A Taste of Paradise (Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men)

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A Taste of Paradise (Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men) Page 2

by Quinn, Shelli

  don’t say I didn’t warn you.” That was the last thing he said before setting out for their trip to the hospital.

  Indy sat quietly in the passenger seat staring out the window thinking about what Gio had said with that strong Italian accent of his. His accent alone was enough to make her soak the crotch of her panties. Okay so yes she’d been dressing this way to get his attention, but she didn’t think he’d call her out on it. Now what was she supposed to do she wasn’t ready to start a relationship with him or anyone else, for that matter.

  What was she thinking? She knew exactly what she was thinking? She was thinking about his fine ass, about his tall, well built, muscular body.

  Thinking too dang much about his smooth sun bronzed skin, silky black wavy hair, perfect super white teeth and those damn greenish, gold eyes with their flecks of blue that seemed to look right through her.

  Indy knew that spending all that time with him would get her in trouble she was going to have to put a little distance between herself and her biggest temptation. She wasn’t sure how she was going to accomplish that, but she’d figure something out.

  Gio drove in silence wondering what Indy thought of what he’d said, knowing her she was probably trying to think of a way to get away from him for a while. However, there was no way he was about to let that happen. She wasn’t getting off that easy.

  “Gattino, just to let you know if you’re sitting over there plotting a way to get away from me, that’s not going to happen so forget it. There’s no place you can go that I wouldn’t find you.” Gio said with a smile as he glanced at her quickly before returning his attention to the road in front of him.

  “What makes you think you’d be able to find me if I didn’t want you to.” Indy asked staring at his profile.

  Gio laughed. “Uh did you forget that I’m a private investigator and a damn good one at that? Whether you wanted me to find you or not I’d do just that, and if I have to come after you, it won’t be for nothing that I can promise.”

  Indy inhaled deeply wondering if she should be worried that he seemed to be serious, but she decided to stay calm she could get out of this situation. Hell there wasn’t much she couldn’t talk her way out of, and she’d be damned if she let him bully her.

  “You shouldn’t make a promise you can’t keep, if you think for one minute that I’d let you catch me when I don’t want to be caught then you’re crazy.”

  “First of all, of all you don’t have to let me do anything I’m a grown man, there’s nothing you could do to stop me. Second I’m a Fabrizio I don’t make promises. I can’t keep my father. Giuseppe taught me and brothers that a Fabrizio man always keeps his word, or he’s not much of a man. And third I’m just as crazy as you are Gattino you just remember that I’m not one of those punk ass guys you’re use to dealing with you have finally met a man who can handle all five foot nine of your sexy ass.” He said as he pulled into the hospital parking lot.

  After Gio parked his CL600 Indy exited the car the minute he stopped the engine without saying a word. Gio caught up to her as she was about to board the elevator for the maternity ward. There were quite a few people inside the elevator car making it a bit crowded so they made their way to the back.

  Gio stood so close behind Indy that she could feel the heat from his body at her back, and she could also feel his warm breath against the back of her neck causing tingling sensation to dance along her spine. She crossed her arms over her breasts to hide the fact that her nipples had hardened beneath her top.

  Indy glanced to her left and noticed that a nurse wearing scrubs that were a size too small was trying to get Gio’s attention, batting her big green eyes. Indy narrowed her eyes at the woman who was practically licking her lips at the sight of Gio. There was no way she was going to let this trick think she had a chance of reeling in a catch like him. She may not be ready for anything serious but that didn’t mean she was just going to let someone else get her hooks into him.

  Indy leaned back slightly brushing her shoulder against Gio’s chest turning her head to the side she tilted her head back to whisper something to him. “We were in such a hurry we forgot to bring a car seat for the baby.” She said when he lowered his head towards her.

  “No we didn’t I have one in the trunk of the car.” He whispered back before smiling down at her. “And don’t think I don’t notice what you just did, Gattino.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She said returning her gaze forward. Gio seized that moment to lower his head nuzzling the side of Indy’s neck causing her head to tilt slightly to the side as he slipped his arms around her waist pulling her back so that she was tucked firmly against his front.

  The woman who was eyeing Gio so openly just moments ago now looked on with displeasure in her envious green eyes as she frowned at Indy. Quite pleased with herself Indy smiled smugly at the woman and to make her even madder than she already was she winked at the woman in the tight-fitting scrubs.

  When the elevator stopped at the next floor the woman got out so fast you could almost see the trail of smoke at her feet. Indy and Gio both laughed.

  “Gattino, that wasn’t very nice of you.” He said teasingly.

  “I wasn’t trying to be nice. If you were interested in that little trick you could have stopped me, you know.” She said glancing at him over her shoulder as she attempted to move away. Gio held her where she was pressing one of his large warm hands at her flat stomach drawing her a bit more firmly against his front so that she could feel his erection at her bottom.

  “I told you in the car you’re the only woman. I’m interested in, and I meant what I said.” Gio said letting his breath fan lightly over her neck sending a second wave of tingles down her spine sending a flood of juices straight to the area between her legs.

  No man had ever heated her up with just a fan of his breath against her skin that and the sound of his sexy voice had her thinking some freaky thoughts. He had her imaging his hands gliding possessively over her body. If she didn’t get out of his arms and off this elevator soon she’d be tempted to push the stop button so that she could bend over and touch her toes while letting him hit it from the back.

  She was losing her mind this man had her thinking about doing something really stupid. Nevertheless, her good sense was saved when the elevator doors opened on the maternity floor where they were getting out.

  “Oh looks like this is our floor.” Indy said hurrying off the elevator and out of Gio’s grasp before he had a chance to respond. Gio ignored the glaring looks he got as he exited behind Indy.

  It took a few long strides to catch up with her. “It figures you’d run when things get a little too hot for you.”

  His words stopped Indy in her tracks. “Excuse you, I do not run when things get hot, it was time to get off this was our floor and besides that wasn’t hot, that was lukewarm at best so try again.”

  “Don’t worry my dear Gattino, I will.” He said as he turned again and began walking down the hall leaving her to gaze after him.

  When Indy and Gio entered the hospital room Gigi and Pierce were sitting on the side of the bed watching baby Dante sleep as he lay in his bassinet. They smiled up at the two of them as they walked through the door.

  “Hi you two how is everything going?” Gigi asked.

  “Everything is fine. How are you guys doing?” Indy asked with a smile as she gazed down at the baby.

  “Are you enjoying being new parents?” Gio asked as he stood behind Indy to look over her shoulder at the baby.

  “We are ecstatic Dante is the sweetest baby ever.” Gigi replied.

  “Of course he is he’s a Fabrizio, and he takes after his father.” Pierce said.

  Gigi glanced over at her husband with narrowed eyes. “Are you saying that I’m not sweet?” She asked.

  “What, of course not Caro you are the sweetest woman. I've ever met my darling wife.” Pierce said kissing her on the forehead.

  “Nice save sunshine.�
�� Gigi said teasing him. “Isn’t he sweet?”

  Indy folded her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes as she glanced from the baby to Gigi and Pierce.

  “Yeah, he’s sweet as lemon juice. We get it. He's sweet. You're sweet, everybody’s sweet, now can we get our sweet butts out of here and back to the Inn. You know we can’t leave Asia and London alone for too long.” Indy said.

  “Why can’t you leave Asia and London alone for too long?” Gio asked.

  “You mean besides the fact that neither one them is too bright sometimes?” Indy thought for a minute before finishing her statement. “No that’s it. They're just not that bright sometimes.”

  Everyone laughed but Indy.

  “Ya’ll are laughing now but if we get home and the place is in a shambles. I'm not cleaning it up. I’m going to pack a bag and take a vacation, somewhere far, far away.” Indy said looking very serious.

  “Indy you don’t give them enough credit. They aren’t that bad, and you know it.” Gigi said.

  “Even if they are, I already told you what would happen if you tried to run so don’t even think about it.” Gio said giving her a pointed look and Indy saw the challenge in his gorgeous eyes.

  “We won’t ask what all that is about.” Pierce said looking from Gio to Indy.

  “We won’t?” Gigi replied.

  “No, it’s none of our business Caro.”

  “Fine sunshine, it’s none of our business. Now can we get the hell out of this place? I am so ready to go home.” Gigi said rising from the bed.

  “I’ll get the nurse she should have your discharge papers by now.” Pierce said heading for the door.

  “I’ll go with you.” Gio said following Pierce out of the room.

  Indy watched as Gio followed his brother out of the room, hoping that Gigi wouldn’t start in on her now that the men were out of the room.

  When Gio and Pierce were walking down the corridor to the nurse’s station, Pierce asked his brother about Indy. “So would you like to tell me what’s up with you and Indy?”

  Gio stopped in the middle of the corridor and looked at his brother. “Man, that woman is getting me all tied up with these games she’s playing.”

  “What do you mean, what has she done?” Pierce asked.

  “First you see how she’s been dressing tight shirts, short skirts and those damn high-heel shoes she knows what she’s doing to me but likes to try and play dumb about.” Gio said sounding more than a little frustrated.

  “You look a bit frustrated like you’ve been put through the ringer.” Pierce said.

  “Indy has me about ready to pull my hair out by the roots. She has me so close to the edge it’s not going to take much to push me over and boy when I go, I’m not going alone.” Gio added.

  “So what are you planning to do about it because it’s not like you to be this cool about a situation like this?”

  “Oh I’ve already warned my little gattino that if she keeps it up, I’m going to throw her over my shoulder and take her straight to my bed. And when I do she won’t be seen for days because she won’t be able to feel her legs.” Gio said as he imagined Indy stretched out on his bed wearing absolutely nothing.

  “Just make sure you take it easy on her.” Pierce said.

  “Oh I plan to take it really easy as well as nice and slow. She won’t remember the name of any man she had before me, and I can promise she’s not going to want any other man after me.” Gio said with a slight smile.

  “You sound way to confident brother, but I am willing to bet that you’re the one that is going to be begging for mercy.”

  “Why would you say something like that?” Gio asked skeptically.

  Gigi waited until they were alone before questioning Indy about her and Gio.

  “Okay so what’s really going on with you and Gio cause things seemed a little heated.” Gigi asked.

  “Didn’t Pierce say that it was none of your business and for you not to ask?” Indy said.

  “Yeah uh how long have you known me? You know dang well I was going to ask as soon as we were alone. Now what’s going on?” Gigi asked again.

  “We had a few words on the way over here that’s all.” Indy said hoping she’d let it drop.

  “Please the two of you have words all the time. What was so different about this time?”

  Indy sighed loudly. “Gio told me to stop playing games with him. He said he knew why I’ve been dressing like this and that if I keep it up, he’d give me exactly what I’m asking for. Then he told me don’t even think about running because he’d find me no matter where I went and in the end, it would be the same results.”

  “That sounds familiar Pierce said something similar to me before we got married, but anyway, I thought you’d be happy that Gio noticed you so what is the problem?” Gigi asked.

  “The problem is I’m not ready for that I have Asia and London to keep an eye on you know they need me. I don’t have the time it takes to be in a relationship right now.”

  “No that’s not it. I think you’re afraid.” Gigi said as she picked Dante up from his bassinet as he started to wiggle his blanket loose.

  “Afraid? Of what, you think I’m afraid of Gio?” Indy asked as she watched Gigi fix the blanket snugly around the baby.

  “I didn’t say you were afraid of Gio. I think you’re afraid of falling in love with Gio.”

  “You have lost your mind did you pop a few brain cells when you delivered Dante?” Indy asked.

  “You know dang well there is nothing wrong with my brain, but the way you’re acting. I think something may be wrong with yours.” Gigi said as she rocked her son back to sleep.

  “I can’t wait to hear this. So tell me Miss. Know-it-all how have I been acting for something to be wrong with my brain?”

  “For starters Gio is a wonderful man and a great catch for any woman with good sense, which obvious you are not. Second every time you have to work with the man you dress like you’re going on a date and then play dumb when he notices.” When Indy attempted to speak Gig held up her hand palm out to stop her. “Save it, I’m not finished yet each time Gio tries to help you in any way you start insulting him like you’ve lost your damn mind. Now you tell me what kind of woman with good sense treats a nice guy that way, not to mention that he’s sexy as sin. I think what you need to do is let tall, fine and hot as hell bang the cobwebs out that thang for ya and then you’ll know how to act.”

  Indy gazed at her younger sister with her mouth gaped open. “I cannot believe you just said that. I use to think that only Asia could say something that stupid, but today you have proven me wrong. I don’t know what kind of medication they’ve been giving you up in here, but I’m going to make sure they don’t give you prescription to take home.”

  Gigi laughed at her big sister as she glanced up at her. “You’re just mad because you know that everything I said is true.”

  Indy rolled her eyes at Gigi. “No sweetie what I know is that you have lost your damn mind, so please stop talking you lunatic.”

  Gigi laughed but Indy frowned. “I don’t see what in the hell is so funny.” Indy said.

  “You’re what’s so funny, girl you know you want Gio to do exactly what he said he’d do if you didn’t stop dressing like that. Now are planning to stop or are you going to test him? Be honest this is me remember not Asia or London, for that matter.” Gigi asked as she put the baby back in his bassinet and walked over to stand in front of Indy.

  Placing her hands on each of Indy’s arms she looked up at her. “I want you to be happy, and I think you can be if you just give Gio a chance. What could it, hurt to have a little fun? When was the last time you had some fun anyway?”

  “I don’t know it’s been a while.” Indy said.

  “If you don’t mind me asking when was the last time you had hot, steamy, beat the walls and break the bed sex?” Gigi asked with a smile.

  “What the hell kind of sex have you and Pierce been having?” Indy asked wi
de-eyed as she gazed at her sister and watched as she smiled devilishly.

  “That’s classified information just know that if Gio is anything like his brother, he will have you begging for more trust me.” Gigi replied.

  “Girl you have become a real freak.” Indy said laughing.

  “Yes I have thanks to my husband. Now what you need to do is try and get your freak on.” Gigi replied laughing with Indy.

  Just then Gio and Pierce entered the room. “What’s so funny Caro?” Pierce asked his wife.

  “Just a little girl talk nothing you need to worry about. So can I get out of here or what?” Gigi asked looking up at Pierce.


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