful expression on her face, his words had hurt. His actions had cut her deep. She took a deep breath, spun on her heel, and ran down the steps. She jumped in her Jeep and drove away without looking back.


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