A Taste of Paradise (Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men)

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A Taste of Paradise (Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men) Page 3

by Quinn, Shelli

  “Yes darling the nurse will be here in a minute to go over the terms of your discharge.”

  “Terms of my discharge, did you tell them that they’d just be wasting their breath.” Gigi said.

  “Would you just smile and nod, so we can get out of this place.” Indy said to Gigi.

  “Fine but you know the whole time she’s talking it’s, going to be going in one ear and out the other.” Gigi replied.

  Pierce and Gio laughed at her comment Indy glanced at them both.

  “The two of you are laughing, but I hope you know she is serious when she tunes her out, she won’t hear a word that nurse says.”

  “You got that right I hope she’s not one of those long-winded nurses who likes to talk just for the heck of it.” Gigi added.

  “Yeah I’m going to skip this part, so I think Gio, and I will start taking your things to the car. Damn girl didn’t you just have one bag when you got here a few days ago? Where in the hell did all these bags come from? Anyway, we’ll see you guys downstairs when you’re ready.” Indy said as she began gathering the bags and headed for the door. Gio grabbed some of the bags that were left and followed her out.

  Chapter Three

  It was a couple of hours later when the four of them along with baby Dante made it back to Landry’s Landing Inn. Asia, London, Gabe and Luc excitedly ran out to greet them as Gio parked the car in front of the Inn.

  “Welcome home!” Asia said as Pierce helped Gigi out of the car before reaching for the baby.

  “We are so happy that you guys are back.” Luc said.

  “Why, what did the four of you do this time?” Gio asked.

  “We didn’t do anything. Why do you always assume that we’ve done something wrong?” Luc asked innocently.

  “Probably because you usually have, why else would ya’ll be so happy that we’re home?” Indy asked with narrowed eyes as she looked at all four of them.

  “Just ignore him everything is fine nothing is wrong. That I know of but we did just get here about twenty minutes ago.” Gabe replied.

  “Yes those two just got here and there’s nothing wrong.” London said.

  “The only reason Luc is happy that you guys are back is because he wants to eat the casserole I made for the welcome dinner.” Asia said slapping him on the shoulder.

  “Hey, some people might consider that abuse you know?” Luc said to Asia trying to look serious.

  “Keep it up wise guy, and I’ll show you abuse when I bop you upside the head with one of my cast-iron skillets." Asia said to Luc as she narrowed her eyes at him.

  Luc smiled at her. “You know you look a lot like Indy when you narrow your eyes like that.”

  “Now that was just meaning. You are definitely not getting any of my casserole. You…You big mean jerk.” Asia said as she stormed off and back into the Inn.

  “What, what did I say? What’s wrong with me saying that she looks like Indy? Indy is a beautiful woman.” Luc replied glancing around at the others.

  Gio, Pierce and Gabe looked at him and shook their heads. Gigi, London and Indy laughed.

  “Look thanks for the compliment, but she sees me as the mean, older, big sister so saying she looks like me isn’t flattering to her it’s an insult.” Indy said trying hard to hide the fact that Asia’s reaction bothered her. Asia is use to being the beautiful one, the one that every man wanted, and the one that could have any man she wanted. Asia was the fun sister. London was the talented sister. Gigi was the smart, caring sister, and she was the brainy, problem solving quick to throw a fist sister.

  Who would want to be compared to someone like her, until lately she’d been boring, drab and frankly, not that much fun to be around? Come to think of it only since meeting Gio had she started worrying about the way she dressed taking a lot more care in the way she looked. Maybe Gigi was right she needed to give this thing with Gio a chance but how could she do that without seeming as if she was desperate.

  Indy was snapped out of her thoughts by Gio’s sexy voice. “Well if you ask me that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. Why would anyone get upset about being compared to a gorgeous woman who also happens to be her sister? She should be honored that’s what she should be.”

  “Thanks Gio but its fine, that’s just Asia.” Indy said with a forced smile.

  “Yeah, she’s right that’s just Asia and we all know she’s not too bright sometimes.” Gigi replied.

  “Sometimes, who are you kidding that girl isn’t too bright most of the time.” London said.

  Indy laughed as she glanced at London. “Wow, look at the pot calling the kettle black.” Indy said.

  “Uh yeah, I don’t know what that means.” London said to Indy.

  “I didn’t expect you too hon.” Indy replied sweetly as she patted London on the back. “Let’s just help them get the things from the car okay.”

  “We can handle getting the bags from the car you two help Gigi and Dante get settled in upstairs.” Pierce said as he had his brother’s help with the unloading.

  Once Indy and London took Gigi inside Pierce, and his brother made quick work of getting the bags out of the car. Pierce asked Gabe and Luc about flying their parents to Chicago that morning.

  “You two got back in record time. I take it the flight went smoothly.” Pierce asked.

  “Yeah no problems at all, we landed, drove them home, went by the office to make sure the move was going as planned got the files you needed and flew back.” Gabe said.

  “So when does mom and dad want you to fly back for them?” Gio asked.

  “They said they’d call in a few days.” Luc said. “Hey do you think Asia was serious about not giving me some of that casserole?”

  The other three men looked at him, as if he’d lost his mind. “Are you freaking kidding me? You're still standing here worrying about your stomach?” Gio asked.

  “Hey man I haven’t eaten since this morning, and I’m hungry. Besides you know how much I like Asia’s cooking.” Luc said as he rubbed his stomach when it started to rumble.

  “Well you might want to start figuring out how to get on her good side.” Gabe said.

  “I have a few ideas, but I’m pretty sure every one of them will have Asia slapping the hell out of me.” Luc replied.

  “Then I suggest you think of a new game plan little brother.” Pierce said as he headed up the stairs.

  After dinner, Asia reminded Luc of the promise he’d made so that she’d give him some of the casserole. And so that he wouldn’t have to eat a bologna sandwich for dinner. When everyone started helping to clear the table Asia stopped them.

  “You guys don’t have to help clear the table Luc has volunteered to do that along with the dishes, and he’s going to clean the kitchen. Furthermore, don’t forget you offered to take me shopping tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, that should be loads of fun. Yay, me!” Luc mumbled as he took an arm load of dishes to the kitchen.

  “Asia don’t you think someone should help him? I can’t believe you. That's just mean.” Gigi said.

  “Yeah, don’t you think that man has suffered enough?” Indy asked.

  “Fine, I’ll help him but he’s still taking me shopping.” Asia said as she stomped off into the kitchen.

  “I swear one of these days I’m going to strangle that heifer.” Indy said through clenched teeth.

  “How much do you want to bet she’s standing in that kitchen supervising and not helping?” London added. “You know that girl doesn’t like cleaning.”

  In the kitchen, Asia stood with her hip leaning against the counter beside Luc with her arms folded under her breasts.

  “Why are you in here? I don’t need to be supervised.” Luc said as he rinsed the dishes and loaded the dishwasher.

  “I wasn’t sure if you knew how to load a dishwasher or not so I come in order to check.”

  “You lair, your sisters sent you in here to help me didn’t they?” He asked glancing over at her.

“So what if they did, I was going to come in here and help you anyway.” Asia said.

  “Sure you were.” Luc said.

  “Here, you rinse and I’ll load, the quicker we get this over with the sooner we can get to bed.” Asia said moving to the other side of Luc next to the dishwasher.

  “Sounds like a plan to me, are we going to my bed or yours?” Luc asked.

  “I don’t think so playboy, you will be going to your bed, and I’ll be going to mine.” Asia said.

  “Now why did you have to ruin a perfectly good plan?” Luc said.

  “You call that a perfectly good plan? Wow then I guess your dates don’t last very long do they?” Asia said sarcastically.

  “Would you like to test that theory? I’ll show you just how long a date with me can last.” Luc said with a smirk.

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen. I told you we could never work. We butt heads too much.”

  “Did you just call me a butt head?” Luc asked.

  “Wow, I think you’re stupider than I am, that’s another reason we could never date, well that and the fact you’re like a brother to me now that we’re family.”

  “Girl I was just joking with you. So you think of me as a brother? Okay we’ll see about that.” Luc said as he flicked suds from the sink onto her arm and laughed.

  “Hey, watch it.” Asia said hitting him with a towel from the rack by the sink, and he flicked more suds at her. They both laughed uncontrollably before she swung the towel to hit him once more, but he caught it and pulled her towards him. When her body slammed into his, he wrapped his arms around her waist so that she couldn’t pull away.

  Asia tilted her head back to look up into his handsome face as Luc smiled down at her. Seeing the look in his hazel eyes her laughter ended and the smile disappeared from her lips. She watched as he lowered his head towards her. She knew that she should turn her head to avoid his kiss, but she couldn’t his gaze had her mesmerized.

  Her anticipation grew as he moved closer causing her to part her lips as she waited for his kiss. However, instead of kissing her on the lips, he kissed her on the cheek. When Luc leaned away from Asia, he smiled.

  “Well since we’re done with the dishes, I guess this is good night sis.” He whispered as he turned and walked out of the kitchen leaving her to stare at his retreating back.

  Asia sighed in frustration. “I wonder if I could get away with killing him if I made it look like an accident. I just might have to find out because that man is going to make me hurt him.” She whispered to herself.

  Everyone but Indy had turned in for the night it was two o’clock in the morning, and she was curled up on the couch in the dark living room. Wearing a short, white, night gown made of soft stretchy material she remained there with nothing but her thoughts and cup of warm tea.

  Indy knew the moment she was no longer alone, and although they were in total darkness, by the way, her body was reacting. She knew that it was Gio, who had entered the room. All her wanton body needed was to sense his presence, and it went into overheating mode.

  She sat quietly watching his silhouette move through the darkened room as he headed towards the kitchen. When he was half way there he stopped and turned towards where she was sitting. Indy inhaled deeply and held her breath. She was sure he couldn’t see her, but she didn’t want to give herself away by breathing too loudly.

  Gio moved into the living room and took a seat on the opposite end of the couch. He folded his arms across his chest as he leaned back on the couch and made his self comfortable. Indy remand still trying very hard not to move a muscle.

  Gio took a deep breath letting it out slowly. “How long do you plan to sit there not saying anything? I know you’re here Indy I could feel your vibe from across the room.”

  Indy didn’t respond hoping that if she remands quiet that he’d go away and leave her alone, boy was she wrong he was as stubborn as a mule.

  “That’s okay we’ll just sit here quietly in the dark, because I’m not leaving until you say something.” He said softly making his accent sound even sexier if that was possibly.

  “Fine, yes I’m here. Why are you awake at two o’clock in the morning?” Indy asked quietly.

  “I could ask you the same thing Gattino.” Gio said.

  “I couldn’t sleep.” Indy replied.

  “Me either, so what has you up this time of the night?"” Gio asked with concern.

  “I was thinking about the flavors. The ones we’ve been using for the new wine we’ve been working on. For some reason, it seems to be missing something, and I just can’t figure out what it is.” Indy said.

  “Don’t worry we’ll figure it out, after all we mastered the other two blends didn’t we?” Gio reminded her.

  “Yeah we did after spending hours and hours locked up in my lab.” Indy responded.

  “It wasn’t that bad was it?” Gio asked.

  Indy laughed. “No it wasn’t that bad we seem to get along fine when we’re working. However, as soon as we leave our work environment, we clash like plaids and polka dots.”

  “What does that mean?” Gio asked in confusion.

  “It means although it may be cute the two sure as hell don’t go together.” Indy said.

  “I think we could go together quite nicely if you’d give us a chance.”

  Indy faked a loud yawn as she pretended to become sleepy suddenly. “Wow what do you know I sudden got really sleepy. I think I should be going to bed now.” When Indy stood up from the couch, Gio reached out and pulled her down onto his lap locking his arms around her waist.

  “When are you going to stop running from me gattino?” Gio whisper close to her ear letting his warm breath tickle the side of her face.

  “Who said I was running?” Indy asked quietly.

  “I said it because that’s what you’re doing. Every time I get close to you that’s your cue to take flight.” Gio replied.

  “Well does it look like I’m running at this point? I’m right here in your arms so now what?” Indy whispered.

  She’d barely finished her sentence when he slanted his mouth over hers capturing her soft lips. He swiped his hot wet tongue across the seam of her mouth causing her to instantaneously open for him inviting him inside.

  As Gio deepened the kiss, he lowered her back to the cushions of the couch beside him while her legs lay draped over his. He drugged his lips from hers to the hollow of her throat where he used his tongue to lick that spot causing her to shiver. Gio slid one of the thin shoulder straps of her gown down her arm freeing one of her full plumb breasts.

  He ran his thumb over her nipple causing it to harden a spike under his finger. Replacing his finger with his mouth he drew it deeply into his mouth as he sucked and licked until she mewled. Indy buried her fingers in his soft, curly, black hair holding him to her as she rubbed her body against his.

  Indy could feel the intense heat from his body as it seeped through the thin t-shirt and sweat pants, he wore that did little to conceal his aroused state as it pressed against her leg. The feel of his engorged shaft gave her a sense of empowerment. Knowing that she was the one to do this to him gave her a false sexual courage she normally wouldn’t feel.

  When he adjusted their positions so that his body was resting between her thighs, she lifted one of her legs and wrapped it around the back of his thigh bringing him even closer. He moved his mouth from her breast to the hollow of her throat. He let his tongue glide gently over the skin at the base of her throat causing her to moan softly.

  Gio slid his hand down under the hem of her night gown. He drew in a deep breath when he realized that she wasn’t wearing anything but her silky skin underneath. He rubbed a finger over her swollen bud before pressing a finger into her moist tunnel. She moaned as she fisted her hands in his curly, black hair while flexing and rotating her hips against his hand.

  He could feel her walls clench grabbing at his finger as he used it to bring her pleasure. He tried to imagine what it wo
uld feel like to have a different part of his body inside her tight core.

  When she purred loudly he moved his mouth away from the base of her throat and gazed down at her.

  “Do you mind if we take this to the bedroom? I don’t want someone to walk in on us here on the couch with me ass in the air.” Gio whispered to her.

  Indy returned his gaze unsure, of how she should answer him. She really wanted to make love to him, but she didn’t know if that was the right thing to do. Wait. What was she saying she was sick to death of doing the right thing? Just once she desperately wanted to do something for herself. Something like allowing him to take her to his bed or hers whichever one was closest.


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