A Taste of Paradise (Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men)

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A Taste of Paradise (Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men) Page 1

by Quinn, Shelli


  Taste of


  By Shelli Quinn


  I wanted to give a special thank you to all my readers who loved The Baby Contract

  so much that you sent me numerous emails requesting part two. So here it is I hope that you

  all enjoy this one as much as you did part one. Keep the emails coming, I really enjoy hearing from all of you.

  Love, Peace and Happy reading!

  Chapter 1

  India Landry has watched out for her three sisters for as long as she could remember even before the death of their world traveling parents who left them in the care of their grandparents. And since the death of their grandparents, she has always been the reasonable and responsible one. Whenever one of her sisters needed her, she was there for them. To lend a hand or a shoulder to cry on if and when things didn’t go the way they expected.

  India even had their backs when and if things ever came to blows. India was the kind of sister who would fight any battle for the sake of her sisters. Making sure that they find happiness was more important than finding happiness for herself. Thankfully, happiness seemed to be in reach for all of her sisters. She, however, wasn’t sure if love was something she was willing to take a chance on.

  Her sister Egypt, whom they called Gigi, had been lucky enough to find her true love when she’d met her baby’s father Pierce Fabrizio. Along with Pierce, they inherited his three brothers and his parents.

  Now not only did she have a new baby nephew who would be coming home in a day or two, but they had a second family living under the same roof with them here at the Landry’s Landing Inn. The Fabrizio’s had become a part of their family and were in the process of relocating from Chicago to North Carolina in order to keep the family close. However, until their new homes were ready the family would be their guests. They were wonderful people and while most of their guests were pleasant enough there was one that was getting on her last nerve.

  Giovanni Fabrizio the brother of Pierce and a real pain in her ass, but for some reason, her mind and body just couldn’t seem to agree on how to feel about him. In her mind, she wanted to strangle him most of the time, but her treacherous body just wanted to have its way with his after stripping them both butt naked and finding some very creative ways to use honey.

  Technically, he was the cousin of the other three Fabrizio men but since his mother died giving birth to him. He’d been raised by his mother’s brother, Giuseppe Fabrizio. Giuseppe and his wife Serafina had raised him as one of their sons and treated him as such making him an heir to the Fabrizio Empire along with their other three sons.

  India’s body knew every time he walked into the room because she could feel the electricity arch through the room between the two of them. That man could make her body sizzle and just by looking at her. Working with him was becoming increasingly difficult, the more time she spent with him the more she wanted to tie him to a bed a ride him like the stallion he is.

  She’d never been attracted to a man of a different race before but for some reason, this sexy Italian was the butter on her biscuit, the cream in her coffee, the temptation she didn’t need but wanted to have.

  “Indy are you listening to me?” Asia asked as she waved her hands in front of Indy’s face.

  “Girl if don’t keep your hands out of my face, I will slap you silly. Now what were you saying?” Indy asked in responds to her sister’s question as she snapped out of the trance she seemed to be in from daydreaming about all the things, she’d like to do with Gio.

  “I asked you if we should plan a welcome home party for Gigi, Pierce and little Dante.” Asia said repeating her previous question.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea Dante shouldn’t be around a lot of people this soon, too many germs. We don’t want him getting sick. However, you can plan a quiet family dinner that would be nice. Of course with the Landry women and the Fabrizio men in the same room it’ll be anything but quiet.” Indy said as she went back to the paperwork she was supposed to be doing instead of daydreaming about a man she would never have.

  Indy heard her cell phone begin to ring. She glanced at the caller ID then touched the screen to press, ignore, sending the call straight to voicemail.

  “Your phone has been ringing all morning, and you’ve been sending it to voicemail every time. You know that if you don’t answer it sooner, or later he’s going to come looking for you.” Asia said watching her sister closely.

  “Yeah and you know that never goes well, when he has to come looking for you, you know things are going to get loud.” London said as she too watched Indy closely.

  “You two nosy little busy bodies really need to mind your own damn business.” Indy said as she continued her paperwork.

  “It is our business when it’s happening right in front of us, besides, we’re trying to help you.” London said.

  “Ha, Ha, that’s funny, you two nitwits need to try and help yourselves. You have two perfectly sweet guys interested in you, and you’re both being stupid. Pretty soon Gabe and Luc Fabrizio are going to get tired of playing games with the two of you.”

  Indy said as she began gathering her papers, slipping her phone in her pants pocket. “I’m going somewhere I can find some peace and quiet. I have one good nerve left and the two of you are getting on it, and neither one of you better tell Gio where to find me.” She said before attempting to leave the corner table in the dining room.

  “That’s rather hypocritical of you isn’t it? Because aren’t you doing the same thing with Gio, so now who’s stupid? And just how would we tell him where to find you if you haven’t even told us where you’ll be?” Asia asked.

  “Good point, let’s keep it that way. And to answer your question about who’s stupid, it’s still you two, now shouldn’t the two of you be working.” Indy said as she turned to leave, but before she could make it to the door the person she was trying to hide from walked in and was now standing in front of her.

  “Damn!” Indy mumbled.

  London and Asia looked up to see that Gio had tracked Indy down just as they thought he would.

  “Uh-oh, this should be good.” London whispered as she leaned back in her chair.

  “Girl we should have had some popcorn. This should be better than a movie.” Asia whispered back.

  Gio stood in front of the door blocking her escape, crossing his arms over his chest. He gazed down at her.

  “Is there something wrong with your phone, Indy?” Gio asked sounding sexy as hell with that Italian accent, but you could tell that he was more than a bit irritated.

  “What? I don’t think so, why do you ask?” Indy asked in responds trying to look confused and innocent at the same time.

  “Let’s see maybe, because I’ve been getting your voicemail all morning.” He said.

  “Really I guess I forgot to turn my phone on this morning.”

  “Is that so, well let’s test that theory shall we?” He said as he unfolded his arms and slipped a hand in his pocket to pull out his phone. Before she realized what he intended to do he hit redial and seconds later her phone began ringing. “Wow look at that, I hear your phone ringing, and if I can hear your phone ringing then I know you should be able to hear it too, unless you’ve gone tone deaf.”

  “Ugh, you are such a pain, what do you want Gio? We agreed that we wouldn’t be working in the lab on the flavor blends today, since I have to do Gigi’s paperwork for her. So why have you been blowing up my phone all morning?” Indy asked as she rolled her eyes and
adjusted the papers in her arms.

  “Well I was calling to see if you wanted to go with me to pick up Gigi, Pierce and the baby from the hospital, but I see you don’t want to be bothered so I’ll just go alone.” Gio said as he slipped his phone back in his pocket and attempted to leave.

  Indy reached out and grabbed him by the arm which was a big mistake the electricity between them was enough to power this Inn for a month. She snatched her hand away and rubbed it down her pants leg.

  “Don’t you dare leave here without me let me run up and change, just give me fifteen minutes.” Indy said slipping pass him and headed up stairs.

  “Yeah fifteen minutes that will be some trick.” Gio said as he watched her climb the stairs.

  “You really are a pain, you know that.” Indy yelled over her shoulder as she continued up the stairs.

  Gio didn’t reply because he was too busy watching her sexy well rounded behind as she went up the stairs. She was the sexiest woman he’d ever laid eyes. He’d been having erotic dreams of all the things he’d love to do to her and that fine body of her. He could still picture in his mind the way she looked on the day her sister married his brother. Her long silky legs in that tight misty grey one shoulder dress had him groaning out loud during the wedding.

  Indy would be the perfect woman if she could just learn to keep her smart mouth shut. That woman had a word for everything and everybody no one could make a comment around her without her having a comeback, and it was usually a sharp one. If Indy could use words as a weapon than hers would definitely cut like a blade.

  The two of them had what he liked to call a healthy banter, even though he knew that she sometimes got mad as hell at him. He didn’t mind because he loved seeing the fire in her honey-colored eyes when she was pissed at him, and since he wasn’t any closer to getting her in his bed to see the fire of ecstasy in her eyes, then he’d have to settle for the passion of her anger.

  Either way, whether she was mad or not she was one sexy, beautiful, ball of fiery temptation. She was and is a sinful treat he’d give anything to indulge in, taking a long sensual dip between her creamy light brown thighs. That walnut colored skin of hers seemed to beckon him for his touch and so many times he had been tempted to give in and do just that.

  Gio was shocked out of his daydreaming when he saw long legs of hers coming down the stairs. Seeing how sexy she looked made his mouth water.

  Her Auburn shoulder-length hair was brushed back into a flawless ponytail, showing off her elegant neck. The large silver hoop earrings she wore matched the bangle bracelets she’d slipped on her wrist. Each time he saw her. She had the same effect on him. Looking at her did crazy things to his brain, he could barely think straight. He’d never meet a woman who had this effect on his mind or his body.

  “See I told you, it only took me thirteen minutes, so I had two minutes to spare, are we ready to go?” Indy asked as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

  When she was standing a few feet away he inhaled deeply drawing in her perfume, and the erotic scent almost sent him over the edge. He had to fight the urge to throw her over his shoulder and take her back upstairs to have his freaky way with her.

  “Gio, I asked if you’re ready to go.” Indy repeated the question when he didn’t reply.

  “You have no idea how ready I am.” Gio whispered as he turned for the front door.

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Now what’s your problem, are you still mad at me about not taking your calls earlier? Look I said I was sorry.” She said moving between him and the door before he could open it.

  “Actually you didn’t. You said something about me being a pain, then you asked me why I was blowing up your phone but not once did I hear you say you were sorry.” Gio said gazing down at her.

  “Really are you sure?” Indy asked as she looked up at him.

  “I’m pretty sure I’d remember if you said you were sorry. Those aren’t words that cross your lips very often now are they?”

  “That sounded a lot like an insult, but I know you aren’t stupid enough to stand here in my face and insult me, when I’m trying to say that thing you said I didn’t say.”

  “That thing you mean I’m sorry?” Gio asked.

  “Yes that it, apology accepted now let’s go.” She said with a wink as she turned and walked out the door leaving him standing there gaping at her back as she strolled away.

  Gio heard laughter and turned to see Asia and London standing in the dining room doorway. “Has anyone ever won an argument with that woman?” He asked the two.

  They exchanged glances before returning their gazes to him and laughed louder.

  “Uh no I don't believe anyone has!” London said.

  “At least no one who has lived to brag about it.” Asia added.

  “Gee, thanks there goes any hope I had of winning a war of words with her.” Gio said.

  The two sisters exchanged glances again.”Maybe you should try winning a different kind of war with her.” London said folding her arms over her chest.

  “Yeah that’s a good idea try one where she doesn’t have to talk so much, or one where she doesn’t have to talk at all that might be your best bet.” Asia said with a slight smile.

  “Keeping her quiet is positively the only way to go. We're sure that you can find a way to keep her mouth busy.” London said.

  “Yeah and if all else fails you could always tie a gag around her mouth and maybe her hands to the bed posts.” Asia teased.

  Gio laughed as he took a step towards the door stopping to look back at them. “Thanks ladies I’ll keep those suggestions in mind, but I have my own way of handling your sister. And believe me keeping her quiet isn’t part of my plan. I'll want her to make as much noise as she wants. However, I do like the idea of tying her to my bed.” He walked through the door leaving them both looking stunned.

  London glanced at Asia as they both shared a laugh. “Mercy I’m willing to bet when that man puts it down on Indy, that girl isn’t going to know what hit her.” Asia said.

  “Girl you know that’s right but first he’s going to have to get passed all that armor she wears around her heart to keep men out, and once he does I think we’ll be planning another wedding.” London added.

  Chapter 2

  When Gio reached his monarch blue, Mercedes Benz CL600 coupe, Indy was already seated in the passenger seat with the engine running and the air-conditioning on looking quite comfortable on the cashmere leather upholstery. He slid into the driver’s seat and glanced over at her with a confused look on his face. Indy glanced back at him but ignored the look of confusion on his handsome face.

  “What took you so long, it was starting to get hot in this car.” She said.

  “Never mind what took me so long, who gave you keys to my car?” Gio asked.

  “I used the spare set you leave in the apartment upstairs I figured they’d come in handy if you decide to make good on the threat you made the last time I rode with you.” She replied.

  “What threat are you talking about?” He asked.

  “The threat you made about throwing me in the trunk if I didn’t be quiet.”

  Gio smiled before turning to fasten his seatbelt. “Gattino, you don’t think that I’d really throw you in the trunk do you?”

  Indy crossed her arms under her full breast causing them to thrust a bit higher showing even more cleavage. “I’m not sure the look in your eyes said that you were very serious at the time.”

  Gio had just put the car in gear and was about to pull out of the parking lot of the Inn when he made the mistake of glancing over at the woman in the seat next to him. His eyes were drawn straight to her breasts where her cleavage was peeking out at him.

  “Gattino, you’re playing a dangerous game and don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. The tight low cut shirts, those short skirts, the sexy high-heel shoes you’ve been wearing. I’m only going to tell you this once if you keep it up, I’m going to give you exact
ly what you’re asking for.”

  Indy unfolded her arms and sat up straighter in her seat. She glanced at Gio and when she saw the look in his uniquely colored eyes. She turned her head forward gazing out the front window.

  “Please I’m not playing any games. I haven’t been asking for anything, and if you didn’t like the way I’ve been dressing then all you had to do was say so.” She said.

  “I didn’t say anything about not liking the way you’ve been dressing. I’m letting you know that if you keep dressing like that, then pretty soon I’m going to show you just how much I like it.” He said as he began driving.

  “Huh, yeah I don’t think so.” She mumbled under her breath think he wouldn’t hear her.

  “Okay, smart ass when I throw you over my shoulder and carry you straight to my bed,


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